miteke |

Hmm, does the confusion effect potentially disrupt my full round casting action?
The BBEG attacked with tooth and claw , does that make it close enough that Gnasher wouldn't really be looking at the carapace? Gnasher will drop the bardiche and attack with tooth and claw as well so their almost wrestling.
No reach so no on the AoO. Yea, it would have made a difference had you stopped further away. I take it from your icon you wanted to change that? I think I may have been the one to move you closer. I will change it to a move and single attack on his part, saving you some damage.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

So I didn't know who moved him up, I had him back by the door. I had misunderstood the big bad's original location I thought he was off to the side.
Gnashers attack was with a reach weapon enlarged, so I had to keep him further back enough to hit from either 15 or 20 ft. the big bad would have had to move through the threatened zone to attack gnasher, are you sure Gnasher doesn't get an AOO?

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

That's exceptionally reasonable. once he attacks Gnasher, confused or not Gnasher get's to attack back since he attacked Gnasher :)
I will get a post up once I switch key boards, this one is dying on me.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

miteke wrote:What? Nuking 1/3 of my hit points by scratching MY SELF isn’t good for the group? Huh ;)OMG! One of you had better start acting normal or this will get real nasty real quick!
Adjusted locations on map and HP loss for Gnasher's new location.
Gnasher (-18 HP)
Look at the bright side, if it's a TPK you get to put in that character you were working on without having to right Tarak out of the story
Silver-linings everywhere

Malgrim Gryh |

Hopefully, I get an act normally so I can heal up Gnasher at least once soon.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

I keep forgetting gnasher has a few limited spells, should have cast them before we entered.

Tarak Stromblessed |

Dino Tarak wrote:miteke wrote:What? Nuking 1/3 of my hit points by scratching MY SELF isn’t good for the group? Huh ;)OMG! One of you had better start acting normal or this will get real nasty real quick!
Adjusted locations on map and HP loss for Gnasher's new location.
Gnasher (-18 HP)Look at the bright side, if it's a TPK you get to put in that character you were working on without having to right Tarak out of the story
Silver-linings everywhere
TPKs are always a wonderful chance to start a new story.

Tarak Stromblessed |

I keep forgetting gnasher has a few limited spells, should have cast them before we entered.
I’ve always wanted to try an Arcane Bloodrager, blur every time you rage is awesome. Somehow wedge Moonlight Stalker in and you’re really cooking when you rage.
And then of course there’s the spells

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

The only AP I've finished was RoW with a 'demon spawned' tiefling bloodrager. I actually created Gnasher before him, but this was the only AP that I feel like he 'fits' in. I've also played a celestial bloodrager with levels in oracle, and I'm presently in another game with a arcane bloodrager, but he's only first level.
I'll have to go look at Moonlight Stalker.
Moonlight stalker:
Prerequisite: Int 13, Blind-Fight, Combat Expertise, Bluff 3 ranks, darkvision or low-light vision racial trait.Benefit: While you have concealment from an opponent, you gain a +2 bonus on attack and damage rolls against that opponent.
That's a lot of investment when your getting displacement or haste at 8th level

Tarak Stromblessed |

I do find blind fight a good feat to have in general, but yes it’s a lot for a +2. Perhaps if you’re already doing reach combat reflexes AOO build

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

or if your playing in a game using the 'feat tax rules' where some of the basic feats are free or combined
I've no found it difficult for Bloodragers to hit, but I'd never seen Moonlight Stalker before, thanks for pointing it out. Still realizing how much of his thing I don' know.

Malgrim Gryh |

If it makes people feel better, I doubt it will be a TPK because when you are confused and attacked you attack back. Now it might munch through 2-3 of us en route to its death. But someone should survive. :P

Urah Pyr |

We shall survive!!!!
If I don't then......It's time to bring in an expert coward build lol.

Dino Tarak |

I agree we’ll be Ok, we won’t all fail every round, or at least some of us will roll that “act normally” and we’ve got a couple of beasts in the group ourselves.
Although I do recall a failed attempt at reign of winter where our group TPKd twice, pretty much in a row. First at the cabin, then hilariously to a couple of pixies and a whole lot of failed Will saves.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

** spoiler omitted ** My character was the only survivor and only because he ran away.

Urah Pyr |

Book 1. Those pixies were deadly!!!
My group TPK the first time at the place. I didn't survive cause I got scratched to death.......

Tarak Stromblessed |

Tarak Stromblessed |

** spoiler omitted **
Lol, pretty sure we are talking about the same game :)
Edit: yep, you were there!

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

*note to self, don't go with Tarak and Urah to fight pixies in the winter*

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

no we don't mind

Malgrim Gryh |

I am good with whatever you think works best.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

yeah nothing hangs on a GM like rolling for a player and causing a TPK

Urah Pyr |

I can wait.
and oh I was in a game with Tarak before? Hadn't noticed lol.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

lol, so true, I see characters/players think 'I know I've gamed with them,' search my cue, then search their cue and realize it's just from being in all the same recruitments over the years.
But then you feel bad when someone's like "Hey!" and you have to look at their cue to see what game you played in with them...

Tarak Stromblessed |

Yeah, after the discussion I went back and checked the players on the campaign, I surely didn’t remember.

Urah Pyr |

I applaud that you actually went back to check games...
I look at the list and I give it up as a bad job. There have being some players where I get turned off completely and then meet them in another game where they have done a 360.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

I applaud that you actually went back to check games...
LOL, I Have a lot of time on my hands :)

miteke |

Well, I appreciate your plethora of time as you have always been a reliable poster. Not having GMed all that much I have come to understand that that is probably the most important feature of a player to a GM, even more so than colorful posts.
Speaking of player dynamics, I had one game where I played an acerbic bard (Kitoro) and another player had a very hard time separating my character from me. Which was odd because his character was equally acerbic. At first he was obviously offended but by the end of the game there was a 180 and our characters fed off each other quite well and he thought I was better than sliced bread.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

Well, I appreciate your plethora of time as you have always been a reliable poster. Not having GMed all that much I have come to understand that that is probably the most important feature of a player to a GM, even more so than colorful posts.
Thanks, I try to post at a rate that will help keep the game moving. I used to try and drag a party along, but it seemed like it promoted less posting from the party instead of more. Now I try to wait for others a little.
As for 'colorful posts' I love them, but don't always take the time. A lot of it depends on the game and the other players and what is going on. If we're in combat I worry more about getting a post up quickly than I do thinking about it too much. Sometime it depends on my mental well being. I know if I want decently creative posts, I need to wait in the morning until the coffee kicks in... and not to post too late at night, they just get muddled.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

Since this is the climactic scene in the book, I'm really hesitant to bot Mei during it. I hope you guys don't mind if we wait for her to be able to post.
For what it's worth, I checked Mei's other games, they haven't posted in any of them since November. So at least their not ignoring us :)
miteke, would you feel better if one of us took the roll for her?

Malgrim Gryh |

Mei left a post saying that they would be back on the 15th. So in theory tomorrow we will start seeing a post again.
But there were health concerns so we will see.

'Gnasher' Red Claw |

Mei left a post saying that they would be back on the 15th. So in theory tomorrow we will start seeing a post again.
But there were health concerns so we will see.
Thanks Malgrim, I totally forgot about that, thanks for the reminder. Hopefully everything is ok.

Tarak Stromblessed |

Hope everything is fine.
And I hope anyone in the Midwest is Ok after the recent rounds of storms, our night last night was a little exciting but ultimately Ok for us.

Malgrim Gryh |

Sounds good.

Urah Pyr |

Fine with that too

Tarak Stromblessed |

Sounds good. By the way, after a lot of thinking and debating and making about a dozen characters I’m just going to stick with Tarak. Might think about a level dip in monk and keep him wildshaped more than I had originally thought, maybe he can learn some martial arts from Mei or something.

miteke |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

Sounds good. Druids got a lot of unique and interesting spells. It's so tempting to load up on combat spells and forget how awesome druids are at utilitarian spells.
Here's one good suggestion. Take goodberry every day and you can have level x5 goodberries in stock. That is 25 points of healing at your level for one 1st level spell. What a bargain!
Another thing I do is keep one slot of the highest level spell open so I can cast situational spells like water breathing or burrow or ape walk for your movement needs, delay poison, meld into stone for hiding, communal share language when you want to talk to a NPC, snare when I am being followed, etc. etc. etc. Heck, I tend to keep more than just one slot open, though the second one is at a lower level for spells like speak with animals. You rarely ever use all your spells anyway.

Tarak Stromblessed |

I considered the good berry thing and had planned on it more as I get to the point there I’m not needing my first level spells all the time (which is about now), especially when/if we venture away from easy access to our camp.
I’m still really sad I lost my monkies, by the way.
Edit: also thanks for the suggestions. I think I mentioned I’m a neophyte when it comes to full casters so tips and tricks are always welcome, especially as we level.

Dino Tarak |

So now, I have a question. GM gave me weapon shift which says
Your natural attacks also gain all of the weapon’s properties (such as disarm), other than the double weapon property and the fragile weapon property
Now, if I do dip in Monk and use a monk weapon for this feat, I wonder if the monk special weapon property would apply, since it is a weapon property but not called out in the description as not allowed. If so, then that would let Tarak flurry of blows wildshaped, which is not normally allowed.
because that makes a monk dip even more enticing, apart from the WIS to armor which already is very enticing for losing a level of spell casting
If this is an obviously silly question that I just didn’t see the text for, I’ll blame the couple bourbons I’ve had tonight :)