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Mrs. Book is completely broke. We are going to need another water breathing spell or something if we come back, right? Someone got the cash for a water breathing scroll (375 gold)? Alternatively, depending on how long it takes to get us from town to the dungeon we could pay a spellcaster to cast it and that would cost 150 gp (for a total of 10 hours). I don't think we are close enough for that to be feasible though.
@DM Carbide
Do we have any loot to speak of which we could use to buy scrolls or potions?

DM Carbide |

You bought a second scroll of water breathing that you haven't used yet. You also found a potion of water breathing.

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That should take care of things. Then Let's move on the decision we made, go and rest, then return in a couple of days and see if things have reset. I propose we head right for the final room so as not to provoke the second summoner to join the first one. I also think we should rope ourselves together so that one of us is not dragged into the room by the current alone.
Sound good everyone?

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I'm ok with whatever the party decides. But without a frontline it seems the level has dragged a bit. No sour grapes intended. @GM I'm thankful you're letting us rest a lot

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Question: From our observations, do we get the impression that any of the areas would/could be drained of water by our actions or did the water seem to be refilling as fast as it rushed out?

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Is the door open to the closet area? I've put Mrs. Book where she would like to run to so that she can avoid having to cast defensively. But if that is not possible, I will pick a different location.

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Shall we tackle room 4 now? If so we should do a two-pronged attack to make sure she does not escape out the back.

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Is the Gate room the large room in NW corner with the two ladders down?
I know we want to avoid the mudman room in the center (#1)
(#2),(#3) and (#4) I thought were the rooms we had not cleared but we can only reach by going to the gate room first?

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You can get to the other rooms by going east all the way, then south to the corner and then west to the room of choice. A number of rooms have gates in them. Did you mean grate room? The room to the northeast has a couple of grates in it (I think).
The room east of #4 (the southeast room) had the other undine in it. The undine in the southeast room fled to room 4 when she saw the battle was not going her way, which is why I suggest that when we tackle it we attack from the west and north, blocking her from fleeing that way.
Room #1 has the mudlord, and room 3 has the mysterious caged beast. Room #2 is a bit of an unknown except we assumed both of the undines fled there. It might be empty if we take out the other undine.
So our main objective right now should be to attack the second undine in the southwest room. That is my thought at least.

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I am good with attacking room 2 from two directions. The grates are in the NE room. We can get there without water breathing. Then water breathing to get over to room 2. Tricky thing is can we walk there if weighted down with armor? Lybram can't swim reliably. Walking would solve his problem.
So i am ready to get wet and cast water breathing.

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So who hits from the west and who from the north?
I volunteer Mrs. Book for the west. Going to need to be a strong swimmer in the west group or we may get swept away.

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So, Joeseph and Mrs. Book head to the west door. The rest of you entering from the north?

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I am now confused. Rooms #2 and #3 each have only one door. Are we talking about the room with the #4? Assuming that is the case, moved viridian on the map....but if need swim checks, that might require wildshape.
And is the hall to the north of #4 full of water requiring swimming again?

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We are talking about the room to the east of #4. I should move the label to the room with the undine (the southeast room, the one east of #4), but at this point it would be even more confusing to do that.
And yes, that hallway has quite the current, at least in the southeast portion.

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@Lybram Tendras and Alton
Which group are you in.
I moved the icons for those that have decided, assuming the current does not prevent us from getting there.

DM Carbide |

Busy week at work, and I'm traveling over the weekend. I should be back to posting more regularly next week.

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Just as well, the PCs are taking time to figure out what's what and who's where.

DM Carbide |

Metagaming for a moment, you can skip the mudlord if you want. It's not blocking access to any treasure.

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Metagaming for a moment, you can skip the mudlord if you want. It's not blocking access to any treasure.
I was wondering exactly that.

DM Carbide |

The last room you need to explore/pacify is #2.

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Sorry it has been a real test these last few weeks. I think i lost the bubble on this stuff. I will post later today. My appologizes.

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I hate to do this but my life is getting very hectic lately and will probably stay that way for awhile.
Lots of irl and family issues.
So this will be my last one.
I wish you all luck on the dungeon, there is some very interesting things on later levels.

DM Carbide |

Thanks for playing, Joseph, and good luck with RL--especially the family issues. I'll have the chronicles together in the next day or so.
To everyone else: do any of you know a possible replacement player? Do you want to continue with just 5? Let me know.

DM Carbide |

This level is one that's recommended to be taken Slow, although I think Alton needs to catch up with the rest of you. Let me know how you want it reported. I also need day job rolls, hex choices if applicable, and OP numbers for Alton and Lybram.
Also, Joseph, Mrs. Book, and Corbrae are all showing as having played this before in Core; I'm not sure how accurate that is, though. Mrs. Book's supposed previous play was in GM Abraham's campaign, which is decidedly not Core.

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Good luck, Joseph. Definitely can appreciate RL and issues. Hopefully things settle down for you.
trapper: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (15) + 8 = 23
He will take a hex with woods or hills in it, if available.

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This level is one that's recommended to be taken Slow, although I think Alton needs to catch up with the rest of you. Let me know how you want it reported. I also need day job rolls, hex choices if applicable, and OP numbers for Alton and Lybram.
Also, Joseph, Mrs. Book, and Corbrae are all showing as having played this before in Core; I'm not sure how accurate that is, though. Mrs. Book's supposed previous play was in GM Abraham's campaign, which is decidedly not Core.
ES 5 was played by Firewarden Yanda as shown in this chronicle as you noted. Are you sure you reported this as core? It would make sense that there is a collision if you are reporting this as a standard chronicle. Either that or GM Abraham reported the session as core but if 3 of us are having a collision that points at a mistake in this reporting.

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Day job Godhome, librarian: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
Portfolio reroll
Day job Godhome, librarian: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (8) + 4 = 12
Normal Progression.
Mrs. Book repurchases the items used: 3x Sunrod, acid vial, scroll of spider climb, scroll of expeditious retreat, scroll of alter self. Also, she contributed 60 gp to the water breathing scroll

DM Carbide |

Yes, it's reported as Core. The PC I assigned GM credit to is still Core, as well. Check Mrs. Book's status and see if she was converted to Standard--let me know what you find.

DM Carbide |

I just messaged EbonFist about the issue. One of the other weird things about it was that the previous levels now have the same message, and I know that they didn't when I initially reported them.

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Check Mrs. Book's status and see if she was converted to Standard--let me know what you find.
She is still showing as Core, though her fame is being shown as 13 still, which means the fame from at least one of the chronicles is not being added in (17 should be the total).
What shows:
# 141936-22 PFC Mrs. Book (Core) Grand Lodge: 13/Fame: 13

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Mrs. Book is levelled up. Sorcerers are pretty easy, particularly when there are no GAB or ST changes.

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day job woodcutter: 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (7) + 5 = 12
OP? Character number is 165069-13.
What level are we supposed to be for the next part? If lybram takes it slow he will still be 5th level i think. He has 8XP currently.
I really had a good time in this game. Thank you for inviting me to join you. Unfortunately Lybram is not a great in combat healer. He will never be able to selectively channel effectively.
Let me know how best to take the chronicle. Slow or regular to stay balanced with the group

DM Carbide |

I think the original four party members will have 13 XP if they take this level at Normal progression, and the range for the next level is 4-6. Now that I look at the totals, everyone should probably go with Normal progression for this level and the next few.

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That's the same conclusion I came to.