Felldales Dragon

Ellias Aubec's page

Organized Play Member. 534 posts. No reviews. No lists. 1 wishlist. 9 Organized Play characters.


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Sovereign Court

Has the wording for worn items changed in the remaster then? I thought the whole point of investment was that you could wear whatever items you could wear together up to your limit. ie many belts because you can just wear several belts, but not boots or gloves.

Sovereign Court

I would second the Harrow Deck of Many Things - they've made a new physical version, but no rules for PF2 yet. I had to look at PF1 rules and the PF2 deck of many things to see how best to interpret it.

Sovereign Court

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I do like the comment earlier about having generic ancestry feats to cut down on repeated feats (such as darkvision or flight) and just have a list of these generic feats with the level they are available to that particular ancestry.

I too feel that some of these feats don't seem to match the power level of SF vs PF, given the early flight expectations etc. It would have been nice to see one of the really strange ancestries rather than these two relatively normal ones, but ce la vie.

Sovereign Court

They could have Razmir die, but have the clergy pretend he is still alive and rule in his stead with illusions/ polymorphs/etc.

AP wise, could be the players are low level priests that work their way up and eventually uncover this falsehood.

Sovereign Court

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Seems interesting and will be worth a look.

Sovereign Court

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Thats a little irritating.

Sovereign Court

Just a thought, but the 1.0a OGL said you could use any version of it right? I may be misunderstanding something, but if WOTC does manage to deuathorised 1.0a, doesn't 1.0 still then exist to be used?

I'm sure I must be missing something if everyone seems to have not mentioned this.

Sovereign Court

WOTC had some products lately that had plastic standees and static cling sticker things that could be added to those standees. I don't know the cost of those static clings, but they could be sold as expansions without the plastic standees.

Sovereign Court

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Raven Black, unless you are a kobold, you'd have to take the draconic bloodline to get into dragon disciple.

Sovereign Court

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Ah, I was wondering if/when new Lost Omens books would be released in special editions. At least I won't have to wait for a year after release to get the special editions for the new books.

Sovereign Court

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Eh I'd prefer proper shaped minis personally.

Sovereign Court

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Could have mythic just boost your proficiency by one level, taking it beyond legendary at the top.

Sovereign Court

Very nice. Are we going to see the entire Lost Omens line be deluxified now? I'd prefer deluxe versions, but if it is going to be sporadic it will look weird.

Sovereign Court

I thought it was mentioned (nad makes some sense to me) that starships just don't realistically take any damage from the PCs 'light' weapons. They just simply bounce off or do superficial damage.

I suppose if you consider different parts to be similar to a bulkhead you mentioned, then it is effectively immune to PC fire in a realistic way.

Sovereign Court

I would like to know what level of insubstantial playable ghosts have, or at least what restrictions will be applied. Thanks.

Sovereign Court

I would say they still work, since they work on armours that don't have power requirements.

Sovereign Court

Its nice and I might have been tempted, but being in Australia makes me sad I cannot.

Sovereign Court

I seem to remember (maybe one of the interviews from GenCon/Paizo Live) that it won't include the back matter articles. Just the adventure (and presumably any NPCs/items that are directly linked to the story).

Sovereign Court

It would be interesting to have a Witcher style AP (probably a 3 parter) where you go around hunting down monsters that have been plaguing an area.

Sovereign Court

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I had a spawn feat for my vampire ancestry that was a downtime activity, which I thought made the most sense.

Sovereign Court

Also a short adventure I believe was teased to be in there.

Sovereign Court

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Neat. I have a time travelling adventure that spans Avistan and parts of the other continents nearby and have been thinking about altering it to not use Golarion stuff, but now I won't have to alter that so much.

Sovereign Court

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Having designed an ancestry with four arms, I just ran with it like starfinder where you can have more things ready, but you still only have the 3 actions to actually do anything.

Sovereign Court

Didn't someone above mention it has been sold out? Any way been considering running this and would be nice to have this hardcover.

Sovereign Court

Does this mean the special editions will have different designs from each other as well as the core, or just the core is one design and others a second?

Sovereign Court

The amphibious trait mentions it doesn't take the -2 penalty underwater for bludgeoning and slashing damage. It doesn't mention ranged attacks, but I would presume that it would negate the cannot attack and the people that made them thought the trait did negate it.

Unless someone else finds something more specific.

Sovereign Court

This thirteenth installment brings the immortal vampires to the table, with rules on how to create a character as a versatile ancestry as well as an archetype anyone can take. Incorporating one versatile heritage, one dedication as well as four lineage feats as well as 21 feats shared between the ancestry and archetype, including four focus spells.

Sovereign Court

A balancing act could simply be class feats that give you a bonus with a penalty linked to it. Or some system of picking drawbacks in return to extra stuff, but not requiring it or needing to track it every turn.

Say you take a drawback of -10' speed for some DR. Or maybe full BAB but in return you take extra damage etc. Then have a limit of how many drawback/benefit pairs you can have based on your level, allowing you to decide how much to power up at the cost of certain things happening.

Sovereign Court

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When I heard about this, I imagined something that was able to gain some form of monsters abilities, even if only for a short time (void adaptation, starflight, trample, etc).

After reading it just seemed like a complicated mess that didn't really have a strong idea of what it was about. I agree with some of the points above on this. I just wanted to be able to grow wings, extra arms and so on.

Sovereign Court

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I would suspect it would not include any changes from the AP as this was intended to come out at the same time or thereabouts and they have only update source books with the edition change so far (at least as far as I am aware).

Sovereign Court

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Hmm, is this a second story now with a strange rock formation appearing? Does this indicating something coming (such as Rovagug) or just coincidence?

Sovereign Court

Didn't the Legends book give prices around 70k for some of the latest sales? Some pure cash, some a combination of goods and services etc.

Sovereign Court

Hmm, I've always loved the idea of taking the best bits and putting them into a harmonious whole. Hopefully this will allow me to become the perfect being!

Sovereign Court

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EldritchGrace wrote:
Ellias Aubec wrote:
My 'ancestries' I've made for ghouls and vampires have rules for both a versatile heritage for someone 'born' or starting as one. The other way is an archetype for those that become undead later on.
Sounds interesting! Would you happen to have a link for them?

Not to derail things I won't include a link, but if you look for Liber Genus by me in the 3rd party section here there will be a link to it. Just the ghoul for now, the vampire is the next one I will be releasing once I take a second pass at the feats and set it all up properly.

Sovereign Court

3 people marked this as a favorite.

My 'ancestries' I've made for ghouls and vampires have rules for both a versatile heritage for someone 'born' or starting as one. The other way is an archetype for those that become undead later on.

Sovereign Court

This twelfth installment brings the slimey oozefolk to the table, with rules on how to create a character as a versatile ancestry. Incorporating 4 heritages based on several types of ooze you could resemble as well as 11 ancestry feats and 1 magical item.

Sovereign Court

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I realise that just pointing out the clarification from one of the Paizo people as to their intention.

Sovereign Court

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For spontaneous I believe One of the Js mentioned in a reddit post that yes you can use higher slots to cast lower level spells without heightening etc.

Sovereign Court

This eleventh installment brings the cannibalistic ghouls to the table, with rules on how to create a character as a versatile ancestry as well as an archetype anyone can take. Incorporating one versatile heritage, one dedication as well as 10 feats shared between the ancestry and archetype, including two magical items.

Sovereign Court

Wouldn't large creatures treat it as difficult terrain for your 5' corridors? I seem to remember something similar being mentioned in the CRB and/or in an adventure (maybe plaguestone?).

Sovereign Court

With regard to compilations, I suspect Beadle and Grimm will take up that mantle like they do with DnD.

Sovereign Court

I remember reading that at some point spells in DnD went up to level 13 (maybe not in game but in the expanded stories etc). Apparently protective shields around some cities were one of these types of spells.

Sovereign Court

I made a character sheet available here.

Sovereign Court

True Dragons
This tenth installment brings the majestic true dragons to the table, with rules on how to create a character as an ancestry. Incorporating 4 heritages focusing on the nature of dragons as well as 17 ancestry feats, as well as the dragonsblood, a versatile heritage for descendants of true dragons and humanoids with 2 additional ancestry feats.

Sovereign Court

As for him saying that the pathbuilder app said he could pick primal spells, that might be correct. Spells can be on multiple lists, so those spells could be both on the divine and primal lists.

Sovereign Court

Yes, you are using all the senses of the familiar so you can use their darkvision.

Sovereign Court

Also, even if it did work (I know I was looking at snipers and scopes with that feat) you are still limited to 10x range increment, not infinite.

Sovereign Court

I suppose its going to be difficult to avoid blending the rules line with the lost omens line with future bestiary compilations with GM, player, creatures, setting etc stuff together.

Sovereign Court

I thought the bonus spells were only for clerics who had an ability that tells you that they get those bonus spells.

Sovereign Court

Maybe use the VP system initially to allow them to build up the defences using whatever rolls you feel are appropriate. Then have a decreasing VP using that initial value as you mention to show the undead beating them down. Allow the PCs to earn more VPs by shoring up defences etc or making combat rolls to indicate them fending off the enemy. Those that use spells in interesting ways could add more points to the total as well.

Maybe have 1 combat encounter for a boss that could modify the VP total depending on how quick they deal with it.

As for skills they could use pretty much anything that makes sense. For example religion could be used to set up anti-undead wards, society for placement of barricades etc, arcana for setting up magical strengthening of walls/doors, athletics for moving barricades etc around, bluff could be used to set up distractions like fake soldier dummies and so on.

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