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The Rogue/Avenger version of this feat is as follows: Silence the Profane
Your training included instruction on how to prevent enemy priests from using their magic against you, a technique you have now mastered. Make a Strike with the required weapon against the opponent; if the Strike is successful, the triggering spell is disrupted and the target is off-guard for 1 round. However, the Ranger/Vindicator equivalent goes like this: Disrupt Opposed Magic
Your training included instruction on how to prevent enemy spellcasters from using their prayers against you. Make a Strike with the required weapon against the opponent; if the Strike is successful, the triggering spell is disrupted. I can't help but feel that there's an oversight here, Disrupt Opposed Magic as it stands is probably one of if not the strongest Ranger feats in the game now, and basically acts as a much stronger version of Fighter's Disruptive Stance. It does limit you to your deity weapon, but Erastil and Ranger are a fairly natural fit and he gives them a longbow. The flavour text of both feats indicates this is meant to work exclusively against divine spells, but the Ranger/Vindicator feat lacks the Divine Spell part of the trigger. Is this intentional or an oversight? ![]()
So I do have the Beginner Box and Bestiary modules for Foundry, very good stuff. I found the Beginner Box actually has hand-made token versions of, and the full sized art images of, the player pawns that come in the physical box! These are great and I'd love to have the full set from the Player Character Pawn box set! Ordinarily I'd try and make my own but unfortunately I can't find high res versions of the pawn artwork (likely for obvious reasons) and the images in the PDF are too blurry and low res for this. Is there any chance we could get a player token pack similar to the Bestiary? The artwork is very varied and of great quality so I'd buy it immediately (I wouldn't mind a physical reprint of the player pawn box either, it is impossible to find in the UK...). The artwork is great and I can definately see myself using many of them. Some of my friends even used the tokens that came with the Beginner Box module for their dwarf and elf characters! ![]()
So I've been mulling over building a Rogue as an assassin, both with and without free archetype there's a lot of interesting possibilities. Though I will say outright, the Assassin archetype (ironically) isn't that hot. Only the much later feats have a significant impact and even then are a hard sell compared to a lot of other options available at the same time. Personally I've considered Thaumaturge, for an extra 2 damage on a hit and eventually getting an implement (Mirror for teleport and easy flanking, weapon for an attack of opportunity, etc). Fighter for more melee combat techniques. Monk for flurry of blows with monk weapons. Ranger. Alchemist (Though without toxicologist buffing poison DCs you'd probably be doing it for bombs instead). Shadowdancer is a great standout but is only available from lv8. With that said if I am doing an AP with my group, we typically do not use FA for 'official' adventures. In which case I'd probably take Ancient Elf or something, for that which would be the most impactful and useful for just the dedication? Thaum for example just gets me, more or less, 2 extra damage on a target as the big selling point. ![]()
I'm struggling here, I bought the package and activated it on my Foundry account, but I can't find this module in Foundry at all. It's not in the install module listings, even as 'unowned'. I'm running an older version of Foundry (v9), is that the cause? i'm reluctant to update in case it breaks my current AV campaign. |