Miteke's Legacy of Fire

Game Master miteke

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Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

Urah has prestidigitation if needed to deal with the smell... :P

'Gnasher' Red Claw wrote:

Are you ok with me RPing that as a supplement to his diet without 'rolling' for it to be safe, or should he stick to eating only 'real' humanoid food?

Like in this case he would eat the bones and offal from the duck and squirrel and frown at the apples.

That is a definite yes.

As for food, we will not even bother counting rations if at least one of you is hunting. Your rolls will fuel the RP and GM descriptions, but over the long run you will be eating like kings.

The main drawback is that anyone who is hunting will be separated from the group a large part of the day and if there is an encounter that could get nasty. Now if you want to mini-max and hunt on and off as the rations get low, maybe making camp at the time, we can make rolls to determine how many days you can go without splitting up.

Of course... How do you feel about a diet of straight goodberries? You know that spell not only heals, it provides nourishment and every night 5 of them will go bad. So, basically, you do not NEED to hunt, it is more about having variety in your meals.

Scratch that. This is spring and fresh berries are few and far between without a hothouse of some sort. I hadn't thought about that before now, but the berry cycle will be very difficult, if not impossible, to maintain under the current circumstances.

Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22

Makes sense.

Acrobatics +17 (18), Disable Device 23 (24), Heal +10, Perception +22, Stealth +21 (22), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 11 | Init +5 (6), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +22 | AC 35, 16 Touch, 31 Flat Footed| Fort +15 (17), Ref +15 (16), Will +9 | HP 128/128 (95/150) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 5 |Active Conditions: None

I think we should hunt until we get close to the mountain. At which point we should avoid hunting and go to rations.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/9(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 27/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

That works for me, can we hunt as a group so were fairly close to each other, or do we have to 'split up'?

Depends on the kind of hunt. For example if you were Pheasant hunting you would march in a line making noise so as to flush the birds out and shoot them. Another type of hunting works a lot like that though one group flushes towards the awaiting hunter(s). Most hunting works on a stealth or trap basis though. But, yes, there are types of hunts that would allow you to work as a group. Do a little research and go ahead and RP a hunt style that would work like this if you want to give it a crack.

FYI: 90% of my knowledge about hinting is second hand and I'm betting at least one of you knows more than I do. RP a decent approach and I'll let the dice decide the results and have some fun with it.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/9(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 27/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

Gnasher's hunting style. find a lion that has killed something, throw rocks at the lion until it leaves then eat it's prey. If lion attacks due to rock throwing, kill lion and eat it too.

Acrobatics +17 (18), Disable Device 23 (24), Heal +10, Perception +22, Stealth +21 (22), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 11 | Init +5 (6), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +22 | AC 35, 16 Touch, 31 Flat Footed| Fort +15 (17), Ref +15 (16), Will +9 | HP 128/128 (95/150) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 5 |Active Conditions: None

Malgrim has a huge range on his Blast. I was planning on shooting down birds that were flying and collecting them if we could find where they fell. Or shooting squirrel/rabbit or larger land prey he happens to see instead.

So more quail hunting style of getting them to run and shooting them.

If you move in a group you are VERY noisy. Most animals will steer a wide berth from your entourage. So there will be penalties involved. But you could move at full speed and just take opportunistic potshots. But that would be less a survival roll and more a luck roll and a combat to hit roll. Collecting plant edibles would work while moving at full speed too, and would allow a survival roll at a minus as you are not seeking the plants out based on likely habitat.

There are a LOT of options here so basically pick one and I'll try to do some mental number crunching and come up with a fair roll for you to make.

Or, if you are not up to being creative you have these options:
1) Split up and hunt normally using the normal survival rules.
2) Stick together and see if lady luck smiles (survival at a minus and I'll also roll a random chance that some unlucky creature strays into your path).

But if you are up to being creative, then there will be some bonuses.

Acrobatics +17 (18), Disable Device 23 (24), Heal +10, Perception +22, Stealth +21 (22), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 11 | Init +5 (6), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +22 | AC 35, 16 Touch, 31 Flat Footed| Fort +15 (17), Ref +15 (16), Will +9 | HP 128/128 (95/150) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 5 |Active Conditions: None

We have enough food in theory to make it there and hopefully a chunk of the way back. So fresh fruit/veggies/herbs or supplemental meat from birds or what not seems like it will be more then enough to help with the boredom of travel rations.

I am just concerned that we are going after what might be a full fledged army and running into chunks of it alone might be pretty poor. If it was just general travel I would not be as concerned.

Agreed. and you are very likely to kill something that comes after you and not the other way around. And even if you don't want to eat it, Gnasher will. But chances are really good that I will throw something at you that you all can eat. And then survival skill will come into play as you try to preserve it.

So really the whole survival thing is more about having fun and RPing what you think your character would do in a situation like this.

Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22

On the ice today then driving so I will get a post up when I get home tonight

Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

I agree with hunting to supplement our rations.

I mean I do believe I indicated number of days Rations being packed which is too heavy for Urah lol.

Gather fresh rations until we get closer to where the hunting becomes sparse and we have to fall back on rations.

Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22

Tarak would be on the lookout for small animals that might be good to eat while scouting in eagle form, wouldn’t be a stretch to nab a few squirrels or rabbits or whatever is equivalent on occasion. Trick is not eating them first, bird instinct and all that :)

Else I would agree maybe pairs hunting while setting up camp might be a good idea but as we get closer to the mountain rations and not running into a gnoll patrol solo would be a priority.

Plus the first week a full meal would be covered by his Goodberry supply he set out with.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/9(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 27/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

ok, not enough coffee yet to figure out if were hunting as a group or not, I don't like the idea of splitting up. Anyone want to throw up a post?

Yep, just throw up a post describing how you travel in gameplay and I'll let you know what I do to you :)

miteke wrote:

If you move in a group you are VERY noisy. Most animals will steer a wide berth from your entourage. So there will be penalties involved. But you could move at full speed and just take opportunistic potshots. But that would be less a survival roll and more a luck roll and a combat to hit roll. Collecting plant edibles would work while moving at full speed too, and would allow a survival roll at a minus as you are not seeking the plants out based on likely habitat.

There are a LOT of options here so basically pick one and I'll try to do some mental number crunching and come up with a fair roll for you to make.

Or, if you are not up to being creative you have these options:
1) Split up and hunt normally using the normal survival rules.
2) Stick together and see if lady luck smiles (survival at a minus and I'll also roll a random chance that some unlucky creature strays into your path).

But if you are up to being creative, then there will be some bonuses.

Please confirm that you are choosing option 2, except that Tarak is overhead and kinda with the group and kinda not, assumedly keeping them in sight as he keeps a lookout.

So what I am going to do here is take the highest survival roll, add +2 per successful aid, and then do a -15 for less than optimal hunting techniques and the fact that Spring is not that great for foraging. Sound good?

Acrobatics +17 (18), Disable Device 23 (24), Heal +10, Perception +22, Stealth +21 (22), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 11 | Init +5 (6), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +22 | AC 35, 16 Touch, 31 Flat Footed| Fort +15 (17), Ref +15 (16), Will +9 | HP 128/128 (95/150) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 5 |Active Conditions: None

Yep, Option 2 while Tarak flies above.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/9(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 27/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

Options two's fine, but everyone should roll survival to help with the roll and aid.

Particularly since the high roll sets the standard, though Gnasher's roll should do the trick as long as there are a few aids.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/9(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 27/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10
miteke wrote:
Particularly since the high roll sets the standard, though Gnasher's roll should do the trick as long as there are a few aids.
That's what I was thinking.
miteke wrote:
Need some survival rolls from Malgrim, Tarak, and Urah. If you all would like, I will just roll all four for you all in a spoiler after this and do the rolls for you.

Your the best miteke!

Acrobatics +17 (18), Disable Device 23 (24), Heal +10, Perception +22, Stealth +21 (22), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 11 | Init +5 (6), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +22 | AC 35, 16 Touch, 31 Flat Footed| Fort +15 (17), Ref +15 (16), Will +9 | HP 128/128 (95/150) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 5 |Active Conditions: None

Either option on rolling works for me. If it makes things smoother for you to roll that is fine with me. I am happy to roll as well if that makes life easier for you.

2 people marked this as a favorite.

I'm just worried the game flow will bog down if I try to get a survival roll from each of you for each travelling day. So after this one, I'll do the rolling. It's not like the success or failure is going to kill anyone :)

Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22

GM rolling sounds fine to me.

Gnasher wrote:
Also assuming 'red' is the first mounted goblin, not the maroon guy in the middle, who I assume is Mei

Mei never joined you and I did not place that icon. There are only 4 of you unless we recruit someone. I was wondering who that was and figured it was Malgrim, though you are right that is sure looks like Mei.

Gnasher wrote:
I'm assuming we have four watches, and Gnasher is the third watch, was he the person on watch, or did this wake him. The only reason it's relevant is which armor he will be wearing. Sleeping he wears a chain shirt, awake he puts on his chain mail

Ah, I had to reread gameplay about 5 times but I think I finally got it. It was supposed to be Tarak, Malgrim, Gnasher, then Urah on watches. I'll fix it next time around, but for now we will stick with stuff happening on Gnasher's watch.

Acrobatics +17 (18), Disable Device 23 (24), Heal +10, Perception +22, Stealth +21 (22), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 11 | Init +5 (6), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +22 | AC 35, 16 Touch, 31 Flat Footed| Fort +15 (17), Ref +15 (16), Will +9 | HP 128/128 (95/150) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 5 |Active Conditions: None

The icon in there is Malgrim. It has a staff because its hard to find a good image for hobgoblin caster types. I am not sure why it got the maroon outline.

Sounds good. I'll edit my combat card post. I got rid of the border and made the PC icons oval so that it will be easier to distinguish between the good guys and the bad guys.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/9(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 27/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

Hey miteke, on gnasher's attack, how many of the attacks hit, and did they 'kill' anything? Sorry went back and reread your post, it was very clear. thank you.

Also, if Gnasher attacks with natural attacks with his standard and picks up his bardiche with his move action, will the bardiche be 'enlarged' still or will he need to return to normal size to use it?

Good question. I'm thinking that it would return to it's normal size when you dropped it and would not get bigger if you picked it up again.

As always, I'm open to correction if you can point me at a thread that challenges that.

Acrobatics +17 (18), Disable Device 23 (24), Heal +10, Perception +22, Stealth +21 (22), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 11 | Init +5 (6), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +22 | AC 35, 16 Touch, 31 Flat Footed| Fort +15 (17), Ref +15 (16), Will +9 | HP 128/128 (95/150) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 5 |Active Conditions: None

I am pretty sure you are right. It does not resize, but you can use it a size smaller then you. You just have a -2 to use it and uses the medium size damage dice. But it would still retain the special properties like reach but I think it would become one handed for you. For whatever that is worth.

The penalty and change to one handed weapon is under Weapon Size here.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/9(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 27/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

That's what I figured, but wanted to double check. Of course he can shrink and use it, and smaller he'd get two aoo's instead of one (higher dex) will get a post up after I feed my mom beakfast.

Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22

Heading home in a bit, I’ll be able to place my icon this afternoon and will be home all weekend for this combat.

Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

Busy at the moment. Will put up a post sometime over the weekend if I'm awake enough.


I've been sick the past couple of days. called off work yesterday and spent the day on the couch or in bed. So sorry about no posts. I may be a bit slow on the uptake until I feel normal again.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/9(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 27/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

It's cool miteke, get feeling better. We appreciate the heads up, but your health is a higher priority. Besides we don't want you posting in a fog and then try and remember what you did :)

Acrobatics +17 (18), Disable Device 23 (24), Heal +10, Perception +22, Stealth +21 (22), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 11 | Init +5 (6), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +22 | AC 35, 16 Touch, 31 Flat Footed| Fort +15 (17), Ref +15 (16), Will +9 | HP 128/128 (95/150) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 5 |Active Conditions: None

Yeah, take your time and feel better!

I got a post in. Felt obligated and it wasn't too hard.

Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22

Yeah, our whole family is on nasty (non COVID) cold #2 since December.

Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22

Completely unrelated, except a bit for Malgrim, the more I play my kineticist the more I think its my favorite class. My, sadly handicapped as a, Kinetic Knight just got Life Bubble all the time, so handy since they are wandering Planescape right now.

If i did it over id be closer to Mal's build, Go Air and Water, Dex based and invest in Kinetic Whip and possibly Combat reflexes. Great all around with so many useful utilities like Flying at 6 or 8 depending on build, good ranged and melee, and solid AC. Plus healing and eventually breath of life just for fun.

Acrobatics +17 (18), Disable Device 23 (24), Heal +10, Perception +22, Stealth +21 (22), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 11 | Init +5 (6), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +22 | AC 35, 16 Touch, 31 Flat Footed| Fort +15 (17), Ref +15 (16), Will +9 | HP 128/128 (95/150) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 5 |Active Conditions: None

I go back and forth on the class. I like so much about the class, but I do think that Burn is a very punishing mechanic.

I do think there are some elements, mainly Air, Earth and Water, which are just so much better then the elemental options. So internal balance may not be great in comparison to some other classes.

Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22

Yeah, true but it’s not too hard to run pretty well without too much burn with internal buffer and the infusion specialization as long as you tactically burn and don’t get too enamored with a lot of the less useful infusions. It seems like empowered blast (maximized later or maybe a composite once you get enough burn reduction) is the best mainstay, and later when overflow gets fun you want to make sure to take that 3 or more burn daily anyway.

Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22

So, my thought if we decide we need an actual cleric (not that Urah’s current health has any bearing) I’ve decided the best course of action. That would be to convert Tarak to a cleric of Gozreh. Gets me cleric stuff, keeps the character remarkably similar, I can still take lighting domain but have to lose wild shape. I’d take animal domain I think, get another body up front to soak some damage sine Mei seems to be lost.

Take a level of fighter too, to get heavy armor and martial weapons.

Of course Druid is great too, so I’d prefer we stop almost dying and thinking about needing a cleric :)

Acrobatics +17 (18), Disable Device 23 (24), Heal +10, Perception +22, Stealth +21 (22), Survival +3, Use Magic Device +11
Hobgoblin Kineticist 11 | Init +5 (6), Senses Perception (Darkvision) +22 | AC 35, 16 Touch, 31 Flat Footed| Fort +15 (17), Ref +15 (16), Will +9 | HP 128/128 (95/150) ( Non-lethal) | Burn 5 |Active Conditions: None

I stand by we are fine. I do not think Urah should have been unconscious this round because he did some healing on himself that I do not believe was counted. But then again, they missed me on the attack so I got to stand up early. the fight could have gone a different way there.

I do wonder what Urah is planning to do long term. If he plans to do a lot more with Oracle or Mystic Theurge then he will get a lot of the big healing spells...eventually.

For whatever minor thing it might be worth, if you do decide to change I think it should be because you think you will have more fun with a different build instead of a feeling of impending doom for the group.

Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

Urah will be going mystic Theurge eventually. I just need to hit the minimum on both Oracle and Sorcerer.

If he survives. Else I'll pull something else.

A sorceror caught without any buffs is definitely going to be eating dirt fast.

Healed 20.
-23. Ok stop healing me lol. I'll just end up taking hits I can't avoid.

Male Human Druid 7 | Init +2, Senses Perception +16 | AC 19, 14 Touch, 17 Flat footed (+4 armor, +1 Shield, +2 Dex, +2 Def,) | Fort +7, Ref +5, Will +12 | HP 17/48| Lightning Arc 6/7 | Beacon 0/1 | DL 1/1 IL 1/1| Med 1/1 | Active Conditions: Barkskin: AC 22

Cool. Now if I can just finish braining this goblin …

Male Ifrit Sorceror Elemental: Water () 5 / Oracle Flame (Seeker) 2 -6
Active Conditions:
Mage Armor +4AC, Shield +4AC
| HP: 17/47-30| AC: 14/16/13|Init: +7|Perc: +4|Fort: +4|Ref: +5|Will: +7|CMB: +4 CMD: 15|Acid: +6;1d3|Frost:1d3|Disrupt:1d6|Fire Ray:1d6+1|Q.Staff: +3;1d6|
Acro:+6| App:+2|Bluff:+9|Clim:+0|Diplo:+10|DD:+13|Disg:+4|E.A:+3|H.A:+4|Heal:-1|Inti :+10|K.Arc:+8|K.Pla/Reli:+7/6|Ling:+9|Ride:+3|SM:-1|Sleight:+10|Spell:+10|S tealth:+4|Sur:-1|UMD:+10|

Get them guys.
Get their attention.
So they'll forget about me.

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/9(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 27/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10
miteke wrote:
The group stares at the intimidating canyon, not sure how to deal with it. it stares back until it grows dark. The fire is lit and smoking because of the wet wood, but Urah makes sure that it does not go out - at least until he falls asleep. The drizzle lets up in the middle of the second watch, but those of you with tents do not find it a problem. Those of you that do NOT have a tent, give me a DC 10 fort ST.

I mentioned it in an earlier post, and intended to do so everyday, but I don't think I included in ever post. Gnasher had been casting Endure elements in the morning, does he need to roll the fort save?

Does he have a tent? Even if not, you will be good for now. I think constant exposure to moisture would cause issues with or without protection from cold, but he should be fine for now. How does Gnasher feel about foot rot? Not that that is going to happen because it is not going to be wet that often. But still, Gnasher with foot fungus would be fun to RP, right?

Male Gnoll Bloodrager 11 | HP 135/135 Rage:168 |AC 26/T15/FF23 (Rage AC) 19/T8/FF16 Due to enlarged rage and reckless abandon | F+12/R+8/W+7/9(rage) | CMB + 16/CMD 29 | init + 5 | Perc + 14 | intim. + 22 | Surv. + 14 | Rage: 27/27 HP+33 /AC-2/Will+3/fast healing 3 | Spells/lvl: 1st: 2/3, 2nd: 2/2, 3rd:2/2 | BoS 10/10

Foot fungus, he's already got lichens growing in his fur from the weapon...

It's odd, I thought Katopesh was all desert.

He's a gnoll with survival skills, tell me how the gnolls survive in the terrain and that's what he would have done.

Edit:I've not dealt with the 'survival' rules a lot. He's got a + 8,

PFSRD wrote:
Survival DC 15: Gain a +2 bonus on all Fortitude saves against severe weather while moving up to half your overland speed, or gain a +4 bonus if you remain stationary. You may grant the same bonus to one other character for every 1 point by which your Survival check result exceeds 15.

Were stationary. If Gnasher takes 10(18) on survival that gives him a + 4 to his fort. His Fort modifier is + 7 so he automatically passes the DC.

'Gnasher' Red Claw wrote:
It's odd, I thought Katopesh was all desert.

Mostly. There is the fact that these are mountains which always mess with the climate and that you are following a river who's source is in the mountains. Which means there must be precipitation there since water flows down. Still, it was a judgement call to toss in a little rain.

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