Lupe Fiasco |

If there is a trough out for the animals, Lupe will add water to it.
"I know it's not much, but it will help a little. Why do you both call your goat by different names? That over there is Wolf I only call him Wolf. One name."
Int: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (17) - 2 = 15

miteke |

Hadrah immediately launches into her reason for naming the goat. "Rombard is the name of a Chelliazian lover in a play I once saw. Can you think of a better name for a..."
Hadrod interrupts his wife. "A silly romantic name. You see why I call him Burly. If you could have seen him you would understand. MUCH more fit.."
Aaand Hadrah jumps right in and interrupts him back. "Pah! More fitting that a Chelliaxian lover? Not likely. Why, those Chelliaxians even have horns!"
The argument goes on for a while, and though impassioned, they are both grinning as they argue and obviously enjoying the opportunity to debate in front a new audience. They do love to cut each other off though.

miteke |

Vulpina does not let slip that the lack of deference is a touch insulting—but when traveling as such, insults are to be weathered with grace.
She moves on to the mercenaries, doing her best to make a good impression first of all.
She feels like she is making headway. How do you make that impression? Are you nice to them and try to make it like she is one of the gang? Does she try to impress them with her awesomeness and thus gain respect, and if so, how? Or some other way?

miteke |

Let's say it is fast approaching dusk. The fire happened just after the evening meal.
Rahalla finds nothing else in the wreckage and when she asks what the others have learned she finds out than nobody saw nothin'. It's obvious that you will need to try another line of questioning.
Hint: Think murder mysteries. What kind of questions do they always ask in those things?

Rahella |

Thanks. Oh I know there's nothing more to be found there, and I wasn't actually looking through the wreckage any further, just giving a prayer for the late fortuneteller's safe passage through the Boneyard.
With dusk rapidly approaching Rahella went to her pack and pulled something from inside of it and then looked for a spot for some privacy. When she found a spot that was out of the way she reached beneath her robe with the item she'd collected and began to change her garments some. She'd need the extra warmth of the body hose shortly as it was soon going to start getting cold so she quickly pulled it on beneath the robe, adjusted her garments over it, and then pulled off the robe and veil.
Dressed now in far more revealing clothing, even if it didn't show much skin, Rahella folded her robe and then went and stashed it in her pack. She pulled her hands through her hair to loosen her long black locks and then let it fall down her back. Her appearance changed Rahella went to begin speaking with some of the mercenaries. She approached the first of the mercenaries she came across who wasn't being spoken with already...
which of the five un-engaged will it be?: 1d5 ⇒ 2
...Utarchus, and said, "My name is Rahella and I've been tasked with finding the cause of the incident with the wagon. Did you happen to see anything going on around the time the fire started? Anyone suspicious near the wagon?"

Lupe Fiasco |

"Yes horns, Burly... I have two names maybe your goats can. Rombard Burly. That is a good name. Did either of you know the woman in the cart that caught fire?"

miteke |

"My name is Rahella and I've been tasked with finding the cause of the incident with the wagon. Did you happen to see anything going on around the time the fire started? Anyone suspicious near the wagon?"
"I can't say that I saw anyone around the wagon. Why, anyone in particular you curious about?"
As planned, his eyes wander and he seems... Amenable to any suggestion you might make. Cooperative, shall we say."Yes horns, Burly... I have two names maybe your goats can. Rombard Burly. That is a good name. Did either of you know the woman in the cart that caught fire?"
Niether of them make a comment on the name suggestion. What would be the fun in that?
Hadrod: "Woman? Hmmm. Eloais was a man."Hadrah: "Though there wasn't much left of him so I can understand why you might not notice."
Hadrod: "Confusing fellow though. I guess you should expect that sort of thing from a foreigner."
Hadrah: "Nice though, for a foreigner. But when he starts a talkin' about them cyclones and Fiends and Uprisings, well..."
Hadrod: "Loses me every time. But if he's good enough for Lady Almah, he's good enough for me."
Hadrah: "Was good enough. Poor thing."

Lupe Fiasco |

Lupe feels bad his miss identified the the body but is was in bad shape and the name was foreign, but continues his work.
Sense Motive: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (6) + 7 = 13

Lupe Fiasco |

"Well thank you for your time. But just one more question. Did Eloais ever talk about pugwampi or do you know anything about them?"

Katsumi Ishikawa |

Seeing that the mercenary didn't seem very friendly, Katsumi repressed a sigh. Interviewing people could wait until after night had fallen but he still had a task that required daylight. Letting the mercenary enjoy their break undisturbed, he nodded to them and looked through the pack animals for a shovel. After finding one, he approached the burned wagon once more. Carefully, he picked up the dead body and carried it a short ways from camp. Gently placing it down, he started to dig. It was difficult work in the constantly shifting sands, but eventually, he managed to hollow out enough room that he felt confident the winds wouldn't accidentally undo his effort.
As the sun started to dip below the horizon, he gently placed the burned body in the grave, relying on the last rays of sun to carry his prayer up to Sarenrae. She may not have been a diety with domain over the afterlife, but he was confident her compassion and warmth would send along his well-wishes to whomever it was that now possessed the late fortune-teller's soul. Once he had re-covered the body with the displaced sand, he looked around for a few rocks so that he might mark the grave site and headed back into camp.

Rahella |

Rahella knew this one would tell her just about anything she wanted to know and it pleased her that her appearance had the desired reaction. "Oh, no one in particular, it's just wrong that the wagon burned so quickly and hotly, and it makes me think someone wanted the fortune teller dead." She gave the man an enticing smile and tapped one finger against her lips thoughtfully, "You wouldn't happen to know of someone had a grudge against the late man would you?"

miteke |

Casper steps forward and politely inclines his head,
"The estimable Lady Almah, it is a pleasure to finally meet in person. I am Casper Cantour of Druma, and my mother, as chief representative of our revered clan, is a joint partner in this auspicious expedition. I was hoping we might speak further."
"Is that so? I would not know. I was given this task by the Pactmasters. Not sure why they would have needed help in funding the expedition, but I have no reason to doubt you."

Lady Vulpina of Katapesh |

She feels like she is making headway. How do you make that impression? Are you nice to them and try to make it like she is one of the gang? Does she try to impress them with her awesomeness and thus gain respect, and if so, how? Or some other way?
Vulpina smiles as she approaches Yesper (and other mercenaries, if they happen to be together); though she is dressed in finery, she is still covered in a thin layer of sweat from having done work herself.
Moreover, she jingles slightly when she walks...
"I hope your evening has not been completely ruined by all of... that," she says, gesturing toward the wrecked cart.
"I am the Lady Vulpina," she states. "I hope you do not mind, but I am awfully curious about what may have happened here! It is not every day that a cart bursts into flames, is it?"
Lowering her voice, she leans in a bit. "Do you have any idea what might have happened?" she asks in a conspiratorial whisper.

miteke |

Casper "Pythonglare" Cantour wrote:"Is that so? I would not know. I was given this task by the Pactmasters. Not sure why they would have needed help in funding the expedition, but I have no reason to doubt you."Casper steps forward and politely inclines his head,
"The estimable Lady Almah, it is a pleasure to finally meet in person. I am Casper Cantour of Druma, and my mother, as chief representative of our revered clan, is a joint partner in this auspicious expedition. I was hoping we might speak further."
Roll me a sense motive.

miteke |

"Well thank you for your time. But just one more question. Did Eloais ever talk about pugwampi or do you know anything about them?"
Hadrod: "Well, no, can't say that he did. Just all that stuff about Cyclones and such. What about you? Where do you come from? Have you ever heard of these Pugwangies or whatever they are?"
Hadrah: Pungwampums, hun, they are called pungwampus. Yes tell us about yourself. You are a bit funny looking, if yo don't mind my saying so."Rahella knew this one would tell her just about anything she wanted to know and it pleased her that her appearance had the desired reaction. "Oh, no one in particular, it's just wrong that the wagon burned so quickly and hotly, and it makes me think someone wanted the fortune teller dead." She gave the man an enticing smile and tapped one finger against her lips thoughtfully, "You wouldn't happen to know of someone had a grudge against the late man would you?"
"Well, could be that Daski didn't care for the way he was shaggin' the boss, being of like mind himself. You've see the way he fawns over her. Could be he took an opportunity to 'remove the competition' so to speak. I've seen folks kill for less than that."
Lowering her voice, she leans in a bit. "Do you have any idea what might have happened?" she asks in a conspiratorial whisper.
"Well, me an' my mates have been noticing of late that that Daski character has set his sights on the Lady herself, though, if you ask my opinion, he ain't never going to fill that hole."
"From what we can tell, that Eloaise was spending an AWFUL lot of private and personal time with her, if you know what I mean." The man gives Vulpina a lewd wink, which he probably means as an offer as much as a comment. "If'n I was a bettin' man, I'd put it all down in Dashki for the kill."

Lupe Fiasco |

"I am Lupe. I look this way because I'm was raised in the forest by myself. I'm going to become a knight but now I am investigating the fire. After I'm done I would like to sit and talk more. Bye nice people."
And with that Lupe is on to the next group. Lupe would go to whoever is closest. So feel free to throw Lupe at a random group.

miteke |

"I am Lupe. Look this way because I'm was raised in the forest by myself. I'm going to become a knight but now I am investigating the fire. After I'm done I would like to sit and talk more. Bye nice people."
And with that Lupe is on to the next group. Lupe woud go to whoever is closest. So free free to throu Lupe at an random group.
The two look a little disappointed when Lupe heads off without telling them his life story.
How about the priest. Nobody has talked to him yet.

Lupe Fiasco |

"Hi I am Lupe. May I ask your name?"

miteke |

I got the guards mixed up with the mercenaries. Dang. Gonna edit this a bit. Rahella, the response I had down for you can be attributed to someone who talked to one of the mercs. Here is your response..."Well, can't think of anyone in camp that would want to off the fellow, 'cept maybe Dashki. But when the fire was started he was hiding behind a tree, right over there, trying to get a peek into the tent. Daft fellow is a bit obsessed. It would be funny if he was a kid or something, but I find it rather disgusting. He's one to keep an eye on, that's for sure."

miteke |

"Hi I am Lupe. May I ask your name?"
Lupe visits the wagon of the priest. The man is busy at the moment cleaning up after some project or other (If you have the alchemy skill you can tell he was crafting some potions, if you make a DC 10 knowledge arcana you can also tell). His small wagon is crammed full of works of art, a huge chest crammed full of tiny vials of some sort, things you can identify as medicinal supplies if you have a rank in healing or can make a DC 12 heal check, and magical aids of the utilitarian sort if you can make a DC 10 knowledge arcana.
"Oh, you are one of the new fellows, arn't you. My name is Father Zastoran. Are you injured?".
With a DC 5 religion check you can spot his holy symbol and tell that he is a cleric of Nethys.

Rahella |

Rahella listened to what she was told and said, "Yes, Dashki has more than made himself look guilty after what we just went through with the coin he miraculously unburied in the ashes. Something else was off about him too but I can't be quite sure what it was." She sighed in annoyance at the thought of what Dashki had already done before collecting her thoughts. "Thank you for your assistance, I'll have to check out that tree shortly."
Rahella gave the man a smile then and said, "We'll talk again later, Utarchus." With that she turned on her heel and walked away from the mercenary, adding and extra swish to her hips, as she did so. He had been rather helpful after all so she felt he deserved something for it.
Rahella made her way over to the tree that had been pointed out to her and began to look around. She first examined it with her purely physical sense but then shifted to magical ones and looked it over again.
Perception: 1d20 ⇒ 13
Spellcraft/Know (arcana) if any auras: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (12) + 7 = 19

Katsumi Ishikawa |

Done with his attempt at a burial, Katsumi went to go find his brother. Upon seeing that he seemed to be talking to a priest, he waited for a lull in the conversation before asking him, "Do you know what the fortune teller's faith was? I dug him a grave, and was hoping you might be able to say a few words over it. Perhaps a prayer to someone to guide his spirit?"

Lupe Fiasco |

10 knowledge arcana: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (3) - 2 = 1
12 heal check: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (18) + 3 = 21
Arcana 10 knowledge arcana: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (16) - 2 = 14
"Oh, you are one of the new fellows, arn't you. My name is Father Zastoran. Are you injured?".
"No, I'm ok. The fire was not too much trouble. But I could not save the man. I'm investigating. So, what is all this stuff for? Can it be used to set fire? It seems mostly for healing but could it be used for arson?"
Religion: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (4) - 2 = 2
With a DC 5 religion check you can spot his holy symbol and tell that he is a cleric of Nethys.
"You said you name is father? I used to know a father he helped me with my magic. How does your god feel about arson and murder?"

Lady Vulpina of Katapesh |

Lady Vulpina of Katapesh wrote:Lowering her voice, she leans in a bit. "Do you have any idea what might have happened?" she asks in a conspiratorial whisper."Well, me an' my mates have been noticing of late that that Daski character has set his sights on the Lady herself, though, if you ask my opinion, he ain't never going to fill that hole."
"From what we can tell, that Eloaise was spending an AWFUL lot of private and personal time with her, if you know what I mean." The man gives Vulpina a lewd wink, which he probably means as an offer as much as a comment. "If'n I was a bettin' man, I'd put it all down in Dashki for the kill."
"Excuse me?" she asks, blinking in surprise. "...Ah, is there a different Lady here?"
She rather hopes so.
Ammunition is expensive.
"So if you were a betting man, you would suppose this was a love triangle turned bloody? ...Or ashen, as it were?" she asks, making sure she's catching his meaning.

miteke |

You do not find anything of interest at the tree, other than some plants that have been well flattened, unless you have some psychic aura reading talents we know nothing about :)
@Folks with the priest.
Dusk has come and gone while Katsumi paid his respect to the dead and he feels like someone is looking down on him with favor. He joins the others congregating at the priests wagon (You may also make those checks to classify the odds and ends in the wagon)
The priest does his best to answer the questions, all the while keeping busy putting things away.
"Eloasis was a bit of a showman. Sometimes I think it was ALL show with those harrow cards and props and such. Give me practical magic any day, not some head in the clouds crap! I think he worshiped some goddess of mysticism or dreams from the far east, but I'm not sure. In any case, she is better off without him, if you ask me.
"As for these items starting a fire, I think not! At least not a large one. I have a small fire starter used to get a fire going, but it would hardly start a wagon on fire when it takes so much work just to get a campfire going. No, the items I have here are potions for healing and magical odds and ends that can be used to get a settlement started. All quite practical. Ask away, I have nothing to hide and if you are investigating the death you have to ask me these questions. So, no, I did not start that fire if that is what you are suggesting."
Father Zastoran points at Lupe with the broom he is using and asks, "Say, you are welcome to ask all the questions you want, but do you think you can lend a hand while you are at it. More efficient that way." And there the broom handle stays, suggestively extended towards the shape shiftier.

miteke |

@Lady Vulpina
After sauntering up to Yesper, Trevvis, and Kallien, and getting a rather flirtatious response from their leader, Trevvis, she redirects the conversation to something less likely to end up in bloodshed.
"So if you were a betting man, you would suppose this was a love triangle turned bloody? ...Or ashen, as it were?" she asks, making sure she's catching his meaning.
"Yep, how about it? 1 gold on him being a murderous love smitten fool." Not being the wisest of fellows, he adds, "Or we could make other arrangements if you would rather save the coin." The man makes a very exaggerated lewd wink. No subtlety and probably half for show for the other two mercenaries there who happen to be women and decide to join the fun.
"Trevvis, you ain't getting nothin' for a gold. You gonna need a platinum 'fore you get anyone willin' to take ya. Why don't you go back behind the shed and exercise your sword hand some more."

Lupe Fiasco |

"[...]goddess of mysticism or dreams from the far east, [...]
"[...]can lend a hand while you are at it. More efficient that way."
Religion: 1d20 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1 Lupe has never heard of the god or anything like it.
"I can help tidy. Did Eloasis have any enemies?"

Casper "Pythonglare" Cantour |

miteke wrote:Roll me a sense motive.Casper "Pythonglare" Cantour wrote:"Is that so? I would not know. I was given this task by the Pactmasters. Not sure why they would have needed help in funding the expedition, but I have no reason to doubt you."Casper steps forward and politely inclines his head,
"The estimable Lady Almah, it is a pleasure to finally meet in person. I am Casper Cantour of Druma, and my mother, as chief representative of our revered clan, is a joint partner in this auspicious expedition. I was hoping we might speak further."
1d20 + 5 ⇒ (15) + 5 = 20

Katsumi Ishikawa |

As Lupe took the broom, Katsumi politely spoke up. "Do you have another broom? Or is there some other task I could help you with?" As he went about whatever task the man put him to, he added, "I must say, you're much more accommodating than others. I tried to ask the mercenaries what happened to try to find out if the fire started small and grew or if there was an explosion of some sort, but they simply brushed me off. I thought it was a simple enough question. Do you think you could tell me?" He waited for a response before continuing. "Were you with anyone when the fire broke out? Someone that you know could not have started it because they were with you at the time?"

miteke |

"Is that so? I would not know. I was given this task by the Pactmasters. Not sure why they would have needed help in funding the expedition, but I have no reason to doubt you." ... Sense Motive 20
You detect that discussing any aid that she might have received is something she is rather uncomfortable with. You touched a nerve and her reply seemed more like a response meant to redirect the conversation. In fact, in the spirit of distraction, she continues...
"So, is there anything you would like to ask me about that night or any of the members of the caravan? Losing Eloais was a blow, both personally and to the mission, and I would like to make sure this does not happen again."
"I can help tidy. Did Eloais have any enemies?"
"Were you with anyone when the fire broke out? Someone that you know could not have started it because they were with you at the time?"
Lupe gets swiftly handed a broom and when Katsumi volunteers, he is asked to shelve the ingredients on a cluttered table.
"Should be easy enough. If you can find something on the shelf that matches, put the item with it. If not, I'll deal with it."
"Well, I did see all the mercenaries sitting at the fire when it went down. I don's see how any of them could have done it unless they have a way to set up a magical timing delay, and somehow THAT doesn't seem likely. I think it could have been a natural fire and the man WAS a fool so..."

Casper "Pythonglare" Cantour |

Casper grits his teeth as he exerts a considerable effort to refrain from expressing his true emotion on the subject. His alluring emerald eyes belie the the depth and number of the dark thoughts which he now turns over within himself.
:::: OF COURSE THERE WAS MORE TO THE MATTER! :::: This was so much the shape of his mother's scheming, and always had been. So, she was somehow allied with the mysterious rulers of Katapesh? What exactly could her gambit be? What did she hope to gain, and what had she been willing to risk in this arrangement -- or, more pointedly, what had she been willing to risk on his behalf. For she was not the one who would directly bear any ill consequences of this increasingly dubious venture. No, it was him, and Casper doubted not that this was yet another test, another defense of hers -- an expression of the Lady Cantour's unsleeping and permanently unsettled fear that her most beloved son would some day see fit to displace her. And yet it was her very actions intended to guard against this most feared of days that would ensure the end most feared. For assuredly, Casper now vowed, come what may, by blood, and the knife, and the will that burned more strongly within him than ever, and the pure desire of the shade of all the avaricious spirits of his clan that had come before, he WOULD have what was his, and would bless the power of Blackfingers that brought it to him, and cast down those who had been high, and raised up he who had been low and driven off into the wastes. His birthright would be his! And he would take up the mantle at the head of the People of the Cape for many a year, and bear no progeny to take his throne." ::::
The ginger forced a smile,
"The Pactmasters are the directly responsible for this expedition? How very curious! It seems incredible that the enigmatic rulers of your country would assign such a motley collection as our present assemblage to any task they deemed as worthy of their direction intervention, as well as throwing an even deeper doubt over the true nature of our enterprise. Do you not find it mysterious that we should be directed to venture by such a considerable distance, and though such great difficulty, to some godsforsaken outpost? Why would they not engage a mercenary army for this task, instead of our meager band?"

Sarona |

The Priest
Knowledge (Arcana): 1d20 + 8 ⇒ (8) + 8 = 16
Heal: 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (2) + 2 = 4
Knowledge (Religion): 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (18) + 4 = 22
Sarona recognizes Father Zastoran's magical paraphernalia and his holy symbol.
Nethys. A god of magic--the predominant one.
"If you require assistance, I can give it as well." Sarona chimes in.
"Aaliyah, please wait in the corner."

Lady Vulpina of Katapesh |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

"Yep, how about it? 1 gold on him being a murderous love smitten fool." Not being the wisest of fellows, he adds, "Or we could make other arrangements if you would rather save the coin." The man makes a very exaggerated lewd wink. No subtlety and probably half for show for the other two mercenaries there who happen to be women and decide to join the fun.
Oh boy, this isn't gonna win her any points, but...
Lady Vulpina's eyes nearly glaze over in memory. A duel; two blades; a shot; a man unmanned, and a woman disowned.
She draws her pistol, leaving it uncocked, and very visibly considers the cone-shaped muzzle.
"You know the beauty of an instrument like this?" she asks. "You can fit just about anything down the barrel, and a pull of the trigger will leave it in broken fragments, scattered across the sands. It sounds like you might already have something in mind?"
Along the barrel of the gun is a fine etching, showing what is undoubtably Lady Vulpina shooting a samurai (whose armor looks remarkably like Katsumi's) below the belt whilst a wedding party looks on in horror.

Lupe Fiasco |

As he is sweeping Lupe asks, "Father, do you know of pugwamis?"
The end of the broom is two feet above Lupe's head. A less coordinated person would be bumping into things in this tight space but Lupe is used to being small and navigates the space comfortably.

Rahella |

Finding nothing of interest at the tree Rahella made her way back to where Vulpina was speaking with the mercenaries when she saw the woman pull her gun out. Rahella wasn't quite sure what the thing was but she suspected it was rather dangerous and that maybe she should intervene.
Rahella walked over to Vulpina and the mercenaries and stopped next to her companion as she said, "Is the big man causing you problems M'Lady?" She rolled her eyes, "I take it he made an unappreciated comment since you're talking of using that on his manhood. I would prefer you didn't do that. I don't want to have to clean up the mess again."
Bluff: 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (19) + 3 = 22

Lady Vulpina of Katapesh |

"I take it he made an unappreciated comment since you're talking of using that on his manhood."
"I was rather hoping to leave that to his imagination, actually," smiles Vulpina. "But fret not; such a mess is, in my experience, often buried beneath the sands after but a few hours."

miteke |

"The Pactmasters are the directly responsible for this expedition? How very curious! It seems incredible that the enigmatic rulers of your country would assign such a motley collection as our present assemblage to any task they deemed as worthy of their direction intervention, as well as throwing an even deeper doubt over the true nature of our enterprise. Do you not find it mysterious that we should be directed to venture by such a considerable distance, and though such great difficulty, to some godsforsaken outpost? Why would they not engage a mercenary army for this task, instead of our meager band?"...
Almah looks up with tired eyes, and shrugs her shoulders. "Though I would love to come back and tell them that a settlement has been successfully settled, for now we are just checking things out. Shouldn't require an army to do that. And what do the Pactmasters care if I fail. They will probably just send someone else if they are serious. No, I think it is we here, now, that will be the biggest benefactors or victims of success or failure, not them."
Her face brightens a bit, "But who knows. Forgive me a brief spurt of optimism, but maybe this will turn out to be easier than expected. After all, the only thing we have is rumors other than some gnolls have taken up residence. Can't be all THAT bad if the gnolls can survive there."
Realizing that perhaps she has said too much, she lapses into silence.
Give me a diplomacy roll to wheedle more out of her about the mission.

miteke |

"You know the beauty of an instrument like this?" she asks. "You can fit just about anything down the barrel, and a pull of the trigger will leave it in broken fragments, scattered across the sands. It sounds like you might already have something in mind?"
Along the barrel of the gun is a fine etching, showing what is undoubtedly Lady Vulpina shooting a samurai (whose armor looks remarkably like Katsumi's) below the belt whilst a wedding party looks on in horror.
The man seems a bit dense and 90% of what was just said escapes him, particularly gun references with which he is 100% unfamiliar with. Any attempts at anything more subtle than an innuendo seems to dash right by him. But obviously this is an innuendo, at least in his mind, and he knows just how to answer. "Sure thing. I got my own barrel and I'd love to show it to you."
When Rahella approaches and suggests that his advances might be unwanted he is confused, and even more confused when she starts talking about how that barrel thing is a bad thing and that it might be a danger to his manhood. He almost visibly tries to recall and go through the conversation and figure out what he got wrong. His head wags from side to side as the two ladies have their discussion with a look of confusion on his face.
"Whaaa. Was she threatening me? With that?" He gives a snort and laughs, looking towards the other mercenaries, who also laugh.

miteke |

As he is sweeping Lupe asks, "Father, do you know of pugwamis?"
The end of the broom is two feet above Lupe's head. A less coordinated person would be bumping into things in this tight space but Lupe is used to being small and navigates the space comfortably.
The father, who was no privvy to your conversation with Dashki frowns and shakes his head. "Pugwumpis? No, never heard of them. Why do you ask?"

Lady Vulpina of Katapesh |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Vulpina... considers shooting the man. A dozen little lead pellets lodged in one’s rib cage had a way of teaching the threat of Alkenstar’s quaint little machines very quickly.
She considers it very long and hard.
Her player actually has to think about it, even.
Finally, they agree on a course of action.
”Dear me, you do not know what these can do?” she asks, lifting it and letting it twirl a bit from one side to another. ”You are in for a treat.”
She grins; ”With a shot from this I once splattered a gnoll across the sands. ‘Twas a sight so revolting his fellows had no desire to eat what was left of him. It could quite easily do the same to a knight in full plate, in point of fact,” she says stiffly.
A wiser woman might have let it go, but she was determined that these mercenaries show respect.

Casper "Pythonglare" Cantour |

Casper "Pythonglare" Cantour wrote:"The Pactmasters are the directly responsible for this expedition? How very curious! It seems incredible that the enigmatic rulers of your country would assign such a motley collection as our present assemblage to any task they deemed as worthy of their direction intervention, as well as throwing an even deeper doubt over the true nature of our enterprise. Do you not find it mysterious that we should be directed to venture by such a considerable distance, and though such great difficulty, to some godsforsaken outpost? Why would they not engage a mercenary army for this task, instead of our meager band?"...Almah looks up with tired eyes, and shrugs her shoulders. "Though I would love to come back and tell them that a settlement has been successfully settled, for now we are just checking things out. Shouldn't require an army to do that. And what do the Pactmasters care if I fail. They will probably just send someone else if they are serious. No, I think it is we here, now, that will be the biggest benefactors or victims of success or failure, not them."
Her face brightens a bit, "But who knows. Forgive me a brief spurt of optimism, but maybe this will turn out to be easier than expected. After all, the only thing we have is rumors other than some gnolls have taken up residence. Can't be all THAT bad if the gnolls can survive there."
Realizing that perhaps she has said too much, she lapses into silence.
Give me a diplomacy roll to wheedle more out of her about the mission.
1d20 - 2 ⇒ (1) - 2 = -1
Not getting anything more out of that!

Lupe Fiasco |

"Pugwumpis? No, never heard of them. Why do you ask?"
"See, someone I was talking to earlier, Dashki, mentioned them. He is not nice, but I don't think he did it. He got too close to the crime scene. He thinks these little trickers that work with gnolls did it. Can I get magic lessons from you sometime? Father, not you or my dad, another Father back home taught me magic, and I would like to learn more he told me mine comes from a god. He says this and this are important."
Lupe holds up a crimson wing symbol and a bastard sword.

Katsumi Ishikawa |
2 people marked this as a favorite. |

I fully support Lady Vulpina shooting the mercenary.
Katsumi continued to help organize the vials. "Did you hear any screaming coming from the man when the fire broke out? Surely he would have managed to at least get one out if he accidentally lit his own wagon on fire." He paused. "Actually, do you recall the last time you saw the man, prior to his death?"

Lupe Fiasco |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

As do I. His behaviour is clearly not very knightly.

Rahella |

Rahella realized that the mercenary commander was just not getting it. He didn't seem to realize just how close to true violence Lady Vulpina was and Rahella knew that had to be avoided at all costs. The fact that he didn't understand the strange tube she'd drawn left Rahella confused as well since she'd never seen one either. Still she suspected that something very bad would happen if this escalated any further so she decided to be the voice of reason.
Rahella moved, shifting to get between Vulpina and the mercenary, and looked at her as she said, "M'lady, why don't you go continue the investigation and let me handle this. I promise you he won't bother you any longer so please let it go," she smiled and finished, "for the sake of the job if nothing else." As she had spoken Rahella had edged further between the tow and pressed herself back against the mercenary behind her to try and distract him from the current situation.
Diplomacy in case you want it Vulpina: 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (14) + 7 = 21