Adventure Path

General Discussion
Spore War
Triumph of the Tusk
Curtain Call
Wardens of Wildwood
Seven Dooms for Sandpoint
Season of Ghosts
Sky King's Tomb
Stolen Fate
Kingmaker Second Edition
Blood Lords
Outlaws of Alkenstar
Quest for the Frozen Flame
Strength of Thousands
Fists of the Ruby Phoenix
Abomination Vaults
Agents of Edgewatch
Extinction Curse
Age of Ashes
Tyrant's Grasp
Return of the Runelords
War for the Crown
Ruins of Azlant
Ironfang Invasion
Strange Aeons
Hell's Vengeance
Hell's Rebels
Iron Gods
Mummy's Mask
Wrath of the Righteous
Reign of Winter
Shattered Star
Skull & Shackles
Jade Regent
Carrion Crown
Serpent's Skull
Council of Thieves
Legacy of Fire
Second Darkness
Curse of the Crimson Throne
Rise of the Runelords

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2 - They Watched the Stars (GM Reference)

Vance and Kerenshara's Comprehensive Pathfinder 2e Kingdom Building Rule Analysis and Changes

Paizo Blog: Introducing the Spore War Player’s Guide

Orcs in Jolizpan

4 - Gardens of Gallowspire (GM Reference)

Jesse the Bard's Frozen Flame Campaign

A New Ascension: Wrath of the Righteous 2e Conversion Guide

Rise of the Runelords Anniversary Edition Errata


What is the new lore?

What Grows Within (GM Reference)

[Spoilers] Battle towards the end of chapter 1

What "Themes" do you want to see tackled in an AP?

Paizo Blog: Introducing the Seven Dooms for Sandpoint Player’s Guide

Community Created Maps

Triumph of the Tusk: Hoof Cinder, and Storm (GM Prep)

Triumph of the Tusk: The Resurrection Flood (GM Prep)

No follow up on NPCs in APs

Idorii's fate

Thoughts on Norgorber's secrets [CURTAIN CALL SPOILERS]

Curing the Gray Maidens

Curse of the Crimson Throne: Abridged (Spoiler Warning!)

Questions about fleet battles.

A History of Ashes (GM Reference)

Urgir Settlement stats

Preparing for the Giant Siege

The Worldwound Incursion (GM Reference)

Doubt about the re-forged sihedron

Escape from Old Korvosa (GM Reference)

My parting thoughts on Jade Regent

Player Handouts

Clarification on the Gatewalkers' "Condition" (SPOILERS!)

Baron Mik's Timeline Checklist

2 - Hands of the Devil (GM Reference)

Any thoughts on good low-level content to lead into this?

3 - Eyes of Empty Death (GM Reference)

Tips on incorporating character backstory

Character Concepts?

Seeking Recommendations for Weapon Special Materials

Patching lore and event to make AP more dynamic and cohesive

Maps for Into the Nightmare Rift.

Nocticula’s Boon — the Good, the Bad, and the Repercussions (a PF1e discussion)

re: My Wrath Playthrough

6 - Broken Promises (GM Reference)

Kicking-OFF the AP! OH BOY.... I have questions.

Kingmaker Obituaries

The Snows of Summer (GM Reference)

Seven Dooms of Sandpoint (GM Reference)

Has anyone run this with a What We Do in the Shadows vibe?

Shattered star start date?

In Hell's Bright Shadow (GM Reference)

Dr. Sparnum's Skulls and Shackles Campaign Log

Uncomfortable going into Ghost King's Rage

Cross-referencing Seven Dooms with Light of the Lost Coast (and Jervis Stoot)

Deriven Kingdom Building House Rules

Credits page quotes from all final AP chapters

Anyone still playing / mastering Jade Regent in 2024?

My own Caravan Rules - playtestet - worked up to level 18

Wrath of the Righteous - full playthrough summary

WOTR House Rules - Stip Campaign

Narrative prologues / cut scenes


Ruining Rise of the Runelords

Paizo Blog: Introducing the Triumph of the Tusk Player’s Guide

Getting to Lvl 20 after Strange Aeons

Fumarole's Age of Ashes campaign (spoilers)

(SPOILERS) A different perspective - On plots, genre and change after a second thought

Some adventure design frustration in the late game (spoilers for books 5 and 6)

Curtain Call: Singer, Stalker, Skinsaw Man (GM Prep)

Spoilers for Curtain Call (GMs Only)

3 - The Smoking Gun (GM Reference)

PC backstory tie-in

Curtain Call: Stage Fright (GM Prep)

2 - Ready? Fight! (GM Reference)

Night of Frozen Shadows (GM Reference)

Dead Thief Errata? (SPOILERS)

High Level Adventure Paths as sequels—yes or no?

Siege of Stone (GM Reference)

Community Created Content (spoilers)

Advice to connect Gatewalkers to Stolen Fate

PFS Initiation and / or Oath

Age of Ashes Obituaries

The goblin part of the Brinewall legacy feels.... uncomfortable. (Spoilers)

Curtain Call: Bring the House Down (GM Prep)

I would kill for a complete version of *Spoilers Book 3*

Statblock of Cut-throat grok

Sky King's Tomb Survey

Reputation-Building Expectations and Naming Conventions (Spoilers)

Question about influence sub-system in Book 4

Children of Westcrown - Bringing the NPCs to Life

Age of Ashes Survey

Extinction Curse Survey

Agents of Edgewatch Survey

Abomination Vaults Survey

Fists of the Ruby Phoenix Survey

Strength of Thousands Survey

Quest for the Frozen Flame Survey

Outlaws of Alkenstar Survey

Blood Lords Survey

Kingmaker 2e Survey

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