What the heck, I'll just submit him anyway. I'll wait on an alias until I'm perhaps selected. I'll submit Olaf Son of No-one, magus. Background:
Olaf grew up in a prestigious position, his father was a member of the famed Ulfen Guard of Taldor, protector of the Grand Prince himself. As a child of such a powerful warrior, Olaf dreamed of nothing other than joing the famed guards himself, and early in his youth the prospects were very good. He grew tall and strong, excelled in brawling and swordplay and was highly motivated. Unfortunately the fates did not have such a path in mind. During his youth Olaf befriended a number of smaller kids, his protective nature causing him to stand up for those of lesser stature, and as they grew some of these friends went on to study the Arcane arts. Spending time with the budding wizards lit a fire of desire in the fighter, a thirst to learn magic so strong he couldn't but help himself in trying to learn magics. He was pretty good too, it didn't take him long to master numerous tiny cantrips and tricks. But this was a horror for his father, who only valued martial arts and after weeks and months of bickering and arguing, he eventually forbid Olaf to continue his studies. In typical hot-headed youth fashion, Olaf threw the decree back in his father's face and stated he would study magic through Hell or high water. In a moment of rage, Olaf's father disowned him, throwing him from his family and dwelling and out onto the world alone. Quickly Olaf also learned that many of his previous friendships were shallow as the prestige of his father's name, and he was well and truly alone. Not being the easy to keep down sort, the young man packed up what belongings he still owned, possibly stole some others, and set off by himself into the world, determined to make such a legend of his own name that his father would have no choice but to take back the harsh words he had thrown at his son. Stats and whatnot:
Olaf Son of No-one Magus 1 N Medium Human Versatile Heritage Humanoid Perception +3; Languages Common, Dwarven, Elvish, Jotun, Orcish Skills Acrobatics +1, Arcana +6, Athletics +7, Crafting +6, Lore: Desert +6, Medicine +3, Occultism +6, Society +6, Survival +3 Str +4, Dex +1, Con +1, Int +3, Wis +0, Cha +0 Items Hide, Backpack, Bedroll, Chalk (10), Flint and Steel, Rope, Rations (2), Torch (5), Waterskin, Soap, Spellbook (Blank), Basic Crafter's Book, Repair Kit, Steel Shield (Hardness 5, HP 20, BT 10) AC 17 (+19 with shield raised), Fort +6, Ref +4, Will +5 HP 18 Shield Block Speed 25 feet Melee Bastard Sword +7 (Two-Hand d12), Damage 1d8+4 (S) Spellstrike Arcane Cascade Arcane Prepared Spells DC 16, attack +6 1st Magic Weapon; Cantrips Detect Magic, Gouging Claw, Electric Arc, Ray of Frost, Shield Focus Spells (1 points) Shielding Strike As you attack a foe, warding magic transforms your momentum into action and lifts your shield. Make a melee Strike. You can then either Raise your Shield if you're wielding one or cast shield if you have the spell. Additional Feats Quick Repair, Terrain Expertise, Toughness Additional Specials Conflux Spells, Hybrid Study (Sparkling Targe), Spellstrike Specifics Me: I'm typically able to post multiple times a day and will let anyone know if I have any issues with at least one. Personality is very go along to get along and lets all have a good time. Reside in CST time zone.
Badge Number: 3d10 ⇒ (1, 9, 7) = 17 I'll submit Marcellus Horax (Badge Number 197), hulking banker and sometimes lawyer of Abadar, but mostly he's there to (non-lethal)spell strike the bad guys into justice. I'm still learning 2e but I think I've got a pretty decent grasp on the ruleset and have time to post at least once a day. The other rules look very reasonable as well. Above posted character is set to level 2 and I did use the rules for starting a higher level character (20 GP and one level 1 item), if that's incorrect, let me know and I'll adjust as necessary.
Nevermind, I have just enough wifi to get my laptop outside. A character concept: briefly explain who they are and what they bring to the party. Pistolero Gunslinger who will branch into Eldritch Archer Magus at 6 or so. I want to be spell striking bullets from a pepperbox pistol ASAP. Although I guess of all APs, Trench Fighter fighter might actually be allowed to get into Magus by 5 and still get Dex to damage. I plan to have a little extra charisma and be able to bluff at least decently, as well as int for knowledge checks. But his main role will be ranged striker. Backstory: A brief overview of your character's history, showing what motivates them. My plan is a Cheliaxian street thief/con man impressed into the navy (after a screwed up heist) and sent to The Shackles as a spy. He managed to work his way to apprentice for a gunsmith in Port Peril (because it turns out he hates ships and sailing) but eventually got discovered by the pirates. On the run and disavowed by Cheliax, he ran to Taldor. Motivations right now are not being hunted, followed by making money. Why Heldren: Why is your character in the small town of Heldren in southern Taldor? He's just looking for a place where he's not currently wanted where he can get back to gambling and running con schemes on dumb folks with too much coin, though he's not above some robbing or mercenary work if it pays. A little crunch: This should at minimum be a race/class/archetype combo. I don't need full crunch at this time, but if that's your thing go wild. Human gunslinger (pistolero). As I said, going to go into Eldritch Archer as soon as I can as well. Edit: Backup character if DM thinks guns and gunslingers should be avoided would be a Kineticist, still ranged striker and I'd have to change the backstory a little.
Arjuna332 wrote:
You know what, on second thought I think I'll just drop from consideration. There seems to be plenty of interest and I'm not feeling this character.
Arjuna332 wrote:
If you don't mind, I'll avoid making yet another alias until selection, so as to not clutter up all my aliases. I'll submit Melaxus, Cleric of Asmodeus Stuff: Level 1, Human, NE, Cleric of Asmodeus, Domains Trickery and Ash (Fire)
Background (not fully fleshed out): Raised in the church of Asmodeus, abandoned on the steps and spent his early days both learning the faith as well as working as a lawyer associate (I'll go background skills in profession lawyer and maybe scribe). Personality will be generally friendly, in a slimy way, and the rest will be fleshed out a bit more when I get to play him some, I always like to kinda get a feel for the game and adjust to see how it all fits in. I have a full character sheet available if you want GM, these are just the short notes.
DM_Delmoth wrote:
Good to know!
Dotting for interest. I’ve got a burning desire to play a gunslinger next though so that seems out*, I do have a tiefling fiend flayer magus who followed Zon Kuthon that I started long ago and had the game fizzle, I suppose I could consider updating and submitting him. *if it’s a background thing and not mechanical thing, I’ve got an idea of a traitor/double agent/spy for the Chileaxan Navy who had to flee The Shackles after things got too hot.
Cuchulainn wrote:
I was in a group that TPKd Reign if Winter, twice, before we all wandered off.
Basic outline of my background is that he grew up the child of major stakeholders in a minor mine on Akiton and enjoyed relative luxury and education until his early adulthood when the mine went belly up and they lost everything. Still, educated and quick to learn he bounced around doing any odd jobs he could scrounge until he got a sweet gig at Abadarcorp. Of course that's when he got snarled up in an attempt to unionize. What, you ask? Laborers? Miners? Fabricators? Programmers!!? Nah, accountants! Yeah, the money guys tried to push their weight with Abadarcorp, THAT didn't work. So he bounced around some more, doing things legal and less so till he caught on with this crew. Handy with a computer and a spreadsheet (also a gun or spells) is always useful on a merchant vessel.
I've got my guys backstory and crunch roughed out. Would have probably had more but my level 8 paladin in another campaign heroically sacrificed himself and properly died. So now I'm focusing on building a new character for that game, since it like looks like the group is gonna make it through fine.
Strek Armstrom wrote: Actually, you know what, Strek could take Powered Armor Proficiency at 5th and delay Weapon Focus until 7th in order to qualify for the Powered Armor Jockey Archetype, which only replaces features at 6th, 9th & 12th, and so wouldn't interfere with him taking Improved Overcharge at 8th. That was absolutely the archetype I was looking at too, seems pretty cool.
Strek Armstrom wrote:
Sounds great, I wish Zulu had gotten into the boost weapons when he had the chance, it never quite worked out with the way the AP went. Adding a few more damage dice would have been fun. Experimental Weapon will get you the heavy weapon proficiency for free (but not heavy armor IIRC) and Calibrate is crazy powerful, letting you add your level in damage twice. I haven't had too much issue hitting my target after GM graciously let me switch from Exocortex and really didn't find many of the other Exocortex options coming into play. And sure, I'll be happy to focus on computers if you want to do the engineering, probably keep enough for aids and I see a few TM things that could be fun for hacking. I still have a lot of reading to do, haven't even LOOKED at the spell lists yet :)
Ok, old hand is taken, so I'm thinking for theme and background I'm leaning towards grifter/union busted, technomancer. With ships and cargo and whatnot, it might be fun for one of the soldier/mechanics to think about going the power armor route, loaders could be cool. I'd have thought about that but it seems those roles are filled now and I'm wanting something more fiddly than Gun Turret Experimental Weapon Zulu was, despite how big his blasts can get. Ship roles can do science officer or gunner.
Also, I'm thinking I was gonna go with a technomancer, seems like it'll fit fine. My first background/personality doesn't seem like it'll fit a ragtag spaceship crew, so I'll still need to read the players guide and see what percolates in the ol brain. Maybe play some Cyberpunk 2077 to get out of my fantasy games lull I've been in lately :)
TARNAK STORMBLESSED Chaotic Neutral Medium Human Druid 2;
Defense AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 15
Offense Speed 20 ft.
Druid spells prepared (CL 2 (CL 3 with EVOCATION (mage tattoo); concentration +6) 1st (3/day)- Shillelagh (DC 15); Shocking Grasp (DC 16); Snowball (DC 16); 0th (at will)- Create Water (DC 14); Detect Magic (DC 14); Guidance (DC 14); Light (DC 15); Statistics Str 14, Dex 14, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 18, Cha 8 Base Atk +1; CMB +3; CMD 15 Feats Mage's Tattoo; Spell Focus: Evocation; SQ ; Lightning Arc (1d6 + 1, 4/day); Nature Sense; Spontaneous Domain Casting; Wild Empathy; Windwalker; Domains: Air (Lightning); Focus School: Evocation; Traits: Magical Lineage (Lightning Bolt), Beacon of Faith (1/day add +2 CL to domain ability or spell) Skills Climb +6; Heal +8; Knowledge (geography) +4; Knowledge (nature) +7; Perception +9; Spellcraft +4; Survival +10; Swim +6; Equipment Acid Flask (2)];
My first thought as to why a storm druid would be out in the desert is simply he's a bit crazy. To expound I envision him being originally from The Shackles and served on a ships crew as one so touched by storms is likely a good omen. During one particularly bad storm he decided to commune with Gozreh from the crows nest and came down he had decided these things called deserts he had heard about didn't get enough rain, so he jumped ship and wandered to Katapesh to work on bringing more storms to the desert. How exactly he interacts with the group I guess will depend on where you are all at in the AP, but he'd work for coin, adventure, whim or divine guidance.
Here's some crunch, I tend to avoid making another alt until accepted into the game, if that is alright with the GM. I've got some ideas for fluff rolling around in my brain, but I'll have to mull it over before I devise a background. Kk'rach:
KK'RACH Neutral Medium Tengu Slayer 2;
Defense AC 20, touch 14, flat-footed 16 [+6 Armor, +3 Dex, +1 Dodge] hp 18 Fort 3, Ref 6, Will 1 Offense Speed 20 ft.
Wakizashi +5 (1d6+1 18-20), [BAB +2, STR +3] Tonfa +5 (1d6+3 ), [BAB +2, STR +3] Katana (2H) +6 (1d8+4 18-20), [BAB +2, STR +3, MWK +1] [1.5 STR 18-20] TWF Katana +4 (1d8 + 3 18-20), [BAB+2, STR+3, MWK +1, TWF -2]
Statistics Str 17, Dex 16, Con 10, Int 10, Wis 12, Cha 10 Base Atk + +2; CMB +5; CMD 19 Feats Dodge; Two-Weapon Fighting; SQ ; Studied Target +1; Track; Talents: Ranger Combat Style 1; Combat Styles: Two-Weapon Combat; Skills Acrobatics +8; Climb +8; Knowledge (dungeoneering) +4; Knowledge (local) +4; Perception +9; Sense Motive +5; Stealth +10; Survival +5; Equipment
Kk'rach also has the Exotic Weapons alternate racial trait, gaining Katana, Wakizashi and Tetsubo eastern exotics. apologize for the formatting, my computer has decided to give me issues with the cookies thing so I'm on my phone for the time being. Erk, I just saw you were wanting ranged or a full caster. I would also be happy to make a druid, especially if the GM would be gracious enough to allow a storm druid the lightning subdomain (I mean, come on STORM druid doesn't get lighting?)
I'd like to submit myself, and a Tengu Slayer, for consideration. For dependability, I am a stay at home dad and can commit to at least 1-3 posts a day but won't commit to more. I recently had to drop my ... first? Game (non pathfinder) because the post rate was like 20+ a day and it was just too much to keep up with. Flexibility, I'm up for whatever, but I do have a question at the bottom. Creativity, it does depend on the group to see how much RPing I do, I really like to get into the character but if I'm the only one I'll pair it back a bit, I do so love descriptive posts so I always have to include something at least. Question on crunch, I'm a bit confused by the BP relating to feats, are there any special rules set up by the group yet, or should I just creat as normal to start? I will be putting together the character and should have at least a basic character up in a few hours.