Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22
Perception:1d20 + 16 ⇒ (10) + 16 = 26
Tarak sighs at the sight of the merchant he’s at least still half convinced is their enemy once again in disguise, then stiffens a big and squints into the distance.
”There be something else coming, raising a cloud of dust, that way.” he points towards the ominous cloud of dust, ”Ill take a look.” and shifts to a elemental and flies to investigate at a safe distance.
Radi (the merchant) says "Oh no, not again." in a pitiful wail and heads for the cover of the sphinx statue. Amazingly, this oasis looks a lot like the first one!
Position your icons on the Sphinx Oasis map (including the NPCs and wagon if you wish). Your approach was from the west and so is the cloud.
Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10
Hearing Tarak's comment about the cloud of dust, Gnasher turns that way as the druid changes shape and takes flight. Realizing the merchant's 'oh no not again' inferred these may be the very individuals that messed up his wagon, Gnasher drew near, calling out. "Merchant, do you recognized raiders?"
Hobgoblin Kineticist 12 | Init +6 (7), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +23 | AC 36, 17 Touch, 32 Flat Footed|DR 10/Adamantine | Fort +18 (20), Ref +18 (19), Will +11 | HP 151/151 (91/175) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 7/10|Active Conditions: None
Perception:1d20 + 18 ⇒ (5) + 18 = 23
Seeing the rising cloud Malgrim calls up his water shield and prepares to stop whatever is coming for them. "That's a lot of dust. Either they are moving quickly or there is a lot of them." Malgrim says.
Not sure how I missed that. Post-vacation catch-up syndrome? Thanks.
Tarak can see a force of gnolls, a couple of dozen of them, coming in three waves, which includes a giant creature with two heads. You estimate the first wave will arrive in a half a minute or so.
Anyone want to do any preparations? Set vs. charge? Spells? Hide?
Malgrim and Urah need to place their icons. Where should I put the NPCs? to the west out of the way?
Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10
Watching as the near invisible Tarak ascends Gnasher lifts his bardiche from his shoulder, gripping it in both paws. Taking a deep breath as he looks from his friend towards the nearing dust cloud. Turning he calls to Garavel, "Hide behind big lion thing, Tribe deal with dust cloud."
Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22
Tarak buzzes quickly back and informs Gnasher and company what he sees, before flying back up into the air.
If I can line up a bunch of gnolls in lightning bolt formation when they hit the max range of 120 feet, I'll start it off with a bang, else I'll hover 50' above the group
As you get closer you see that they are coming in waves. The first wave has several gnolls, the second has several gnolls and a few hyenas and the third wave an ettin and a few mounted gnolls. The dust is making it hard to get an exact count. You could easily get a group of 4 or so in one bolt in either of the first two waves, or 2 in the last wave. They do not seem to notice you.
I'm thinking Urah will be hiding from the fight unless he makes a post.
Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22
Tarak floats a bit to line up a few of the gnolls in a row and unleashes a bolt of lighting at the incoming monsters, hoping a few early casualties might make the others think twice.
I’ll go for the 4 in the first couple waves
Lightning Bolt, DC 18 REF for half:8d6 ⇒ (4, 1, 4, 6, 2, 2, 6, 6) = 31
Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10
Nodding his head in agreement with Malgrim, Gnasher looks from Urah as he leads the others to safety towards Tarak flying high above. He smiles as the fling Tarak throws a lighting bolt at the unsuspecting raiders. As they wait for the enemy to near, Gnasher draws his wand for 'shield' and taps himself.
I will include that with the AC in the header and count the rounds in my OOC
The lightning bolt is a big hit and fry 4 of them pretty severely.
4 of the advancing gnolls immediately halt and send a volley of arrows at Tarak, the rest charge on, flying into a rage that reminds you of Gnasher.
Their accuracy is pretty spot on and Tarak takes 27 points of retributory damage! More if your AC is lower in eagle form, less if it is higher or you are at long range (over 110 feet). Let me know what your current range and AC are.
Notes: The Rageborn have closed in and are within charging range or close to it. The Flind are still off the map. I moved Tarak to a position where he was able to target 4 of them, assumedly in eagle form, and assumedly about 15' up so the dust cloud did not prevent him from lining the bolt up. I have not labelled the gnolls yet or given them color. I'm betting they wont last long when they meet the meat grinder.
Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10
miteke wrote:
I'm betting they wont last long when they meet the meat grinder.
Awww you say the nicest things
Seeing the enemy near, Gnasher looks over his shoulder and nods to Malgrim. Turning back towards the enemy he drops his wand, lifting his bardiche in the air and moves forwards, raging as he does so. His paws grow into overly large claws, his eyes glow red, his fangs enlarge and he begins to froth at the mouth. While his brown hide takes on a red-orange cast to it, giving a peculiar laugh. Stopping where he can attack the nearest blue gnoll but still defend his tribe, Gnasher growls, "You should flee!" chopping at the Blue gnoll.
Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22
he would have fired whenever he could have lined up 4, preferably at max range, which is 120’ from the last ones. So, wave 2 might be over 110 feet if they shoot immediately. AC is 18 unless we are within 70 minutes of the last fight, then it’d bed 21
Notes: The second wave and the Flind are still off the map. Tarak is off map at maximum range to the north of the Flind archers and assumedly about 15' up so the dust cloud did not prevent him from lining the bolt up. Note that they will be making sure they are not lined up again, so any bolt will only capture 2 of them. At least at this point.
Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22
So, how many of the archers carefully not lining up in a row happen to be within a 20 ft diameter of each other? Looks like the first wave are all in a nice little group, but Tarak is more interested in those archers. I have 60' of perfect fly speed and max range is 180' and he'll want to stay as far as possible from those arrows but still blast them if possible
So, how many of the archers carefully not lining up in a row happen to be within a 20 ft diameter of each other? Looks like the first wave are all in a nice little group, but Tarak is more interested in those archers. I have 60' of perfect fly speed and max range is 180' and he'll want to stay as far as possible from those arrows but still blast them if possible
Yep, they got the lightning bolt figured out, but not the area affect. On the other hand spell casters are rife with area affect spells so they ought to be wary of that. On the third hand, there are not the brightest pennies in the pouch. I'd say you can get three of those pesky archers in a 20' area.
You might as well cast some kind of defensive spell. Your Mage armor is not up at this point. So that or a shield of faith. Probably unnecessary but better safe than sorry. Or you could lob a Magic Missile. The spell has quite the range. You might as well, You have lots of spell slots to burn so it costs you next to nothing.
Yeah I'll cast Mage Armor. All my oracle spells are out though as I got level drained. I'm effectively a level 1 sorceror in terms of spells.
Actually, I'm going to play it as though you are level 1 in either class as the drain is indeterminate. Basically I'll let you rechannel the class currently active as a standard action. More fun that way and I like fun.
Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22
Eyeballing the gnolls who shot him, Tarak flies into a slightly different area and a bit further away and, noticing that some of them grouped up to avoid his lightning, calls to a different aspect of the storm. Rather than the flash of lightning, he pulls the heat of the resulting flames of wildfires and calls it down in a towering whirlwind of heat and flame.
Manouver as best I can to stay at long range from the archers and hit the group of 4 with a Flame Strike
Flame Strike, DC 19 ref for half, half fire half divine:8d6 ⇒ (1, 5, 1, 6, 3, 3, 4, 6) = 29
max range is 180' and I'd like to stay as close to that as I can with 60' fly speed. When choosing a direction to go, I'd like to go somewhat towards the group instead of further north, so that's ... East south east
Tarak beats a minor retreat, heading out to long, and I do mean looong range, not liking those arrows at all. The gnolls are unable to dodge out of the way and take it on the chin. One collapses and the other two get a new crop of curly hairs.
The second wave moves in while the first wave bum rushes Gnasher only to have one of them picked off by Gnasher's Bardiche. The seven archers decide that the eagle thing is unfairly singling them out and decide to return the favor.
to hit bow, long range:1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (13) + 5 - 2 = 16 to damage:1d8 + 4 ⇒ (2) + 4 = 6
to hit bow, long range:1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (7) + 5 - 2 = 10 to damage:1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
to hit bow, long range:1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (10) + 5 - 2 = 13 to damage:1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
to hit bow, long range:1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (1) + 5 - 2 = 4 to damage:1d8 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 4 = 10
to hit bow, long range:1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (16) + 5 - 2 = 19 to damage:1d8 + 4 ⇒ (7) + 4 = 11
to hit bow, long range:1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (18) + 5 - 2 = 21 to damage:1d8 + 4 ⇒ (5) + 4 = 9
to hit bow, long range:1d20 + 5 - 2 ⇒ (3) + 5 - 2 = 6 to damage:1d8 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 4 = 7
Even at long range, that's a lot of firepower and Tarak takes another 26 damage leaving him close to unconsciousness. Not having decent armor is killing him. It might be time for him to find a hiding place while he heals up.
The rageborn gnolls start surrounding Gnasher and laying into him with their great axes and teeth.
to hit axe, power attack, flank:1d20 + 10 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (6) + 10 - 2 + 2 = 16 to damage, power attack:1d12 + 9 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 9 + 4 = 24 to hit bite, power attack, flank:1d20 + 4 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (9) + 4 - 2 + 2 = 13 to damage, power attack:1d6 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (6) + 3 + 4 = 13
to hit axe, power attack, flank:1d20 + 10 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (11) + 10 - 2 + 2 = 21 to damage, power attack:1d12 + 9 + 4 ⇒ (11) + 9 + 4 = 24 to hit bite, power attack, flank:1d20 + 4 - 2 + 2 ⇒ (16) + 4 - 2 + 2 = 20 to damage, power attack:1d6 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (4) + 3 + 4 = 11
to hit axe, power attack:1d20 + 10 - 2 ⇒ (7) + 10 - 2 = 15 to damage, power attack:1d12 + 9 + 4 ⇒ (9) + 9 + 4 = 22 to hit bite, power attack:1d20 + 4 - 2 ⇒ (8) + 4 - 2 = 10 to damage, power attack:1d6 + 3 + 4 ⇒ (3) + 3 + 4 = 10
Unlike Tarak, Gnasher is very well armored and everything either bounces or is dodged.
Notes: The third wave and the Flind are still off the map. Tarak is off map at maximum range to the north and east of the Flind archers about 15' up. The third wave is holding off, perfectly content to let the mob deal with the infidels. Filliped launches into an encouraging rendition of the groups past victories that provides inspiration.
I am putting you in charge of the NPC guards. Each of the guards has a heavy crossbow +3 (1d10/19–20) attack and there are 6 of them. Think of them as extra magic missile attacks that miss more often than hit :) Remember to apply the inspire courage to their rolls. I've put their icons to the east of the map and you can place them where you wish.
Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10
His odd hyena-like giggle becoming a full throat laugh, Gnasher drops his bardiche declairing, "Yes come closer foollish cousins!" Turning towards the southern gnoll, attacking with tooth and claw, intent on killing it, then attacking the eastern gnoll.
Hobgoblin Kineticist 12 | Init +6 (7), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +23 | AC 36, 17 Touch, 32 Flat Footed|DR 10/Adamantine | Fort +18 (20), Ref +18 (19), Will +11 | HP 151/151 (91/175) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 7/10|Active Conditions: None
Out of curiosity. Can I see the Ettin in the distance? I have a pretty big range.
So, for my action, I want to clear the gnolls from around Gnasher first in case they can get more then one attack as part of a Full Attack action. With that in mind I have the following targeting orders.
For my primary target, I target the least injured gnoll around Gnasher. If Gnasher killed all three gnolls around him on his turn I target the gnoll furthest north along the edge of the map, unless I can hit the Ettin. Since he is probably the biggest danger for Gnasher, if I can target the Ettin I do after all the gnolls around Gnasher are gone. If I can't see the Ettin or he is more then 240 feet from Malgrim, keep killing gnolls.
Malgrim targets the next beast in line and gathers water to him to send another empowered blast at the creature.
Gather Power, Empower, and Fire! I can shoot up to 240 ft with no cover. No one is in PBS range.
Gnasher starts pounding away and finishes off one of them with two blows and injures a second. Malgrim injures the third with a well placed bolt of water.
Malgrim eyes the ettin at the back weighing his chances at getting an early start on it (200' away at the moment).
I'm betting neither of you added the bonus from the inspire courage and added a point of damage. Correct me if I am wrong.
Combat Card Round 1 Ongoing effects not mentioned below: Inspire Courage +1
Bold may go.
Urah Pyr and guards (-0 HP)
Flind 3 (-29 HP, off map)
Flind 4 (-29 HP, off map)
Flind 5 (-0 HP, off map)
Flind 6 (-0 HP, off map)
Flind 7 (-0 HP, off map)
Flind 8 (-0 HP, off map)
Notes: The third wave and the Flind are still off the map. Tarak is off map to the north and east hiding his perforated hide. The third wave is holding off, perfectly content to let the mob deal with the infidels. Filliped provides inspiration.
I am putting you in charge of the NPC guards. Each of the guards has a heavy crossbow +3 (1d10/19–20) attack and there are 6 of them. Think of them as extra magic missile attacks that miss more often than hit :) Remember to apply the inspire courage to their rolls. I've put their icons to the east of the map and you can place them where you wish.
Urah & Co. Pepper the rageborn with a smattering of damage that mounts up. Nothing falls, but blood is spilled. Remember to add inspire courage. All your attack numbers should be one higher.
As the rageborn move in Gnasher takes an opportunistic swipe at one.
Notes: The third wave and the second wave of Flind are still off the map. Tarak is off map to the north and east hiding his perforated hide. The third wave is holding off, perfectly content to let the mob deal with the infidels. Filliped provides inspiration.
@Reminder to Urah
I am putting you in charge of the NPC guards. Each of the guards has a heavy crossbow +3 (1d10/19–20) attack and there are 6 of them. Think of them as extra magic missile attacks that miss more often than hit :) Remember to apply the inspire courage to their rolls. I've put their icons to the east of the map and you can place them where you wish.
Male Gnoll Bloodrager 12 | HP 146/146 Rage:182 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+15/R+9/W+8/11(rage) | CMB + 18/CMD 31 | init + 5 | Perc + 15 | intim. + 23 | Surv. + 15 | Rage: 29/29 HP+36 /AC-4/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 3/3, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10
Thanks for the reminder on the inspire!
Laughing as he slashes at one of the approaching gnolls, Gnasher growls as two arrows strike him at distance. Glaring at the archers he calls out "Cowards!" He then turns his attention to the gnolls foolish enough to draw near. Giving a hyena-like giggle, inspired, he attacks the wounded gnolls first, trying to finish what he started.
Notes: The third wave and the second wave of Flind are still off the map. Tarak is off map to the north and east hiding his perforated hide. The third wave is holding off, perfectly content to let the mob deal with the infidels. Filliped provides inspiration.
Oouch...So if a 30 Confirms the Critical then my empowered damage does 73 Magical Bludgeoning damage with Inspire Courage to the most injured creature around Gnasher.
Urah signals to the guards to fire another volley at the rageborn but finds that they may not be in range. Instead he beckons them to reload and get ready to move closer.
I have no problem with a gnoll given appropriate background. Gnolls are a fractious race and there are plenty of reasons for you to be add odds with the ones in the area.
I have no problem with a gnoll given appropriate background. Gnolls are a fractious race and there are plenty of reasons for you to be add odds with the ones in the area.
Very cool, I skimmed through the house rules, I will take a deeper look and edit Gnasher.
Since Gnolls are a 6 pt race and his traits and feats are pretty straight forward can I remove the "Xenophobic" label on the race so he starts with common? I used background traits for linguistics but this game does not use them.
Also, I post multiple times daily, but is there any information that you would like as part of the application process? Originally there was a discussion about dropping games and the reasons. I don't know if you want to discuss that or not.
If your character history involved not growing up with gnolls, then I am fine with you taking common.
No need to go into dropping history. As I mentioned, the original idea that taking folks that have never dropped a game didn't work out so well. I am now of the opinion that if you want to drop, drop, and I will find a replacement character. I'm more interested in having players that are active while they play so we can move the plot along.
As a quick metric that might help with refining your houserules, a long, long time ago I made a Freeform Class Selection system and posted it on the forums.
It's been pretty well playtested over the course of the last 7 years or so, and the bit that may help you out most is that I found the average Feat is worth roughly half of a "good" class feature (read: stuff like Weapon Training, Judgment, Bombs, etc. that are listed as "Defining Features) and about twice as good as a "bad" class feature (Well Versed, Trapfinding, etc. listed as Tertiary features).
Not all Feats hit that mark, by any means, but more than enough do. Make of it what you will.
If your character history involved not growing up with gnolls, then I am fine with you taking common.
Cool, well he did grow up with humans.
I've posted his fluff here, still editing the crunch, if you have any questions please let me know.
Gnasher was born to the ‘Red Claw’ tribe of Gnolls, they controlled a small territory in the south-east corner of the Pale Mountain region. The tribe was led by Charook a warrior full of rage and fury; he bragged that the tribe was descended from a Yaenit and this is where their great rage came from.
The ‘Red Claw’s’ had several locations where they made camp. The most popular was near a small silver mine which they sent their slaves to dig for silver to trade with the humans, specifically a merchant named Bahram Ibn Parumartish. This merchant was called ‘the worm’, because he would squirm around negotiations until he worked his way into a better deal. The tribe would meet ‘the Worm’ at their southernmost encampment; it was the furthest into the Pale Mountain range that the merchant would go.
Gnasher was almost two when his tribe travelled to the southern encampment to meet at a preset time with ‘the worm’. They had left the silver mine camp after entertaining a delegation from the Wormhollow tribe. Charook had met with Kikkling the Slight of the Wormhollow tribe. Kikkling had abandoned the traditional faith in Lamashtu the Mother of Gnolls and in his heresy chose to serve Rovagug and an upstart warlord called Carrion King. Charook laughed at Kikkling and threw him and his delegation out of the camp.
The ‘Red Claw’s’ were settled comfortably in their southern encampment when betrayal struck. The Carrion King had instructed Kikkling to bring the ‘Red Claw’ tribe to him, either as allies or as slaves. Being so vehemently rejected Kikkling broke sacred gnoll law and attacked and enslaved his fellow gnoll. After a vicious battle all the survivors were dragged off in chains to become the slaves of Kikkling, all except Gnasher.
Gnasher had been sleeping in warren with the hyena female that had adopted him, when the attacking Hyena’s came into the warren she fought them off. When she died Gnasher raged for the first time and finished killing the final attacker. He heard the battle overhead finish, he heard the six ‘Red Claws’ chained and dragged off. He hid in the warren for days living off of the carcasses of the hyena’s and did not come out till he heard the sound of the caravan overhead.
Waiting until the caravan left, he decided to follow. He lagged behind the caravan feeding off of the garbage they would toss out. Finally he was able to secure himself a place in the caravan as a sort of the guards assistant, watchdog and mascot. The caravan owner Bahram Ibn Parumartish ‘the Worm’ named him Gnasher.
Gnasher watched and listened, he had a gift for languages and soon learned to speak common. He learned the geography of the places they visited on a regular basis. He learned to fight from the different guards that ‘the Worm’ would hire. Eventually Gnasher went from being the guards assistant to being a guard himself. Then Gnasher heard that Garavel was looking for brave men and women to aid in retaking the village of Kelmarane from a tribe of gnolls in the service of the notorious Carrion King.
Gnasher went to Bahram and told him of the undertaking. Bahram understood Gnasher’s hatred of the Carrion King and the gnolls who had turned to Rovagug. In the years they had traveled together Bahram had helped him piece together the events that had transpired, so he understood Gnasher’s desire to seek revenge. He gave Gnasher his blessing to aid Garavel.
Appearance and Personality:
Gnasher is a Gnoll between two worlds: born into a proud demon-spawned tribe loyal to Lamashtu called the ‘Red Claws’ then seeing them betrayed by Gnolls serving Rovagug. He was rescued as a pup by a dodgy merchant appropriately called ‘the Worm’. He was raised in neither gnoll nor human society but by an unscrupulous merchant and the unreputable guards he employed. Because of that Gnasher does not fit well in either gnoll or human society and he avoids interacting with people or situations he is not familiar with. However, in areas or around people he feels competent or comfortable with, he will interject his opinion and be involved in the conversation.
He has substituted the merchant caravan as his tribe taking on its value of gold and trade as his own; Worshiping Abadar for a profitable trade as quickly as he does Lamashtu for a successful kill. He will protect both the people and the property of the caravan as if they were his own and he is willing to share his possessions with those in the caravan as they need. Except for food, he will eat his fill growling at any who approaches him while he is dining. Fortunately he is happy eating that which most would throw out.
He has learned how ‘civilized’ races view social things, even how they will treat their dead, and he enjoys teasing unsuspecting ‘humanoids’ about those social differences. He will scavenge things together enjoying what he finds as much as those things he has purchased, viewing Gnolls as scavengers first. Finally he will avoid work with an extreme prejudice, only assisting if it is a dire need. Fortunately he doesn’t view guard duty or fighting as work, but a responsibility to his tribe.
His appearance is similar to most Gnolls in Katapesh: Just over six foot tall, brownish grey hide and hair with black splotches on his back. His most outstanding feature is his red eyes, he claims to be caused by a Yaenit progenitor. He is clothed in a leather kilt, studded sandals and a soft padded linen vest he wears under his battered breastplate. His weapons are several second hand daggers, a sling and wicked pole arm called a Bardiche.
How He Got His Name:
Bahram Ibn Parumartish rode his camel near the front of his caravan, they were still too close to Gnoll country to be in the very front. The day, sweltering hot, the fat middle-aged slaver kept a large umbrella overhead and a fan constantly beating in his hand. Riding up beside him on a sturdy desert horse came his guard captain Dahrehn, the dark skinned Garundi brought the desert horse to a walk and called up to ‘the Worm’
”Bahram, sir, the trail before us is clear. The outriders report nothing to our flanks and the only sign behind us it the straggler from the ‘Red Claw’s’.” Dahrehn kept his bay gelding moving at a quick walk to keep up with the camel, waiting patiently for his employer to ask any questions. ”So the pup still follows us, tenacious one that.” Bahram pondered as he shewed a fly with his fan. ”So the little bugger follows us still, he’s a stubborn one, that’s the way Charook was. Bad business that, we lost a good customer and a profitable flow of silver.” Dahrehn nodded his head in agreement ”As you say sir.” waiting to see if his employer would continue.
Bahram, using the end of his turban wipes the sweat from his neck, under his salt and pepper beard. ”Just as well we weren’t there when the attack happened, we would have lost more than the sale of a few slaves.” The guard nods his head in agreement as the merchant gathers his thoughts. ”Do you think he found the refuse pile we left unburned?” Dahrehn smiled as he answered ”Well Shiman said he saw it gnawing on the foreleg of the Gemsbok as it ran away when he approached it.” Bahram nodded, frowning, he may be a gnoll but he’s still not an it””Maybe he will decide to joins us, we shall see, make sure there is plenty of refuse left tonight for a hungry gnoll cub.” Dagrehn nods as he slows his mount down to turn around and continue checking on the caravans security, ”As you say, sir.”
The Juvenile gnoll followed behind the caravan, oblivious to the sun beating down on him, oblivious to his own lack of clothing, oblivious to the gore and blood crusted to his hide, oblivious to the scabbed over cuts and scratches covering him, only concerned with the antelope leg he gnawed upon as he ran doggedly behind his new tribe. ”Three days they leave me food, no one has beaten me, no one has tried to eat me, no one has thrown anything at me. They must be powerful to leave me all the food they do: head and brain, intestine and offal, bones and morrow. I never eat so good with ‘Red Claws’ they are gone now so it does not matter. When I am big I will find out what happened, but now I must stay near new tribe if I want to eat.”
It was at the beginning of the second watch when Dahrehn finally settled in his bedroll near the large fire, ’Almost too warm to sleep this close to the fire. We could have just a small cooking fire, but It wouldn’t keep the lions away as well, or allow us to see any attackers. I think our gnoll cub will enjoy the remains of the warthog we butchered, maybe we will leave him some of the cooked parts tomorrow night. I wonder what caused the boss’ preoccupation with the little bugger is, we certainly can’t sell him.”
Dahrehn finally dozes off to sleep but is soon awakened by screaming ”Aaaaaggggghhhh, I’ve been bitten! I’m bleeding! Kill that beast!” Dahrehn, the captain of the guard, bolts awake, recognizing the voice of Shiman the tall Mauxi spearman who was on the north guard post on the second watch. Dahrehn began to yell Alarm! Alarm! as he grabbed his Khopesh and shield running to the screaming wearing nothing but his kilt.
As he and others arrive at the scene, Shiman has stopped screaming and is poking around in the brush with his spear, bleeding from a bite wound on his calf. Dahrehn quickly asks ”Where? what direction? How many?” Shiman, looking a little sheepish, ”Well, over there sir.” pointing to the brush with his spear. Dahrehn raises an eyebrow waiting for the Mauxian to continue. ”In the weeds, one sir, the little bugger who has been following us, sir, he attacked me tried to eat me.” Shiman points to his leg, begins to look around hoping for some support from the other onlookers.
Dagrehn takes a torch from a nearby onlooker and walking up to the brush area holds the torch out so he could locate the gnoll. Seeing the reflection of the creature's red eyes first Daggehn approached near enough to see the naked gnoll cub. Holding the butchered warthogs head by the nose with one claw and scooping out the grey matter with the other shoveling it into his mouth. Shiman, seeing the shadow of the gnoll raises his spear to throw it, just at the cub pulls his claw out of the warthogs skull and pointing at Shiman saying in a gravelly voice ”Him asleep, him not supposed to sleep, him get tribe killed”
”Bwa ha ha, put your spear down Shiman, isn’t it bad enough that you fell asleep and let a pup catch you at it?” Dagrehn turned around in time to see Bahram, the worm himself; his head uncovered, his long black hair falling on his wide shoulders, his robe held shut with one hand, his other hand resting on Shiman’s raised spear handle. The merchant continued
”Shiman you know the fine for dereliction of duty! Turning to Dagrehn he continued. ”Captain dock this man a week's pay…” Then pausing for a moment he continued, turning to the Gnoll pup pointing, ”And give it to that one over there.” smiling a sad smile he turns to Dagrehn, ”He has Charook’s eyes, doesn’t he captain.” Then addressing the pup directly ”Would you like that ‘Red Claw’ you can come work for me, it will be like a tribe, a little. You can make sure these knaves stay awake at night.” The pup, excited by the idea of officially belonging to his new tribe, vigorously nods his head.
Bagram moves to go back to his tent, then turning back and addressing the pup he adds.
”We need to keep these guards awake, but don’t bite them the first time, just gnash your teeth at them to give ‘em a warning.”
As a quick metric that might help with refining your houserules, a long, long time ago I made a Freeform Class Selection system and posted it on the forums.
I don't think I will go through and assign values to class features, but I do encourage players to approach me if they want to tweak (or even create) an archetype and the concepts you have in that write up pretty much line up with my thinking. Too many archetypes trade a good class feature (sometimes even a lynchpin feature) for a weak one making the archetype unplayable.
Here is the simple way to do it. Build your character by normal rules. Then at some point if you take a really bad feat ask the gm how many points you have left. Once you have 10 points saved up you can get basically any feat. Good feats cost 10 points.
I thought about building a human or tiefling descendant of frost giants (lol!), elementalist shifter or kineticist :) all about cold damage, likely melee with switch if needed. But honestly I’d be happy to fill roles the party needs!
Really there are two things you do have to watch out for:
1) I allow some race building, BUT you lose build points for races with more than 10 RP and gain build points for races with less. So if you do take a Tiefling you may end up having to ditch a trait or take a substandard feat as your first feat.
2) Skill related traits and feats have a formula. You buy them and skin them however you want.
The complicated stuff is about getting points back for substandard feats and for doing a little race building. Mostly you can build your character the old fashioned way and then you either negotiate with me for a point reduction because you took a substandard feat or I just give you some. But you could just ignore it all for now as long as you do not take a race > 10 RP.
The other stuff has to do with adding crunch to your character sheet, how loot is handled, what I expect in a post, and encouragement to tailor an archetype. If you don't want to refine an archetype then you can learn all that other stuff later.
The party could use a ranged character and a full caster. So a kineticist would be welcome or a shifter that does ranged.
I'm unemployed and don't leave my house.
I used to do tonnes of backstory for my PCs but I realized eventually that I prefer leaving them open so I can develop them as I move along. I also like to have them be genuinely affected by their experiences. No shrugging off trauma like a superhero.
They seem fine to me.
I have a character I made for another LoF selection that didn't make it.
Gilshah Jannizadeh is a Suli who only recently found out she has Janni ancestry. Her Eidolon Abenahir is the one who told her. Their relationship is one where is helping her explore her heritage. Hundreds of years old, he is merely a youth among his kind and hopes to gain more power through his link with Gilshah. (I built him for melee but he could easily be an archer or switch-hitter)
Sure, if you want in you just need to build out the character sheets for your character and eidolan. I don't think I've ever seen an eidolan archer. That would be interesting. Almost makes me want to build one.
I'd like to submit myself, and a Tengu Slayer, for consideration.
For dependability, I am a stay at home dad and can commit to at least 1-3 posts a day but won't commit to more. I recently had to drop my ... first? Game (non pathfinder) because the post rate was like 20+ a day and it was just too much to keep up with.
Flexibility, I'm up for whatever, but I do have a question at the bottom.
Creativity, it does depend on the group to see how much RPing I do, I really like to get into the character but if I'm the only one I'll pair it back a bit, I do so love descriptive posts so I always have to include something at least.
Question on crunch, I'm a bit confused by the BP relating to feats, are there any special rules set up by the group yet, or should I just creat as normal to start?
I will be putting together the character and should have at least a basic character up in a few hours.
Katana (Masterwork)
Lamellar Armor (Steel, Masterwork)
2x Potion of Cure light wounds;
Kit, ranger's;
Outfit, Hot Weather;
Kk'rach also has the Exotic Weapons alternate racial trait, gaining Katana, Wakizashi and Tetsubo eastern exotics.
apologize for the formatting, my computer has decided to give me issues with the cookies thing so I'm on my phone for the time being.
Erk, I just saw you were wanting ranged or a full caster. I would also be happy to make a druid, especially if the GM would be gracious enough to allow a storm druid the lightning subdomain (I mean, come on STORM druid doesn't get lighting?)
It seems you already have other candidates pushing, so I will step out. Between us, like I said, the whole "extra points system" is somewhat too confusing and subjective for my "simple" brain :) Have fun, peeps.
Here's some crunch, I tend to avoid making another alt until accepted into the game, if that is alright with the GM.
I've got some ideas for fluff rolling around in my brain, but I'll have to mull it over before I devise a background.
** spoiler omitted **
Erk, I just saw you were wanting ranged or a full caster. I would also be happy to make a druid, especially if the GM would be gracious enough to allow a storm druid the lightning subdomain (I mean, come on STORM druid doesn't get lighting?)
A druid would be great. I see no problem with going blaster with the lightning domain. That would be a better fit with the current group.
Acid Flask (2)];
Alchemist's fire (2)
Potion of Cure light wounds (2);
Scroll of CLW (3) [ all druid CL 1]
Scroll of Shillelagh
Scroll of Expeditious Excavation
Scroll of Endure Elements (3)
Case, scroll;
Outfit, Hot Weather;
Rope, hemp (50 ft.);
Lamellar Armor (Horn) - Masterwork
Quarterstaff - Masterwork
Sickle, Alchemical Silver
Dagger, cold iron
My first thought as to why a storm druid would be out in the desert is simply he's a bit crazy. To expound I envision him being originally from The Shackles and served on a ships crew as one so touched by storms is likely a good omen. During one particularly bad storm he decided to commune with Gozreh from the crows nest and came down he had decided these things called deserts he had heard about didn't get enough rain, so he jumped ship and wandered to Katapesh to work on bringing more storms to the desert. How exactly he interacts with the group I guess will depend on where you are all at in the AP, but he'd work for coin, adventure, whim or divine guidance.
Well, at some point I'd like you to add the crunch and show where your numbers are coming from, but we can iron out th3e details later. Get on over to gameplay and introduce yourself.
So what is the party looking out for, maybe I can dig something out. :P
Original party members are Lupe a wolf-mounted Skinwalker Cleric who is comfortable as a front liner and Casper a Male Human Rogue/Fighter knife master.
The two new additions are Tarak a human Storm Druid and myself, Gnasher a gnoll Bloodrager.
I'd love to see an arcane caster, but that's just my opinion.
Pretty light on ranged, once I run out of spells, at the moment. Arcane caster or ranged would be a delight, especially after reading that gremlin fight you all had.
Ranged damage is good. Something with access to an arcane spell list would also be helpful. We have wisdom covered Lupe is a decent face but we are week on knowledge checks now.
Normally I would say bard but Lupe has inspire courage so one should want to dig for the alternate bardic performances or go skald. Magus would also be awesome.
Since were talking about theory, I really like a full arcane caster for when things get hairy at higher levels. What your opinion on an elvish wizard of some sort that carries a bow for lower levels...
It's not really that tough, if you play a race with a 10 point build, you can take the normal one feat and two traits and be at 40 points. So basically just ignore the 'house rules'. If you want to tweak things you can get a little extra, but you don't have to.
Will need to really look through this build point system since it might turn out I might have no feat at all.
Looks pretty complicated and restricting. Looks cobbled together from other game system but based on the Advanced Race Guide.
Like Gnasher said, if you do not take a race with more than 10 RP you can pretty much do a build like normal. If you take one with a little more than 10, we will have to get into some math. You will probably end up having to sacrifice a trait or some of your racial traits to balance out, but we can do that together without your having to master the house rules on your own.[/ooc]
Yeah but this also means you are forced away from other races like the elementals theme races.
Pretty much pigeon holed into those races with 10rp or less.
Even feats are based on how popular they are.
To make it simple I'll likely throw up some human/elf/half-elf sorcerer. With no feats since ill have to buy my feats.
Even skills aren't 5he normal progression aren't they?
Not really. I mean, if you do take a 15 RP race, there is a reason they cost 15 RP. You will have to sacrifice something to take them, but those 5 RP are usually worth it. And with the house rules you are able to trade out the racial features you don't like. For example you could still play a 10 RP Aasimar if you dumped the spell-like ability and the diplomacy race traits.
And, like gnasher said, with 40 BP you have 20 BP left after a 10 point race which gives you enough for one feat and two traits, so I'm not sure why you think you would get no feats. Heck you could get two feats if you wanted to take them instead of traits and if you went human you could get an extra feat for a total of 3.
Basically the rules benefit you as a player by allowing more flexibility and (some) cheaper feats. The only downsize is that you pay for the advanced races, which I think is only fair. And frankly what I've seen is that most folks ditch the racial traits they don't like and come out ahead even if they DO pick an advanced race. Win-win-win.
Ok I got something, not sure if it's going to work all that well instead.
1) Ifrit is 6rp. Is that right? If yes, I'm getting somewhere with this else ignore the below parts to this.
Remove Elemental resistance for Wildfire Heart.
Replace Spell-like ability with Efreeti Magic (reduce person)
1.1) Else I'll be defaulting to Human again.
2) Gasher is level 2 so I'm assuming I'll be building as a level 2.
How is HP done?
2.1) Is Gunslinger, more specifically archetype (Bolt Ace) available since I note that ammo is XX.
2.2) Is stat rolled or point buy?
Class is Sorceror, if Ifrit then Fire Sorceror.
My apologies pls bear with me as I attempt to work this through. (I work on weekends sorry.) I might have missed the other important char creation in the earlier posts......
Gm requirements as answered:
1) Dependability
I check the Forums everyday. More then once even. Might be slower on weekends but I do check and get in a post as much as I can. Grammar and Spelling errors included as my fingers are big and my smartphone is small.
2) Creativity
I played a dwarf fighter in a party filled with magical Dudes. All the magic in the world and I was generous with shared loot. at level 15, I had +1 Plate, +1 weapon and that was it. Murdered a Lich with its phylactery because I told the dying wizard to use his arcane bond to cast anti magic field on me. Murdered every single magical Enemy dude in Dungeon because a fighter unaffected with magic is an angry dwarf with a really big axe!
Played a rogue with two paladins. Stole a dragon's hoard, gave magical sword and shield to the paladins. Diverted Dragon's attention to them. Players weren't pleased with me but we escaped from dragon with much of the hoard, I mean I escaped with most of the hoard.
Played a druid. Wild shaped to fish. Got eaten by a bigger fish. Made a new Druid. Was a laugh, had a laugh and still is worth a laugh. Why? I carried Party's loot when I got swallowed.
3) Flexibility
It might take me some time but by Moradin, I'll forge my way through funky rules and use them. Have played Rifts, Anima, White wolf and other game systems. I survived them. Let's see this one too.
Yes, with Ifrit you have extra points. If you want, instead of replacing elemental resistance or spell-like ability, you are also allowed to add additional traits without a trade in by increasing the RP cost.
Sounds like you are going sorcerer then so no need to worry about ammo/gunslinger.
Yes, you are building at level 2
2.6 from the house rules:
- Max HP at 1st level, roll each additional level with a minimum of half rounded up
So take the max for the first level and post your roll for the second level and if you get less than half the max, take half the nax.
We use a 20 point buy - I really should add that to the house rules doc!
Still gonna replace those traits.
Going for a simple build and those traits won't be needed.
Feats: Improved Initiative.
Feat at 3rd Level: Cunning/Toughness
Greetings. I'd like to apply as well, to add a little more Gnoll flavor. Submitted for a former LoF, some time back.
Dim-Grin, Gnoll Ranger:
Desert heat, cold nights.. He liked it just fine. It was home. Travel was good, and spoils were better. Sometimes it was scavenging from failed trade caravans, other times it was taking what they had directly. Even rarer were those that had something that would be traded for. It was life. Strongest-over-weakest. Everything could speak if you knew how to listen...
Some of the travelers were not attentive. So he would creep closer, and steal from them without them knowing it. First, their tongues were stolen, and after that, their secrets were his. Some were forgetful, and their items became his. Some were weak, and their lives became his. Maps brought more secrets, and those secrets brought him respect. Things had power. He was not the top of his pack, but neither was he the bottom. As long as the sand was underfoot, and the winds blew hot or cold, he was home. Only the weak fear death in their own home.
Traits: Jackal Blood, Reactionary Alignment: N
Possible types of Ranger being considered are Beastmaster, or Spirit Ranger, as it seems appropriate for the setting. I'll admit to a love for the Ambush Hunter
Well, we had a drop so we need another player. 5th level and we have a bloodrager, blaster sorcerer, and blaster druid.
What I need is a character sheet with all the numbers. If you use a tool like herolabs you will need to beef it up and cite where the bonuses come from so I can review it. That is the one big hurdle, though I'd also like someone who could post daily.
There are some house rules in the link at the top, but you can ignore the section on Build Points as we abandoned that (which is why it is strikethrough).
Sounds interesting, yeah. Is there any sort of character the group would prefer? The lost character was seemingly a cleric (right?). But it appears as though some skill-monkey might also be a good fit?
Do you only need the character sheet, not a background? If you'd like a background, is there any chance you could perhaps give a small synopsis of what happened in the module thusfar and where the party is? Just for us who are not familiar with the path outside of the player's guide.
The cleric who dropped was mostly a frontline fighter so some backup/battle buddy with out bloodrager would be good.
Some healing wouldn’t hurt either since we’ve been getting by with scrolls and wands so far.
Edit: All the current players are adds now, but basically the group is guards/mercenaries for a caravan or exposition to an old town. We’ve cleared the outskirts and town of gnolls and are just heading into a locked and sealed temple to clear out some type of evil we haven’t met yet.
All right, cool. Though, what does it mean that all current players are 'adds'? Adds of what?
I had three initial ideas for characters:
-an invoker witch with the healing or recovery patron and the healer's hands/incredible healer feats. Could cover the knowledge checks, can debuff enemy saves for the blasters and has decent healing along with some buffing. Though obviously no frontline melee capacity.
-A sacred huntmaster inquisitor who drops his domain for lifelink and channel energy. Potentially also has incredible healer/healer's hands. Brings two bodies, has melee capacity and is probably a decent healer. Though won't be able to debuff saves or handle knowledge checks as well.
-A variant of the inquisitor above was a more traditional herald caller cleric purely based on healing and summoning, with an animal companion substituting for melee presence next to the summons. Probably more powerful than the inquisitor but less melee presence until the summons land. Also more bookkeeping because summons in case that's an issue.
Let me know if there is a preference for what the group would like to see as an application, all three seem interesting to me.