Laroisael |

Wanted to thank you for approving. I've been back on the Pathfinder brainrot for a few months, and have been anticipating playing again. It has been a bit since I've played, however I have all of the hardcover books (the ones that matter) so if I need to read up on combat rules I can easily read up on it. Either way, again, thank you for giving me this opportunity to play!

brvheart |

Howdy all and welcome matees.
Looks like Manny will be the cooks assistant as he know a little about cooking. Laroisael, as you have no ranks in climb you will probably start off with the rest of the swabbies, swabbing the decks. Hope ya gotta good Con Manny!

Nutѕ |

This is your resident frontline halfling reporting in. Thanks for having me. Looking forward to this one.
I can also imitate horse gallop sounds with coconuts, but not sure if that will come in handy on a ship.
Before we start, I would like to say that halfling avatars are in dire need of improvement on this site, so it is what it is.

Capricia the Pirate |

Avast! Capricia will help on the front line...once she gets her falcata and buckler back! Her build is very equipment-dependent, so she'll try to pitch in as best she can 'til that time.

brvheart |

My wife is working on an arcane caster and will show up in a few days. As she has been thru the first part, she is familair with it so it is not necessary for her to go through every step. She will be a swab. lol

brvheart |

I have noticed that several of you do not have common as a language. Here are the languages of the area
Languages: Common, Polyglot, Varisian
You might want to make some changes or there will be some communication issues.

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. Dot
Here is the bones:
Name Emerald Waters
Arcanist (blood arcanist/school adept) 1
(with a plan for levels in inspired blade)
Elf/Gnome or halfling undecided
Storm magic
Potent Magic
Pirate traits Davy Jones locker
Caster traits arcane training??
Elven Reflexes
Weapon Finesse
Arcane strike
Aldori dualing blade
Swept hilt rapier
Composite Longbow
14 (2)
14 (10)
18 (10)
8 (-2)
14 (5)
Some arcanists specialize in a school of magic and trade flexibility for focus. School savants are able to prepare more spells per day than typical arcanists, but their selection is more limited.
School Focus (Su)
At 1st level, a school savant chooses a school of magic. The arcanist gains the abilities granted by that school, as the arcane school class feature of the wizard, treating her arcanist level as her wizard level for these abilities. She can also further specialize by selecting one of the subschools found in the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game: Advanced Player's Guide. In addition, the arcanist can prepare one additional spell per day of each level she can cast, but this spell must be chosen from the selected school.
Finally, the arcanist must select two additional schools of magic as her opposition schools. Whenever she prepares spells from one of her opposition schools, the spell takes up two of her prepared spell slots. In addition, a school savant takes a –4 penalty on any skill checks when crafting a magic item that has a spell from one of her opposition schools as a prerequisite. A school savant cannot select the school understanding arcanist exploit. This ability replaces the arcanist exploits gained at 1st, 3rd, and 7th levels.
Bloodline Arcanist
Though most arcanists possess only a rudimentary innate arcane gift, the blood arcanist has the full power of a bloodline to draw upon.
A blood arcanist selects one bloodline from those available through the sorcerer bloodline class feature. The blood arcanist gains the bloodline arcana and bloodline powers of that bloodline, treating her arcanist level as her sorcerer level. The blood arcanist does not gain the class skill, bonus feats, or bonus spells from her bloodline.
If the blood arcanist takes levels in another class that grants a bloodline, the bloodlines must be of the same type, even if that means that the bloodline of one of her classes must change. Subject to GM approval, the blood arcanist can change her previous bloodline to make them conform.
This ability replaces the arcanist exploits gained at 1st, 3rd, 9th, and 15th levels, as well as magical supremacy. A blood arcanist cannot select the bloodline development arcanist exploit.
Contents [show]
The were the undisputed masters of wind and sky, and they unlocked numerous secrets of air magic. The vast majority of these secrets were lost when their civilization collapsed, but a few of their magical traditions have been preserved through the years. While the practice of aeromancy is rare, some arcanists today are able to rival the aerial mastery of the ancient aeromancers.
Djinni Bloodline
You were born with the power of air genies, and the magic of the djinn is strong in you.
Class Skill: Knowledge (planes).
Bonus Spells: shocking grasp (3rd), invisibility (5th), fly (7th), minor creation (9th), overland flight (11th), chain lightning (13th), plane shift (15th), greater planar binding (17th), wish (19th).
Bonus Feats: Dodge, Empower Spell, Great Fortitude, Improved Initiative, Lightning Reflexes, Power Attack, Skill Focus (Knowledge [planes]), Weapon Finesse.
Bloodline Arcana: Whenever you cast a spell that deals energy damage, you can change the type of damage to electricity. This also changes the spell’s descriptors to match this energy type.
Stormborn Bloodline
You trace your heritage to fierce and proud spirits of storm and sky, and living lightning sings in your veins.
Any suggestions to help me decide?

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The root of the wyrwood tree has a peculiar quality. When a weapon constructed of wyroot confirms a critical hit, it absorbs some of the life force of the creature hit. The creature hit is unharmed and the wyroot weapon gains 1 life point. As a swift action, a wielder with a ki pool or an arcane pool can absorb 1 life point from the wyrwood weapon and convert it into either 1 ki point or 1 arcane pool point. A wyroot weapon can gain at most 1 life point per day and hold up to 1 life point at a time. More powerful wyroot weapons can gain up to 3 life points per day and hold up to 3 life points at a time. Any unspent life points dissipate at dusk. A creature can convert life points from only one wyroot weapon per day.
Wyroot can be used to construct any melee weapon made entirely of wood or with a wooden haft. Constructing a weapon that can hold 1 life point increases the cost by 1,000 gp, constructing one that can hold up to 2 life points increases the cost by 2,000 gp, and constructing one that can hold up to 3 life points increases the cost by 4,000 gp.
I would like a wyroot staff

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As far as getting to the ship, it's that my school master was trying to portal me home and got off target and I landed on the deck of the ship last night while docked, they threw me in the hold, so now I'm in the same situation and my mother is likely worried sick, nut for now, here we are. Always wondered about pirates, guess I will find out.

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Spells, magic missile, feather fall (accident prone), expeditious retreat (to get out of trouble when she inevitably finds it), Shocking Grasp, Mage ARMOR, and Shield. Did I miscount, always seem to be making mistakes like that, oh well, say or vie, say la vo. I speak 5 languages but can't tie my shoes. I'm so oblivious at times, Like Whatever.

Laroisael |

should I wait until after the damage roll before I make the task roll? I wanna make sure Laroisael is still alive after that fall lol

Laroisael |

Not sure about the point in time when the fall is happening. If I am still in the ropes, can I try to catch Laroisael?
I say that cause she rolled a nat 1, so I'm assuming that's an automatic fail with the rules the GM set up about nat 1s?

Nutѕ |

This is in Acrobatics, long jump section, but up to GM ruling, really.
If your check succeeds, you land on your feet at the far end. If you fail the check by less than 5, you don’t clear the distance, but you can make a DC 15 Reflex save to grab the far edge of the gap. You end your movement grasping the far edge. If that leaves you dangling over a chasm or gap, getting up requires a move action and a DC 15 Climb check.
Though to be fair, a 60 ft drop at level one is... Dangerous. If all else fails, try to break the fall with acrobatics.

brvheart |

You are only up 25' so the damage is only 2d6. Not going to kill a character on day one just due to a bad die roll. You will soon have a friend that can help with your wounds.

Laroisael |

You are only up 25' so the damage is only 2d6. Not going to kill a character on day one just due to a bad die roll.
Considering Laroisael only has 7 hp and you rolled a 6, it was close lol. but I'm glad she lived

brvheart |

brvheart wrote:You are only up 25' so the damage is only 2d6. Not going to kill a character on day one just due to a bad die roll.Considering Laroisael only has 7 hp and you rolled a 6, it was close lol. but I'm glad she lived
You can go to your negative CON and I house rule that the party has one round to bring the character healed backed up to above negative CON. (This makes up a lot for no hero points)

brvheart |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Here is the link to Roll20
It took me awhile to get it working right. Had to delete it and start from scratch.

brvheart |

I understand, my wife is on my old one which went belly up about six months ago. Well, it went out again so she is on her tablet and phone. Part of what is taking her so long.
I think this is going to be a very different party than I am used to, which is ok. Sandara is a cleric of Besmara.
You will get more and more equipment as time goes by as I said. Sandara advises everyone to be patient. The day of revenge will come, when the time is right.

brvheart |

There are 17 hammocks on the lower deck for the crew and 4 for the officers.
I think I redid all the sharing on the files. email me if there is still an issue.

Harak |

Hey, guys.
I'm just going to go straight to the point, as ridiculous as it makes me sound, considering I JUST started playing in your game. I am going to have to drop out, at least for the next month, possibly longer.
Due to our production being behind at work, this week they put us on OT for 10 - 12 hour days, 6 days a week til the end of the year. I work on an assembly line, and the OT is mandatory. This was unexpected, and
I thought at first that rping would still be doable, and that I could simply write short posts for the time being. But, as much as I like the game, sadly, I'm finding that I'm not only exhausted, but feeling "brain dead" by the time I get home and that what time I do have is (understandably) desired by my wife and kids.
I'm really sorry to do this, but rather than limp and struggle through and still end up letting you down, I thought it best to withdraw before things really get underway. And to be clear, it's NOT your game that's at issue, here. It's me.
Again, my apologies.

brvheart |

I mean a month in a full PbP campaign is not that much.
NPC treatment?
We can if you wish as a party, otherwise I have replacements on the waiting list