DM Carbide's Core Emerald Spire
Game Master
John Woodford
CORE Male Halfelf Druid 5 | HP 43/43 | AC19, T 11, FF 18 | CMD 26| F +8 R +5 W+10 ; | Init +1 | Perc +18 Blitz the wolf. AC 19. HP 42/42
Rise of the Runelords Pt2|RotRL Pt 3| Giantslayer|Emerald Spire| CORE Emerald Spire
Who's getting hexes? The guide for which does what is linked in the header as "HEX MAP," and note that you have to pick a hex that's adjacent to one you already have.
L/N Female Human Sorcerer(Arcane)/5 | HP: 42/42 | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 16/12/14 | CMD: 12 | F/R/W: +4/4/6 | Init: +4 | Speed (after dumping backpack) 30 ft | Bluff +9, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +9, Kn Arc, Hist +5, Perception +5, Spellcraft +9, UMD +9 | Active Conditions: sunrod, alter self (Undine)
Female Half elf Bard 5 Ini+2 Hp 33/33 AC 17 T13 FF 15, Fort+3 Ref +7 Will +6 Per +9, Spd 30 Perform 0/19 used
Hex B4, cause I never took it before.
male Halfling Wizard 3 | HP 22 | AC 12; Touch 12; FF 11 | Fort +3; Reflex +2; Will +5 | CMB+0; CMD 11 | Speed 20 ft | Init +1 | Perc +3 | Stealth: +5 wizard 2
CORE Male Halfelf Druid 5 | HP 43/43 | AC19, T 11, FF 18 | CMD 26| F +8 R +5 W+10 ; | Init +1 | Perc +18 Blitz the wolf. AC 19. HP 42/42
I think Viridian only took a hex (A?) on his first chronicle - so hex B2 for this one.
Rise of the Runelords Pt2|RotRL Pt 3| Giantslayer|Emerald Spire| CORE Emerald Spire
OK, got it. Joseph, you'd previously taken hexes--do you want one more before you go?
”Joseph” | Male NG Medium Half-Elf Fighter 1/Rogue 3 | HP 14/32 | AC 19, T 15, FF 15 | CMD 20| F +6 R +9 Ev W +3; | Init +7 | Perc +12* | Speed 30ft | [ooc][/ooc]
I probably won't play this character again so to simplify no.
Male| LG cleric of Erastil 4| 9XP|34/35 HP| BAB3, CMB5, CMD16|AC18(15), T11, FF17(14)| Fort+6,Ref+3, Will+8| Perception+5, Initiative+3|Used spells: Bless,so burst, spirt wpn, divide fvr|channels remaining 5/5 Human Cleric of Erastil 4
Rise of the Runelords Pt2|RotRL Pt 3| Giantslayer|Emerald Spire| CORE Emerald Spire
OK, I still need a Day Job roll from Corbrae, and I rolled Joseph's. The chronicles include the purchase of the water breathing scrolls; I'll get Corbrae's up as soon as I get her Day Job roll.
Mrs. Book
Female Half elf Bard 5 Ini+2 Hp 33/33 AC 17 T13 FF 15, Fort+3 Ref +7 Will +6 Per +9, Spd 30 Perform 0/19 used
Day job-Singing: 1d20 + 9 ⇒ (14) + 9 = 23
L5 bard
HP +5 base+1 Con=+6 (total 33)
no BaB or saves bonus
Inspire Courage +2
Lore Master (Ex): At 5th level, the bard becomes a master of lore and can take 10 on any Knowledge skill check that he has ranks in. A bard can choose not to take 10 and can instead roll normally. In addition, once per day, the bard can take 20 on any Knowledge skill check as a standard action. He can use this ability one additional time per day for every six levels he possesses beyond 5th, to a maximum of three times per day at 17th level.
Skills (+6 base+2 int+1 FC=9)
+1 to Diplomacy, Know Planes; Religion; Arcana; Dungeonering
+2 Spellcraft, UMD
+1 L1/+1 L2 spells/ day
+1 L2 spell known
Magical Aptitude (+2 Spellcraft/UMD)
L/N Female Human Sorcerer(Arcane)/5 | HP: 42/42 | AC Norm/Tch/FF: 16/12/14 | CMD: 12 | F/R/W: +4/4/6 | Init: +4 | Speed (after dumping backpack) 30 ft | Bluff +9, Diplomacy +10, Intimidate +9, Kn Arc, Hist +5, Perception +5, Spellcraft +9, UMD +9 | Active Conditions: sunrod, alter self (Undine)
Mrs. Book is picking up a Wand of trap springing and flanking Summon Monster I
See character sheet for spells/skills and such.
CORE Male Halfelf Druid 5 | HP 43/43 | AC19, T 11, FF 18 | CMD 26| F +8 R +5 W+10 ; | Init +1 | Perc +18 Blitz the wolf. AC 19. HP 42/42
Viridian purchased the +2 WIS headband from the chronicle.
Memorizing Level 3 spells of call lightning and cure mod wounds.
PC Sheet updated to Level 5, otherwise ready.
CORE Male Halfelf Druid 5 | HP 43/43 | AC19, T 11, FF 18 | CMD 26| F +8 R +5 W+10 ; | Init +1 | Perc +18 Blitz the wolf. AC 19. HP 42/42
GM and all - really appreciate the opportunity to play this with you as a semi-extended campaign. This last level was a struggle for our team (and in RL for players) but thank you for sharing your time. Very much appreciated.
Rise of the Runelords Pt2|RotRL Pt 3| Giantslayer|Emerald Spire| CORE Emerald Spire
You're welcome, and thanks to you all as well. I'll try to keep things moving more quickly for this level. It doesn't have as many environmental challenges, but it does have its nuances.
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