[Outpost VIII] GM Chadius 3-98: Expedition into Pallid Peril

Game Master chadius

RPG Chronicles Sign Up Sheet

3-03 (Thread|Slides) ◆◇↺ | 4-10 (Thread|>Slides<)

(I'm awake between 8 am to 10 pm EDT (UTC-4 hours) so roughly 1300 to 0300 hours, GMT.)

Howdy. If you're a member of one of my games, then here are a few rules I'd like you to follow:

1. Please post at least once a day.
2. Under your name, please add a stat block. Most important stats:

- Hit Points
- AC
- Saving Throws
- Perception Bonus

3. Any skill with the Secret tag should be rolled privately. If I show the DC, feel free to make the roll openly. Otherwise, there are 2 ways to do this in my games:

- You can say which skill and which bonus you want to apply. (Example: "I use Occultism +5 to investigate the skull's mystic origin.")
- Or you spoiler your dice roll and everyone sticks to the honor system of not opening it.

Example Occultism roll:
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (4) + 5 = 9

Get your >Pathfinder Provisions<

Once you have your character selected, please go to RPG Chronicles and post your character's details there >Sign Up Page<

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