Curse of the Crimson Throne - Foxy Quickpaw

Game Master Foxy Quickpaw

Bad things are going to happen in Korvosa.
Maps, etc.
Roll20 Game

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M Dwarf Fighter4HP40/45,AC20T13FF17,F8R3W5,Init+2,Per+8

I know Dungeneering

M 1/2 Elf| HP 29/29 | AC: 13, T: 12, FF:11 | Spd: 30ft | Sorcerer (Tattooed, Wildblooded) 4 | Init +6, Low Light Vision; Percept: +11, Sense Motive: +2 | Saves: F: +4, R: +4, W: +9 +2 vs enchantments| CMB +2 / CMD 14
Tisha Nerifaren wrote:
Does anyone actually have knowledge dungoneering or survival?

Not I

Grand Lodge

F Dwarf Cleric (4)/ HP 26/31, AC 18/ T 18/ FF 10/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +9/ Perception +4/ Ini +1 / Touch of Law 0/7/ Deflection Aura 0/1 /CH 0/4/ Orisons 2/4/ Lvl 1 1/5/ Lvl 2 1/4/ Harrow 0/2

Not I either.

What could go wrong?!

Kitsune Game Master

You are supposed to bring back a recognizable corpse, not something that had time to rot to become a skeleton. Narciso might object, but I think overpreparing is a thing.

M 1/2 Elf| HP 29/29 | AC: 13, T: 12, FF:11 | Spd: 30ft | Sorcerer (Tattooed, Wildblooded) 4 | Init +6, Low Light Vision; Percept: +11, Sense Motive: +2 | Saves: F: +4, R: +4, W: +9 +2 vs enchantments| CMB +2 / CMD 14
Foxy Quickpaw wrote:
You are supposed to bring back a recognizable corpse, not something that had time to rot to become a skeleton ...


Well that raises a question, do we need something to preserve a corpse?

M Dwarf Fighter4HP40/45,AC20T13FF17,F8R3W5,Init+2,Per+8

5 vials of alchemist's fire to toss 1 each with 1 left over.

Female Elf Unchained Rogue (Scout) Lvl 4 (HP 24/31| AC:18 | T: 15 | FF: 13| Fort:+2 | Ref:+8 (Evasion) | Will:+3 (+5 Vs Enchant)| Init + 4 | Perc + 11 (+12 vs Suprise)
CL, DM, DP, RM| Harrow Points: 1

Foxy, what can we find in the alchemist shop?

Gloom lantern, holy weapon balm, sun rod, candle rod, weapon blanch, vermin repelant…

Are you limiting or can we just find any of this and move on?

Kitsune Game Master

Yes. You go shopping without going into details and be done with it.

M Dwarf Fighter4HP40/45,AC20T13FF17,F8R3W5,Init+2,Per+8

Perhaps call upon a certain gnome magic item seller.

Female Gnome

Did I hear business coming my way?

M 1/2 Elf| HP 29/29 | AC: 13, T: 12, FF:11 | Spd: 30ft | Sorcerer (Tattooed, Wildblooded) 4 | Init +6, Low Light Vision; Percept: +11, Sense Motive: +2 | Saves: F: +4, R: +4, W: +9 +2 vs enchantments| CMB +2 / CMD 14

Narciso's lvl 4


CG Male 1/2 Elf
Sorcerer 4 (Wildblooded. Tattooed Sorcerer)
Deity: Calistria
Init +6 = +2 (Dex) +4 familiar
Speed 30 ft
Low Light Vision

AC: 13 = 10+2 (dex) + 1 (armor)
HP: 29 = 6 +(3d6=>12)+4*2 Con+3*1 FCB
Fort +3 = +1 Sorcerer 4+2(Con)
Ref +3 = +1 Sorcerer 4+2(Dex)
Will +8 = +4 Sorcerer 4 +2(wis) +2 racial
+2 vs enchantments

CMD : 14=10 +2 (bab)+0 (str) + 2 (dex)


BAB : +2
Melee: +2 Longspear (1d8), +2 Cestus (1d4)
Ranged: +4 Light Crossbow (1d8)
CMB : +2 = +2 (Bab)


L0 (DC 14): Detect Magic, Message, Prestidigitation, (Daze traded out at lvl 4 for) Dancing Lights, Mage Hand, Ghost Sound, Mending, Read Magic, Acid Splash
L1 (DC 15, 6+1): Grease, Color Spray, Silent Image, Identify (Bloodline), Ear Piercing Scream (FCB lvl 4) , Glue Seal, Shield, Stone Shield, Magic Missile (to replace Color Spray at lvl 6)
L2 (DC 16, 3+1) Burst of Radiance, (Invisibility), Scorching Ray, Mirror Image, Alter Self, Protection From Evil (Communal), Frigid Touch, Pilfering Hand, Glitterdust (to replace Burst of Radiance at lvl 8 or 10)
L3 (Dispel Magic), Haste, Fireball, Major Image, Stinking Cloud, Fly, Paragon Surge
L4 (Dimension Door), Confusion, Black Tentacles (retrain to dimensional anchor later), Emergency Force Sphere, Shadow Conjuration, Wall of Brine, Obsidian Flow
L5 (Overland Flight), Icy Prison, Suffocation, Lesser Planar Binding (to be replaced by ???) Shadow Evocation, Wall of Stone, Teleport (to be replaced later with Telekinesis), Wracking Ray
L6 (True Seeing), Chains of Light, Jatembe’s Ire, Greater Dispel Magic, Greater Shadow Enchantment, Planar Binding (to be replaced later by ???)
L7 (Greater Teleport), Limited Wish, ***, ***, ***, ***
L8 (Power Word Stun), Polymorph any Object,, Moment of Prescience, Greater Planar Binding, Trap the Soul, Mind Blank
L9 (Wish), Shades, Timestop, Gate,

Str 12 = 10 (0 pts)
Dex 14 = 14 (5 pts)
Con 14 = 14 (5 pts)
Int 19 = 16 (10 pts) +2 racial +1 lvl 4
Wis 14 = 14 (5 pts)
Cha 10 = 10 (0 pts)

Feats: Spell Focus (Evocation) (1st) Varisian Tattoo (Evocation) (Tattooed Sorcerer 1), Alertness (Familiar when available), Greater Spell Focus (Evocation) (3ed)

Traits: Scholar of the Great Beyond (Faith), Unhappy Childhood (Religious, Campaign)

Skills 4*(2+4(int) /lvl) (Ranks, skill roll. NOT INCLUDING ACP)

Spellcraft 4 rank +3 trained +4 int +2 bloodline,
K Arcana 4 rank +3 trained +4 int +2 bloodline
K Planes 4 rank +3 trained +4 int +1 trait
K Nature 4 rank +3 trained +4 int
Perception 4 rank +3 trained +2 wis+2 racial
K Religion 4 rank +3 trained +4 int

Background Skills (4*2 = 8 ranks)
Craft (Alchemy) 1 rank +3 trained +4 int
K History 2 rank +4 int +1 trait
K Nobility 1 rank +4 int
Linguistics 2 ranks + 4 int
Artistry (Illusion) 2 rank +3 trained +4 int

Languages: Common, Elven, Draconic (int), Sylvan/Fey (int), Thassilonian (int), Shoanti (int), Varisisan (Linguistics), Infernal (linguistics)

M 1/2 Elf| HP 29/29 | AC: 13, T: 12, FF:11 | Spd: 30ft | Sorcerer (Tattooed, Wildblooded) 4 | Init +6, Low Light Vision; Percept: +11, Sense Motive: +2 | Saves: F: +4, R: +4, W: +9 +2 vs enchantments| CMB +2 / CMD 14

Ok, for loot splits so far, I have:


759.82 gp
Wand of Magic Missile 23 charges, lvl 1
Wand of Acid Splash 23 charges, lvl 1

132 gp

232 gp

Together with my initial money, that puts me at 1193 gp.

Grand Lodge

F Dwarf Cleric (4)/ HP 26/31, AC 18/ T 18/ FF 10/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +9/ Perception +4/ Ini +1 / Touch of Law 0/7/ Deflection Aura 0/1 /CH 0/4/ Orisons 2/4/ Lvl 1 1/5/ Lvl 2 1/4/ Harrow 0/2

Have we bought something to help us navigate the maze, in the end - like chalk, or a compass? I don't think anyone remembered.

I also forgot about Blank Scrolls or Ink...

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Elf Unchained Rogue (Scout) Lvl 4 (HP 24/31| AC:18 | T: 15 | FF: 13| Fort:+2 | Ref:+8 (Evasion) | Will:+3 (+5 Vs Enchant)| Init + 4 | Perc + 11 (+12 vs Suprise)
CL, DM, DP, RM| Harrow Points: 1

I think we all forgot….

Grand Lodge

F Dwarf Cleric (4)/ HP 26/31, AC 18/ T 18/ FF 10/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +9/ Perception +4/ Ini +1 / Touch of Law 0/7/ Deflection Aura 0/1 /CH 0/4/ Orisons 2/4/ Lvl 1 1/5/ Lvl 2 1/4/ Harrow 0/2
Tisha Nerifaren wrote:
I think we all forgot….

It's possible to be over-prepared AND under-prepared at the same time...

M 1/2 Elf| HP 29/29 | AC: 13, T: 12, FF:11 | Spd: 30ft | Sorcerer (Tattooed, Wildblooded) 4 | Init +6, Low Light Vision; Percept: +11, Sense Motive: +2 | Saves: F: +4, R: +4, W: +9 +2 vs enchantments| CMB +2 / CMD 14

I have both ink and rice notepaper. But I suspect you mean scroll-crafting supplies, which I did not get, as I don't have scribe scroll.

Grand Lodge

F Dwarf Cleric (4)/ HP 26/31, AC 18/ T 18/ FF 10/ Saves: Fort +8, Ref +2, Will +9/ Perception +4/ Ini +1 / Touch of Law 0/7/ Deflection Aura 0/1 /CH 0/4/ Orisons 2/4/ Lvl 1 1/5/ Lvl 2 1/4/ Harrow 0/2

Sorry everyone, I've co-hosted conference yesterday, and it has left me in something of a coma.

I'll do my best to get back on track tomorrow!

M 1/2 Elf| HP 29/29 | AC: 13, T: 12, FF:11 | Spd: 30ft | Sorcerer (Tattooed, Wildblooded) 4 | Init +6, Low Light Vision; Percept: +11, Sense Motive: +2 | Saves: F: +4, R: +4, W: +9 +2 vs enchantments| CMB +2 / CMD 14

Ok, I am travelling from 5 Feb to 12 Feb. I hope to be able to keep up with posting, but if not, feel free to bot me...

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