
Adsal's page

277 posts. Organized Play character for Helikon.

Full Name

Adsal Featherhair


Aasimar, Garuda-Blooded

Active Mage Armor, Heroism, False Life,Ca4/4


Arcanist(Occultist)-5 Evangelist 5

hp 82/82 AC 18|T 14 |FF 15, F +9|R +9|W +9, Init +3, Per +20




M Picture



Special Abilities

Pyrotechnics, Summon Monster V






"The perfect page" a shop in the Absolom´s Coin District


Common, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Sylvan, Aquan, Terran, Fuegan, Auran, Infernal, Abyssal, Protean, Thassalonian, Ancient Osirian, Osirian, Necril, Varisian, Giant, Goblin, Undercommen, Aklo, Aboleth, Cyclops, Dark Folk,


Scribe Languages Cont. Gnoll, Orc,

Homepage URL

Adsal***Picture of Adsal

Strength 8
Dexterity 14
Constitution 16
Intelligence 24
Wisdom 10
Charisma 14

About Adsal


Name: Adsal little eyes
Race: Aasimar
Job: Arcanist (Occultist)
Age: 92
Height: 5´4"
Weight: 120 lbs
Alignment: NG
Personality: Curious, a bit snobish, not very careful
Likes: History, Reading, Puzzles, meditation
Dislikes: Danger, melee, bad body odor, hectic moments.
Favorite foods: Roasted chicken in honeymustard, Dwarven cooking
Hobbies: Reading, learning, new languages, trashy human novels
Physical Description: Honey colored hair, held back in the neck with a amber clip matching his eyes, almost pure white skin
Deity: Sheylyn
Colours: White and golden
Heraldry: A golden Phoenix on a white field surrounded by ten stars
Clothing Style: White silken Robes, embroided in goldenthread with the symbols of the pathfinder society on the left breast and the grand Lodge on the right and the Mockingbird of Shaylyn on the back. Them hems are all embroided in celestial prayers to his goddess.
Soft walking boots, and a strong belt of snake skin. A golden holy symbol of Shaylyn around his neck.
Languages: Common, Celestial, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, Sylvan, Aquan, Terran, Fuegan, Auran, Infernal, Abyssal, Protean, Thassalonian, Ancient Osirian, Osirian, Necril, Varisian, Giant, Goblin, Undercommen, Aklo, Aboleth, Cyclops, Dark Folk, Scribe Languages Cont. Gnoll, Orc,

XP: 27

AC 18, (+2 armor, +2 Dex+2 Shield+1Defl+1dodge)
touch 14, flat-footed 15
hp 82 (5d6+15+5FCB+5d8+15)
Fort +9, Ref +9, Will +9
Spd 30 ft. (30 ft.)
• Glaive +5 (1d10/20/x3/reach/disarm)
• Dagger +0/+2 (1d4/19-20/x2)
• Sling +7 (1d6/20/x3)
Str 08, Dex 14, Con 16, Int 24, Wis 10, Cha 14
Base Atk +5 ; CMB +4; CMD 17
Hit Points: 74
Initiative: +3
Armor Check Penalty: -0
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class:
14 T13 FF13 (10 +1 Armor +2 Dex+1Shield+1Defl)
Fortitude: +7 (3 +3 Con+2Ma)
Reflex: +8 (4 +2 Dex+2Mag)
Will: +7 (5 +0 Wis+2Mag)


Aasimar (Garuda blooded)
Ability Score Racial Traits:
Aasimars are insightful, confident, and personable. They gain +2 Intelligence and +2 Charisma.
Aasimars are Medium creatures and thus have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Base Speed:
Aasimars have a base speed of 30 feet.
Aasimars begin play speaking Common. Aasimars with high Intelligence scores can choose from the following languages: Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Halfling, and Sylvan. See the Linguistics skill page for more information about these languages.
Scion of Humanity:
Some aasimars' heavenly ancestry is extremely distant. An aasimar with this racial trait counts as an outsider (native) and a humanoid (human) for any effect related to race, including feat prerequisites and spells that affect humanoids. She can pass for human without using the Disguise skill. This racial trait replaces the Celestial language and alters the native subtype.
Celestial Resistance:
Aasimars have acid resistance 5, cold resistance 5, and electricity resistance 5.
There are some aasimars whose language transcends all boundaries. They gain a +2 bonus on Linguistics and Sense Motive checks, and they learn two languages each time they gain a rank in Linguistics. This racial trait replaces skilled
Spell-Like Ability (Sp):
Aasimars can use Pyrotechnique once per day as a spell-like ability (caster level equal to the aasimar's class level).
Darkvision: Aasimar have darkvision 60 ft. (they can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.)


Conjurer’s Focus (Sp):
An occultist can spend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to cast summon monster I. She can cast this spell as a standard action and the summoned creatures remain for 1 minute per level (instead of 1 round per level). At 3rd level and every 2 levels thereafter, the power of this ability increases by one spell level, allowing her to summon more powerful creatures (to a maximum of summon monster IX at 17th level), at the cost of an additional point from her arcane spell reserve per spell level. An occultist cannot have more than one summon monster spell active in this way at one time. If this ability is used again, any existing summon monster immediately ends. This ability replaces the arcanist exploit gained at 1st level.
Arcane Reservoir (Su): 5
An arcanist has an innate pool of magical energy that she can draw upon to fuel her arcanist exploits and enhance her spells. The arcanist’s arcane reservoir can hold an amount of magical energy equal to twice the arcanist’s level. Each day when preparing spells, the arcanist’s arcane reservoir fills with raw magical energy, gaining a number of points equal to 3 + 1/2 her arcanist level (minimum 0). Any points she had from the previous day are lost. She can also regain these points through the consume spells class feature and some arcanist exploits. The arcane reservoir can nevern hold more points that the total mentioned above, points gained in excess of this maximum are lost. Points from the arcanist reservoir are used to fuel many of the arcanist’s powers (see arcane exploits). In addition, the arcanist can expend one point from her arcane reservoir as a free action whenever she casts an arcanist spell. If she does, she can choose to increase the caster level by 1 or increase the DC of the spell by 1. Shecan expend no more than one point from her reservoir ona given spell in this way.
Arcanist Exploit:
By bending and sometimes even breaking the rules of magic, the arcanist learns to channel the power she harnesses to create a wide variety of magical effects. Some of these exploits allow her to break down various forms of magic, adding their essence to her arcane reservoir. At 1st level and every two levels thereafter, the arcanist learns a new arcane exploit selected from the following list. An arcanist exploit cannot be selected more than once. Once an arcanist exploit has been selected, it cannot be changed. Most arcanist exploits require the arcanist to expend points from her arcane reservoir to function. Unless otherwise noted, the save DC for any arcanist exploit is equal to 10 + 1/2 the arcanist’s level + the arcanist’s Charisma modifier.
Familiar (Ex):
An arcanist with this exploit can acquire a familiar as the arcane bond wizard class feature, using her arcanist level as her wizard level to determine any of the statistics and abilities of the familiar. If the arcanist receives a familiar from another class, her levels of arcanist stack with the levels from that class when determining the familiar’s statistics and abilities (this ability does not stack with a familiar gained through the bloodline development exploit; she must choose one or the other)
School Understanding:
Reveal Weakness (Su): 4
When you activate this school power as a standard action, you select a foe within 30 feet. That creature takes a penalty to its AC and on saving throws equal to 1/2 your caster level (minimum –1) for 1 round. You can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + your Intelligence bonus.
consume spells
At 1st level, an arcanist can expend an available arcanist spell slot as a move action, making it unavailable for the rest of the day, just as if she had used it to cast a spell. Doing this adds a number of points to her arcane reservoir equal to the level of the spell slot consumed. She cannot consume cantrips (0 level spells) in this way. Points gained in excess of the reservoir's maximum are lost.
Planar Contact (SP)
At 7th level, an occultist can cast augury once per day and contact other plane once per week, using her arcanist level as her caster level.


Class Features
The following are class features of the evangelist prestige class.
Weapon and Armor Proficiency
An evangelist is proficient with all simple weapons and light armor. An evangelist also gains weapon proficiency with her chosen deity's favored weapon.
Obedience (Ex)
In order to maintain the abilities granted by this prestige class, including all abilities gained from aligned class, an evangelist must perform a daily obedience to her chosen deity.
Evangelists possess a range of skills across multiple disciplines. At 1st level, an evangelist selects two skills to add to her class skill list. Once selected, these class skills can't be changed.
Aligned Class (Ex)
Evangelists come from many different backgrounds, and they show an unusual range of diversity. At 2nd level, the evangelist must choose a class she belonged to before adding the prestige class to be her aligned class. She gains all the class features for this class, essentially adding every evangelist level beyond 1st to her aligned class to determine what class features she gains. She still retains the Hit Dice, base attack bonus, saving throw bonuses, and skill ranks of the prestige class, but gains all other class features of her aligned class as well as those of the evangelist prestige class.
Protective Grace (Su)
The evangelist's chosen deity rewards her with heightened awareness and reaction skills, making her more difficult to strike in combat. At 2nd level, the evangelist gains a +1 dodge bonus to AC.
This bonus increases to +2 at 7th level. The evangelist loses this bonus when she is denied her Dexterity bonus to AC.
Divine Boon
Where are the Divine Boons?
For details regarding divine boons, please see the source material.
As the evangelist gains levels, she gains boons from her chosen deity. The nature of these boons varies depending on the evangelist's chosen deity. Each deity grants three boons, each more powerful than the last. At 3rd level, the evangelist gains the first boon. At 6th level, she gains the second boon, and at 9th level, she gains the third boon. Consult the Deific Obedience feat for details on divine boons. When a divine boon grants a spell-like ability, the evangelist's caster level for the spell-like ability equals her total character level. This ability allows an evangelist to access these boons earlier than with the Deific Obedience feat alone; it does not grant additional uses of the boons once the character reaches the necessary Hit Dice to earn the boons normally.
Gift of Tongues
At 4th level, the evangelist may select a new language as a gift from her chosen deity. She gains the ability to speak and write this new language fluently, so as to better communicate with those she meets in the course of her travels. At 8th level, the evangelist selects a second language to learn. The ability to comprehend these languages is an instantaneous divine gift, and spells and effects that dispel persistent effects can't remove the evangelist's gift of tongues.

Feats, Traits &Skills:

Spell Focus (Conjuration)
Add +1 to the Difficulty Class for all saving throws against spells from the conjuration school
Augment Summoning
Each creature you conjure with any summon spell gains a +4 enhancement bonus to Strength and Constitution for the duration of the spell that summoned it.
Deific Obiance
Paint a small picture, compose a short poem or song, dance a scene from a ballet, or create another work of art, whispering praise to Shelyn’s beauty and grace as you do so. The art piece need be neither large nor complex, but heartfelt and made to the best of your ability. Gift the piece of art to a stranger and pay her a sincere compliment as you do so. If there are no suitable individuals around to receive the gift, leave it in an obvious place with a note praising Shelyn and asking whoever finds it to take it with your warmest wishes. Gain a +4 sacred bonus on Craft and Perform checks.
Improved Familiar
Extra Exploit
Observant: Perception
Sometimes it helps to pay attention to your surroundings and the people you meet. Choose either Perception or Sense Motive. You gain a +1 trait bonus on all checks for the chosen skill, and the chosen skill becomes a class skill for you.
Arcane Temper:
You gain a +1 trait bonus on concentration and initiative checks.
Skillpoints gained/level (90) 5x (2+ 5(int)) + 5x(6+5(int)) +10 Fly +10 sense M
• Acrobatics: +2 (0 ranks; ; +2 Dex; 0 armor)
• *Appraise: +11 (1 ranks; +3 trained; +6 Int)
• Bluff: +0 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +0 Cha)
• Climb: +0 (0 ranks; 0 trained; 0 Str; 0 armor)
• *Craft (Illumination): +27 (7 ranks; +3 trained; +6 Int+2 MW Tools+4 Deific Obiance +5 Crafter´s Fortune +1 Shop (Absolom)
• Diplomacy: +8 (3 ranks; +3 trained; +2 Cha)
• Disguise: +0 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +0 Cha)
• Escape Artist: +3 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +3 Dex; 0 armor)
• *Fly: 14 (9 ranks; +3 trained; +2 Dex; -0 armor)
• Heal: +4 (1 ranks; +3 trained; +0 Wis)
• Intimidate: +2 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +2 Cha)
• *Know (arcana): +21 (9 ranks; +3 trained; +7 Int+2Item)
• *Know (dungeoneering): +13 (1 ranks; +3 trained; +7 Int+ 2 Item)
• *Know (local): +13 (1 ranks; +3 trained; +7 Int2Item)
• *Know (history): +13 (1 ranks; +3 trained; +7 Int)
• *Know (nature): +13 (1 ranks; +3 trained; +7 Int2Item)
• *Know (planes): +21 (9 ranks; +3 trained; +7 Int2Item)+2 to identify Daemons, Demons and Devils.
• *Know (religion): +17 /19)(5 ranks; +3 trained; +7 Int+2 to identify undead2Item)
• *Linguistics: +21 (9 ranks; +3 trained; +7 Int+2rac)
• Perform (): +0 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +0 Cha)
• *Perception: +20 (9 ranks; +3 trained; +0 Wis +1 Trait+2 Feat +5Item)
• Ride: +3 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +3 Dex; 0 armor)
• Sense Motive: +15 (9 ranks; +3 trained; +0 Wis +2 Feat +1 Item)
• Stealth: -5 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +1 Dex; -6 armor)
• *Spellcraft: 19 (9 ranks; +3 trained; +7 Int)
• Survival: 0 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +0 Wis)
• Swim: 0 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +0 Str; 0 armor)
• *Use magic device +14 (9 ranks; +3 trained; +2 Cha)


Concentration:1d20 +19 +9 level +7 stat +1 trait +2 racial
Cantrips: (8)
Known: All
Prepared: Acid Splash, Detect Magic, Prestidigation, Read Magic
Cantrips per Day: 4
Level 1: (5/6)*
Known:Burning Hands, Colour Spray, Comprehend L.Crafters Fortune, Disguise Self, Endure Elements, Enlarge Person, grease, Hypnotism, Identify, Mage Armor, Magic Missle, Magic Weapon, Mount, Protection from Evil, Ray of Enfeeblement, Shield, Sleep, Snow Ball, Silent Image, Summon Monster I, Unseen Servant, Snapdragon Fireworks, Alarm, Feather Fall
Prepared: Mage Armor, Magic Missle, Grease, Ray of Enfeeblement, Silent Image
Level 2: (4/6)**
Burning Arc, Bulls Strength, Glitterdust, Create Pit, Scare, Summon Monster II, Acid Arrow, False Life, Scorching Ray, Darkvision
Prepared: Burning Arc, Glitterdust, False Life, Summon Monster II
Level 3: (3/6)***
Known: Fly, Haste, Summon Monster III, Dispel Magic, Fireball, Stinking Cloud, Wind Wall, Heroism, Keen Edge, Summon Monster III
Prepared: Haste, Heroism, Fly
Level 4: (2/4)
Known: Dimensional Anchor, Black Tentacles, Fear, Summon Monster 4, Dimension Door, Wall of fire
Dimension Door, Black Tentacles.
Level 5: (0/0)
Known: Overland Flight, Summon Monster V


Retrain Occultist 10 500
Retrain Feat 5 350
Spells 0 30
Spells 0 20
Spells 0 250
MW Silken Cermonial Armor+1 0 1180
Mithral Buckler+1 (light Fort) 0 5005
Adventurers J x6 0 300
MW Tools 0 50
Scrolls x12 0 300
Headband of Intelligence +4 0 16000
Wayfinder 0 250
Cold Iron 0 5
Cold Iron 0 5
Glaive +1 0 2308
Cure Disease 0 150
Ring of Prot+1 0 2000
Cloak of Res +3 0 9000
2 scrolls of haste 0 600
cracked Amethyst Pyramid 0 150
Rod of extend spells lesser 0 3000
Handy Haversack 0 2000
cracked Dark blue Rhomboid 0 400
Belt of Con+2 0 4000
Clear Spindle (in Wayfinder) 0 4000
wand of summon monster 3 (12ch) 0 2700
scroll of disp magic (11level) 0 825
Wand Infernal healing 2 0
Wand Cure light wounds 2 0
Wand of enervation (used) 0 3260
Eyes of the eagle 2500
Artisans Shop 5 0
wand of resist energy 0 2100
24 60738

Carrying Capacity:
Light Load: 0 lbs - 26 lbs
Medium Load: 27 lbs - 53 lbs
Heavy Load: 54 lbs - 80 lbs
Lift Over Head: 80 lbs
Lift Off Ground: 160 lbs
Push or Drag: 400 lbs

Carried Possessions (84 lbs):
Pouch with Coins (1 lbs):
GP: 6
PP: 213


Lyrakien CR 2
XP 600
CG Tiny outsider (azata, chaotic, extraplanar, good)
Init +8; Senses darkvision 60 ft., detect evil, detect magic, low-light vision; Perception +9
AC 16, touch 16, flat-footed 12 (+4 Dex, +2 size)
hp 19 (3d10+3)
Fort +2, Ref +7, Will +6
DR 5/evil; Immune electricity, petrification; Resist cold 10, fire 10
Speed 30 ft., fly 80 ft. (perfect)
Melee slam +2 (1d2–3)
Space 2-1/2 ft.; Reach 0 ft.
Special Attacks starlight blast
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 3rd; concentration +8)
Constant—detect evil, detect magic, freedom of movement
At will—dancing lights, daze (DC 15), summon instrument, ventriloquism (DC 16)
1/day—cure light wounds, lesser confusion (DC 16), silent image (DC 16)
1/week—commune (6 questions, CL 12th)
Str 5, Dex 19, Con 12, Int 14, Wis 17, Cha 20
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 12
Feats Agile Maneuvers, Improved Initiative
Skills Acrobatics +10, Bluff +11, Diplomacy +11, Fly +16, Knowledge (any one) +8, Perception +9, Perform (any one) +11, Spellcraft +5, Stealth +18
Languages Celestial, Draconic, Infernal; truespeech
SQ traveler’s friend
Starlight Blast (Su)
As a standard action once every 1d4 rounds, a lyrakien can tap into the divine power of Elysium, unleashing a blast of holy starlight in a 5-foot burst. All creatures in this area take 1d4 points of holy damage, plus 1 point for each step their alignment deviates from chaotic good. For example, a chaotic neutral or neutral good creature would take 1d4+1 points of damage, a neutral creature would take 1d4+2 points of damage, and a lawful evil creature would take 1d4+4 points of damage. A DC 12 Reflex save negates this damage. Chaotic good creatures are unaffected by this ability. The save DC is Constitution-based.
Traveler’s Friend (Su)
The performances and company of a lyrakien ease the burden of travel. Once per day, a creature may spend a minute listening to a lyrakien’s performance— doing so removes the effects of exhaustion and fatigue from the listener.


Adsal has lived in Absolom his whole live. His mother Edasal was a clerk in the Grand Lodge for many, many years. In those years she met Adsals father Leonius Brightlight, one of the many explorers in the pathfinder society. Over the years they got closer, the petite, bookish woman with the bright eyes and ironic humor and the witty and charming sorcerer. Whenever he could he spend some time together and when Mary-Am announced, that she was in good hope, he tried to reduce his time away even more. For a couple of decades everything was fine, but then wanderlust gripped Leonius again and he was gone for months and years. But after 40 years the woman and the child were a common sight in the grand lodge and quite soon Adsal was to be found in one of the librarys reading irreplaceable books.
There was no topic he wasn´t interested in, but he loved to read stories of other pathfinders and the historical books. After 20 years he aided the staff in indexing the books, looking like a 4 year old human boy. It seemed that the path of a wizard would be a natural one, but his sorcerous heritage proved too strong and after some unfruitful months he was introduced to another master to learn from. “Mighty Marlious” was a Halfling who followed the path of the Arcane and who was eager to show his new pupil the superiority of his teachings.
The two became fast friends and Adsal, repressed as a wizard flourished under his tutelage.
Marlious also encourage him to learn the scribes craft, hinting that a scribe very often had access to otherwise difficult to reach tomes. Over the many years of his apperenticeship Adsal dreamed about the stories he had read or heard hidden in the back of the grand lodge.
The stories successful, or lucky pathfinders told after a mission in fantastic places near and far.
He dreamed of travelling the world and be the explorer himself, not the one who was copying stories. Investigating old Ruins and unearthing old artifacts. How glorious it would be to present such an artifact, tell the stories and the honor he would gain for his father and old master.
Go out and explore the world, make a name for himself. When his old mentor came knocking on his door, asking him to do him a favor, Adsal basically begged him to do it.
It took just a few days to arrange his things and then, he took the next ship to his first Adventure.

PFS Secenarios:

Starting Funds 150gp
2-01:The Bloodcove Disguise: 1XP, 2PP, 506GP, Favor of Cartaghen Mwangi Expanse
3-21Tempel of Empyrial E.: 1XP, 2PP, 562 GP
We be Goblins: 1XP, 1PP, 500GP
We be Goblins2: 1XP, 1PP, 1237GP
The horn of Aroden: 1XP 2PP, 561 GP -30GP (Spells) Brevoy
The Infernal Vault: 1XP 2PP, 613 GP - 20GP (spells)Absolom
Risen from the Sands 1XP 2PP,Osirion
The Devil We Know—Part II: Cassomir's Locker 1XP 2PP, Taldor
Mists of Mwangi 1XP 2PP,
The Devil We Know—Part III: Crypt of Fools 1XP 2PP,Taldor
The Devil We Know—Part IV: Rules of the Swift 1XP 2PP,Taldor
Slave Ships of Absolom 1XP 2PP, 1901Absolom
Fangwood Keep 3XP 4PP 4800 Riverlands
Day of the demon 1XP 2PP Cheliax
SS RotFS 3X 4PP Shackles
The haunting of Hinojai 1XP 2PPMinkai
Portal ofthe Sacred Rune 1XP 2PP Demiplanw
The Fabric of Reality 1XP 2PP Varisia
Storming the Diamond Gate 1XP 2PP Hao Jin Tapestry
Of Kirin and Kraken 1XP 2PP Wanshou
Darkest Abduction 1XP 1PPUstalav
The Waking Rune 1XP 2PP
Wand of Infernal Healing 2PP
Funds : 2136/3516
Wayfinder 250gp
Mithral Buckler 1005
MW Silken Cermonial Armor 180
MW Backpack 50
MW Tools Scribe
spring loaded Wrist sheath 5
Books Adventurers Chronicles:
Arcane, Nature, Religion, Local, Planes
Scrolls: (1) [10/12] 300gp
Burning Hands x2
Comprehend Language
Endure Elements
Mage Armor 5 (2Used)
Summon MonsterI

Grand Lodge FactionS7:

EXPLORER (2+ goals): Once per adventure before attempting an Acrobatics, Climb, Survival, or Swim check, you gain a
circumstance bonus equal to 1 plus half of the number of goals you have completed (rounded down) when attempting the
check. You also halve your armor check penalty for the purpose of this skill check.
CHRONICLER (4+ goals): You gain one additional use of the Explorer ability per adventure. In addition, you can use the
Explorer ability to modify a Linguistics, Knowledge, or Use Magic Device check and attempt the check as if trained.
[][][]EXPEDITION COORDINATOR (7+ goals): You can forego your Day Job check to organize an expedition to a site you recently visited and discover things you missed before. You can check one of the boxes to retroactively succeed at the scenario’s secondary success condition that you would have otherwise failed. If you do so, all other PCs at the table also succeed at the secondary success condition.
[x][x][x][X][X][X][X][X] Adventure in a nation other than Absalom.You may only receive credit for visiting a particular nation once. Checking one of this goal’s boxes does not prevent you from checking one box for a different goal.
[][][]Forgo a Day Job check to finalize a report to the Pathfinder Society. Doing so requires a successful DC 15 Intelligence,
Wisdom, or Profession (scribe) check.
[x]Complete at least three consecutive scenarios in which you completed both the primary and secondary success conditions.
Sanctioned adventures that do not include secondary success conditions neither interrupt not contribute to this goal.
[x]Complete six consecutive scenarios in which you completed both the primary and secondary success conditions. Sanctioned
adventures that do not include secondary success conditions neither interrupt not contribute to this goal.
[]Recover a piece of the Numerian device known as the Sky Key.
[X]Defeat one or more members of the Aspis Consortium in an encounter whose Challenge Rating is at least equal to your
character level.
[]Sponsor another PC to join your faction. To fulfill this goal, that PC must then join the Grand Lodge by spending only 1
Prestige Point per character level (one-third the normal cost). The PC must have at least 6 XP and at least three ranks in
any combination of the following skills: Knowledge (any), Linguistics, or Perception.
[][][][]Serve as the GM for an adventure that grants 1 or more XP, and apply credit and the Chronicle sheet to this
character. Completing this goal counts as two goals for the purpose of earning faction rewards.

Grand Lodge FactionS8:

EXPLORER (2+ goals): Once per adventure before attempting an Acrobatics, Climb, Survival, or Swim check, you gain a
circumstance bonus equal to 1 plus half of the number of goals you have completed (rounded down) when attempting the
check. You also halve your armor check penalty for the purpose of this skill check.
GUIDING COMPASS (4+ goals): Your wayfinder guides you to safety in all circumstances. If you fail a saving throw against an
effect that allows additional saving throws to mitigate the effect (e.g. glitterdust or dominate person), you gain a bonus on
subsequent saves against such effects equal to 1 for every three goals you have completed.
EXPEDITION COORDINATOR (7+ goals): You can forgo your Downtime to organize an expedition to a site you recently
visited and discover things you missed before. Check one of the boxes to retroactively succeed at the scenario’s secondary success
condition that you would have failed. If you do so, all other PCs at the table also succeed at the secondary success condition.
[][][][][][][][]Adventure in a nation other than Absalom. You may only receive credit for visiting a particular nation once.
Checking one of this goal’s boxes does not prevent you from checking one box for a different goal.
[][]Forgo your Downtime to finalize a report to the Pathfinder Society. Doing so requires a successful DC 15 Intelligence,
Wisdom, or Profession (scribe) check.
[]Complete at least three consecutive scenarios in which you completed both the primary and secondary success conditions.
Sanctioned adventures that do not include secondary success conditions neither interrupt not contribute to this goal.
[]Complete six consecutive scenarios in which you completed both the primary and secondary success conditions. Sanctioned
adventures that do not include secondary success conditions neither interrupt not contribute to this goal.
[][]Participate in an adventure that includes at least two encounters that do not take place on the Material Plane.
[][]Resolve an encounter with an organization led by genies, elemental forces, or those who revere them.
[]Participate in an adventure that directly assists an NPC Pathfinder agent or agent of an allied organization, such as by
mounting a rescue, recovering an important object, or defending that group’s resources and reputation.
[][][]/[][]Serve as the GM for an adventure that grants 1 or more XP, and apply the Chronicle sheet to this character.

Budding Friendship:



Adsal Featherhair is a young man, about 5`8`` with maybe 140 pounds. His heritage is obvious, as he has white swanfeathers for hairs, and white orbs for eyes. He dresses usually in white robes of highest craftmanship, embroyeded at the hems with tiny prayers to his goddess Shaelyn, held together with belt of woven strands of golden hair with a beltbuckle showing a stone golem . If on a mission he adds a silken armor in the same colour, with the symbol of the pathfinders cleverly embroided on his left breast and the grand lodge on the other and a buckler of mithral, embossened with the paradise bird of Shaelyn, together with a glaive with a pearly white haft. On his left hip there is a haversack holding his many books and writing utensils. Rarely are his long fineboned hands without the one or the other inkstain, although he wears soft deerskin gloves for protection while adventuring.
His voice is a light tenor and he usually speaks quite agited, no matter to whom he talks.
He is accompanied by Darter, his trusted Familiar and best friend.
If he has vanity, it is his talent for languages.