
Corbrae Illynel's page

319 posts. Organized Play character for Escharid Blackrose.

Full Name

Corbrae Illynel


Half elf


Bard 4 Ini+2 Hp 27/27 AC 17 T13 FF 15, Fort+3 Ref +7 Will +6 Per +9, Spd 30 Perform 0/19 used




5'8", 125 lbs



Special Abilities

Performance 19 rounds






In towns


Common, Elf, Draconic, Fey (Ling: Azlant, Goblin, Undercommon, Aklo)

Strength 12
Dexterity 14
Constitution 12
Intelligence 14
Wisdom 12
Charisma 16

About Corbrae Illynel

Str 11 (1) Dex 14 (5) Con 12 (2) Int 14 (5) Wis 12 (2) Cha 14 (5)
Racial bonus +2 Cha
L4+1 STR

Racial Traits:

+2 to One Ability Score: Half-elf characters get a +2 bonus to one ability score of their choice at creation to represent their varied nature.

Medium: Half-elves are Medium creatures and have no bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Normal Speed: Half-elves have a base speed of 30 feet.

Low-Light Vision: Half-elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light. See Additional Rules.

Adaptability: Half-elves receive Skill Focus as a bonus feat at 1st level.

Elf Blood: Half-elves count as both elves and humans for any effect related to race.

Elven Immunities: Half-elves are immune to magic sleep effects and get a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.

Keen Senses: Half-elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Perception skill checks.

Multitalented: Half-elves choose two favored classes at first level and gain +1 hit point or +1 skill point whenever they take a level in either one of those classes. See Classes for more information about favored classes.

Languages: Half-elves begin play speaking Common and Elven. Half-elves with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except secret languages, such as Druidic).


Race Corbrae Illinyel
Gender Female
Age 27
Class/ Level Bard 4
FC +1 to Skill
AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 14
(+ 5 Armor, + 2 Dex, +0 Shield, +0 Other)

Hp 27/27 Temp hp []
Fort +2 (+3) , Ref +6 (+7), Will +5 (+6)

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: A bard is proficient with all simple weapons, plus the longsword, rapier, sap, short sword, shortbow, and whip. Bards are also proficient with light armor and shields (except tower shields). A bard can cast bard spells while wearing light armor and use a shield without incurring the normal arcane spell failure chance. Like any other arcane spellcaster, a bard wearing medium or heavy armor incurs a chance of arcane spell failure if the spell in question has a somatic component. A multiclass bard still incurs the normal arcane spell failure chance for arcane spells received from other classes.

Well-Versed (Ex): At 2nd level, the bard becomes resistant to the bardic performance of others, and to sonic effects in general. The bard gains a +4 bonus on saving throws made against bardic performance, sonic, and language-dependent effects.
Speed 30

+1 Curved elven blade, +5, 1d10+1+1 S, Crit 18 (*2)
Light Mace +4 1d6+1 B, crit 20 (*2)

Msw Light Crossbow, +6, 1d6 P, Crit 19 (*2) Range 80

Special Attacks
Str 11 (1) , Dex 14 (5) Con 12 (2), Int 14 (5) Wis 12 (2) , Cha 14(5)
Racial bonus:+2 to Cha
L4: +1 STR

Base Atk+3
CMB +2 CMD 14

Racial-Skill Focus (Diplomacy)
Extra performance (+6 rounds)
L3-Exotic Weapon Prof (Elven Curve Blade)

SKILLS (Base 6+ 2 Int+ 1 FC+ race=9 lvl; 36 total)
Acrobatics +7 rank 2
Bluff +7
Diplomacy+9 Rank 4 (+12 Skill focus)
Know Local +6
Know Nobility+6
Perform Sing+9 Rank 3
Perform Dance+7
Perception+7 Rank 3 (+2 Keen senses)
Linguistics +9 Rank 4
Perform Oratory +7
Know History +6
Know Religion+7 Rank2
Know Dungeonering +6
Know Nature +6
Know Engineering+6
Know PLanes+7 rank 2
Know Arcana +9 rank 4
Appraise +6
UMD +7

Common, Elf, Draconic, Fey
Ling: Azlant, Goblin, Undercommon,Aklo

Cantrips (6 known, Ill)
Dancing Lights,Detect Magic, Daze, Prestidigitation, Resistance, Open/close

L1: (4 known, 4/day) Sleep, Cure Light wounds, Comprehend Langages, Identify
L2: (2 known, 2/ day) Heroism, Mirror Image


Bardic Knowledge (Ex): A bard adds half his class level (minimum 1) on all Knowledge skill checks and may make all Knowledge skill checks untrained.

Bardic Performance: A bard is trained to use the Perform skill to create magical effects on those around him, including himself if desired. He can use this ability for a number of rounds per day equal to 4 + his Charisma modifier. At each level after 1st a bard can use bardic performance for 2 additional rounds per day. Each round, the bard can produce any one of the types of bardic performance that he has mastered, as indicated by his level.

Starting a bardic performance is a standard action, but it can be maintained each round as a free action. Changing a bardic performance from one effect to another requires the bard to stop the previous performance and start a new one as a standard action. A bardic performance cannot be disrupted, but it ends immediately if the bard is killed, paralyzed, stunned, knocked unconscious, or otherwise prevented from taking a free action to maintain it each round. A bard cannot have more than one bardic performance in effect at one time.

At 7th level, a bard can start a bardic performance as a move action instead of a standard action. At 13th level, a bard can start a bardic performance as a swift action.

Each bardic performance has audible components, visual components, or both.

If a bardic performance has audible components, the targets must be able to hear the bard for the performance to have any effect, and many such performances are language dependent (as noted in the description). A deaf bard has a 20% chance to fail when attempting to use a bardic performance with an audible component. If he fails this check, the attempt still counts against his daily limit. Deaf creatures are immune to bardic performances with audible components.

If a bardic performance has a visual component, the targets must have line of sight to the bard for the performance to have any effect. A blind bard has a 50% chance to fail when attempting to use a bardic performance with a visual component. If he fails this check, the attempt still counts against his daily limit. Blind creatures are immune to bardic performances with visual components.

Countersong (Su): At 1st level, a bard learns to counter magic effects that depend on sound (but not spells that have verbal components). Each round of the countersong he makes a Perform (keyboard, percussion, wind, string, or sing) skill check. Any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself) that is affected by a sonic or language-dependent magical attack may use the bard's Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform check result proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the countersong is already under the effect of a noninstantaneous sonic or language-dependent magical attack, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it hears the countersong, but it must use the bard's Perform skill check result for the save. Countersong does not work on effects that don't allow saves. Countersong relies on audible components.

Distraction (Su): At 1st level, a bard can use his performance to counter magic effects that depend on sight. Each round of the distraction, he makes a Perform (act, comedy, dance, or oratory) skill check. Any creature within 30 feet of the bard (including the bard himself) that is affected by an illusion (pattern) or illusion (figment) magical attack may use the bard's Perform check result in place of its saving throw if, after the saving throw is rolled, the Perform skill check proves to be higher. If a creature within range of the distraction is already under the effect of a noninstantaneous illusion (pattern) or illusion (figment) magical attack, it gains another saving throw against the effect each round it sees the distraction, but it must use the bard's Perform skill check result for the save. Distraction does not work on effects that don't allow saves. Distraction relies on visual components.

Fascinate (Su): At 1st level, a bard can use his performance to cause one or more creatures to become fascinated with him. Each creature to be fascinated must be within 90 feet, able to see and hear the bard, and capable of paying attention to him. The bard must also be able to see the creatures affected. The distraction of a nearby combat or other dangers prevents this ability from working. For every three levels the bard has attained beyond 1st, he can target one additional creature with this ability.

Each creature within range receives a Will save (DC 10 + 1/2 the bard's level + the bard's Cha modifier) to negate the effect. If a creature's saving throw succeeds, the bard cannot attempt to fascinate that creature again for 24 hours. If its saving throw fails, the creature sits quietly and observes the performance for as long as the bard continues to maintain it. While fascinated, a target takes a –4 penalty on all skill checks made as reactions, such as Perception checks. Any potential threat to the target allows the target to make a new saving throw against the effect. Any obvious threat, such as someone drawing a weapon, casting a spell, or aiming a weapon at the target, automatically breaks the effect.

Fascinate is an enchantment (compulsion), mind-affecting ability. Fascinate relies on audible and visual components in order to function.

Inspire Courage (Su): A 1st-level bard can use his performance to inspire courage in his allies (including himself), bolstering them against fear and improving their combat abilities. To be affected, an ally must be able to perceive the bard's performance. An affected ally receives a +1 morale bonus on saving throws against charm and fear effects and a +1 competence bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls. At 5th level, and every six bard levels thereafter, this bonus increases by +1, to a maximum of +4 at 17th level. Inspire courage is a mind-affecting ability. Inspire courage can use audible or visual components. The bard must choose which component to use when starting his performance.

Inspire Competence (Su): A bard of 3rd level or higher can use his performance to help an ally succeed at a task. That ally must be within 30 feet and be able to hear the bard. The ally gets a +2 competence bonus on skill checks with a particular skill as long as she continues to hear the bard's performance.
GP 1524+1620=3144-2000
SP 5

Armor ( 12.5 ) +1 Mithral chain shirt
Weapons ( 11 ) Msw Light crossbow, Light mace, +1 Msw Curve elven blade
Gear (10 ) Backpack, 2 days rations, Waterskin, 2 flasks of Alchemic fire, Cloak of protection+1

Total 33.5

Light 0-43
Medium 44-86
Heavy 87-130

Height 5'8
Weight 125
Eye Color
Hair Color
General appearance:

Region of Origin
Deity Abadar

PFS 133884-20
[dice=Day job (Perform)]1d20+7[/dice]

XP 11
PP (9) 7
Buy CLW wand (2pp)

Emerald spire Hex path: A-B2-B3-E-B4-F-B6-G.
B2:+1 Fame/Prestige
B3:+1 Fame/Prestige
E: Country Estate vanity: +2 to Know Geo/Survival

THe Glass river rescue 5-01
Emerald Spire Lvl 1