
Enoli - Black Fox's page

192 posts. Alias of Donovon Dildine.

Full Name

Enoli Johnson


Ranger - Explorer; Hit Points: 11/26; Dodge: 40/20/8; Listen: 60/30/12; Spot Hidden: 50/25/10; Luck: 42/50; Sanity: 84/90; Default Reaction: Dodge

About Enoli - Black Fox

Character Name: Enoli Johnson
Photograph of Enoli
Player: Donovon
Occupation: Ranger
Age: 22
Sex: M
Archetype: Explorer

Strength: 60
Dexterity: 80
Intelligence: 50
Constitution: 70
Appearance: 40
Power: 90
Size: 60
Education: 50
Movement Rate: 8

Hit Points: 26/26
Sanity: 84/90
Magic: 18/18
Luck: 43/50

Arcane Insight:halve the time required to learn spells and gains bonus die to spell casting rolls
Beady Eye:does not suffer penalty die when “aiming” at a small target (Build –2), and may also fire into melee without a penalty die

Damage Bonus: 0
Build: 0
Dodge: 40/20/8


CR 10: Cash $20 Assests $500 Spending $10

Garand M1 Rifle: Regular:63 Hard:33 Extreme:13 Damage:2D6+4………………… Range:110 Attacks: 1 round Ammo:8 Malfunction:100
Machete: Regular:45 Hard:22 Extreme:9 Damage: 1D8+DB
………………… Range:Melee Attacks: 1 round
Hunting Knife: Regular:45 Hard:22 Extreme:9 Damage: 1D4+2+DB………………… Range:Melee Attacks: 1 round

[ ]Accounting (05%):
[ ]Animal Handling (05%): 50/25/10
[ ]Appraise (05%):
[ ]Archaeology (01%):
[ ]Art/Craft (05%): (specify)
[ ]b]Charm (15%):[/b]
[ ]Climb (20%): 40/20/8
[ ]Computer Use (00%):
[na]Credit Rating (00%):
[na]Cthulhu Mythos (10%):
[ ]Demolitions (01%):
[ ]Disguise (05%):
[ ]Diving (01%):
[ ]b]Dodge (Half Dex):[/b] 40/20/8
[ ]Drive Auto (20%):
[ ]Elec. Repair (10%):
[ ]Fast Talk (05%):
[ ]Fighting (Brawl) (25%): 45/22/9
[ ]Firearms (Handguns) (20%):
[ ]Firearms (Rifle/Shotgun) (25%): 63/33/13
[ ]Firearms (Submachine Gun) (15%):
[ ]Firearms (Other) (00%):
[ ]First Aid (30%): 50/25/10
[ ]History (05%):
[ ]Intimidate (15%):
[ ]Jump (20%):
[ ]Language (Naacal) (10%):
[ ]Language (Spanish) (01%): 21/10/4
[ ]Language (Own) (95%): 95/47/19
[ ]Law (05%):
[ ]Library Use (20%):
[ ]Listen (20%): 60/30/12
[ ]Locksmith (01%):
[ ]Mech. Repair (10%):
[ ]Medicine (01%):
[ ]Natural World (10%): 70/35/14
[ ]Navigate (10%): 80/40/16
[ ]Occult (05%): 50/25/10
[ ]Operate Heavy Machinery (01%):
[ ]Persuade (10%):
[ ]Pilot (01%):
[ ]Psychoanalysis (01%):
[ ]Psychology (10%):
[ ]Read Lips (01%):
[ ]Ride (05%):
[ ]Science (???) (01%):
[ ]Science (???) (01%):
[ ]Science (???) (01%):
[ ]Sleight of Hand (10%):
[ ]Spot Hidden (25%): 50/25/10
[ ]Stealth (20%): 40/20/8
[ ]Survival (10%): 50/25/10
[ ]Swim (20%): 40/20/8
[ ]Throw (20%):
[ ]Track (10%): 80/40/16

When Enoli fled from the reservation towards Mexico, his leaving the tribe angered the spirits and they did hound him, just as Grandfather said they would. He realized that the more "civilized" places were quieter, the buildings, lack of nature, and masses of people. So Enoli continued to travel, back to the United States, to the most civilized place he could imagine, New York City.

But the noise of the spirits was replaced by a different type of noise, a spiritual static of racism and greed, growth but also consumption. As exhilarating as New York was, Enoli felt overwhelmed at times. The one place he could find peace was shockingly inside of his people's oppressor's temple, inside of their church.

Personal Description:
Enoli is a full-blooded Cherokee. He is tall and lean, quick to react and has a wirey strength. He has a few scars from fights and hunts that went bad.

Enoli has always been told that is has a destiny as his tribes shaman since he was little, but that pressure has driven him away from their traditional ways. But Enoli still remembers his Grandfathers many lessons.

Significant People:
Grandfather: The elder of his tribe who has taught Enoli their spiritual traditions

Meaningful Locations:
Reservation in Oklahoma

Treasured Possessions:
Medicine bag under his shirt


Injuries & Scars:
Some scars hidden under his shirt, these were inflicted by Grandfather when he was young, part of a ritual he claimed would protect Enoli, but never elaborated beyond that.

Phobias and Manias:

Arcane Tomes, Spells & Artifacts:

Encounters With Strange Entities:
