
'Gnasher' Red Claw's page

2,253 posts. Alias of Robert Henry.


| HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/9(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 |


init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 22/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 3/3, 2nd: 1/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 3/10


Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11




common, gnoll

About 'Gnasher' Red Claw

Using Tamil as Gnoll: nervous laugh

Hit Points: 135 = 10 + 6 + 6 + 9 + 6 + 8 + 6 + 6 + 8 + 8 + 7 + 55[11(3 [con] + 1 [FC] + 1 [toughness])]
Initiative: + 5 = + 3 [dex] + 2 [trait]
Speed: 40 ft. = 30 ft [lt. armor] + fast movement

Armor Class: 26/22 (rage) = 10 + 9 [+ 3 mithril chainmail] + 3 [dexterity] +2 [race] + 2 [ring] - 2 [rage] - 2 [enlarged]
touch armor class: 15 /11
Flat-tooted: 23 /19

Fortitude save: + 12 = 7 [base] + 3 [constitution] + 2 [cloak]
Reflex save: + 8 = 3 [base] + 3 [dexterity] + 2 [cloak]
Will save: + 7/10 (rage) = 3 [base] + 0 [wisdom] + 2 [iron will] + 2 [cloak] + 3 (rage)

Base Attack: + 11/+6/+1
Melee: + 16/11/6 = 11 [base] + 5 [strength]
Ranged: + 14/9/4 = 11 [base] + 3 [dexterity]

Combat Maneuver Bonus: + 16 = 11 [base] + 5 [strength]
Combat Maneuver Defense: + 29 = 10 + 11 [base] + 5 [strength] + 3 [dexterity]

Str.: 21 16 (10 pts.) + 2 [race] + 1 [8th lvl stat] + 2 [belt],
Dex.: 16 (5 pts.) + 2 [belt],
Con.: 16 (2 pts) + 2 [race] + 2 [belt],
Int.: 10,
Wis.: 10,
Cha.: 16 (3 pts). + 1 [4th lvl stat] + 2 [headband]

@ 27 = 4 [1st lvl] + 3 [con] + 20 [2(10[2 nd - 11 th lvl.])]
AC: - 2 Enlarged - 4
Will: + 3
HP: + 33 = 11 [lvl] X 3
+3 bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage rolls,


Gnoll Race Traits:
Natural Armor: Gnoll hides are remarkably tough, granting them a +2 natural armor bonus.
Darkvision: Gnolls have darkvision and so can see perfectly in the dark up to 60 feet.
Additional Race Traits:
Defensive Training Lesser: +4 dodge bonus to AC against Gnolls
Fearless: +2 racial bonus on all saving throws against fear effects.
Integrated: +1 bonus on Bluff, Disguise, and Knowledge (local) checks.
Sprinter: +10 foot racial bonus to their speed when using the charge, run, or withdraw actions.

Combat trait Reactionary
Campaign: Gnoll Killer: You gain a +1 trait bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls made against gnolls. If you are a barbarian and you’re fighting gnolls, your rage lasts 1 round longer than normal.

Bonus Feats or Abilities
Hurtful: When you successfully demoralize an opponent within your melee reach with an Intimidate check, you can make a single melee attack against that creature as a swift action. If your attack fails to damage the target, its shaken condition from being demoralized immediately ends.
Swift Iron Style: While using this style, you treat the armor check penalty of your armor as if it were 1 less, and the maximum Dexterity bonus to AC as if it were 1 higher.
Equipment Trick: (Boot Trick)
@ 5th lvl: Raging Concentration
Fast Crawl

Regular Progression Feats:
First level feat: Snapping Jaws
Third level feat: Power Attack
Class feat: Eschew materials
Fifth level feat: Combat Reflexes
Bloodline Feat @ 6th lvl: Toughness
Seventh level feat Iron will
Ninth level feat: Cornugon Smash
Bloodline Reat @ 9th lvl: Intimidating Prowess
Eleventh level feat: Phalanx Formation (Combat)

Class Features
Bloodline: Abyssal
Bloodline Power:
1 st lvl: Claws: At 1st level, you grow claws while bloodraging. These claws are treated as natural weapons, allowing you to make two claw attacks as a full attack, using your full base attack bonus. These attacks deal 1d6 points of damage each plus your Strength modifier. At 4th level, these claws are considered magic weapons for the purpose of overcoming damage resistance. At 8th level, the damage increases to 1d8 points. At 12th level, these claws become flaming weapons, which deal an additional 1d6 points of fire damage on a hit.
4 th lvl: Demonic Bulk (Su) At 4th level, when entering a bloodrage, you can choose to grow one size category larger than your base size (as enlarge person) even if you aren’t humanoid.
8 th lvl: Primalist:: Reckless Abandon, Increased damage reduction (applies to fast healing)
Bloodline Feat:
@ 6th lvl: Toughness
@ 9th lvl: Intimidating Prowess
Bloodline Spells:
@ 7th lvl: Ray of enfeeblement
@ 10th lvl Bull’s Strength
Bloodrage:While in a rage, a barbarian gains a +2 bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage rolls, and Will saving throws. In addition, she takes a –2 penalty to Armor Class. She also gains 2 temporary hit points per Hit Die.
Fast movement
Blood of Life (Su) A spelleater’s blood empowers him to slowly recover from his wounds. At 2nd level, while bloodraging a spelleater gains fast healing 1. At 7th level and every 3 levels thereafter, this increases by 1 (to a maximum of fast healing 6 at 19th level). If the spelleater gains an increase to damage reduction from a bloodline, feat, or other ability, he is considered to have an effective damage reduction of 0, and the increase is added to this effective damage reduction.This ability replaces uncanny dodge and damage reduction.
Blood Sanctuary: (Su) At 3rd level, due to the power of his blood, a bloodrager can stand confidently amid the effects of spells cast by himself or his allies. He gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells that he or an ally casts.
Blood Casting: (Su) At 4th level, the bloodrager gains the ability to cast spells even while bloodraging. He can also cast these spells defensively and can make concentration checks for these spells while bloodraging. While bloodraging, he can cast and concentrate on only his bloodrager spells (see below); spells from other classes cannot be cast during this state.
Eschew Materials: At 4th level, the bloodrager gains Eschew Materials as a bonus feat.
Greater Bloodrage (Su) At 11th level, when a bloodrager' bonus on melee attack rolls, melee damage rolls, thrown weapon damage rolls, and Will saves while raging increases to +3. In addition, the amount of temporary hit points gained when entering a rage increases to 3 per Hit Die. In addition, upon entering a bloodrage, the bloodrager can apply the effects a bloodrager spell he knows of 2nd level or lower to himself. The spell must have a range of touch or personal. If the spell’s duration is greater than 1 round, it instead lasts for the duration of the bloodrage. This use consumes a bloodrager spell slot, as if he had cast the spell; he must have the spell slot available to take advantage of this effect. Greater bloodrage counts as the barbarian’s greater rage ability for the purposes of feat prerequisites, feat abilities, magic item abilities, and spell effects.
Spells: 1st lvl @ 2+1, 2nd lvl @ 1+1, 3rd lvl @ 1+1
Known: 1st lvl @ 5: plus: Bloodline spell: Ray of enfeeblement, infernal healing, Endure Element, shield, long arm and Tracking Mark:
known 2nd lvl @ 4 Plus : Bloodline spell: Bulls Strength, mirror image, resist energy Ironskin and see invisibility
known 3rd lvl @ 3 Haste, Heroism fly
Spell Eating (Su) At 5th level, a spelleater can consume spell slots for an extra dose of healing. As a swift action, the spelleater can consume one unused bloodrager spell slot to heal 1d8 damage for each level of the spell slot consumed. This ability replaces improved uncanny dodge.

Favored Class: + 1 to Hit Points


44 = 11 [lvls](4 [class] + 0 [Int])
The bloodrager’s class skills are Acrobatics (Dex), Climb (Str), Craft (Int), Handle Animal (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (arcana) (Int), Perception (Wis), Ride (Dex), Spellcraft (Int), Survival (Wis), and Swim (Str). + linguistics
Acrobatics + 8 = 3 [Dex] + 4 [rank] + 3 [class skill] - 2 [armor]
Bluff + 4 = 3 [Cha] + 1 [race]
Climb + 7 = 5 [Str] + 1 [rank] + 3 [class skill] - 2 [armor]
Diplomacy + 3 [Cha]
Disguise + 4 = 3 [Cha] + 1 [race]
Escape Artist + 1 = 3 [Dex] - 2 [armor]
Fly + 2 = 3 [Dex] + 1 [rank] - 2 [armor]
Handle animal + 7 = 3 [Cha] + 1 [rank] + 3 [class skill]
Intimidate + 22 = 3 [Cha] + 5 [Str] + 11 [rank] + 3 [class skill]
Knowledge (Local) + 2 = 0 [Int] + 1 [rank] + 1 [race]
Linguistics:+ 1 [rank]
Perception + 14 = 0 [Wis] + 11 [rank] + 3 [class skill]
Ride + 5 = 3 [Dex] + 1 [rank] + 3 [class skill] - 2 [armor]
Stealth + 1 = 3 [Dex] - 2 [armor]
Survival + 14 = 0 [Wis] + 11 [rank] + 3 [class skill]
Swim + 7 = 5 [Str] + 1 [rank] + 3 [class skill] - 2 [armor]


Mundane Items
Hot Weather outfit: N/A, N/A
daggers @ 5: 10 gp. 5 lbs.
sling & bullets @ 10: 1 sp. 5 lbs.
Crowbar: 2 gp. 5 lbs.
Kit, Barbarian’s: 9 gp. 26 lbs. This kit includes a backpack, a belt pouch, a blanket, a flint and steel, an iron pot, rope, soap, trail rations (5 days), and a waterskin.
sub-total 21.1 gp. 41 lbs.

Potion: Gaseous Form: 750 gp.
CMW potions (found) @ 5/5: 750 gp.
wand of infernal healing: 0/5 750 gp
wand of shield @ 1: 5/5 750 gp.
wand of endure elements: 5/5 750 gp.
wand of mirror image: 5/5 4,500 gp.
wand of Ironskin: 5/5 4,500 gp.
Sub-total 12,750 gp.

Magical Items:
Belt: Belt of Physical Perfection: 16,000 gp. 1 lb.
Body: N/A
Chest: Unfettered Shirt 10,000 gp.
Eyes: N/A
Feet: Boots of Speed 12,000 gp. 1lb.
Hand: + 2 ring of protection (found): 4,000 gp.
Hand: N/A
Head: N/A
Headband: Headband of alluring charisma +2 (found) 2,000 gp.
Neck: +1 amulet of mighty fists (found): 2,000 gp
Shoulders: + 2 Cloak of resistance (crafted) 2,000 gp. 1 lb
Wrists: N/A
Wonderous Items:
+3 Mithril Chainmail (found): 6,575 gp. 12.5 lbs. + 9(6), + 4, -2
+ 1 keen adamantine Bardiche: 11,013 gp 14 lbs. 1d10, 17-20/x2, S, brace, reach
Zenzibar +1 fire outsider bane frost Falchion (found) 9,187.5 gp. 8 lbs.
sub-total ‬74,775.5‬ gp. 37.5 lbs.

Found items:

Total expenditure: 87.546‬. 6 gp.
Total weight of all gear: 78 lbs,

Wealth at 11th lvl: 82,000 gp + 8,200 gp. = 90,200 gp. - 87.546‬. 6 gp. ‬ = 2,653.4 gp. remaining.

Carry capacity (Str. 21)
Light load: 153 lb. or less
Medium load: 154 - 306 lb.
Heavy load: 307 - 459 lb.
Lift over head: 459 lb.
Lift off ground: 918 lb.
Push or drag: 2,295 lb.

calculated attacks:

Melee attacks:
+1 fire outsider bane frost Falchion, 1d10, 18-20/x2, S
damage 1d10 + 5 [str] +2 [2 handed bonus] + 1 [magical enhancement] + 1d6 [frost] + 2 [bane] +2d6[fire outsider bane]
attack: + 17 = 11 [BAB] + 5 [str] + 1 [Magical Enhancement] + 2 [fire outsider bane]
+ 1 keen Bardiche: 1d10, 17-20/x2, S, brace, reach You gain a +2 bonus to your CMD to resist sunder attempts made against a bardiche.
damage; 1d10 + 5 [str] +2 [2 handed bonus] + 1 [Magical Enhancement]
attack: + 17 = 11 [BAB] + 5 [str] + 1 [Magical Enhancement]
Natural attack: Bite (primary) 1d6, 20 x2, B, P & S
damage; 1d6 + 5 [str] + 1 [amulet of mighty fists]
attack: + 17 = 11 [BAB] + 5 [str] + 1 [amulet of mighty fists]
Natural attack: Bite (secondary) 1d6, 20 x2, B, P & S
damage; 1d6 + 5 [str] + 1 [amulet of mighty fists]
attack: + 12 = 11 [BAB] + 5 [str] + 1 [amulet of mighty fists] - 5 [secondary]
Dagger: 1d4, 19-20 x2, P or S
damage; 1d4 + 5 [str]
attack: + 15 = 10 [BAB] + 5 [str]

Ranged Attacks:
Dagger: 1d4, 19-20 x2, 10 ft. P or S
damage; 1d4 + 5 [str]
attack: + 14 = 11 [BAB] + 3 [dex]
sling: 1d4, 20 x2, 50 ft. B
damage; 1d4 + 5 [str]
attack: + 14 = 11 [BAB] + 3 [dex]

Rage Melee attacks:
+1 fire outsider bane frost Falchion, 1d10, 18-20/x2, S
damage 1d10 + 5 [str] +2 [2 handed bonus] + 3 [rage] + 1 [magical enhancement] + 1d6 [frost] + 2 [bane] + 2d6[fire outsider bane]
attack: + 20 = 11 [BAB] + 5 [str] + 1 [Magical Enhancement] + 3 [rage] + 2 [fire outsider bane]
+ 1 Keen Bardiche: 1d10, 17-20/x2, S, brace, reach You gain a +2 bonus to your CMD to resist sunder attempts made against a bardiche.
damage; 1d10 + 5 [str] +2 [2 handed bonus] + 3 [rage] + 1 [Magical Enhancement]
attack: + 20 = 11 [BAB] + 5 [str] + 1 [Magical Enhancement] + 3 [rage]
Natural attack: Bite (secondary) 1d6, 20 x2, B, P & S
damage; 1d6 + 5 [str] + 3 [rage] + 1 [amulet of mighty fists]
attack: + 15 = 11 [BAB] + 5 [str] + 3 [rage] + 1 [amulet of mighty fists] - 5 [secondary]
Natural attack: Bite (primary) 1d6, 20 x2, B, P & S
damage; 1d6 + 5 [str] + 3 [rage] + 1 [amulet of mighty fists]
attack: + 20 = 11 [BAB] + 5 [str] + 3 [rage] + 1 [amulet of mighty fists]
Natural attack: Claw (primary) 1d6, 20 x2, B, P & S
damage; 1d8 + 5 [str] + 3 [rage] + 1 [amulet of mighty fists]
attack: + 20 = 11 [BAB] + 5 [str] + 3 [rage] + 1 [amulet of mighty fists]
Dagger: 1d4, 19-20 x2, P or S
damage; 1d4 + 5 [str] + 3 [rage]
attack: + 19 = 11 [BAB] + 5 [str] + 3 [rage]

Enlarged Rage Melee attacks:
+1 fire outsider bane frost Falchion, 2d8, 18-20/x2, S
damage 2d8 + 5 [str] +1 [enlarged strength bonus] + 3 [2 handed bonus] + 3 [rage] + 1 [magical enhancement] + 1d6 [frost] + 2 [bane] +2d6[fire outsider bane]
attack: + 20 = 11 [BAB] + 5 [str] +1 [enlarged strength bonus] + 3 [rage] + 1 [Magical Enhancement] - 1 [size] + 2 [fire outsider bane]
+ 1 Keen Bardiche: 2d8, 17-20/x2, S, brace, reach You gain a +2 bonus to your CMD to resist sunder attempts made against a bardiche.
damage; 2d8 + 5 [str] +1 [enlarged strength bonus] + 3 [2 handed bonus] + 3 [rage] + 1 [Magical Enhancement]
attack: + 20 = 11 [BAB] + 1 [ME] + 5 [str] +1 [enlarged strength bonus] + 3 [rage] - 1 [size]
Natural attack: Bite (secondary) 1d8, 20 x2, B, P & S
damage; 1d8 + 5 [str] +1 [enlarged strength bonus] + 3 [rage] + 1 [amulet of mighty fists]
attack: + 13 = 11 [BAB] + 5 [str] +1 [enlarged strength bonus] + 3 [rage] - 1 [size] + 1 [amulet of mighty fists] - 5 [secondary]
Natural attack: Bite (primary) 1d8, 20 x2, B, P & S
damage; 1d8 + 5 [str] +1 [enlarged strength bonus] + 3 [rage] + 1 [amulet of mighty fists]
attack: + 20 = 11 [BAB] + 5 [str] +1 [enlarged strength bonus] + 3 [rage] - 1 [size] + 1 [amulet of mighty fists]
Natural attack: Claw (primary) 1d10, 20 x2, B, P & S
damage; 1d10 + 5 [str] +1 [enlarged strength bonus] + 3 [rage] + 1 [amulet of mighty fists]
attack: + 20 = 11 [BAB] + 5 [str] +1 [enlarged strength bonus] + 3 [rage] - 1 [size] + 1 [amulet of mighty fists]
Dagger: 1d6, 19-20 x2, P or S
damage; 1d6 + 5 [str] +1 [enlarged strength bonus] + 2 [rage]
attack: + 19 = 11 [BAB] + 5 [str] +1 [enlarged strength bonus] + 3 [rage] - 1 [size]


Gnasher was born to the ‘Red Claw’ tribe of Gnolls, they controlled a small territory in the south-east corner of the Pale Mountain region. The tribe was led by Charook a warrior full of rage and fury; he bragged that the tribe was descended from a Yaenit and this is where their great rage came from.

The ‘Red Claw’s’ had several locations where they made camp. The most popular was near a small silver mine which they sent their slaves to dig for silver to trade with the humans, specifically a merchant named Bahram Ibn Parumartish. This merchant was called ‘the worm’, because he would squirm around negotiations until he worked his way into a better deal. The tribe would meet ‘the Worm’ at their southernmost encampment; it was the furthest into the Pale Mountain range that the merchant would go.

Gnasher was almost two when his tribe travelled to the southern encampment to meet at a preset time with ‘the worm’. They had left the silver mine camp after entertaining a delegation from the Wormhollow tribe. Charook had met with Kikkling the Slight of the Wormhollow tribe. Kikkling had abandoned the traditional faith in Lamashtu the Mother of Gnolls and in his heresy chose to serve Rovagug and an upstart warlord called Carrion King. Charook laughed at Kikkling and threw him and his delegation out of the camp.

The ‘Red Claw’s’ were settled comfortably in their southern encampment when betrayal struck. The Carrion King had instructed Kikkling to bring the ‘Red Claw’ tribe to him, either as allies or as slaves. Being so vehemently rejected Kikkling broke sacred gnoll law and attacked and enslaved his fellow gnoll. After a vicious battle all the survivors were dragged off in chains to become the slaves of Kikkling, all except Gnasher.

Gnasher had been sleeping in warren with the hyena b%@%* that had adopted him, when the attacking Hyena’s came into the warren she fought them off. When she died Gnasher raged for the first time and finished killing the final attacker. He heard the battle overhead finish, he heard the six ‘Red Claws’ chained and dragged off. He hid in the warren for days living off of the carcasses of the hyena’s and did not come out till he heard the sound of the caravan overhead.

Waiting until the caravan left, he decided to follow. He lagged behind the caravan feeding off of the garbage they would toss out. Finally he was able to secure himself a place in the caravan as a sort of the guards assistant, watchdog and mascot. The caravan owner Bahram Ibn Parumartish ‘the Worm’ named him Gnasher.

Gnasher watched and listened, he had a gift for languages and soon learned to speak common. He learned the geography of the places they visited on a regular basis. He learned to fight from the different guards that ‘the Worm’ would hire. Eventually Gnasher went from being the guards assistant to being a guard himself. Then Gnasher heard that Garavel was looking for brave men and women to aid in retaking the village of Kelmarane from a tribe of gnolls in the service of the notorious Carrion King.

Gnasher went to Bahram and told him of the undertaking. Bahram understood Gnasher’s hatred of the Carrion King and the gnolls who had turned to Rovagug. In the years they had traveled together Bahram had helped him piece together the events that had transpired, so he understood Gnasher’s desire to seek revenge. He gave Gnasher his blessing to aid Garavel.

Appearance and Personality:

Gnasher is a Gnoll between two worlds: born into a proud demon-spawned tribe loyal to Lamashtu called the ‘Red Claws’ then seeing them betrayed by Gnolls serving Rovagug. He was rescued as a pup by a dodgy merchant appropriately called ‘the Worm’. He was raised in neither gnoll nor human society but by an unscrupulous merchant and the unreputable guards he employed. Because of that Gnasher does not fit well in either gnoll or human society and he avoids interacting with people or situations he is not familiar with. However, in areas or around people he feels competent or comfortable with, he will interject his opinion and be involved in the conversation.

He has substituted the merchant caravan as his tribe taking on its value of gold and trade as his own; Worshiping Abadar for a profitable trade as quickly as he does Lamashtu for a successful kill. He will protect both the people and the property of the caravan as if they were his own and he is willing to share his possessions with those in the caravan as they need. Except for food, he will eat his fill growling at any who approaches him while he is dining. Fortunately he is happy eating that which most would throw out.
He has learned how ‘civilized’ races view social things, even how they will treat their dead, and he enjoys teasing unsuspecting ‘humanoids’ about those social differences. He will scavenge things together enjoying what he finds as much as those things he has purchased, viewing Gnolls as scavengers first. Finally he will avoid work with an extreme prejudice, only assisting if it is a dire need. Fortunately he doesn’t view guard duty or fighting as work, but a responsibility to his tribe.

His appearance is similar to most Gnolls in Katapesh: Just over six foot tall, brownish grey hide and hair with black splotches on his back. His most outstanding feature is his red eyes, he claims to be caused by a Yaenit progenitor. His is clothed in a leather kilt, studded sandals and a soft padded linen vest he wears under his battered breastplate. His weapons are several second hand daggers, a sling and wicked pole arm called a Fauchard.

How He Got His Name:

Bahram Ibn Parumartish rode his camel near the front of his caravan, they were still too close to Gnoll country to be in the very front. The day, sweltering hot, the fat middle-aged slaver kept a large umbrella overhead and a fan constantly beating in his hand. Riding up beside him on a sturdy desert horse came his guard captain Dahrehn, the dark skinned Garundi brought the desert horse to a walk and called up to ‘the Worm’
”Bahram, sir, the trail before us is clear. The outriders report nothing to our flanks and the only sign behind us it the straggler from the ‘Red Claw’s’.” Dahrehn kept his bay gelding moving at a quick walk to keep up with the camel, waiting patiently for his employer to ask any questions. ”So the pup still follows us, tenacious one that.” Bahram pondered as he shewed a fly with his fan. ”So the little bugger follows us still, he’s a stubborn one, that’s the way Charook was. Bad business that, we lost a good customer and a profitable flow of silver.” Dahrehn nodded his head in agreement ”As you say sir.” waiting to see if his employer would continue.
Bahram, using the end of his turban wipes the sweat from his neck, under his salt and pepper beard. ”Just as well we weren’t there when the attack happened, we would have lost more than the sale of a few slaves.” The guard nods his head in agreement as the merchant gathers his thoughts. ”Do you think he found the refuse pile we left unburned?” Dahrehn smiled as he answered ”Well Shiman said he saw it gnawing on the foreleg of the Gemsbok as it ran away when he approached it.” Bahram nodded, frowning, he may be a gnoll but he’s still not an it” ”Maybe he will decide to joins us, we shall see, make sure there is plenty of refuse left tonight for a hungry gnoll cub.” Dagrehn nods as he slows his mount down to turn around and continue checking on the caravans security, ”As you say, sir.”

The Juvenile gnoll followed behind the caravan, oblivious to the sun beating down on him, oblivious to his own lack of clothing, oblivious to the gore and blood crusted to his hide, oblivious to the scabbed over cuts and scratches covering him, only concerned with the antelope leg he gnawed upon as he ran doggedly behind his new tribe. ”Three days they leave me food, no one has beaten me, no one has tried to eat me, no one has thrown anything at me. They must be powerful to leave me all the food they do: head and brain, intestine and offal, bones and morrow. I never eat so good with ‘Red Claws’ they are gone now so it does not matter. When I am big I will find out what happened, but now I must stay near new tribe if I want to eat.”

It was at the beginning of the second watch when Dahrehn finally settled in his bedroll near the large fire, ’Almost too warm to sleep this close to the fire. We could have just a small cooking fire, but It wouldn’t keep the lions away as well, or allow us to see any attackers. I think our gnoll cub will enjoy the remains of the warthog we butchered, maybe we will leave him some of the cooked parts tomorrow night. I wonder what caused the boss’ preoccupation with the little bugger is, we certainly can’t sell him.”
Dahrehn finally dozes off to sleep but is soon awakened by screaming ”Aaaaaggggghhhh, I’ve been bitten! I’m bleeding! Kill that beast!” Dahrehn, the captain of the guard, bolts awake, recognizing the voice of Shiman the tall Mauxi spearman who was on the north guard post on the second watch. Dahrehn began to yell Alarm! Alarm! as he grabbed his Khopesh and shield running to the screaming wearing nothing but his kilt.

As he and others arrive at the scene, Shiman has stopped screaming and is poking around in the brush with his spear, bleeding from a bite wound on his calf. Dahrehn quickly asks ”Where? what direction? How many?” Shiman, looking a little sheepish, ”Well, over there sir.” pointing to the brush with his spear. Dahrehn raises an eyebrow waiting for the Mauxian to continue. ”In the weeds, one sir, the little bugger who has been following us, sir, he attacked me tried to eat me.” Shiman points to his leg, begins to look around hoping for some support from the other onlookers.

Dagrehn takes a torch from a nearby onlooker and walking up to the brush area holds the torch out so he could locate the gnoll. Seeing the reflection of the creature's red eyes first Daggehn approached near enough to see the naked gnoll cub. Holding the butchered warthogs head by the nose with one claw and scooping out the grey matter with the other shoveling it into his mouth. Shiman, seeing the shadow of the gnoll raises his spear to throw it, just at the cub pulls his claw out of the warthogs skull and pointing at Shiman saying in a gravelly voice ”Him asleep, him not supposed to sleep, him get tribe killed”

”Bwa ha ha, put your spear down Shiman, isn’t it bad enough that you fell asleep and let a pup catch you at it?” Dagrehn turned around in time to see Bahram, the worm himself; his head uncovered, his long black hair falling on his wide shoulders, his robe held shut with one hand, his other hand resting on Shiman’s raised spear handle. The merchant continued
”Shiman you know the fine for dereliction of duty! Turning to Dagrehn he continued. ”Captain dock this man a week's pay…” Then pausing for a moment he continued, turning to the Gnoll pup pointing, ”And give it to that one over there.” smiling a sad smile he turns to Dagrehn, ”He has Charook’s eyes, doesn’t he captain.” Then addressing the pup directly ”Would you like that ‘Red Claw’ you can come work for me, it will be like a tribe, a little. You can make sure these knaves stay awake at night.” The pup, excited by the idea of officially belonging to his new tribe, vigorously nods his head.
Bagram moves to go back to his tent, then turning back and addressing the pup he adds.
”We need to keep these guards awake, but don’t bite them the first time, just gnash your teeth at them to give ‘em a warning.”

the rage:

His paws grow into overly large claws, his eyes glow red, his fangs enlarge and he begins to froth at the mouth. While his brown hide takes on a red-orange cast to it, giving a [u=]peculiar laugh[u].


Lady Almah
at battle market
Gorundal: human merchant (used adventure gear)
Kalyx: twitchy human female named, Kalyx (sells narcotics)
Juluxw: a rail-thin male human(sells alchemical stuff)
Jank: colorful goblin
carrion kings castle
Zayifed:Janni pretended to be prophet of Sarenrae
Synthia: Div, Pairaka, Mute girl
in town
scholar friend of Garavel: Rayhan
In the scroll
messenger from Mistress in the Bass Dome
Lahapraset First contact, wants champions
Forgemaster Artel Norrin gave sword
Dillix leader in pleasure palace

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