DM Carbide |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The issue is that if I report it with even one Standard character, it'll change you all to Standard (including my character who's getting GM credit), and we'll all have to be reset.

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No rush here. Really appreciate the GM jumping in to complete this (and the reporting). I have on a prior occasion reported 4 PC's as core and later added the 5th core once all was straightened out. But definitely do not report with the standard PC in the mix. You already know what a headache that can be to switch back. :(

DM Carbide |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

The new number worked, Viridian. I reported it for everyone except Corbrae; note, btw, that Joseph showed up as Grand Lodge and not Silver Crusade. I manually changed the faction to Silver Crusade, but that's something else to look into. Chronicles will be coming forthwith. If you want to get a head start on purchases, you'll get 1398 gold.
ETA: Chronicles (mostly)! Let me know if I screwed anything up.
Joseph, the Craft skill can be used for a Day Job check. I'll get your chronicle once you do the roll and clarify your faction.

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Thanks DM Carbide, for rescuing this game and managing to finish it despite our horrible rolls! :D
My chronicle sheet looks great!
PS: would it be possible to post a link to the 'parcel map' chronicle sheet? I don't think you need to fill that one for us but I'm not sure if I have access to it on my end... thanks!

DM Carbide |

The parcel map sheet is HERE. Strictly speaking I should fill it out, I think, but it doesn't get reported, and I trust you all.

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Speaking of core, Mrs. Book would have had to order a wand of CLW, not Infernal Healing as the spell is not core. Ready to start level 2.

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Hey, I checked and you're right, Corbrae isn't registered as a Core character, even if she had only one Core adventure registered.. Maybe I made a mistake?
Should I copy/paste the character and register it as Core (with a new PFS number), to speed up things?

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Character rebuild. Selling off Longbow, Glaive and Studded leather.
Instead of the +1 HP I'll take +1 skill point for my favored class bonus.
Buying a Mithral Shirt, 20 arrows, Darkwood Buckler, MW Thieves Tools and Heavy flail. Spending 2 prestige on a MW composite longbow +2 str.

DM Carbide |

Hey, I checked and you're right, Corbrae isn't registered as a Core character, even if she had only one Core adventure registered.. Maybe I made a mistake?
Should I copy/paste the character and register it as Core (with a new PFS number), to speed up things?
I think you can get the character converted. Check with the online VOs in the Flaxseed discussion forum.

DM Carbide |

Joseph's chronicle sheet is HERE. Let me know if there are any issues with it.

DM Carbide |

I've been busy the past few days with house stuff--we're getting the windows replaced, and that's taken a lot of time to set up for. I'll get the map updated tomorrow, though.

DM Carbide |

Excellent! I'll get it reported ASAP.
ETA: report has been updated with Corbrae's information.

DM Carbide |

Window prep took longer than expected. I'll try to get the map updated tomorrow.

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I will have limited connectivity for the upcoming week; do not wait for Tibearius' turn and bot him as required. Thanks!

DM Carbide |

Thanks for the warning, and I hope you're doing something fun.

DM Carbide |

Well, good luck with whatever it is then.

DM Carbide |

Because stat damage is weird (AFAICT, STR damage doesn't reduce your carrying capacity, e.g.), no. You'll have a penalty to damage with it, and that's all.

DM Carbide |

Joseph can tell the attack came from somewhere above the party. Although the characters in the mist may not be able to see it, the rest of the party has informed them of its presence.
I'm out on travel until Thursday night, and will be slow to post.

DM Carbide |

I'm having trouble posting to the Gameplay thread. If it doesn't resolve soon, I'll contact Customer Service.

DM Carbide |

I managed to put up a short post by dint of posting under another alias and then editing that post.

DM Carbide |

Between work and construction of an elaborate dessert for the holiday, I was unable to post. Tomorrow, though (barring unforeseen catastrophes).

DM Carbide |

I fear it wouldn't ship well, but I can post the recipe. (Or if you're in the vicinity of Joliet IL, we might be able to come to some agreement....)

DM Carbide |

I hope you're all enjoying the holidays!

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Sorry I may have accidentally messed alignment up on map via phone. I tried to put back :(
I did not try to move Blitz back and risk map issues again(plus not sure if I’m in right spot)

DM Carbide |

Thanks for the heads-up. I can restore to a previous save.
ETA: Done.

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Hi guys! I think I will bow out after the end of this level. Just giving you guys a heads up so that you find yourselves another cleric. I've been really busy these last few months and not giving all the attention to this game that I should have (I was more expecting a quick dungeon crawl romp but you guys are doing this in quite the amount of details so I think you'll be better off with a more attentive and participating cleric... I was in it mostly for the fights you see, but Emerald Spire doesn't seem like this kind of megadungeon... it's more cerebral than I had anticipated! ;) )
Axes high, friends! 'till the next! ;)

DM Carbide |

There's more fighting ahead, but the different levels are unfortunately kind of hit-or-miss--some very good; some, well. Thanks for the warning, and we'll doubtless see you around the boards.

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I'll be honest. I prefer faster paced games and this has gone on over a year and we are still on the second level.
Possibly it is best if we call this one instead of continuing without a cleric.

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I'm at ease with the pace, personnaly. The Emerald Tower is huge, probably a few years worth of exploration. So it's no surprise the team of players evolve.
I understand people prefer shorter adventures or quicker paces, but if GM wants to continue, I'm in.

DM Carbide |

I'm good with continuing.
That said, if possible I'd like to pick up the pace over the next few weeks, to try to wrap the level before Outpost starts. That way, Joseph and Tibearius will be available for Outpost.
Come to think of it, if we finish the level before Outpost I'd be willing to take a break and let everyone play these characters in Outpost games.

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I haven't looked into the Outpost, I mostly just play the ACG. Definitely won't be playing Joseph in it though. I've already played nearly everything in PF1 normal and Core.
We can continue. No cleric will be rough.

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I'm in it for the duration.

DM Carbide |

Once we finish this level, I can try to recruit a healer.

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Once we finish this level, I can try to recruit a healer.
Do you have a rough estimate as to how long (real time) it will take before we are done with this level? thanks!