About Katsumi IshikawaBot instructions:
- When battle starts, drop your backpack to get a light load
- If the enemy is far away, shoot it with the longbow - If it's close, move up and hit it with the cold iron kukri (or silver if it's a known weakness) - When possible, try to flank - If you crit, give the crit to Lupe Fiasco via Butterfly Sting - If you're fighting a living creature that isn't a devil/demon/aberration, prefer non-lethal damage over lethal Basic Crunch:
Human (Tian-Min) Fighter 1
NG Medium Humanoid (human) Speed: 20ft (30 without armor) Init: 4 [4 Dex] Base Stats:
CMB 2 [1 Str + 1 BAB] BAB 1 Melee 2 [1 Str + 1 BAB] Ranged/Light weapons 5 [4 Dex + 1 BAB] Light Melee Weapons (when dealing non-lethal damage with a slashing weapon, don't take -4 to hit and gain +1 damage [Blade of Mercy])
Class Abilities:
Feats and Traits:
Traits (Assume BP 5 unless otherwise noted)
- Finding Haleen (campaign): Choose a favored class (fighter). When you take a level in this, you get both +1 HP and +1 skill point as your favored class bonus - Blade of Mercy (religion): When dealing nonlethal damage with any slashing weapon, you don't take the normal –4 penalty, and gain a +1 trait bonus to any nonlethal damage Feats (Assume BP 10 unless otherwise noted)
Left Over Build Points/Feat Notes
Achievement Feat Progress:
All Gnolls Must Die
Requirement: Deliver the killing blow to 20 gnolls, hyenas, dire hyenas, werehyenas, jackalweres, or minions of Lamashtu. 0/20 Benefit: As long as you carry some sort of trophy harvested from a gnoll (a necklace of ears, a set of teeth, a magic weapon taken from a chieftain, etc.), you gain a +2 morale bonus on all Will saves. You also gain a +2 competence bonus on attack rolls and weapon damage rolls against gnolls, hyenas, dire hyenas, werehyenas, jackalweres, and minions of Lamashtu. Flame-tested survivor
History of scars
Relentless Butcher
2 + 1 Int + 1 Human + 1 FCB = 5/level
* = Class skill Acrobatics 1 [4 Dex - 3 ACP] Appraise 1 [1 Int] Bluff -1 [-1 Cha] *Climb -2 [1 Str - 3 ACP] Craft 1 [1 Int] Diplomacy -1 [-1 Cha] Disguise -1 [-1 Cha] Escape Artist 1 [4 Dex - 3 ACP] Fly 1 [4 Dex - 3 ACP] * Heal 0 [0 Wis] *Intimidate -1 [-1 Cha] *K(Dungeon) 5 [1 Int + 1 rank + 3 class] *K(Eng) 5 [1 Int + 1 rank + 3 class] Linguistics 2 [1 Int + 1 rank] - Read lips Perception 1 [0 Wis + 1 rank] Perform() -1 [-1 Cha] *Ride 1 [4 Dex - 3 ACP] Sense Motive 0 [0 Wis] Stealth 1 [4 Dex - 3 ACP] *Survival 4 [0 Wis + 1 rank + 3 class] *Swim -1 [1 Str - 3 ACP] Gear:
Wishlist 89 gp, 9 sp, 5 cp
Favored Class Bonus:
1) +1 skill/HP Future levels:
2) Weapon Focus (Kukri): +1 to hit 3) Slashing Grace (Weapon Finesse, Weapon Focus): Add Dex to damage instead of Str (doesn't apply while TWF) 4) Two-Weapon Fighting: Reduces penalties to TWF (-2/-2) 5) Two-Weapon Grace (Slashihng Grace, TWF, Weapon Finesse): Increase TWF penalties by -2 and can't decrease penalty to less than -2. Gain +Dex to damage on main hand and 1/2 Dex damage on off hand 6) Advanced Weapon Training (5th, 1 per 5 levels) Gain an advanced weapon training 7) Improved Two-Weapon Fighting: (TWF, BAB +6) Second off-hand attack 8) Improved Critical (BAB +8): Double crit range 9) 10) Greater Two-Weapon Fighting (Dex 19, Improved TWF, BAB +11): Gain 3rd off hand attack [6 BP] Combat Reflexes: + Dex extra AoO
Advanced Armor Training (3rd, 1 per 3 levels): Gain an advanced armor training Weapon Specialization (Weapon Focus, lvl 4): +2 damage
Power Attack (Str 13): Penalty to hit for bonus to damage
Advanced Armor Training
Advanced Weapon Training
------------------------------------ Background:
Katsumi is of Tian-Min descent, raised in Katapesh. Haleen always told him that she found him on a piece of driftwood floating not far from shore after a terrible storm. The storm caused a merchant vessel to sink, and his parents used all their strength to lash him to the buoyant object so that he would float to safety.
Unbeknownst to Katsumi, his is all a lie told in the interest of "protecting" him. In actuality, most likely his parents sold him for one reason or another and he changed hands until he found himself in the possession of a pesh addict who planned to barter him for more drugs. However, before said addict was able to do this, he overdosed. Haleen was drawn to the sound of him crying and in a show of compassion, brought him home. As a Tian-Min in a foreign land, Katsumi's childhood wasn't especially easy, and his dichromatic eyes and slight build didn't help. He was the smallest of the local children and often the target of bullying. Try as he might to fend them off, more often than not it was Haleen to bailed him out. As he grew older, he tried to pick up martial skills to protect himself, but even then he always seemed to be a few steps behind everybody else. It was Haleen who suggested that instead of trying to catch up to the others in strength, he try a different tactic and rely on his small frame to be nimble where others couldn't. This...kind of worked. He was still unable to fight back all that well and he was just as much the brunt of everyone's insults, but at least he was no longer coming home each day with a new set of cuts and bruises. It was enough that he no longer needed the protection of Haleen to get by, and his skills started slowly improving. He hopes his continued improvement will be enough that one day he will be able to protect others as he was protected. Appearance and Personality:
Katsumi is shy and very self-conscious about his appearance as that is what he was most often teased about. As a result, he tries to hide as much as he can behind his armor, using it as metaphorical protection in addition to physical. As much as possible, he tries to avoid taking his armor off. When he's wearing his armor, the only part of him that's really visible are his dichromatic eyes (left dark brown, right pale blue). As much as he would love to hide those as well, he hasn't yet figured out a way to do so while still maintaining full range of vision. Even when forced to take his protection off to sleep, unless he's at home, he still tends to wear pants, a long-sleeved top, and a cloak with its hood drawn up. Anything to avoid making him feel exposed. On the rare occasions more of him is exposed, it can be seen that he has a lithe build with dark, even skin. He keeps his black hair cut relatively short and his face clean-shaven. |