DM Carbide |

I went back and checked the first few posts from GM Fuzzfoot, and it looks like your mandate to explore the Spire is from the Pathfinder Society. So the local Hellknights, while they don't mind you dealing with sundry menaces to law & order, haven't given you official status and direction in that regard.

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Excellent, I will consider recruitment an option then. The PFS loves to recruit.

DM Carbide |

I'm getting ready for vacation next week, and will be gone from August 1st to the 13th. I may have a chance to post, since I'll have a computer with me, but don't count on it.

DM Carbide |

I'm also still watching.

DM Carbide |

I'm back from vacation, but will be extremely busy with work the next three days--posting from me will be slow to nonexistent.

DM Carbide |

Mrs. Book, one of your alter egos is summoned to appear at the PFS1E Special.

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Thanks for the heads up. Silgil made his entrance thanks to you. I forgot to check the specials tab for links.

DM Carbide |

I'm running two games for GameDay XII and playing in three more, so for the next month or so I may be slow to post. However, we're almost to the end of this level; after this, there are only a couple of minor fights (one of which is avoidable). Hopefully we can wrap it up quickly.

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Thumbs up. Will your load force you to take a hiatus after we finish this, or can we expect to dive into the next level right away (albeit a bit slower than normal)?

DM Carbide |

I think we should be able to start the next level right away, once you've all leveled up and made your purchases.

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The rules say it takes 7 days to retrain one level in a class into one level in another class. The UC rulebook explains how much it costs per day per level (you would use level 3) and in PFS there is an additional cost of 1 PP per day. The PP cost will be prohibitive so I doubt you could retrain all three levels since we gain, in general, 6 PP per level and modules hand out even less.
Also, you would be stuck with the feats you selected unless you retrained them too and they would not come on line until you met the criteria. I do not see any feat incompatibilities though your feat count would go down as you have 5 feats (not sure how that was managed as a F1/R2 should have 3 and it does not say on the character sheet).
Then there is the matter of your stats. You are stuck with your initial stats which is not conducive to being a cleric.
In short, retraining as a cleric would be impractical. Retraining fighter to rogue or vice versa is more practical. Still messy, but doable.

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The order may be off but
Skill focus racial.
Precise from fighter
Point Blank Shot starting feat
Weapon Focus Rogue talent
Rapid Shot level 3 feat.
It would be an archery focused cleric but maybe consumables will see us through. I don't have the stats for cleric anyway.

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Yea, bottom line would be the stats (well that and the prohibitive PP cost).

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How far away is town, again?

DM Carbide |

Hour or so, once you're out of the Spire. I'll handwave it whichever way you want to go; there's plenty of food and water down here, and nothing will disturb you.

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We all ready to return? Spells prepped, etc.? Is the door I suggested fine with everyone?

DM Carbide |

I'll be getting the chronicle sheets together in the next day or so.

DM Carbide |

First, though, you should do your Day Job rolls, and let me know if you want to buy another hex.

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day job, librarian: 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
Gotta say it doesn't pay nearly as well as adventuring. No hex for Mrs. Book.

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Day job, singing: 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (1) + 8 = 9
Maybe I should take ten next time... That performance was horrible. I sounded like Mariah Carrey. ^^
Taking another hexagone: B3 (+1 Fame/ Prestige)
BTW, could we pin the link of the hex chart under the map for future reference?

DM Carbide |

The hex map is up.
Viridian, I still need your day job roll and your choice (if any) of hex.

DM Carbide |

Thanks much. I'll also be delayed in finalizing the chronicles; prepping for US Thanksgiving (food and travel) will take some time over the next couple of days.

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Mrs. Book will be buying a Headband of Alluring Charisma, +2

DM Carbide |

Joseph, which hex do you want to buy?

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How much gold are we getting?
Also I previously bought a grappling hook but didn't carry it because it is 14 pounds. Anyone able to carry it and still be at light load?

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3,711.00 is the base amount.

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Buying 40 cold iron arrows.
Debating between buying a magic bow for the +1 damage or saving for the dex belt.
The main offensive spells in the party are Color Spray and Sleep so if I do save up I should probably buy a scroll of Magic Weapon.
Hmm. Or maybe 2 PP for a scroll of Greater Magic Weapon. It's what, 2 casts at 5 hours each with a fairly easy caster level check from one of the arcane casters?
It would be unfortunate if we had to leave partway through though. A scroll of Lesser Restoration would also be a good party investment.

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just a few questions:
does the "+4 prestige" include +1 from my Hex? (B3)
I got +1 gold from Day job (total 9), is that right? (I rolled a 1, that said..)
I'd like to become a Draconian disciple, and I need 5 ranks in Know Arcana, among other things. Do that mean I need to be Bard 5, then start as a Draconian disciple 1 , or can I take the fifth rank in Arcana when I start my Prestige Class ( Bard 4 Draconian 1)?

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I've leveled up and completed purchases.
You have to have 5 ranks before you take your prestige class. The only way to get 5 ranks is to be level 5, then on your next level you can take a level of DD putting you at Bard 5/DD 1.

DM Carbide |

I've leveled up and completed purchases.
You have to have 5 ranks before you take your prestige class. The only way to get 5 ranks is to be level 5, then on your next level you can take a level of DD putting you at Bard 5/DD 1.
That's also my understanding of how it works.

DM Carbide |

just a few questions:
does the "+4 prestige" include +1 from my Hex? (B3)
I got +1 gold from Day job (total 9), is that right? (I rolled a 1, that said..)
The +4 Prestige does not include the amount gained from the hex, just from the scenario. That's why I initialed next to the hex benefit.
Re the day job gold, rolling 5-9 nets 1 gold. Rolling a 10 would have given you 5 gold.

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Actually I checked my math. I can get a dex belt + a cloak or a magic weapon + cloak.
I'll buy the dex belt + Cloak of resistance and let Blitz carry my grappling hook.
I'll also pay 2 PP for a scroll of Lesser Restoration with 5 casts on it.

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Viridian will buy +2 strength belt. Will update sheet with purchase but otherwise ready.
Wildshape will help with some options…limited flight etc
Cure wand has 22 charges, so no PP purchase at this time

DM Carbide |

I've got the map mostly updated, except for the friendly (seriously!) creature who will greet you as you enter the level. Also, I'll be slower to post over the next few days...I'm doing another marathon safety review for one of our sister facilities tomorrow through Friday.

DM Carbide |

Thanks for letting me know, and I hope the issues resolve well.

DM Carbide |

I'm sorry to hear that.
IIRC, the next level can be a challenge. Do you want to add a fifth PC (preferably a cleric)?