Agents of Edgewatch

Guide to becoming the Primarch

Restricted free archetype options?

Seeking Recommendations for Weapon Special Materials

Agents of Edgewatch Survey

Rumormonger: fleshed out and expanded

Detective Bolera's private investigations

3 - All or Nothing (GM Reference)

5 - Belly of the Black Whale (GM Reference)

Kassi Aziril in Absalom

2 - Sixty Feet Under (GM Reference)

SPOILERS - Changing the Final Boss

6 - Ruins of the Radiant Siege (GM Reference)

"The Broken Scales" and "Balancing the Scales" SPOILERS All books

4 - Assault on Hunting Lodge Seven (GM Reference)

The Murder Hotel Trial - a roleplay event addition to the campaign

1 - Devil at the Dreaming Palace (GM Reference)

What is that smelly smell? - an undercity pointcrawl

Resurrection in Absalom

Norgorber’s Knot - a sidequest for Edgewatch

(Big Spoilers) So I have major criticism.

The Precipice Quarter - A new map by Narchy

Agents of Edgewatch - 3D Renders - Spoilers!

Trope ideas for AoE

Pathfinder 2ed -> Pathfinder 2ed remaster

Level 4 or 5?

Dragonfly Pagoda [SPOILERS]

Agents of Edgewatch: Sixty Feet Unde, bunyip teeth...

How do I run this AP with a large party?

Outmanned, outgunned, outnumbered, outplanned! (SPOILERS)

Adding ptsd rules

Foreshadowing Suggestions (Heavy Spoilers)

Is it just me or is this game just a SLOG? (Spoilers books 1&2)

The link to the adventure is taking me to an error page

The Dreaming Palace

The Lucky Nimbus confusion

Community-created Statblocks

Community Created Content (Spoilers)

What happens if Brigtir possesses Flakfatter?

The Dreaming Palace

Nightstick / Tonfa

House of Planes Map - Individual Rooms

I want to know the position of Edgewanter

Level 1-20 in Three Months?

I made investigative leads for the beginning of book 2

Advice and Recommendations

Overall Impressions and Finale

Book 3 kicking our asses, what are we doing wrong?

Absalom: City of Lost Omens Precipice Quarter and AoE

Uniform: what disponible?

Uniform: what disponible?

All or nothing: meeting Maurissa without Giord... [[Spoilers?]]

Expanded Bank Robbery Investigation

Confused about Olansa (MAJOR spoilers)

So about JF... [SPOILERS BOOK 4]

Hendrid Pratchet (major spoilers)

LF - 'Attack on Hunting Lodge Seven' - maps WITHOUT secret doors marked

Book 3 Boss Fight Typo?

First Kamehameha in agents of edgewatch!

Lucky Nimbus (spoilers for anyone not on Book 3)

Cass Hamish's story (spoilers)

What Agents of Edgewatch is missing... [SPOILERS]

Edgewatch Earned Income - Reward Alternative

Read the fine print...

Dearly departed

Who will be the Agents of Edgewatch

some APs reference NPCs with specific careers whose stat blocks are nowhere to be found

[SPOILER] Rewriting the final chapter of Vol.1

Eyes on Absalom

Annoyed at "Pratchett" NPC [Thread contains spoilers]

Nonlethal system alternatives?

SPOILERS: Trailer for Chapter 4 of "Devil at The Dreaming Palace"

Conversion to 1st

Spellstrike ammunition replacement (AoE 2 / 3 spoilers)

Player's Guide Hamster Creature

Paizo Blog: Agents of Edgewatch Player’s Guide Is Now Available!

Map Folio?!???

Little Trouble in Edgewatch

Character on cover of Belly of the Black Whale

Book 1: The Deadliest Zoo in the World (long)

Book 1: Missing Treasure?

Bolera, Ollo, and Batiste (spoilers I guess?)


3D render of Sergeant Ollo

Scaling Down for Buddy Cops

Book 5 Concern - (minor spoilers)

Paizo Blog: Edgewatch Cold Case #1556.1, Evidence A

Retraining, Downtime Generally

What building is in this picture please?

Getting oozed!

Looking for spoiler free character advice...

Dragonfly Map + AE is a great AP!!

[GM, spoilers] stat blocks from 1st ed?

Casting Call: Agents of Edgewatch

Map Scaling

Thoughts From a Retired Cop

(GM Reference, Probable Spoilers) Homebrewed Downtime Rules

Those Maps, Though

A note and a warning about Live streaming AoE

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