
Cassiopia the Amber Rose's page

207 posts. Organized Play character for Helikon.

Full Name

Baronet Cassiopia Minksala, the amber Rose



AC 13/T12/FF11 HP 26/26 F+2 R+3 W+4 Init +6 Perception +9


Psychic (Rebirth) 4










Cayden Callian


Common, Draconic, Elfish, Giant, Sylvan; Aquan, Terran

Strength 8
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 21
Wisdom 10
Charisma 14

About Cassiopia the Amber Rose


Name: Baronet Cassiopia Minksala, the amber minx
Race: Human (Taldor)
Job: Psychic 4
Age: 22
Height: 5´2"
Weight: 120 lbs
Alignment: CG
Favorite foods:
Physical Description: White skin, Red hairs braided to the back, strong limbed, with a few scars.
Deity: Cayden Callian
Languages: Common,

XP: 11

Hit Points: 26
Initiative: +2
Armor Check Penalty:
Speed: 30 feet
Armor Class: 13 (10 + 2 Dex + 1 Armor+0 shield)
Touch: 12
Flat-footed: 11
Fortitude: +2(1 +1 Con)
Reflex: +3 (1 +2 Dex)
Will: +4 (4 +0 Wis)

Situational Bonuses:


Base Attack Bonus: +2
Melee Attack Bonus: +1 (2 BAB+ -1 Str)
Range Attack Bonus: +4 (2 BAB+ 2 Dex)
Combat Maneuver Bonus: +1 (2 BAB+ -1 Str)
CMD: 13 (10+ 2 BAB+ -1 Str + 2 Dex)

Racial & Class Traits:

+2 to One Ability Score: Human characters gain a +2 racial bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.
Humans are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
Normal Speed:
Humans have a base speed of 30 feet.
Focused Study
All humans are skillful, but some, rather than being generalists, tend to specialize in a handful of skills. At 1st, 8th, and 16th level, such humans gain Skill Focus in a skill of their choice as a bonus feat. This racial trait replaces the bonus feat trait.
Silver Tongued
Humans with this trait gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy and Bluff checks. In addition, when they use Diplomacy to shift a creature’s attitude, they can shift up to three steps up rather than just two.
Humans begin play speaking Common. Humans with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).

Weapon and Armor Proficiency:
A psychic is proficient with all simple weapons, but not with any type of armor or shield.

A psychic casts psychic spells drawn from the psychic class’s spell list. She can cast any spell she knows without preparing it ahead of time. To learn or cast a spell, a psychic must have an Intelligence score equal to at least 10 + the spell level. The Difficulty Class for a saving throw against a psychic’s spell is equal to 10 + the spell’s level + the psychic’s Intelligence modifier.
A psychic can cast only a certain number of spells of each spell level per day. Her base daily spell allotment is given on Table 1–7: Psychic. In addition, she receives bonus spells per day if she has a high Intelligence score (see Table 1–3 on page 17 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook).
The psychic’s selection of spells is limited. A psychic begins play knowing four 0-level spells and two 1st-level spells of the psychic’s choice. At each new psychic level, she learns one or more new spells, as indicated on Table 1–8: Psychic Spells Known. Unlike a psychic’s spells per day, the number of spells a psychic knows isn’t affected by her Intelligence score; the numbers on Table 1–8 are fixed.
At 4th level and every even-numbered level thereafter (6th, 8th, and so on), a psychic can choose to learn a single new spell in place of one she already knows. In effect, the psychic loses the old spell in exchange for the new one. The new spell’s level must be the same as that of the spell being exchanged, and it must be at least 1 level lower than the highest-level spell from the psychic’s class list that the psychic can cast. A psychic can swap only a single spell at any given level, and must choose whether or not to swap the spell at the same time that she gains new spells known for the level.
A psychic need not prepare her spells in advance. She can cast any psychic spell she knows at any time, assuming she has not yet used up her allotment of spells per day for the spell’s level.

Psychics learn a number of knacks, or 0-level spells, as noted on Table 1–8. These spells are cast like any other spell, but they don’t consume any slots and can be used again. Knacks cast using other spell slots (due to metamagic feats, for example) consume spell slots as normal.

Phrenic Pool (Su):
A psychic has a pool of supernatural mental energy that she can draw upon to manipulate psychic spells as she casts them. The maximum number of points in a psychic’s phrenic pool is equal to 1/2 her psychic level + her Wisdom or Charisma modifier, as determined by her psychic discipline. The phrenic pool is replenished each morning after 8 hours of rest or meditation; these hours don’t need to be consecutive. The psychic might be able to recharge points in her phrenic pool in additional circumstances dictated by her psychic discipline. Points gained in excess of the pool’s maximum are lost.

Phrenic Amplifications:
A psychic develops particular techniques to empower her spellcasting, called phrenic amplifications. The psychic can activate a phrenic amplification only while casting a spell using psychic magic, and the amplification modifies either the spell’s effects or the process of casting it. The spell being cast is called the linked spell. The psychic can activate only one amplification each time she casts a spell, and doing so is part of the action used to cast the spell. She can use any amplification she knows with any psychic spell, unless the amplification’s description states that it can be linked only to certain types of spells. A psychic learns one phrenic amplification at 1st level, selected from the list below. At 3rd level and every 4 levels thereafter, the psychic learns a new phrenic amplification. A phrenic amplification can’t be selected more than once. Once a phrenic amplification has been selected, it can’t be changed. Phrenic amplifications require the psychic to expend 1 or more points from her phrenic pool to function.

Will of the Dead (Su):
Even undead creatures can be affected by the psychic’s mind-affecting spells. The psychic can spend 2 points from her phrenic pool to overcome an undead creature’s immunity to mind-affecting effects for the purposes of the linked spell. This ability functions even on mindless undead, but has no effect on creatures that aren’t undead. This amplification can be linked only to spells that have the mind-affecting descriptor.

Overpowering Mind (Ex):
The psychic can spend 2 points from her phrenic pool to increase the Will save DC of the linked spell by 1. At 8th level, she can choose to instead spend 4 points to increase the DC by 2. At 15th level, she can choose to instead spend 6 points to increase the DC by 3. This amplification can be linked only to spells that have the mind-affecting descriptor and require a Will saving throw.

Psychic Discipline (Ex or Sp):
Each psychic accesses and improves her mental powers through a particular method, such as rigorous study or attaining a particular mental state. This is called her psychic discipline. She gains additional spells known based on her selected discipline. The choice of discipline must be made at 1st level; once made, it can’t be changed. Each psychic discipline gives the psychic a number of discipline powers (at 1st, 5th, and 13th levels), and grants her additional spells known. In addition, the discipline determines which ability score the psychic uses for her phrenic pool and phrenic amplifications abilities. The DC of a saving throw against a psychic discipline ability equals 10 + 1/2 the psychic’s level + the psychic’s Intelligence modifier.

At 1st level, a psychic learns an additional spell determined by her discipline. She learns another additional spell at 4th level and every 2 levels thereafter, until learning the final one at 18th level. These spells are in addition to the number of spells given on Table 1–8. Spells learned from a discipline can’t be exchanged for different spells at higher levels.

Your mind is forged from the most powerful memories of a multitude of lifetimes. You have fragmentary knowledge of your prior lives and can leverage the experience gained during these lifetimes into raw psychic power.

Phrenic Pool Ability: Charisma

Bonus Spells:
burst of insight (1st), false life (4th), contact other plane (6th), ancestral memory (8th), reincarnate (10th), transformation (12th), ethereal jaunt (14th), bilocation (16th), akashic form (18th).

Discipline Powers:
Your myriad lives inspire diverse exceptional abilities.

Past-Life Memories (Ex):
You add a bonus equal to half your psychic level (minimum 1) to all Knowledge checks and can attempt all Knowledge skill checks untrained.

Mnemonic Esoterica (Ex):
By reaching into the recesses of your past lives, you gain knowledge beyond that of most psychics. Select a single additional spellcasting class. Once per day when you prepare your spells, you can add one spell from this class’s spell list to your spells known and class spell list for 24 hours. This spell must be 1 level lower than the highest-level spell you can cast, and you cast it as if it were psychic magic. You can decide to change the spellcasting class from which you draw this spell each time you gain a new level.

Resurgence (Su):
At 5th level when you would be reduced to 0 hit points or fewer by an attack, you can spend 2 points from your phrenic pool as an immediate action to regain a number of hit points equal to 1d8 points of damage + your psychic level. At 10th level, this ability’s healing increases to 3d8 + your psychic level. If this healing is insufficient to bring you above negative hit points, you are automatically stabilized. If you would still be killed by the amount of damage taken, you erupt with positive energy and heal all allies within 30-foot-radius burst for the amount you healed yourself.

Physical Regression (Sp):
At 13th level, you can spend 2 points from your phrenic pool as a standard action once per day to take on the form of one of your previous incarnations. This ability functions as the polymorph spell, but its range is personal and its duration becomes 10 minutes per caster level.

Feats, Traits & Skills:

Level 1:
Skill Focus Knowledge Nobility
Fortune Teller
Benefit: Upon taking this feat, choose a focus item for your divination magic—a crystal ball, runes, a harrow deck, or some such item. Whenever you cast a spell from the divination school, you may use this focus item instead of the spell’s material component, as long as the cost of the material component is no more than 1,000 gp. If you choose to perform the spell using your focus item and the spell’s normal material component (regardless of that component’s cost), you cast the spell at +1 caster level.

Fortune-telling conjures images of hazy tents, mysterious women shrouded in shawls, and portents wafting through the air like incense.
So how do you, in your modern game room that is probably noticeably lacking in crystal balls and mysterious tents, use the illusion of fortune-telling to give your players the same excited trepidation, as well as both hope and fear for their characters’ destinies? No matter how the fortune-telling enters your campaign, you as the Gamemaster have options. You can choose to roll some dice behind a screen and simply tell your players the result—or you can choose to use the moment to create dramatic tension and the feeling that the players’ characters are integral to the fortune-telling. While the second option is likely a lot more fun for all involved, it does require some work on your part.
Level 3:
Eldritch Heritage
Select one sorcerer bloodline Arcane. You must have Skill focus in the class skill that bloodline grants to a sorcerer at 1st level (for example, Heal for the celestial bloodline). This bloodline cannot be a bloodline you already have. You gain the first-level bloodline power for the selected bloodline.
+1 to DIplo, buff, Sense motive = Class Skill
Harrow Chosen
You begin play with your family’s heirloom harrow deck. If you use this specific harrow deck as an additional focus component when you cast a divination spell, your caster level is treated as being 2 levels higher. Additionally, twice per week, you can spend 10 minutes consulting this harrow deck on a particular action to gain the effects of the spell augury as a spellcaster of your character level. No one other than you gains these benefits from this harrow deck. If your harrow deck is destroyed, it cannot be replaced. However, by returning to your family, paying 300 gp on materials, and spending 1 week immersed in the songs and stories of your people, you can create a new harrow deck that grants half the benefits of the lost heirloom.
• Skillpoints gained/level (18) 2+ 4(int)
• Acrobatics: 2 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +1 Dex)
• Appraise: 4 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +4 Int)
• Bluff: 12 (4 ranks; +3 trained; +2 Cha +2 rac+1tr)
• *Climb: -1 (0 ranks; +3 trained; -1 Str)
• Diplomacy: 14 (4 ranks; +3 trained; + 2Cha +2rac+1tr +2 Cir) +3 untyped against human nobles, politicans and aristocrats
• Disable Device: 2 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +1 Dex)
• Disguise: 2 (0 ranks; +0 trained; + 2Cha)
• Escape Artist: 2 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +1 Dex)
• Fly: N/A (0 ranks; +0 trained; +2 Dex)
• *Heal: 0 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +0 Wis)
• Handle Animal 2 (0 ranks; +0 trained; + 2Cha)
• Intimidate: 2 (0 ranks; +0 trained; 2 + 2Cha)
• Know (arcana): 10 (1 ranks; +3 trained; +4 Int +2 C)
• Know (Dung): 5 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +4 Int +2 C)
• Know (geography): 5 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +4 Int +2 C)
• Know (local): 10 (1 ranks; +3 trained; +4 Int +2 C)
• Know (nature): 10 (1 ranks; +3 trained; +4 Int +2 C)
• *Know (nobility): 21 (4 ranks; +3 trained; +4 Int +2 C + 3Feat +1 Boon+2 circ+2 Competence)
• Know (planes): 10 (4 ranks; +3 trained; +4 Int +2 C)
• *Know (religion): 10 (1 ranks; +3 trained; +4 Int +2 C)
• Linguistics: 6 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +4 Int +2)
• Perception: 9 (4 ranks; +3 trained; +0 Wis +2)
• *Ride: 2 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +1 Dex)
• *Sense Motive: 3 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +0 Wis +1tr+2)
• Stealth: 2 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +1 Dex)
• Spellcraft: 9 (1 ranks; +3 trained; +4 Int)
• Survival: 0 (0 ranks; +0 trained; +0 Wis)
• Swim: -1 (0 ranks; +3 trained; -1 Str)
• *UMD: 10 (4 ranks; +3 trained; +2 Cha)


Detect Magic
Level 1: (6 per day)
Mind Thrust
burst of insight
Mage Armor
Level 2: (4 per day)
False Life


Dagger 2gp
Silken ceremonial armor 12 gp
MW tools (clothes and jewelery)Diplomacy 80gp
MW tools know nobility to influence people with know nob or improve standing
free noble’s outfit and several pieces of jewelry to complete the ensemble.
Familiar Satchel
Magic Items:
Wand Magic Missle
Wand CLW
Headband of Intelligence +2 Knowledge Planes
sleeves of many garments
Envoy Ring 2100 gp
+2 competence bonus on Diplomacy, Linguistics, and Perform checks. 1/day the Envoy Ring can be activated to cast disguise self on the wearer.
Also cast charm person (DC 15 + 1 per triumph attained) and comprehend languages once per day
Noble Title 2PP
Height of Fashion 2PP
Carrying Capacity:
Light Load: 0 lbs - 100 lbs
Medium Load: 101 lbs - 200 lbs
Heavy Load: 200 lbs - 300 lbs
Lift Over Head: 300 lbs
Lift Off Ground: 600 lbs
Push or Drag: 1500 lbs
Carried Possessions (84 lbs):
Pouch with Coins (1 lbs):
GP: 4

Character Description:


Souvereign Court S9:

PRACTICED DIPLOMAT (2+ goals): Circle one of the following skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, or Knowledge (nobility). When you roll your chosen skill, you always receive a result of at least 10 plus the number of goals you have completed.
ADVOCATE (4+ goals): When purchasing a spellcasting service, vanity, or other prestige award that costs 5 or more Prestige Points, the power of your reputation reduces the final cost by 1. If you have completed seven or more goals, you instead reduce the cost of awards that cost 4 or more Prestige Points by 1.
SPYMASTER (7+ goals): Once per adventure, you can coach up to seven other creatures in the use of a skill that you select when you use this ability. For the duration of the adventure, those creatures gain a bonus on checks using that skill equal to half the goals you have completed (rounded down) and halve their armor check penalty when using the skill.
[X][X][]Recruit a named NPC ambassador, aristocrat, noble, or similar figure to cooperate with the faction with a successful Diplomacy or Knowledge (nobility) check (DC = 14 + your character level + 3 for each of this goal’s checked boxes).
[X]Recover blackmail or incriminating evidence against a named NPC ambassador, aristocrat, noble, or similar figure.
[X]Dissuade an NPC from working with an organization that directly opposes the Pathfinder Society or the Sovereign Court’s goals during an adventure by presenting the NPC with evidence that doing so is contrary to her interests. This requires a successful Bluff, Intimidate, Knowledge (local), or Sense Motive check with a DC equal to 15 + your character level.
[X][X]Fulfill one of the three goals above without revealing your faction affiliation to anyone other than a present member of the faction or a prospective NPC recruit. Checking a box for this goal does not prevent you from checking a box for another goal.
[X][]Forgo your Downtime to reinforce your political connections. Doing so requires a successful Knowledge (local) or Knowledge (nobility) check with a DC equal to 15 + your character level.
[]Have a number of ranks in one of the following skills equal to your character level (minimum 4): Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Knowledge (nobility), or Sense Motive.
[][]During the course of an adventure, secure an alliance with a powerful political figure or a governing body.
[X][X][X]/[][]Serve as the GM for an adventure that grants 1 or more XP, and apply the Chronicle sheet to this character. Checking 3 boxes counts as one goal for earning faction rewards; checking all 5 counts as two goals

Souvereign Court S10:

PRACTICED DIPLOMAT (2+ goals): Circle one of the following skills: Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, or Knowledge (nobility).
When you attempt a check using your chosen skill, you always receive a final result of at least 10 + the number of goals
you have completed.
WELL-CONNECTED (4+ goals): Your network of contacts is vast. Once per adventure, before rolling a skill check that involves
concealing evidence of your presence, gathering intelligence, influencing members of high society, or other tasks directly
relevant to the Sovereign Court’s goals, you can call upon the assistance of a contact to gain a +4 bonus on the check.
SKILLED NEGOTIATOR (7+ goals): When you use Bluff, Diplomacy, or Intimidate to resolve an encounter with a potentially
hostile force without resorting to combat, you and any of your allies who witnessed your actions gain a morale bonus on Will
saves equal to half the number of goals you have completed (rounded down) for 1 hour.
[][][]Recruit a named NPC ambassador, aristocrat, noble, or similar figure to cooperate with the faction with a successful Diplomacy or Knowledge (nobility) check (DC = 14 + your character level + 3 for each of this goal’s checked boxes).
[]Recover blackmail or incriminating evidence against a named NPC ambassador, aristocrat, noble, or similar figure.
[]Dissuade an NPC from working with an organization that directly opposes the Pathfinder Society or the Sovereign Court’s goals during an adventure by presenting the NPC with evidence that doing so is contrary to her interests. This requires a successful Bluff, Intimidate, Knowledge (local), or Sense Motive check with a DC equal to 15 + your character level.
[][]Fulfill one of the three goals above without revealing your faction affiliation to anyone other than a present member of the faction or a prospective NPC recruit. Checking a box for this goal does not prevent you from checking a box for another goal.
[][]Forgo your Downtime to reinforce your political connections. Doing so requires a successful Knowledge (local) or Knowledge (nobility) check with a DC equal to 15 + your character level.
[]Have a number of ranks in one of the following skills equal to your character level (minimum 4): Bluff, Diplomacy, Disguise, Knowledge (nobility), or Sense Motive.
[][]During the course of an adventure, secure an alliance with a powerful political figure or a governing body.
[][][]/[][]Serve as the GM for an adventure that grants 1 or more XP, and apply the Chronicle sheet to this character. Checking 3 boxes counts as one goal for earning faction rewards; checking all 5 counts as two goals.


[][][]Arnisant Museum Patron:
Thanks to your work in Ridonport, your name is on display as a patron for the General Arnisant Museum and Historical Residence. In addition to gaining a permanent +1 bonus on Knowledge (history) checks regarding Taldor, you can borrow a weapon or suit of armor from the museum. After hearing the adventure briefing for a scenario, you can check one, two, or all three boxes that precede this boon to secure a weapon, shield, or set of armor with a +1, +2, or +3 bonus, respectively, for the duration of the scenario. You can reduce the enhancement bonus of a borrowed weapon with a +2 or +3 bonus by 1 in order to give that weapon the undead bane special ability. Any borrowed equipment bears inscriptions or imagery from the Shining Crusade, such as Aroden’s holy symbol or the heraldry or Taldor. This equipment is always made of common materials such as steel, leather, or wood.
Rising Star (Sovereign Court Faction):
You have performed a significant service for the Sovereign Court and, by extension, for Princess Eutropia. She has granted you the title of baronet (a landless title) in recognition of your services. This grants you Knowledge (nobility) as a class skill; if it’s already a class skill, you gain a +1 bonus on Knowledge (nobility) checks. In addition, you gain a free noble’s outfit and several pieces of jewelry to complete the ensemble. The outfit and accessories have an effective resale price of 0 gp. You can use your Downtime to attempt a Knowledge (nobility) check to build connections within Taldor’s elaborate noble hierarchy, laying the groundwork for your own promotion later. The DC of this check is equal to 15 + 1/2 your character level (minimum +0). If you succeed, check one of the boxes below. If your check exceeds the DC by 10 or more, you can instead check two boxes. If you already have (or later gain) another boon or vanity that grants you a noble title in Taldor, you can immediately check five boxes.

Once you check all of the boxes below, you become a true landgrave (in charge of a nonwilderness region that lacks a significant settlement) or viscount (in charge of a few small settlements). You immediately gain a number of gold pieces equal to 75 × your XP total. In addition, you can now earn gold by administering your lands, allowing you to use Diplomacy or Knowledge (nobility) for Day Job checks. When doing so, a result of 40 or higher earns you 150 gp and allows you to regain 1 previously expended Prestige Point. If you already have the ability to use Diplomacy or Knowledge (nobility) for Day Job checks, you gain a +3 bonus on such checks.
[X][X][X][X][X] [X][X][X][X][X] [X][X][X][X][X] [X][X][X][X][X]
Savior of the tapestry

She has a follower, the Kappa Yoritomo, who follows her on her journey.
Spend 2 Prestige Points to learn Aquan DONE
[][] Check tone box to roll +6 on Heal or Sense motive, or cast water breathing on her.
Inside Knowledge:
As a former member of the Aspis Consortium, Magali Delroya is well informed
about the organization’s activities, and she shares some of her information with you. You gain a +2
bonus on Knowledge (local) checks about the Aspis Consortium and can roll such checks untrained.
You can cross this boon off the Chronicle sheet to take 20 on a single Knowledge (local) check about
the Aspis Consortium.
Lord Avid’s Recommendation:
Lord Avid is impressed that you managed to complete your mission without using his writ, and he speaks highly of your discretion. You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks against nobility while on the Isle of Kortos. You can cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet to lean heavily upon your connection to Lord Avid. If you do so, the circumstance bonus on one such Charisma-based skill check increases to +4, and you can apply it while interacting with anyone on the Isle of Kortos
[][][]Whispers of Evil:
Chasing the ghoul witch Zaashakar throughout the city of Azir has left you with more questions than answers. A previously hidden evil has begun to stir, but now you’re aware of its movements. You can check a box next to this boon at the beginning of an adventure to gain a +1 circumstance bonus on all Perception and Sense Motive checks during that adventure.
Impressive Find:
A representative from the Pathfinder Society—an organization of archaeologists and explorers—has heard of your discoveries in Taldor and its former colonies and invites you to join the Society as a field agent. Once you earn 12 or more Fame, your superiors award you one additional Prestige Point (but not Fame) in recognition of your excellence. You cannot have more Prestige Points than Fame, and if you would exceed this maximum, the bonus Prestige Point must be spent immediately or lost.
Noble of Taldor:
You convinced Princess Eutropia that unlike his valiant ancestor Honaria, Remaio is unfit to carry on the Alcasti name. As a reward, Princess Eutropia herself granted you a visbarony. You gain a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks when interacting with nobles in Taldor, and a +2 bonus on Intimidate when interacting with the common people in Taldor. In addition, you gain a free noble’s outfit and several pieces of jewelry to complete the ensemble.
Well-Earned Reward:
You restored Honaria’s good name in Taldor. If you helped Remaio reclaim his own nobility, he is extremely grateful and offers to subsidize the cost of purchasing several items that you found during your adventures. If you instead spurned Remaio, others within the court found your actions amusing and offer you the same discount. You may purchase the treasures listed below at a reduced price: broken figurine of wondrous power (alabaster pegasus) (1,000 gp), treeform cloak (4,500 gp), and wand of heightened awareness (10 charges; 100 gp).
Rising Aristocrat:
House Merrosett—House Merrosett may be known for highly questionable levels of inbreeding and a history of arcane expertise, but the house’s wealth comes primarily from mining and trading gemstones. 1 Chronicle sheet: you gain a +2 competence on all Knowledge (nobility) checks. 3 Chronicle sheets: you gain a 10% discount on all alchemical items. 6 Chronicle sheets: you become a member of House Merrosett; you may use the house surname and the discount on alchemical items now applies to scrolls and wands as well.

Cassiopia Minksalais a small woman, with graceful limbs and elegant hands. She has a lightly tanned skin and very long hair in the colour of honey usually braided and pinned behind her head. Her most defining feature are her eyes, one is crystal blue, the other amber.


Arctic Hare Familiar
N Tiny animal
Init +3; Senses low-light vision; Perception +1
AC 15, touch 15, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +2 size)
hp 3 (1d8–1)
Fort +1, Ref +5, Will +1
Speed 50 ft.
Melee bite –2 (1d3–4)
Space 2-1/2 ft., Reach 0 ft.
Str 3, Dex 16, Con 9, Int 6, Wis 12, Cha 5
Base Atk +0; CMB +1; CMD 7 (11 vs. trip)
Feats Run
Skills Stealth +15 (+19 in snow); Racial Modifiers +4 Stealth in snow