Gr4ys |
92 people marked this as a favorite. |

There has been some great stuff created for the RotR AP but I thought it might be useful to pull this together in one topic and also to gather suggestions for other material people think would be useful to support the adventures. Then hopefully people will volunteer to create it or share the stuff they have already created.
Town of Sandpoint
10. Sandpoint Garrison - Gr4ys has offered to do
25. Sandpoint Lumber Mill - to do anyone?
26. General Store – Ground floor, 1st Floor & basement
33. The Hagfish by BrotherJason
37. The Rusty Dragon by Gr4ys – Ground floor, 1st floor
Burnt Offerings
Combat map for Initial Assault, Goblin Pyros and Die, Dog, Die by Erian_7
Audio file of the Goblin Song with screams and without screams for Goblin Pyros by PandaGaki
General Store (see above number 8) for the Shopkeepers Daughter event by Gr4ys
Barett House for the Moster in the closet event by Gr4ys
Tsutos letter in Minkai by Greg Volz
Tsutos letter in common by Greg Volz
Tsutos Journal by Russell Akred & Greg Volz
Skeletons pictures for B8 by Russell Akred
The Skinsaw Murders
Sandpoint Lumber Mill (see above number 25)
Players map for Farmlands map without detail by tonton
The Hook Mountain Massacre
Turtleback Ferry by Russell Akred
Fortress of the Stone Giants
Spires of Xin-Shalast
If I have missed stuff off or incorrectly credited people for the great work they have done please let me know and I’ll correct it.
Any new idea’s let me know and I’ll add them to the list.

Watcher |

If I have missed stuff off or incorrectly credited people for the great work they have done please let me know and I’ll correct it.
I did some maps of the Glassworks, Catacombs of Wrath, and all of Thistletop's actual building structures.
In fact I sent you the Glassworks, Gr4ys, in case you wanted to improve on them. I have all those as Dundjinni files and .BMP's.
Lilith made them available at dmtools.org as JPG's. They were very large files as .BMPS.
Your mileage may vary, I never claimed to be the best mapmaker. Also, a lot of my early maps were made with a mind to make them economical in terms of toner (I didn't fill up between spaces with a lot of dark colors to represent being underground). I was learning Dundjinni with each map I made.
Since then I've had a friend who has a lot of skill at taking the original PDF maps to scale without much resolution loss and printing them for me. Hence the motivation to re-do some of the later ones just hasn't been there for me.

Gr4ys |

I was going to include those Watcher but I just wanted to check with Paizo they are ok with people creating combat maps of their maps (I posted another thread straight after this one to query just that). Hopefully it will be fine with those and I'll pop links in for them too.
I'm keen to take a look at your Glassworks map but work has been 'difficult' this week and I haven't had a chance.

Watcher |

I was going to include those Watcher but I just wanted to check with Paizo they are ok with people creating combat maps of their maps (I posted another thread straight after this one to query just that). Hopefully it will be fine with those and I'll pop links in for them too.
I'm keen to take a look at your Glassworks map but work has been 'difficult' this week and I haven't had a chance.
Yes, I saw that afterwards too...
I replied. Not trying to be a "know-it-all" but just to help. I've asked the same question and gotten that direct response you're looking for, and also have corresponded with Lisa Stevens directly about it. (she asked for my maps to use when she started Runelords!)
Check your other thread for my more detailed reply.

Gr4ys |

Thanks. I'll post a link up and if anyone from Paizo comes back with anything different I'll pull them.
Ok - I can't work how/if I can edit my original post now so here is an updated one...
Town of Sandpoint
10. Sandpoint Garrison - Gr4ys has offered to do
25. Sandpoint Lumber Mill – any one fancy doing this?
26. General Store – Ground floor, 1st Floor & basement
33. The Hagfish by BrotherJason
37. The Rusty Dragon by Gr4ys – Ground floor, 1st floor
Burnt Offerings
Combat map for Initial Assault, Goblin Pyros and Die, Dog, Die by Erian_7
Audio file of the Goblin Song with screams and without screamsfor Goblin Pyros by PandaGaki
General Store (see above number 26) for the Shopkeepers Daughter event by Gr4ys
Barett House for the Moster in the closet event by Gr4ys
Tsutos letter in Minkai by Greg Volz
Tsutos letter in common by Greg Volz
Combat maps for the Glassworks by Watcher
Tsutos Journal by Russell Akred & Greg Volz
Combat maps for the Catacombs of Wrath by Watcher
Combat maps for Thistletop by Watcher
Skeletons pictures for B8 by Russell Akred
The Skinsaw Murders
Sandpoint Lumber Mill (see above number 25)
Players map for farmlands map without detail by tonton
The Hook Mounatin Massacre
Turtleback Ferry by Russell Akred
Fortress of the Stone Giants
Spires of the Xin-Shalast

rironin |

Alex Martin |

Don't remember who the artist was, but someone did a few really nice (and a touch racy) images of Nualia that were intended for Tsuto's journal. I know they had linked them to deviant art site; they might make a nice supplement to add here as well.
Anyone recall if that thread is still listed; its been probably 3 months since I saw them.

Charles Evans 25 |
Don't remember who the artist was, but someone did a few really nice (and a touch racy) images of Nualia that were intended for Tsuto's journal. I know they had linked them to deviant art site; they might make a nice supplement to add here as well.
Anyone recall if that thread is still listed; its been probably 3 months since I saw them.
I believe that some such drawings may have been posted by Lilith (of the DMTools Chatroom).
Just carried out a quick search and found the following *Nualia Artwork* thread. Have not checked if any links included on the thread are up to date or not.

Gr4ys |

I thought it was about time for an updated summary of supplemental stuff, so here it is.
Town of Sandpoint
10. Sandpoint Garrison - Gr4ys has offered to do
25. Sandpoint Lumber Mill – any one fancy doing this?
26. General Store – Ground floor, 1st Floor & basement
33. The Hagfish by BrotherJason
37. The Rusty Dragon by Gr4ys – Ground floor, 1st floor
Burnt Offerings
Combat maps for Initial Assault, Goblin Pyros and Die, Dog, Die by Erian_7
Audio file of the Goblin Song with screams and without screams for Goblin Pyros by PandaGaki
General Store (see above number 26) for the Shopkeepers Daughter event by Gr4ys
Barett House for the Moster in the closet event by Gr4ys
Tsutos letter in Minkai by Greg Volz
Tsutos letter in common by Greg Volz
Combat maps for the Glassworks by Watcher
Tsutos Journal by Russell Akred & Greg Volz
Pictures of Nualia for Tsuto’s Notebook by Lilith
Pictures of Nualia as a Succubus for Tsuto’s Notebook by Lilith
Combat maps for the Catacombs of Wrath by Watcher
Combat maps for Thistletop by Watcher
Skeletons pictures for B8 by Russell Akred
The Skinsaw Murders
Sandpoint Lumber Mill (see above number 25)
Players map for farmlands map without detail by tonton
Combat maps for Foxglove Manor by rironin
Foxglove Manor Haunts Description document by rironin
Updated Magnimar maps by Paizo Publishings
The Hook Mounatin Massacre
Turtleback Ferry by Russell Akred
Fortress of the Stone Giants
Spires of the Xin-Shalast

Gr4ys |

Sorry missed off Russell Akred's new Hermit Crab picture and token.
Town of Sandpoint
10. Sandpoint Garrison - Gr4ys has offered to do
25. Sandpoint Lumber Mill – any one fancy doing this?
26. General Store – Ground floor, 1st Floor & basement
33. The Hagfish by BrotherJason
37. The Rusty Dragon by Gr4ys – Ground floor, 1st floor
Burnt Offerings
Combat maps for Initial Assault, Goblin Pyros and Die, Dog, Die by Erian_7
Audio file of the Goblin Song with screams and without screams for Goblin Pyros by PandaGaki
General Store (see above number 26) for the Shopkeepers Daughter event by Gr4ys
Barett House for the Moster in the closet event by Gr4ys
Tsutos letter in Minkai by Greg Volz
Tsutos letter in common by Greg Volz
Combat maps for the Glassworks by Watcher
Tsutos Journal by Russell Akred & Greg Volz
Pictures of Nualia for Tsuto’s Notebook by Lilith
Pictures of Nualia as a Succubus for Tsuto’s Notebook by Lilith
Combat maps for the Catacombs of Wrath by Watcher
Combat maps for Thistletop by Watcher
Skeletons pictures for B8 by Russell Akred
Picture of the Hermit Crab in E7 by Russell Akred
Token for the Hermit Crab in E7 by Russell Akred
The Skinsaw Murders
Sandpoint Lumber Mill (see above number 25)
Players map for farmlands map without detail by tonton
Combat maps for Foxglove Manor by rironin
Foxglove Manor Haunts Description document by rironin
Updated Magnimar maps by Paizo Publishings
The Hook Mounatin Massacre
Turtleback Ferry by Russell Akred
Fortress of the Stone Giants
Spires of the Xin-Shalast
Has anyone done anything more or need something for HMM, FotSG and SotXS that I don't know about?

tonton |

Tokens (counters) for all the monsters of rise of the Runelords & Skinsaw Murders
Are also included many NPC.
I print them on a 8,5 X 11 inches Avery label, then glue it on cardboard and cut them. Your players will love those

Gr4ys |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Town of Sandpoint
10. Sandpoint Garrison - Gr4ys has offered to do
25. Sandpoint Lumber Mill – any one fancy doing this?
26. General Store – Ground floor, 1st Floor & basement
33. The Hagfish by BrotherJason
37. The Rusty Dragon by Gr4ys – Ground floor, 1st floor
Burnt Offerings
Burnt Offerings (GM’s Reference) useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
Tokens/Counters for Burnt Offerings and Skinsaw Murders by tonton
Combat maps for Initial Assault, Goblin Pyros and Die, Dog, Die by Erian_7
Audio file of the Goblin Song with screams and without screams for Goblin Pyros by PandaGaki
General Store (see above number 26) for the Shopkeepers Daughter event by Gr4ys
Barett House for the Monster in the closet event by Gr4ys
Tsutos letter in Minkai by Greg Volz
Tsutos letter in common by Greg Volz
Combat maps for the Glassworks by Watcher
Tsutos Journal by Russell Akred & Greg Volz
Pictures of Nualia for Tsuto’s Notebook by Lilith
Pictures of Nualia as a Succubus for Tsuto’s Notebook by Lilith
Combat maps for the Catacombs of Wrath by Watcher
Combat maps for Thistletop by Watcher
Skeletons pictures for B8 by Russell Akred
Picture of the Hermit Crab in E7 by Russell Akred
Token for the Hermit Crab in E7 by Russell Akred
The Skinsaw Murders
The Skinsaw MurdersGM’s Reference useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
Tokens/Counters for Burnt Offerings and Skinsaw Murders by tonton
Sandpoint Lumber Mill (see above number 25)
Players map for farmlands map without detail by tonton
Combat maps for Foxglove Manor by rironin
Foxglove Manor Haunts Description document by rironin
Updated Magnimar maps by Paizo Publishings
The Hook Mounatin Massacre
The Hook Mountain Massacre (GM’s Reference) useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
Turtleback Ferry by Russell Akred
Fortress of the Stone Giants
Fortress of the Stone Giants (GM’s Reference) useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
Sins of the Saviors
Sins of the Saviors (GM’s Reference) useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo
Spires of the Xin-Shalast
Spires of the Xin-Shalast (GM’s Reference) useful for clarification, errors and background from Paizo

James Keegan |

Don't remember who the artist was, but someone did a few really nice (and a touch racy) images of Nualia that were intended for Tsuto's journal. I know they had linked them to deviant art site; they might make a nice supplement to add here as well.
Anyone recall if that thread is still listed; its been probably 3 months since I saw them.
I believe that would be Lilith.

Salama |

Oh, This is cool, neat package. Maybe I could also mention my alternative map of Turtleback Ferry =)

Gr4ys |

Gr4ys wrote:Ouch!
Tsutos letter in Minkai by Greg Volz
Kruelaid - Not sure I understand the Ouch? If you deserve some credit just let me know and I'll add it where appropriate. I think it's important to give credit where credit's due.
Greg Volz - There's some handouts in Skinsaw Murders that I would love it if you could reproduce?
James Keegan is correct the saucy pictures of Nualia where by Lilith and are included in the list.
Salama - Nice map of Turtleback Ferry I'll add it next update.

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1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Here's one (with the three variations) of the handouts that kick off the Skinsaw Murders - Your Lordship notes from Hemlock - page 10. I used some of the background splatters from the adventure itself - thanks Paizo!
Greg Volz
Natural Twenty Gaming

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You want them as images instead of pdfs or just three separate pdfs.
Greg Volz wrote:Anything else for handouts in Skinsaw that I can whip together?
I need to check but aren't there some other creepy notes later in the adventure?
Is there any chance you could split the notes from Hemlock up into 3 documents? I play online and only want to send the relevant note.

![]() |

They are from Andreas Blicher (Warhammer mapmaker extraordinaire) - http://www.andreas.blicher.info/
I'm curious, where or how do you get the parchment effect for the background on the letter?
If I could locate that I would quiet happily type up my own letters, I could also use it on other games where I need to issue handouts of various letters.

Dualwolf |

I too have a problem printing it off to 1" squares!
I manage to change the size by going into 602 photo suite and selecting file size from the "file" dropdown menu to alter it to suit one square as one inch. But then it only prints off the first page (Thistletop ground level, it only prints off the page with the horse in.)
Any one know the best way around this? I assume its all down to knowing the program your using to work it out but any help would be appreciated.

Charles Evans 25 |
I just noticed a thread with a picture of Malfeshnekor here.
I think that may be identical to the one I linked to a couple of posts earlier, but it's possible that something odd is going on with the boards and that you can't see that post. It is a striking picture though well worth several mentions.

![]() |

Insert Neat Username Here wrote:I just noticed a thread with a picture of Malfeshnekor here.I think that may be identical to the one I linked to a couple of posts earlier, but it's possible that something odd is going on with the boards and that you can't see that post. It is a striking picture though well worth several mentions.
No board problems; I just failed my spot check.

Charles Evans 25 |
Charles Evans 25 wrote:No board problems; I just failed my spot check.Insert Neat Username Here wrote:I just noticed a thread with a picture of Malfeshnekor here.I think that may be identical to the one I linked to a couple of posts earlier, but it's possible that something odd is going on with the boards and that you can't see that post. It is a striking picture though well worth several mentions.

Charles Evans 25 |
DMFTodd has just posted a thread with a link to another board where a 'dataset' for a program called 'DM's Familiar' is apparently now available for Burnt Offerings. I am not familiar with the program, however, so this news means little to me, but thought it might be a good idea to notify you of this in case it is useful as a resource.
*Link to DMFTodd's thread*

Dualwolf |

I really like these maps, but I don't know how to print them to 1" grids. It looks like it could turn into quite the science project.
Can anyone point me to a tutorial on how this is done?
Dunno if It'll work with the program / printer you use, but I've found if I use the tool to "select area" (I think its the tool you use to cut and crop parts of the picture, you know the icon with the little box made up of dash lines??)) then cut a section out thats 8 squares across and 11 squares long that works out about right. It means you have to be really carefull about where you make your lines, and I found it better to over lap a square rather than miss out any bits. Not perfect mind but usable.
DWOn a slightly different subject, how do DMs use these whilst avoid giving away too much info? Do you cut up all the seperate rooms and place them on the table one at a time? How do you guys prevent the players seeing treasure, secret doors and rooms etc?

Russell Akred |

Kruelaid |

Kruelaid - Not sure I understand the Ouch? If you deserve some credit just let me know and I'll add it where appropriate. I think it's important to give credit where credit's due.
The ouch was an ouch of deep belly laughter and bemusement.
.... The problem is that I can read Chinese. Do you know what that letter says?

Dualwolf |

Greg Volz wrote:They are from Andreas Blicher (Warhammer mapmaker extraordinaire) - http://www.andreas.blicher.info/The site seems to be down. Did anyone grab that parchment before it was taken down? If so could you post the file please?
The link seems fine to me. Its under the link for "stuff" if you can get to if. If not then I do have copies of each parchment on my hard drive and if some one informs me how to upload it I'll sort it out (thats assuming the original owner has no objections??)

Russell Akred |

The link seems fine to me. Its under the link for "stuff" if you can get to if. If not then I do have copies of each parchment on my hard drive and if some one informs me how to upload it I'll sort it out (thats assuming the original owner has no objections??)
Must have been down while I was looking at it. Same address but there was no website there. Gotta keep up with that domain registration payment or they turn the lights off.

Watcher |

cmon no ones gonna tackle the sandpoint lumber mill??? i would if i actually had a computer of my own and new how to make em all i have is a flash drive a a friend with a comp and printer
I did think about it.. but time just got the better of me.
I admit, I would have rather seen Rob Lazzarretti do the murder scene rather than 4 empty floor of the Sanitarium... But, the Sanitarium had a small fight scene so I guess it took priority.

Dualwolf |

cmon no ones gonna tackle the sandpoint lumber mill??? i would if i actually had a computer of my own and new how to make em all i have is a flash drive a a friend with a comp and printer
I s'pose if you are lazy (like me!) You could slightly modify the saw mill in the skinsaw man to be the lumber mill. Just extend the length by having it hold more lumber under cover (tree trunks waiting to be cut one side and ready cut planks at the other end with the actual saws in between) so it fits in with the design on the map.
As most buildings are (if I recall) at most two storey buildings you could explain the length by saying all the workings of the skinsaw mill (which has 5 floors excluding the rookery!) have to be on the ground level of the Sandpoint Mill whilst the upstairs houses staff areas perhaps?
Majuba, I have never heard of these badge/ card things. Sounds intresting though...