brvheart |

Introduce yourself here at least.
It has been decided that you were part of thecrew just rescued on the

Kaliban the Wayward |

Kaliban is an unremarkable half-orc at first glance save perhaps for his posture. Unlike many of his stoop shouldered bretheren, he carries himself like a... the proper descriptor escapes you.
Perhaps it's that he doesn't cower or give up his innate dignity.
A common tale or woe, outcast from his tribe at a young age and easily blamed for this or that crime among the rest of humanity. Seems he's escaped to the sea.
About ship, he's gracious and helpful with any sailing tasks, knowing him way around a vessel rather well.
He keeps to himself but doesn't suffer fools or specifically bullies, especially the bullying of others that are less capable of speaking for themselves, let alone defending themselves.

Cerise "Ci Ci" Barchetta |

Are any of the magic items in that pile up for grabs?
The Amulet of. Natural Armor and Wand of Cure Light Wounds would be
very useful for a cleric.

Cerise "Ci Ci" Barchetta |

Are any of the magic items in that pile up for grabs?
The Amulet of. Natural Armor and Wand of Cure Light Wounds would be
very useful for a cleric.
Soooooooooo, are y’all good with me claiming these two items?

brvheart |

My niece and her family are in town for New Years. They will be here until the 2nd. We should be able to resume after that although I can do short posts and answer questions.

Emerald Delta Waters |

Welcome aboard, Nico!
Ditto for sure

Emerald Delta Waters |

Are any of the magic items in that pile up for grabs?
The Amulet of. Natural Armor and Wand of Cure Light Wounds would be
very useful for a cleric.

Emerald Delta Waters |

No one's acknowledged Kaliban, so I'm waiting. Checking daily.
Welcome to the game, sorry, holidays getting back now

Emerald Delta Waters |

Cerise "Ci Ci" Barchetta wrote:Soooooooooo, are y’all good with me claiming these two items?Are any of the magic items in that pile up for grabs?
The Amulet of. Natural Armor and Wand of Cure Light Wounds would be
very useful for a cleric.

brvheart |

How many more events do you all want in this section where you are being begginer pirates? There are three possible more events, none of which is one where you are committing piracy against another ship? Are you bored with this and want to move on or are you up for more?

Cerise "Ci Ci" Barchetta |

Assuming we had time to rest and pray from the last encounter to this one, I want to swap out one first level spell: read weather for hedging weapons, if possible.

Emerald Delta Waters |

My items
lesser bracers of archery
amulet of natural armor +1
mwk aldori dueling sword +6 (1d8/19-20) or
. . mwk dagger +6 (1d4/19-20) or
intense spells +2
concentration +11
Skills, Knowledge (arcana) +11, Perception +3, Profession (sailor) +12, Spellcraft +11 (+13 to identify)
SQ amphibious,water breathing (can speak and cast normal under water)
Languages Aquan, Celestial, Common, Draconic, Elven
Tracked Resources:
Treasure tracking:
* six spears (hard as poles to carry barrel)
* large 4 man tent - used to carry barrels.
* two light ballistas - on ship
* light catapult - on ship
Wand of cure light wounds- 5/8 charges
Wand of summon nature's ally II-11/11 charges
small masterwork silver dagger
leather flask w/ depiction of a crocodile
potion of cure moderate wounds
MW Greatcoat with five large silver buttons (Button is a anchor feather
2 silver hatpins set with tiny obsidians worth 5 gp each
moonstone ring 30 gp
a silver locket depicting a beautiful, buxom young blonde woman worth 45 gp.
A finely tailored courtier’s outfits, worth 30 gp
40 gp, 99 sp, 98 cp
Chest containing:
* Scattered gems worth a total of 250 gp, 56 gp, and 97 sp.
* scrimshaw blade of great workmanship depicting an octopus worth 125
* jawbone of a shark carved with scrimshaw images of a vast
octopus eating whales and containing a dozen silver and
gold rings hammered into it (worth 250 gp),
* a huge hooked tooth from some colossal sea creature with a seaweed
plugged cavity containing six pearls worth 75 gp each.
1 finely tailored courtier’s outfits, worth 30 gp each. 1 each person and two in the chest.
lobster pot containing:
* Eight 4-pound silver ingots, each worth 20 gp.
* 3 Giant Coconut crab carapace for bone armor
* 3 small quarter cask barrels preserved food
* Two small Octave barrels of very cheap perfume worth 25 gp each.
* Wedding dress inlaid with pearls and set with three tiny rubies (worth 400 gp), - Sandara carrying
2 silver hatpins set with tiny obsidians worth 5 gp each, (2 each person) - Sandara wearing
* Among the furnishings in the lodge looted from the ship Infernus, wrecked on the beach, including a comfortable bed, a small writing desk, cooking gear. - leave in place.
* A score of chickens and three goats wander freely throughout the
Kitchen chamber. - on ship
* 12 barrels containing 20 gallons of oil each, - on ship
* 14 pigs - on ship
everyone received over 200 GP for their share of taking the Man's Promise.
Plugg +1 Cutlass and a MSW Cat O Nine Tails.
2 points of punder will be needed for squibbing the ship.
potion of cure moderate wounds,
screaming bolts (3);
tidewater cutlass (+1 cutlass; see page 59),
masterwork cat-o’-nine-tails*,
light crossbow with 10 bolts, , bracers of armor +1,
shackles of compliance (see page 58),
leather drinking cup,
betting stash of 100 sp and 200 gp
potion of blur,
potion of cure light wounds,
black adder venom (on punching dagger);
leather armor,
punching dagger,
masterwork handaxe carved with notches for kills,
shortbow with 12 arrows in leather quiver with a buttoned shutter to protect them from the elements,
boatswain’s call,
corked dark green bottle containing 8 doses of oil of taggit,
six gold teeth worth 5 gp each,
hefty waxed coat with many hidden pockets,
leather snuff box with a diamond stud worth 100 gp containing 1 dose of dark reaver powder,
silver wedding ring worth 25 gp, 14 pp, 29 gp
Wand of cure light wounds- 5/8 charges
Wand of summon nature's ally II-11/11 charges
2 lesser bracers of archery
small masterwork silver dagger
leather flask w/ depiction of a crocodile
potion of cure moderate wounds
MW Greatcoat with five large silver buttons (Button is a anchor feather
2 silver hatpins set with tiny obsidians worth 5 gp each
moonstone ring 30 gp
a silver locket depicting a beautiful, buxom young blonde woman worth 45 gp.
A finely tailored courtier’s outfits, worth 30 gp
40 gp, 99 sp, 98 cp

Emerald Delta Waters |

Did we just use plunder or did we sell the valuables

brvheart |

I have been watching xp and the party is only abouy 500 from going up!

Cerise "Ci Ci" Barchetta |

Fog Cloud, at my level, has a range of 140', and covers a 20' radius area.
How far are we currently from the Dominator, and how close can we get to them before they would likely see us?

brvheart |

You should be right near the rear of the Dominator ready to climb up and try and disable the tiller.