Full Name |
Lybram Tendras |
Race |
Human |
Classes/Levels |
Cleric of Erastil 4 |
Gender |
Male| LG cleric of Erastil 4| 9XP|34/35 HP| BAB3, CMB5, CMD16|AC18(15), T11, FF17(14)| Fort+6,Ref+3, Will+8| Perception+5, Initiative+3|Used spells: Bless,so burst, spirt wpn, divide fvr|channels remaining 5/5 |
Size |
Medium |
Age |
23 |
Alignment |
LG |
Deity |
Erastil |
Location |
Isger |
Languages |
Common, Celestial, Isgerian |
Occupation |
Profession (Wood cutter) |
Strength |
15 |
Dexterity |
12 |
Constitution |
12 |
Intelligence |
12 |
Wisdom |
18 |
Charisma |
10 |
About Lybram Tendras
LG medium Humanoid(Human)
Favored class: cleric
Initiative+3, Perception+6
AC18(base10+6Armor+1Shield+1Dex), Touch11, Flat Footed 17
HP:35 (4d8+12), CMD 16,
Fort+6, Ref+3, Will+8
Speed 20, Initiative+3, BAB 3, CMB+5
Melee Weapon: MWK Battle axe +2(1d8+2 X3) or
MWK cold iron Hvy Mace +6(1d8+2 x2)
dagger +5(1d4+2/19-20X2)
spear +5(1d8+3/x2)
Range Weapon: Longbow +4(1d8,X3) or
dagger +4(1d4+2,19-20/x2)
Skills: (Rank/class/stat/misc)
heal+9(2/3/4), Knowledge(religion)+7(3/3/1), Profession(wood cutter)+8(1/3/4), Sense Motive +10(3/3/4), perception +6(2/0/4), diplomacy +7(3/3/0/1), Knowledge(nature)+5(1/3*/1), survival+5(1/0/4) *animal domain class skill
Special Abilities: Toughness, Extra channeling, Power Attack
Reactionary: You were bullied often as a child, but never quite developed an offensive response. Instead, you became adept at anticipating sudden attacks and reacting to danger quickly. You gain a +2 trait bonus to initiative checks.
Ease of Faith: Your mentor, the person who invested your faith in you from an early age, took steps to ensure that you understood that what powers your divine magic is no different than that which powers the magic of other religions. This philosophy makes it easier for you to interact with others who may not share your views. You gain a +1 bonus on Diplomacy checks, and Diplomacy is always a class skill for you.
Domain powers: 6/day speak with animals, heal 1d6+1 non lethal damage
Domains: Community and Animal
0 level: Light, Resistance, Detect Magic, Stabilize
1st level: Bless (D), Divine Favor, Magic Weapon, Shield of Faith, Summon Monster I
2nd:Resist Energy, Sound Blast, Spiritual Weapon, Hold Animal(D)
Equipment: combat: MKW Breast Plate, Light Steel Shield, MWK battle axe, MWK Cold Iron Hvy Mace, longbow, 10 Arrows, 10 silvered Arrows, dagger cold iron (39 lbs)
other: bedroll, flint and steel, pouch belt, 4x days of trail rations, water skin, chalk, wooden holy symbol, backpack, 50' silk rope, Traveler's clothes, 2x Flask of Acid, wand of CLW (45/50 charges),Cloak of Resistance +1, Scrolls of endure elements, comprehend languages, magic weapon, and protection from evil, lessor restoration, delay poison. (27.5 lbs)
gold remaining: 3857 gp, 4 sp, 9 cp (adjusted for purchases on 8)
Prestege/Fame: 15/17
Inventory Tracking:
Longbow, 75g, Bought I
wand of cure light wounds (45 chg), 2PP, bought 2
Studded Leather Armor, 25g, Bought I, sold 3
MWK Breast Plate, 350g, Bought 3
scroll of endure elements, 25g, bought 3
scroll of Comprehend Languages, 25g, bought 3
scroll of magic weapon, 25g, bought 3
scroll of protection from evil, 25g, bought 3
scroll of lessor restoration, 150g, bought 8
scroll of delay poison, 150g, bought 8
Cloak of Resistance +1, 1000g, bought 8
Pearl of power (lvl 1), 1000g, bought 8
MWK cold iron Hvy Mace, 324g, bought 8
Description: Lybram is medium in height with short, dark hair, dark eyes and a sun tanned complexion. He is clean shaven and dresses in neat, clean clothes. His armor and equipment is well used but clean and well maintained.
Scenarios Played
7-14 Faithless and Forgotten, Part 1 (2 PP)
Siege of the Diamond City (2 PP)
10-06 Treason's Chains (2 PP)
8-01 Portent's Peril (2 PP)
1-01 Silent Tide (1 PP)
Gallows of Madness (What lurks in the Woods) (4 PP, GM Credit)
6-18, Overflow Archives (2 PP)
2-00, PFS Special, Year of the Shadow Lodge (2 PP)