The Witch

Rahella's page

151 posts. Alias of Drogeney.


Reservoir (2/7); Spells: 1-st (4/4)


female human arcanist 2 | HP 12/12; THP 0/4; N/L 4/10 | AC 12, TAC 12, FF 10 | F +0, R +2, W +3 | CMB 0, CMD 12 | Init +2 | Per +0 |

About Rahella


female human arcanist (twilgiht sage) 2
LN medium humanoid (human)
Init +2; Senses Perception +0

AC 12, touch 12, flat-footed 10 (+2 Dex)
hp 12 (2d6)
Fort +0[(+0 base)+(0 con)], Ref +2[(0 base)+(2 dex)], Will +3[(+3 base)+(0 wis)]

Speed 30 ft.
Melee 0 (varies); (+1[BAB]-1[str])
Ranged varies +3 (varies); (+1[BAB]+2[Dex])
acid jet+3/1d6+3;acid jet([crit x2; acid; +1d4 rnds sickened fort DC 14 [10+1/2arc lvl+3cha]) (+1[BAB] +2[dex]/1d6 +3[+3 cha])
Special Attacks
arcane reservoir (7/8) (fill 7 [3+3(+3 ex res)+1(1/2 arc lvl)] per day) (max 8 [3+3(+3 ex res)+2(arc lvl)] per day)
twilight barrier (5 temp hp[(arc lvl) +(3 cha)]) (on break 4 neg eng dmg [arc level +3 (+3 cha)])
acid jet+3/1d6+3;acid jet([crit x2; acid; +1d4) (+1[BAB] +2[dex]/1d6 +3[+3 cha])
Spells (CL 2; concentration +5 (2+3[+3 int)]
1st (4 [3+1(high int)]/day)—ray of enfeeblement (dc 15), positive pulse (dc 15)
0 (at will)—disrupt undead, acid splash, detect magic, prestidigitate, read magic

Str 8 [-2 pts], Dex 14 [5pts], Con 10 [0 pts], Int 17 [(7pts)+(2r)], Wis 10 [0pts], Cha 16 [10 pts]
Base Atk +1; CMB 0[(+1 bad)(-1 str)];CMD 12[(base 10)(+1 bab)(-1 str)(+2 dex)]
Feats WP: Simple; Feats: extra arcanist exploit (acid jet) (8 pts), extra reservoir (10pts), spell focus (necromancy) (10 pts)
Skills total=stat+ranks+class+misc
diplomacy +8=+3[cha)+2+3
knowledge (arcana) +8=+3(int)+2+3
knowledge (planes) +8=+3(int)+2+3
knowledge (religion) +8=+3(int)+2+3
linguistics +8=+3(int)+2+3
lore undead +8=+3(int)+2+3
spellcraft +8=+3(int)+2+3
Languages common, necril, osiriani, kelish, celestial, ignan, terran
Combat Gear dagger (2gp); Other Gear pot cure light x3 (150gp), elixer of love (150), elixer of truth (500)
Misc Gear backpack, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, ink, inkpen, a mess kit, soap, spell component pouch, trail rations (5 days), waterskin, traveler’s outfit, spellbook (20gp of equipment); 28 gp, 150 gp misc gems
Special Abilities

Arcanist Exploits
Twilight Barrier (Su/Ex) As a swift action, the arcanist can expend 1 point from her arcane reservoir to create a barrier of magic that protects her from harm. This barrier grants the arcanist a number of temporary hit points equal to her arcanist level + her Charisma modifier, and lasts for 1 minute per arcanist level or until all the temporary hit points have been lost. Each additional time per day the arcanist uses this ability, the number of arcane reservoir points she must spend to activate it increases by 1 (so the second time it is used, the arcanist must expend 2 points from her arcane reservoir, 3 points for the third time, and so on). The temporary hit points from this ability do not stack with themselves, but additional uses do cause the total number of temporary hit points and the duration to reset.

A twilight sage’s arcane barrier differs from those of other arcanists, as it draws upon both negative and positive energy to protect the sage. At 1st level, a twilight sage must choose the arcane barrier exploit as her first arcanist exploit. Whenever an attack removes the last temporary hit point from the twilight sage’s arcane barrier, the barrier’s negative energy lashes back at the attacker, dealing an amount of negative energy damage equal to the barrier’s maximum temporary hit point capacity.
This ability alters the arcanist exploit gained at 1st level.
Acid Jet (Su) The arcanist can unleash a jet of acid by expending 1 point from her arcane reservoir and making a ranged touch attack against any one target within 30 feet. If the attack hits, it deals 1d6 points of acid damage + the arcanist’s Charisma modifier, plus an additional 1d6 points of acid damage for every 2 levels beyond 1st (to a maximum of 10d6 at 19th level). The target is also sickened for 1d4 rounds. It can attempt a Fortitude saving throw to negate the sickened condition.
Consume Life (Su) By wresting a soul from life to death, a twilight sage gains a slightly deeper understanding of mortality, fueling her curiosity and eldritch power. As a full-round action, she can consume the life energy of a helpless living creature, killing it.
This creature must have 2 or more Hit Dice and be below 0 hit points. The twilight sage adds 2 points to her arcane reservoir if the creature’s Hit Dice equaled or exceeded the sage’s character level, or 1 point if the creature’s Hit Dice equaled at least 1/2 her character level.
This ability is a death effect.
This ability replaces consume spells.

Necromantic Focus (Ex) Twilight sages consider their research into life and death to be paramount, beyond all other concerns. Each day, a twilight sage must prepare at least one necromancy spell of each spell level she can cast.


38/100 pgs
1-Lvl (8): ray of enfeeblement, positive pulse, silent image, detect undead, mage armor, secluded grimoire, cause fear, color spray
0-Lvl (30): Resistance, Acid Splash, Drench, Detect Fiendish Presence, Detect Magic, Detect Magic, Detect Poison, Read Magic, Daze, Breeze, Dancing Lights, Flare, Light, Penumbra, Ray of Frost, Scoop, Spark, Ghost Sound, Haunted Fey Aspect, Bleed, Disrupt Undead, Touch of Fatigue, Jolt, Mage Hand, Mending, Message, Open/Close, Root, Scrivener’s Chant, Arcane Mark, Prestidigitation

Rahella is an attractive young woman of mixed orisani and gebbite heritage. She inherited her mother’s looks, dark hair, curvy figure, and exotic eyes, and her father’s vivid purple eyes and fair complexion. She wears her hair long, reaching her rear, in a loose fall down her back, a cloak onver her shoulders and down her back that is black on one side and purple on the inside, and a rather abbreviated outfit consisting of a halter top exposing a fear bit of her cleavage, and a skirt wrapping around her waist and with a long strip of fabric down the front and back. She has a pair of slightly heeled boots that reach to mid calf and when it gets dark and colder she adds a body stocking to help keep her warm at night. When out during the day she wears a standard robe used for traveling in the desert to keep the sun off.

Rahella is, above all, a quiet woman. She grew up with few friends and outside of her parents the only thing she knew was books. She still is far more comfortable with a book than a person but she is far better now at interacting with others after having stayed in the temple of Pharasma for a year or two.

While some might try to call Rahella for ending the suffering of others on their death beds Rahella does not see it that way. She know what can happen to the dead, how they can rise again if they are left to suffer, she grew up in Geb after all, and the Pharasmans encouraged her to use her knowledge to fight the undead and end the suffering of others. When she kills the dying it is not out of malice or hate, it is out of a sense of compassion and a furthering of the Lady of Graves agenda. Despite this more morbid and frightening side of her Rahella has a moral code she follows and is actually just a lonely woman trying to learn to connect with others.

Rahella was born in the country of Geb to a Gebbite man named Corran, a member of the Twilight Sages, and an Osiriani concubine named Nashetti. Corran fell for the woman at first sight and spent much of his meager money to purchase her. He always wanted to give her her freedom but they both knew that she was better protected as his slave instead of a free woman. Eventually they had their daughter Rahella.
Rahella was raised by her parents in the country of Geb, a place where the living were very much second class citizens at best, food at worst, and only those with the power to back them up had any rights. Fortunately Corran did have power, even as one of the younger Sages not yet converted to Undeath. As Rahella grew she had few friends to play with, there were not many children her age outside of the slave pens so she entertained herself with academic pursuits and the study of magic.
When she entered her teens Rahella began to display an incredible beauty for a land of so much ugly and began to draw the eye of many elder Sages, most of whom were undead, and one of the eldest in particular, a Vampire named Aluc, who desired to make her his bride. Her father was unwilling to give Rahella up and began to make arrangements to flee the country but Aluc was ahead of him. He abducted Nashetti and used her as bait to lure Corran out. Having relied on a friend from within the Society Rahella's father had her smuggled out and went to rescue his wife knowing full well they would neither see their daughter again.
Vance, the Pathfinder who helped her flee Geb, took her to one of the countries where the undead would have the least sway, Katapesh a land of desert son and heat. He left her in the care of the Pharasman Temple and Rahella began to learn about the goddess' values and found them at least somewhat compatible with her own. She began to use her knowledge to fight the undead and to bring a peaceful peace to those suffering in their last moments.
Eventually Rahella learned as much as she could within the temple and learned of a caravan going to retake an old town back. Deciding it was time to face her fear of leaving the temple grounds Rahella met with the Pact Master's agents to join the caravan and test her powers against the world outside.

Build Points:

1.) human (18 pts)
2.) extra reservoir (human bonus feat) (no cost I believe?)
3.) extra arcanist exploit (acid jet) (8 pts as you stated earlier)
4.) spell focus necromancy (10 pts)
5.) make diplomacy a class skill (3)

Total 39/40

HP Rolls:

Lvl 1 Max
Lvl 2 6