Regongar Stormborn |
Half-Orc Magus (Eldritch Scion) 4 / Shifter (Elementalist Shifter) 3| HP - 64 | AC - 19 | F+9, R+7, W+7| Perc +1 (DARKvision 90') |
I think we should wish our GM the best in his future endeavors.
I have returned to this thread again and again and again.
I want it to move forward SO badly.
But it isn't.
I am happy to take you into another campaign if we want also.
Faerin Cordova |
Female Half-Elf Druid (Green Faith Initiate) 6: HP 43/43 : AC: (22)19, T: 12, FF: (17)14: Fort: +8(+10) Reflex: + 5 Will: +11 (+13 Enchantment) : Perception +11, Init +2 : Wooden fist 8/8 : Wild shape 1/1 Active effects:
Regongar Stormborn wrote:
I am happy to take you into another campaign if we want also.
I'm interested.