Extinction Curse

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4 - Siege of the Dinosaurs (GM Reference)

Some adventure design frustration in the late game (spoilers for books 5 and 6)

Extinction Curse Survey

Extinction Curse obituaries

3 - Life's Long Shadows (GM Reference)

NPC Act Posters

2 - Legacy of the Lost God (GM Reference)

New Extinction Curse Actual Play Podcast!

Anyone here have Extinction Curse on Roll 20, and the game is broken?

Paizo Blog: Extinction Curse: Waiting in the Wings

Maps for 2E: Extinction Curse

6 - The Apocalypse Prophet (GM Reference)

General impressions of Extinction Curse as a whole?

Zevgavizeb's True Nature?

5 - Lord of the Black Sands (GM Reference)

Setting up a chase scene against Skarja

Abberton Map!

Grail of Twisted Desires

Map recreations using Forgotten Adventures (including foundry vtt json data)

1 - The Show Must Go On (GM Reference)

"Extinction Curse" character concepts

Xulgath Reparations (Spoilers for book 2 and beyond)

Looking for advices / suggestions for EC book 4 [Spoilers inside]

Helg treasure (Siege of the Dinosaures)

The Final Missing Aeon Orb...

GM Advice: access to level-appropriate magic shoppes?

So . . . How often per book should the circus perform?

Trying for a more satisfying antagonist in "The Celestial Menagerie" ((SPOILERS))

Lack of the Circus?

Starting at Level 4...What Would You Cut

Help with Determining Resonant Reflection power

The show must go on (in easy mode)

Maze of Mirrors

Artwork Credits

Demonic Designs, or What To Do With Balenni

How to get off-track players back on track? (The Show Must Go On spoilers)

An Observation on Balenni (spoilers)

So, um, where's the circus? (The Show Must Go On spoilers)

Escadar Gazetteer (Spoilers)

Escadar Map

Question on traits for signature tricks

Expanded Domain Initiates, Gozreh, and the Hermitage of Blessed Lightning

The 13th Guise of Aroden

We had a technical TPK

Hall of Blessing

Poor Quality - Interactive Maps

Thematically, which faith fits this AP the best?

Turning book 1 chapter 3 into a musical

The Show Must Go On Ch. 1 advice


Access to trick traits?

NPC Portrait Gallery: Circus Performers :-)

A simple fix for making Anticipation more impactful?

What's the purpose of additional checks for signature tricks?

Ending Book One

Extinction Curse Pre-game Ideas Needed

Meravon or Merovan? Pathfinder 2e AP Extinction Curse

[Spoiler] Extinction Curse book 2 ( suggestion needed )

A Battle of Wits

Amount of circus shows in AP?

Abberton as a leveled settlement

Question about the mancatcher weapon

Escadar Map

Book 2 last map ( advices are welcome )

Blightburn Sickness (spoiler)

The show must go on 7 tricks?

Must circus tricks have trick traits?

Circus Rules Plus

Show Must Go On: Jellico

Life's Long Shadows GM Help (Spoilers)

What circus tricks have your group come up with?

Posters for my party

Generating pre-Show Anticipation

Critical success for tricks and shows

A little bit of my player’s shenanigans

What is the point of multiple trick skill checks?

Recruiting More NPCs

Siege Analysis (Siege of the Dinosaurs spoilers)

Using Lore Skills for Tricks

Running another session for the start of book one

Roleplaying the same circus trick yet again

Bad Luck at Fortune's Hall (Spoilers for Siege of the Dinosaur)

Circus Rules Plus+

NPC Circus Vignettes

Extintion's Curse Circus Concerns

Qliphoth in Willowside

Circus Weapons as Monk Weapons?

Circus Challenges

Extinction Curse non-spoiler details on members of the Celestial Menagerie

Circus Show analysis

Community Created Content (spoilers)

Dealing with the aftermath of Bardolph's Wagon

Signature Tricks: Traits Required?

Raising Circus Anticipation / Excitement

A Circus of Oats - Campaign Report

Arazlant Mox: unfathomable?

isle of Kortos

EC GMs: Do you keep existing NPC circus performers around?

Are Casters Behind the Curve Now?

Spicing up later circus performances

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