Feral Halfling

Aristophanes's page

Organized Play Member. 521 posts. No reviews. No lists. 2 wishlists. 29 Organized Play characters. 1 alias.


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Grand Lodge

Blake's Tiger wrote:

You retrain with Downtime, just like regular PF2.

You get 8 days of Downtime after a Scenario (2 days for Quest/Bounty).

It costs 7 days of Downtime to retrain a Feat.

So after you complete a Scenario, instead of rolling Earn Income for 8 days, spend 7 days to retrain and 1 day to Earn Income (or craft or something else).


Grand Lodge

What are the retraining rules in PFS2?
How many ACP to retrain a feat.
I have a 5th level Water/Wood Kineticist, and I want to retrain my 4th level class feat.

Grand Lodge

HammerJack wrote:
Safe Elements can be used to make an impulse nonlethal.

Thank you Hammerjack!

Grand Lodge

I think it's an intriguing idea.
From what little I know about Autism, it's a rather broad spectrum.
How would you represent it authentically?
If you were to make Finoan an Iconic, what about them would identify them as Autistic?

Anecdote; Back in the late '70's through early 2000's*, I had a friend who was a fellow gamer. He had some odd quirks, brief physical spasms, and difficulty verbally expressing himself. He was also a good writer, good enough to be published, and a fine Dungeon Master. Looking back, I realize he was most likely on the Autistic spectrum, but at the time we didn't have that terminology.

*Yes, I'm old.

Grand Lodge

Is there a way to make a kinetic blast non-lethal?

Grand Lodge

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I just looked up "Penanggalan" and, while it's a "vampiric entity", it generally comes about through a curse, rather than becoming undead. My guess is that Paizo hewed closer to the original Malay folklore , as they have done with other mythology.

Grand Lodge

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It's actually possible to get at least 7 legendary non-lore skills if you take the Acrobat Archetype. It gives you expert in Acrobatics at 2nd, and auto-scales to legendary at 15th.
I don't know if any other Archetypes have auto-scaling skills.

Grand Lodge

*BUMP* Too useful to get lost.

Grand Lodge

In the "Rewards purchasable with Achievement Points - PFS(2ed)" section of Boons in Organized play, Poppets are no longer listed. Are they now free, ie no longer requiring ACP. or was this an oversite? Last time I saw them listed they cost 160ACP.

Grand Lodge

SuperBidi wrote:
Aristophanes wrote:
No...it doesn't "cripple" you.
20% chance to fail your spells and -1 to all DCs and attack rolls... call that however you want but I think "cripple" will be used by more than just me.

Actually, it's 30% since you're Stupefied 2. But you're still much more likely to succeed.

Also, in most of the longer fights I've experienced, there are multiple opponents, many of which are lower level, so you're more likely to succeed . Just because I can't affect the BBEG, doesn't mean I can't contribute.

Grand Lodge

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SuperBidi wrote:

I've played both and Sorcerer wins, hands down.

Psychic is not really powerful, Unleash Psyche really cripples you any time the combat lasts more than a few rounds (which means tough fights).

Sorcerer on the other hand is among the top casters in the game.

No...it doesn't "cripple" you.

I've played my Psychic for 6 levels, unleashed, and had the fight go extra rounds, and only once was I not able to get my spell off, but was still able to move at full speed.
I realize you like to use hyperbole, but you're simply wrong.

Grand Lodge

Is this thing on?

Grand Lodge

Will there be any 9-12 scenarios?
I want to play my 11th level Bard some more!

Grand Lodge

How about something similar to Intimidating Prowess, but, use Strength instead of Cha.

Grand Lodge

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The Raven Black wrote:

For Performance, I love the Orchestral Brooch talisman myself, especially for the simple to crit success effect : "You receive a +1 status bonus to your Performance check. If you roll a success, you get a critical success instead."

There are also effects like the Pocket Library spell that help change a crit fail to simple fail (here for RK checks).

Effects that allow you to reroll, or roll twice and pick the best, are great too,

Ooooo! That's nice!! Thanks!!

Grand Lodge

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Ravingdork wrote:

Congrats on getting to such a high level. I hear that's difficult to do in Society sometimes.

Elixirs and mutagens will sometimes give higher item bonuses than the norm.

If you haven't already, check out the Skills pages of Archives of Nethys. Under each skill there is a set of collapsed menus that show all the skill boosting items for that skill.

For example, a silvertongue mutagen or theatrical mutagen can grant up to a +4 item bonus to Performance checks.

Thanks for this! I had no idea this feature existed!

Grand Lodge

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Would it make sense for the Guardian to have access to a feat that lets them count as flanking with an adjacent ally? *just spitballin'*

Grand Lodge

My first PFS character, a Goblin Bard, Just made 11th level.
Charisma +5
He has Master prof. in Perform.[+17 Proficiency]
He has Virtuosic Performance in Oratory [+2 circumstance]
He has a Maestro's Instrument (Moderate) {+2 item]
He can cast the Musical Accompaniment cantrip [+1 Status}
Total of +27 on performance checks using Oratory.
Make an Impression:+27. Demoralize:+27 Goblin Song: +25

Are there any other skills that consistently benefit this much at this level from Skill feats, Magic items and spells?

Grand Lodge

I always pictured the Flick Mace as something akin to a deadly Chinese Yo yo.

Grand Lodge

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Re: Energy Aegis-It only lasts until the next time you make your daily preparations. So casting it the night before won't save you a spell slot. I don't know if that will affect its rating or not.

Grand Lodge

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cmlobue wrote:
One night in Changdo makes a hard man humble.

Not much between despair and ecstasy.

Grand Lodge

Does Gorum have Psychopomps?
What happens to them when he dies?
Can they find another god to serve?
Do they have any power to continue to serve his cause?

Grand Lodge

But now I wonder what or if Marps excrete.
*Sorry.That's just how my brain works* ;-)

Grand Lodge

I hope they chose the one that will make the most interesting, exciting, dramatic, and compelling story.
For me, that would be Saranrae, or Lamashtu.

Grand Lodge

The Raven Black wrote:
Why would Nhimbaloth specifically target Gozreh ?

Well, see, when they were in Junior Highschool together, every day before homeroom, Gozzy beat him up and stole his lunch money. That kind of stuff can fester for centuries.

Grand Lodge

Would Synesthesia, as written, be too strong as a 6th level spell? 7th? Too weak for 9th?
Genuine question. I don't have a dog in the hunt.

Grand Lodge

Really? Seriously? The end of Golarion caused by an overwhelming number of jeans, sweatshirts, and ball caps...with Aroden logos?

Grand Lodge

Jonathan Morgantini wrote:
For those who missed Luis hint this week. The next safe deity is a member of the Godclaw (not Aprils Fools)

My guess is Irori. I can't imagine his loss being disruptive enough to carry sufficient dramatic weight. Just my opinion.

Grand Lodge

Just out of curiosity, out of the current "20", who 'became' gods after Rovagug was caged?

Grand Lodge

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Perpdepog wrote:
shepsquared wrote:
Cayden Cailean: The drunken adventurer god that's been around for way more than I ever remember. He's fun but I wish more emphasis was put on his adventures with other gods, whether its Trudd, the Prismatic Ray or someone like Irori. No adventurer is going to last long solo.

I would eat those stories up. CC hasn't really got much of a holy text, IIRC the whole thing is intended to fit on a plaque on a wall and boils down to "Don't be a dick," but if he had any sort of extended canon or a series of parables I could totally see them taking this form, like a cross between scripture, tavern tales, and Pathfinder Chronicles.

shepsquared wrote:
Erastil: God of the Hearth, Home and the Hunt, he mostly loses points for how little emphasis is put on his family. I feel like they should be as important to him as Torag's pantheon is to him.
Wait, has Erastil even got a family? I don't recall one now.

Now I really want a "Buddy Cop" movie with Cayden and Irori.

Grand Lodge

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The plight of Dou-bral brings to mind Angel after being 'cursed' with a soul.

Grand Lodge

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Add me to the chorus!
Or, at the very least, it should not cost 40 ACP to replay a Quest.
Make it 10 for 1xp or 20 for 2xp.
But repeatable would be ideal.

Grand Lodge

Ridge wrote:

Rydge (The Y makes it more godly)

Category - Newly Risen God
Edicts – Try to suck a little less today than you did yesterday; if you’ve done no harm then you don’t owe people explanations for who or what you are; Events in life are not fair but people should strive to be. Spin worlds of wonder without shame
Anathema – Putting someone else down just so you look taller, Judging another hastily, Refusing to admit you were wrong when you are. No Pineapples on Pizza (I mean it)
Areas of Concern- Imagination, Privacy, trying to be good but reserving the right to #### about it!
Symbol: A stick figure pushing a boulder up a hill!
Follower Alignments – Rydge prefers to hang out with people who are better than he is so mostly good aligned preferred. As they have better options in gods, most of his worshipers are Neutrals TRYING to be better with mixed results anyway
Pantheons – Rydge is leery of joining any pantheon that would want him as a member. He would be alarmed to find out he was also rather redundant even before he arrived by other new gods, but hey, thems the breaks
Devotee Benefits
Divine Ability – Constitution or Wisdom
Divine Font - Heal
Divine Skill - Stealth
Favored Weapon – Halberd
Domains – Dreams, Introspection, Secrecy, Truth
Alternate Domains – Freedom, Magic
Cleric Spells - 1st: Biting Words, 3rd: Non Detection, 6th: Word of Revision

Assuming Rydge is a better god, than Ridge was a mortal, jokes about low bars might be made freely. No doubt he would be utterly confused at first, but then begin granting spells hoping to do SOME good by empowering a few brave souls in need so they could do some good personally before he was inevitably destroyed by pineapple on pizza loving writers for Paizo. Rydge would also develop the unfortunate tendency to speak of himself in the third person, another reason he would be an unpopular god and likely to get the cosmic axe fast!

Since "No Pineapples on Pizza (I mean it)" is an Anathema then you insist on all pizza having pineapple...hmmmm even with Anchovies?

Grand Lodge


Grand Lodge

Kobold Catgirl wrote:
I'm gonna respectfully disagree, actually! It would be terrible for ramming things as big as you, but if you're a dragon, you're probably mostly aiming for littler creatures, and your main problem is going to be aiming that big horn of yours. A long neck gives you more maneuverability.

Although, most creatures with horns don't use them for hunting. They use them for defense and fighting others of their kind for territory and mates.

Grand Lodge

A fun story!
Really looking forward to this book!
I don't remember, but did we know that Centaurs and Minotaurs would be playable ancestries?

Grand Lodge

Kobold Catgirl wrote:
Editor's Note: "it is not and has never been time for the ManBearPig."

Well, if you're totally serial, then how about the dreaded PuppyMonkeyBaby.

Grand Lodge


Grand Lodge

Looking at the Brass Bastion, it's good to know that they will still have trouble with a 1st level spell: Grease.

Grand Lodge

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I just realized that the first Earth Kineticist I ever saw in pop culture was Pigpen from the "Peanuts" comic strip. He was constantly surrounded by dust, but was too young and inexperienced to control it.

Grand Lodge

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There's a reason PF2 doesn't have Sunder rules.

Grand Lodge

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I just had to "Favorite" and reply based on the sheer volume of work and dedication this post took...plus it was a fun and informative read!
I sincerely hope at least a couple of your recommendations have made it into Monster Core.

Grand Lodge

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WWHsmackdown wrote:
I'll eat my hat if they raise the level cap or release monsters above CR 25. I'm fairly certain mythic rules will just be strong thematic archetypes

OK, but no cheating! The hat has to be made of straw or felt. No Tortilla nacho hats!!

Grand Lodge

graystone wrote:
Aristophanes wrote:
Finoan wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong,

You are probably right about what they are intending to ask.

And no, attaching a spellheart to a Thrower's Bandolier, or Gunner's Bandolier would not replicate the spellheart to any of the weapons inside the bandolier.

But to continue taking questions way too literally...

Perpdepog wrote:
but I think they're asking if they could attach spellhearts to each of the weapons in their bandolier.
Certainly. You just have to buy enough spellhearts so that each weapon can have one.
Could I use the cantrip of the Spellheart from the weapon that is in the Bandolier while it's in the Bandolier?
Your best bet would be to attach the spellheart[s] to gauntlet[s] or other free hand weapons instead of trying to find some kind of workaround with the Bandolier. That way you could use the Bandolier to throw weapons while having spellheart[s] active for weapon[s]. If you're looking for man number of spellhearts active at once, go with 2 Hand Crossbows with Bayonets/Reinforced Frames so you can have 4 weapons wielded at once.

Of course! Gauntlets! Thanks!!

Grand Lodge

Finoan wrote:
Perpdepog wrote:
Correct me if I'm wrong,

You are probably right about what they are intending to ask.

And no, attaching a spellheart to a Thrower's Bandolier, or Gunner's Bandolier would not replicate the spellheart to any of the weapons inside the bandolier.

But to continue taking questions way too literally...

Perpdepog wrote:
but I think they're asking if they could attach spellhearts to each of the weapons in their bandolier.
Certainly. You just have to buy enough spellhearts so that each weapon can have one.

Could I use the cantrip of the Spellheart from the weapon that is in the Bandolier while it's in the Bandolier?

Grand Lodge

Ascalaphus wrote:
Secrets of Magic p. 170 wrote:
Spellhearts are permanent items that work similarly to talismans.
GM Core p. 263 wrote:

You must be wielding or wearing an item to activate a

talisman attached to it.
I think the "wearing" is intended to refer to talismans on armor, not to a weapon you're "wearing" in a scabbard. Otherwise you could get a whole lot of lightweight weapons and have as many talismans/spellhearts as you want. The design intent seems to be that you have just a few of them, but could switch them out with 10m of work.

Ah yes, Thanks. I didn't dig deep enough into the talisman rules.

Any thoughts on the Thrower's Bandolier question?

Grand Lodge

If you have a Spellheart affixed to a weapon, do you need to be holding or wielding the weapon to activate the cantrip?
For example, if you have the Warding Statuette affixed to your back up weapon, could you use it to cast the Shield cantrip while it's in its scabbard?

Edit: Another question: Can you benefit from a Spellheart affixed to a thrower's Bandolier?

Grand Lodge

"Weapon: The weapon has the disrupting rune while the feather is affixed."

Does this allow for a weapon that already has 2 property runes to benefit from a 3rd (the spellheart)?

Grand Lodge

So, I'm building a character in Pathbuilder, a fighter with the (FA) Vigilante Archetype.
I've decided on my feats using AoN.
I get to eighth level with intent to pick "Hidden Magic", but it's not listed as an option. It doesn't seem to exist on PB.
It's a fourth level feat. It's in the APG.
Has anybody else had this problem with any expected options?
I mean, it's not a huge deal. When I print out the character sheet, I'll just write it in to that spot. But it is kind of annoying.

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