New Starfinder Playtest

Monday, July 19, 2021

Some say the only constant is change—and Starfinder’s newest playtest is all about it! Indeed, it’s time to shake up the galaxy with a new class that demonstrates the power and possibility of transformation.

From August 2nd to September 24th, we’ll be running a public playtest for the evolutionist, Starfinder’s future addition to the bevvy of available classes! The class will feature in an upcoming (unannounced, impossible-to-discern) Starfinder product.

As an evolutionist, you’ll choose a path of transformation and gain related abilities as you grow in power: become a magnificent extraplanar being, evolve from mere mortal into machine, accept the powers and perils of undeath, or erupt with chimeric potential and vital energy. Whichever path you choose, you’ll have to balance your burgeoning prowess for metamorphosis with the dangerous risks sometimes posed by your talents.

A packed travel hub full of different alien races of the galaxy, in the foreground is a blue skinned orc pushing a trolley full of luggage, leading the group of travelers disembarking is a skittermander and their baby

Illustration by Victor Manuel Leza Moreno

Paizo Organized Play Starfinder Evolutionist Playtest rules can be found here. Come back on August 2nd to get everything you need to learn more about—and playtest—Starfinder’s newest class at!

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Paizo Employee Organized Play Associate

12 people marked this as a favorite.

MY NEW PC is evolving!

Marketing & Media Manager

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Huzzah! Get your groups ready because we don't slow down! :)

Scarab Sages

5 people marked this as a favorite.

I wonder if you can unlock powers by giving your character elemental stones ;)

Paizo Employee Starfinder Senior Developer

5 people marked this as a favorite.

Awww yeah! I'm excited!

Ohhhh sounds interesting! Can't wait :)

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

6 people marked this as a favorite.

Applications for joining the church of Oras are being distributed faster than ever!


Grand Lodge

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Pardon the nitpick, but it looks like the rules linked still reference the nanocyte in places.

Marketing & Media Manager

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Arutema wrote:
Pardon the nitpick, but it looks like the rules linked still reference the nanocyte in places.

Both links go to the right pages. The pages will up updated by launch.

5 people marked this as a favorite.

'this isn't even my final --fo-- feat!'

Spoilers, we're getting a Bio book some time next year for the Biohackers and the Xenodruids.

*looks at picture*

They're just letting a skittermander whelp toddle around? That's a disaster waiting to happen! Have you seen what they can do to a space goblin with their abdomen jaws?

*reads post*

Oh yay, now I need to have like four more Society characters to take advantage of all these awesome evolutions.

*plots a Pahtra Revolutionist to bring down the Veskarium*

RPG Superstar Season 9 Top 16

An actual shapeshifting specialist class? Oh heck yes!

This felt like a trope that hasn't been explored well in Starfinder, especially when we're dealing with mad science, magic, and a god of evolution. I'm very much looking forward to this playtest!

This class sounds amaaaazing. Totally the sort of thing I was hoping for in an upcoming class. Well done paizo

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Alex Speidel wrote:


MY NEW PC is evolving!

Is it a Ysoki wearing yellow refractor suit that has the dirindi electrical affinity graft, doesn't speak, but can make some sounds that sound vaguely like a word that starts with 'p' and ends with 'u'? *innocent grin*

Dang it. Now I want to make that character.

Any chance this will include NPC rules also? Since classes also end up as NPCs, it seems like it'd be helpful to start including that from the jump at the playtest rather than a number of books/years later lol...

Marketing & Media Manager

C4M3R0N wrote:
Any chance this will include NPC rules also? Since classes also end up as NPCs, it seems like it'd be helpful to start including that from the jump at the playtest rather than a number of books/years later lol...


Paizo Employee Director of Brand Strategy

4 people marked this as a favorite.
Richard Redmane wrote:
Spoilers, we're getting a Bio book some time next year for the Biohackers and the Xenodruids.

We... we are? I'm not one to dismiss spoiler rumors out of hand, but I have to ask...who's your inside source?

Looking forward to it, though idk if I'll be able to squeeze another mini-campaign into my schedule.

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Huh so sort of transhumanism the class?

I'm curious about what bok this one is for since probably not the planar book even if I would be happy about this

(i'm genuinely surprised if that joke about this being biotech book is true because I thought that would have been included in tech revolution :p)

Just saying, but if you were to offer the notes for this class to the PF2 team for a conversion into that system, I would be quite pleased.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

There is the possibility that this class could be for a book on religion and deities in Starfinder since we do have a god of evolution in the setting and a lot of alien races/ancestries/species that we have not gotten much information on in the way of their religious practices (in comparison to Pathfinder)... just sayin'... Plus, folks have been asking for just such a book for quite some time now.

Dark Archive

3 people marked this as a favorite.
Pathfinder Adventure Path Subscriber
choose a path of transformation

Become a better you! >:D

Sovereign Court

Hmm, I've always loved the idea of taking the best bits and putting them into a harmonious whole. Hopefully this will allow me to become the perfect being!

I think my heart skipped a beat when I saw this. One of my favorite conversions for Starfinder is the Adaptive Shifter, and the Evolutionist sounds like a cross between the Shifter and Sorcerer. So much flavor, so many possibilities.

Thank you for your truly dedictation Starfinder team.

Quite interesting and very happy to get another new class in here Starfinder Team!! Now I wonder if one of my Kingmaker in Space crew wanna take this for the upcoming game in a couple weeks. To late for my player game as that has started already but VERY curious to see what we get Aug 2nd!!


5 people marked this as a favorite.

Nature Operations Manual - NOM

Sounds like the changes are permanent, not a shapeshifter class.

Don't forget to add "Dragon" to the list of paths, please.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Great to see more creative classes offered!

Scarab Sages

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Just a heads up, over on the link to Character Creation Appendix goes to the PFS guide, not the SFS one.

Pathfinder Lost Omens Subscriber

I'm hoping it's better than the Shifter (PF1) class, and the lessons that were learned from that development were not lost and instead taken to heart.

Cautious Optimism indicated


3 people marked this as a favorite.
The Ragi wrote:

Nature Operations Manual - NOM

Don't forget to add "Dragon" to the list of paths, please.

If you're gonna bring up the no doubt impending Guide to NOM, there's gotta be a Fey path too.

... And horrible Aberrations from beyond the Stars Path. For no reason. I don't play nothing by Fey based characters and Lovecraftian characters. Nah uh, not me...

Belabras wrote:
Just a heads up, over on the link to Character Creation Appendix goes to the PFS guide, not the SFS one.

Noted and fix requested. Thanks!

Aaron Shanks wrote:
Arutema wrote:
Pardon the nitpick, but it looks like the rules linked still reference the nanocyte in places.
Both links go to the right pages. The pages will up updated by launch.

Thanks for the heads up! Luckily it was just that one place on the Guide page, which is now fixed.

I`m really looking forword to this playtest. I've always wanted to play a class like this in a tabletop game.

Shadow Lodge

Clicking the picture to make it bigger gives an error message.

Dare I ask why this is a new class and not a Biohacker specialisation?

It feels like an alchemist's mutagen taht the Biohacker could inject itself to change forms.

3 people marked this as a favorite.
JiCi wrote:

Dare I ask why this is a new class and not a Biohacker specialisation?

It feels like an alchemist's mutagen taht the Biohacker could inject itself to change forms.

It sounds like personal evolution to permanent changes/powers along a chosen path, which is very unlike the biohacker.

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Superscriber; Starfinder Charter Superscriber

This sounds like a character slowly remaking themselves as they advance over the course of their level progression. What they make themselves varies by subclass or whatever they call it, like undead (for a lich or something similar maybe), cyborg becoming less and less biological, or something else. Honestly, this class makes me think they could do something like a super saiyan evolving over the levels if they wanted to.

4 people marked this as a favorite.

I want a character that becomes a dragon in Akiton, for the sci-fi Dark Sun vibe...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

this is such an interesting class concept. I hope we see something similar to this in pathfinder someday

Marketing & Media Manager

5 people marked this as a favorite.
KaiBlob1 wrote:
this is such an interesting class concept. I hope we see something similar to this in pathfinder someday

Watching Loki (and listening to an audiobook with him as character) has me thinking about non-druid shapeshifters. Imagine swapping ancestry feats in-game. I don't think that would be broken? But I'm not game designer...

1 person marked this as a favorite.

Literal body builder class. That's always fun, looking forward to it.

Also, I'm very curious to see how it'll be handled, considering this really is a teaser. Steady progression or shapeshifting ? Bit of both?
Will there be a "become a humanoid" option, considering so many pc races aren't ?
Yeah, I'll be looking at this playtest.

Sovereign Court

Wei Ji the Learner wrote:

I'm hoping it's better than the Shifter (PF1) class, and the lessons that were learned from that development were not lost and instead taken to heart.

Cautious Optimism indicated

The shifter was fine after the errata :)

Never actually played the Shifter class but I have done Druids, Treesinger and a Hunter... and an Alchemist.
The 2 Druids were a nice difference for the direct changes. The Hunter has little animal boosts which I really quite liked and the Alchemist.... I mention them because they did have the capacity (Increased with spells) to do some odd things with themselves... My little 3 armed Gnome with built in Compy.

I see it called out specifically about going from "mortal to machine" but what about going from machine to organic?

I think there's definitely some room to explore an SRO or an Android wanting to be fully organic.

Good to have some free (pending) Evolutionist-type stuff for SF. ;)

Claxon wrote:

I see it called out specifically about going from "mortal to machine" but what about going from machine to organic?

I think there's definitely some room to explore an SRO or an Android wanting to be fully organic.

Oh that is true. Non-standard races + evolutionist shall be very interesting. SROs, Spathinae, and Varculak will be very interesting.

Does anyone know when they release it (being its Aug 2nd now)

Enoli - Black Fox wrote:
Does anyone know when they release it (being its Aug 2nd now)

"When it's ready."

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