Impossible Playtest Debrief

Friday, February 28, 2025

Hey everybody, Joshua Birdsong here!
Thank you all for the excitement and participation in the Impossible Playtest! We’ve received a ton of feedback and we’re ready to dive back into the metaphorical pool that is the necromancer and the runesmith. As always, your response to the playtest is invaluable, and we’re ready to give a glimpse of what’s to come! First, I’ll talk about the necromancer, and then James Case will talk about the runesmith.

Art by Tatiana Pavlova: Deific vessel dressed in all black, wielding a large serrated sythe made of bones Art by Sandra Posada: a gnome holding a mirror in one hand and a scimitar in another, pulling a soul trapped in the mirror

Art by Tatiana Pavlova (left) and Sandra Posada (right).

The Necromancer

We got a lot of great feedback from all of you about the new mechanics this class implemented. This proved to be a very popular class fantasy, with playtest necromancers even briefly beating out “human fighter” in Demiplane characters made over the course of the playtest. Many of you found that thralls were a fresh, fun take on battlefield control while also evoking the feeling of controlling an undead army. However, there are a few areas that could use some improvement.

Moving Thralls
The largest amount of feedback we got was requests for an easy way to move thralls. We’re conscious of the potential for mass minion control to slow down gameplay and thus did not include many thrall movement options. We’re exploring this further moving forward.

Martial Necromancers
One of the options we wanted to gauge in this playtest was player interest in martial options for the necromancer. From the responses, we found that many people were interested in a more martial-leaning necromancer but ultimately were disappointed with the current options. While we intend to keep the necromancer firmly as a spellcaster rather than pushing it to “gish” territory, we will be looking into ways to make the occasional scythe attack more engaging.

Spell List
Choosing a spell list for the necromancer was not an easy task, as many of the core elements of necromancy were separated into many spell lists. We are ultimately happy with the choice of the occult list. However, we’ll be implementing options to gain access to some iconic necromancy-themed spells that are not normally available to occult casters to ensure the necromancer feels like a true master of life and death magic.

During the playtest, we primarily wanted to test the thrall mechanics and thus left out options we already had plenty of play data on, like familiars. We do plan on including some undead familiar options in the final release of the necromancer

Art by Vicky Yarova: A gnome dressed in armor with glowing runes, wielding a large hammer also covered in runes Art by Andrew Huerta: A tall humanoid with blue skin and purple hair, dressed in dark armor with glowing purple runes

Art by Vicky Yarova (left) and Andrew Huerta (right).

The Runesmith

Since this class uses a brand-new approach to magic, the playtest runesmith was focused on testing a few different options to see which ones were most engaging in play. Many people enjoyed the runesmith’s core fantasy and the tactics of setting up a number of runes before activating them, but there were a few kinks to work out with this system.

Tracing & Etching
In our team’s internal playtest of runesmith concepts, we realized pretty early that we didn’t want the runesmith to exhaust all their decisions during daily preparations, and that they’d need a way to dynamically make runes in combat as well. Most respondents stated that they found the balance of “pre-combat” etched runes and “in-combat” traced runes to be satisfying, so we’ll be fine-tuning rather than reworking this distribution moving forward.

Rune List
Since this was a playtest, we were focused on collecting data on a smaller number of runes as test cases for various play styles (damage rune, defense rune, movement rune, etc.) rather than creating an exhaustive list of options. As always, we’ll have a wider list of runes in the final version of the class. Though we don’t intend to do away with direct-damage runes like atryl, rune of fire altogether, we do intend to rebalance some (some) of the runes’ power away from direct-damage effects, having your runesmith increase the team’s damage output through buffs and support instead.

Diacritic Runes & Composite Invocations
These presented two ways to combine your runes to sum up to a unique effect. Both of these options were seen as very interesting, with many people feeling like this gave you the ability to freely script/sculpt your magic. However, they were noticeably complex, and many respondents felt that it was too difficult to get satisfying combos off in play. We’ll be looking at ways to keep the fantasy of personalizing or combining your runic effects while keeping the benefit worth it to set up. We also expect a fuller list of runes to give a greater number of ways to set up combo effects.

There will be of course other tweaks, changes, and additions made as these classes go through post-playtest revisions. I hope you’re all as excited as we are for their eventual release in 2026!

James Case (he/him)
Group Manager: Rules & Lore

Joshua Birdsong (he/him)
Designer (Rules & Lore)

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2 people marked this as a favorite.

I was waiting for this to drop and thought it might be today.

I like the things discussed here and can not wait to learn more about the Impossible book and the official Necromancer and Runesmith as well as their Iconics.

9 people marked this as a favorite.

Glad to hear the Runesmith's getting more options, but I'm a little surprised to not hear anything about having trouble with their hands being full.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

I understand the move away from a gishy necromancer, but osteo armaments is one of my favorite feats ever. Having a scaling, disposable weapon you can create with an action is extremely cool and I really hope it finds a home somewhere. It is what I hoped for in things like mindsmith, soulforger, etc.

3 people marked this as a favorite.

My genuine primary criticism of runesmith might honestly just be that it uses the term Rune when that is already a core term in the system.

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Gaulin wrote:
I understand the move away from a gishy necromancer, but osteo armaments is one of my favorite feats ever. Having a scaling, disposable weapon you can create with an action is extremely cool and I really hope it finds a home somewhere. It is what I hoped for in things like mindsmith, soulforger, etc.

Maybe include it as some sort of necromancer-adjacent archetype, Bonemoulder or something. Then you could be a Kholo barbarian who uses their bone collection to summon weapons and bone armor. Summon bone barricades, throw skulls, etc.

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While we intend to keep the necromancer firmly as a spellcaster rather than pushing it to “gish” territory, we will be looking into ways to make the occasional scythe attack more engaging.

Excited to hear this. Melee necromancer stuff seems kinda fun, if troubled in the playtest.

... Remember the necromancer is godawful at melee, not only are they full casters but they're already designed to spend MAP on attacks. So there's room to make internal melee support kind of strong and still end up with it not being very good or problematic overall.

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No mention of the lacking number of thralls at the lowest levels is disappointing. :(

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I’m still curious on if there’s any internal talk about the “unholiness” of the necromancer regarding the implication that they’re utilizing undead, which are very frequently unholy, but none of the abilities are unholy, which seems like a giant lore discrepancy to me.

And I’m curious about how you’ll be able to open this up to be able to have, say, a Pharasmin necromancer without any weird flavor contrivances.

Wasn't one of the big criticisms of Necromancer is that there was no way for the thralls to help with flying enemies as levels got higher and that became more common? Or being a completely dead feature in an underwater campaign? Surprised that wasn't mentioned at all.

Dark Archive

Did not participate in the playtest but as far as necromancer in martial combat go, I'd kinda expect them to be tanky but not particularly hard hitting. 8 hp class with up to medium armor and a lot of extra temp hp or damage reduction via bone armor and general control over the forces of life and death sounds appropriate. Maybe I'm wrong though.

Thanks for those informations.

The only thing that disturbed me was the fact that the Necromancer had an automatic access to Vitality damage and the fact that this energy is banned by law in Geb.

I wish it wouldn't be the case.

>While we intend to keep the necromancer firmly as a spellcaster rather than pushing it to “gish” territory,

well i am unfathomably disappointed, literally all i wanted from Necromancer was to gish with it, I do not want to do a "occasional scythe strike" that is not only boring but is unfulfilling as all hell, i do not see why their cannot just be a subclass that gives it martial proficiencies and martial focused feats that are good instead of being a glorified ancestry feat, a poorly scaling strike and a focus spell that is way to late into progression to be useful (which is also just heroism made into a focus spell)
why can it not be? clearly their was an outpour of requests for it
its sad to see a class i was so exited for completely kill my desire to play it before its even out

also no mention of Runesmiths forced need for a free hand?

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Glad to hear there's going to be some undead familiar options for the Necromancer in the full release. Was one thing I felt was really missing.

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Good read! I'm excited for the reveal of this book at Paizocon or Gencon

2 people marked this as a favorite.

Do wish Necromancer had something to push into a melee direction, ala Warpriest or Battle-Harbinger. A Death Knight type character is pretty awkward to do right now even with those.

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Pathfinder Lost Omens, Rulebook Subscriber

My biggest issue was the immobile, cardboard cut-out thralls. I'm glad to see there's going to be more thought about injecting some more "life" into them.

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dirkdragonslayer wrote:
Gaulin wrote:
I understand the move away from a gishy necromancer, but osteo armaments is one of my favorite feats ever. Having a scaling, disposable weapon you can create with an action is extremely cool and I really hope it finds a home somewhere. It is what I hoped for in things like mindsmith, soulforger, etc.
Maybe include it as some sort of necromancer-adjacent archetype, Bonemoulder or something. Then you could be a Kholo barbarian who uses their bone collection to summon weapons and bone armor. Summon bone barricades, throw skulls, etc.

Most levels had a gish/Strike/melee feat option, so I wonder if he's just talking about proficiencies, the emphasis on Focus Spells, or what. I'm not holding Necromancer to a Warpriest or Magus standard, but that of a melee Bard or Druid where a Strike adds to one's action arsenal rather than defines it. Hopefully w/ some macabre oomph.

And yeah, transplanting all those feats over to an Archetype that martials could enjoy would solve a lot! Then one can play a "necromancer" by taking the Necromancer-adjacent Archetype to fully explore all those options (and w/o the 2x cost of an MCD.)

Grand Lodge

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Hopefully, the Runesmith will also be able to set up faster in combat.

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Really appreciate getting the writeup! It's good to have a gist of what to expect. I'm hoping some of the clunky mechanical issues will also be addressed (Necromancer anywhere but the ground, Runesmith having hands issues), but I understand that's usually not the thing these blogs cover. Looking forward to seeing what the final versions bring, and from the blog writeup, both classes will end up closer to my personal ideal than the playtest versions. That means more fun playing them as-is, and less work doing a tweak here or there.

My thoughts;

1) Please address Mastery of Life and Death not actually working due to many void spells having a "non-undead" clause or an undead only spells. This is part of a wider issue that Bones Oracles and Dhampyr's face, but it's particularly problematic for Necromancer

2) Please address the hand economy problem for Runesmith. This was incredibly frustrating during the playtest and pointlessly limited fighting styles if you were trying to play by RAW.

3) Would you consider a class archetype to give the Gish feel some people are clamoring for? Something sort of like battle harbinger but with key attributes and weapon specialization scaling properly.

4) Necromancer also had some noticable problems with range and dealing with flight, please make sure to address those.

Both Diacritic Runes & Composite Invocations were seen as "very interesting"? Huh, that's curious. Wouldn't have guessed from the forums.

The former was seen as only worthwhile outside combat w/ all the better options w/ one action; and thus not so worthwhile w/ so few slots available. And I read zero appreciation of the latter, even though I'd posted a thread asking explicitly for feedback about them. I mean conceptually they sound cool in light of "written magic", but balancing them as is seems impossible given how its foundation is already difficult w/ its action-investment-future-reward mechanics (which composites compound by asking for even more patience and more variety of runes, some of which kinda have to be sub-par as it's impossible for all to be equally effective against all opponents).

Anyway, I don't feel debriefed about the direction Runesmiths are going, while I do feel Necromancer's heading in at least two good directions.

Spamotron wrote:
Wasn't one of the big criticisms of Necromancer is that there was no way for the thralls to help with flying enemies as levels got higher and that became more common? Or being a completely dead feature in an underwater campaign? Surprised that wasn't mentioned at all.

They don't usually drill down too deeply in these sorts of debriefs, they mostly give the "here's the big questions we were wondering about at the start of the playtest" resolutions. Like I'm sure they're going to do something about the borderline game-breaking damage a runesmith can do on a two-round loop if they're able to get off a bunch of one action traces, but they don't need to admit that here.

I still have hope that we will eventually get class archetypes for necromancers of other traditions. Occult will always be the least fitting and least interesting tradition for necromancy for me, but the class looks already great otherwise.

Grand Lodge

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_shredder_ wrote:
I still have hope that we will eventually get class archetypes for necromancers of other traditions. Occult will always be the least fitting and least interesting tradition for necromancy for me, but the class looks already great otherwise.

While I don't agree with you, I would like to point out that they said in the briefing that they'll be making it so Necromancers have access to the Necromancy themed spells that AREN'T on the Occult list, so that should satisfy most of your itch.

WatersLethe wrote:
My biggest issue was the immobile, cardboard cut-out thralls. I'm glad to see there's going to be more thought about injecting some more "life" into them.

Agreed. If there's one thing I wanna do as a necromancer, it's inject stuff into other stuff.

I'm loving everything I'm seeing here. Looking forward to hearing more about this im-possible book at Paizocon/Gencon!

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Will you address the naming problem of "runes" for upgrading equipment and the "runes" of the runesmith?

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Pathfinder Rulebook Subscriber

2026 is just .. so far off still!
Can't you just release this in summer instead?
I have a group wanting to run Tyrant's Grasp in pf2e, we want the necromancer class now :P

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