GM ShadowLord's Reign of Winter

Game Master The Rising Phoenix

Reign of Winter
Book 3: Maiden, Mother, Crone
Loot Sheet

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HP: 60/60, 15 thp, AC 17 t:12 ff:16, f+6 r+6 w+11; Resist Cold 5; Perc +20, init +1, Fly 9/10, Active: mage armor, 3fold (elderly) Heal hex: S
Llewellyn the Bold wrote:
Sounds great to me!


Thanks for answering the call! Glad you liked what we've done so far. It's been a fun ride so I'm excited we've got a new GM to take us through the last half of the AP.

And thanks for answering the Leadership feat question. If it's all right with you, I'll "collect" the item Ariadna was crafting (a cackling hag's vest) and have her start something else.

Any ideas? Does someone need a belt or headband?

(Acro +18; Climb +5; Diplo: +1; Heal: +15; Know(Religion) +6; Sense Motive: +8; Spellcraft +11; Survival: +8)
Female Human (Ulfen) Warpriest 8 / Evangelist 2
(HP: 83/83 AC: 21[23]/15/16[18]; Percep: +16; Init: +4; Fort +9 (+4 v. Poison), Ref: +7, Will: +10; CMD: 23; CMB +8; Speed: 30;Resist Cold: 2)

Sorry, I was just so pleased to have a (permanent) replacement, I didn't realize we had to agree.

Yes, please.

(With a big thanks, also, to ShadowLord for keeping us alive in the meantime...)

Female Human Oracle 8 / Lore warden Fighter 2 | HP 67/67| (if cold Ac: 23) AC:21 / T: 15 / FF: 15 /Resist: 10 Cold| Fort: +7, Ref: +6(+8 if winter), Will: +5 | CMB: +10/5 CMD: 25 | Init: +8(+10 if winter), Perception: +3 (Snow Sight)
lvl1 6/7 | Lvl2 7/7 | lvl3 3/5
Status effects:

a charisma headband, maybe a magic scimitar so i can go back to not using strength lol.

glad to have a permenant gm again and thanks to Shadowlord

level up

oracle 8

bab and will +1

level 4 spell access

Divine power
Cure critical wounds
ice storm

Feat- Cut from the air

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

My pleasure. I'm glad we were able to keep your game alive and moving the past few months!

Best of luck to you all!

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Ok, that's the majority of the players saying yea, I'm sure Samuel would like to keep playing!

GM Shadowlord....I relieve you ,sir!

I'll get the ball rolling on taking over the campaign and doing some prep.

Stay tuned!

HP 86 AC 24 TAC 19 FF 16 | CMD 30 | F +10 R +14 W +9 (+2 vs divinations; reroll vs charm/compulsion) Resist cold 2 | Grit: 4/4 Bravado: 1/1 Oath: 1/1 Bullets: 33 Cold iron bullets: 6 Cartridge: 10 Flare: 6 | Ini +9 | Senses +15
Acrobatics+19,Bluff+12,Climb+4,Diplomacy-1,Disable Device+18,Heal+8,Intimidate+12,K.eng/local+6,K.arcana/nature/planes+3,Lingu istics+4,Sense Motives+12,Ride+10,SoH+10,Stealth+6,Survival+14,Swim+4
Male Human Gunslinger (Musket Master) 10 | -

Anything that keeps the game rolling is well welcomed, thanks for the help!

I will be pretty busy until Thursday, but I wanted to chime in to say hello.

(Acro +18; Climb +5; Diplo: +1; Heal: +15; Know(Religion) +6; Sense Motive: +8; Spellcraft +11; Survival: +8)
Female Human (Ulfen) Warpriest 8 / Evangelist 2
(HP: 83/83 AC: 21[23]/15/16[18]; Percep: +16; Init: +4; Fort +9 (+4 v. Poison), Ref: +7, Will: +10; CMD: 23; CMB +8; Speed: 30;Resist Cold: 2)
GM Spazmodeus wrote:
Stay tuned!

Same bat time, same bat channel? ;)

Callix Ingritdottir wrote:
GM Spazmodeus wrote:
Stay tuned!
Same bat time, same bat channel? ;)

Holy understood reference , Batman! :)

Request to take over the campaign has been submitted to paizo customer support.

HP: 60/60, 15 thp, AC 17 t:12 ff:16, f+6 r+6 w+11; Resist Cold 5; Perc +20, init +1, Fly 9/10, Active: mage armor, 3fold (elderly) Heal hex: S


Maybe you should follow up with that email? the past they responded within a few days...but I also realized that I can post all I want, I just can't update links and such on the campaign page.

I'll see if I can get a post in soon to move things along. I think Letitia is waiting on some knowledge checks! :)

TG1 | GW | FF | RH

I can update info as needed until they switch it, just post it here or PM me.

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Again sorry for the delay.
Another busy week with work and getting prepped for this.
Thanks for the offer, Shadowlord, I'll take you up on that if I need to.

Should have a post up this evening!

Hey guys, just wanted to broach a gameplay option I've seen used in other pbp campaigns to move things along quicker.

When at least two of you agree on a direction to go, like Samuel and Letitia just have in our gameplay, I'll take that as the way to go.

Unless of course, you guys are involved in a bunch of RP in deciding which way to go.

Any objections?

HP: 60/60, 15 thp, AC 17 t:12 ff:16, f+6 r+6 w+11; Resist Cold 5; Perc +20, init +1, Fly 9/10, Active: mage armor, 3fold (elderly) Heal hex: S

No objections from me. Especially when there's nothing clearly favoring going one way over the other. Heck, I wouldn’t mind rolling a d4 in that kind of situation.

(Though, I do like to have Letitia reason things out when I can figure out the clues. An Int of 24 and all.)

Female Human Oracle 8 / Lore warden Fighter 2 | HP 67/67| (if cold Ac: 23) AC:21 / T: 15 / FF: 15 /Resist: 10 Cold| Fort: +7, Ref: +6(+8 if winter), Will: +5 | CMB: +10/5 CMD: 25 | Init: +8(+10 if winter), Perception: +3 (Snow Sight)
lvl1 6/7 | Lvl2 7/7 | lvl3 3/5
Status effects:

works for me

HP 86 AC 24 TAC 19 FF 16 | CMD 30 | F +10 R +14 W +9 (+2 vs divinations; reroll vs charm/compulsion) Resist cold 2 | Grit: 4/4 Bravado: 1/1 Oath: 1/1 Bullets: 33 Cold iron bullets: 6 Cartridge: 10 Flare: 6 | Ini +9 | Senses +15
Acrobatics+19,Bluff+12,Climb+4,Diplomacy-1,Disable Device+18,Heal+8,Intimidate+12,K.eng/local+6,K.arcana/nature/planes+3,Lingu istics+4,Sense Motives+12,Ride+10,SoH+10,Stealth+6,Survival+14,Swim+4
Male Human Gunslinger (Musket Master) 10 | -

Yep, it sounds good. Just do as you feel it is better to keep the momentum :)

HP 86 AC 24 TAC 19 FF 16 | CMD 30 | F +10 R +14 W +9 (+2 vs divinations; reroll vs charm/compulsion) Resist cold 2 | Grit: 4/4 Bravado: 1/1 Oath: 1/1 Bullets: 33 Cold iron bullets: 6 Cartridge: 10 Flare: 6 | Ini +9 | Senses +15
Acrobatics+19,Bluff+12,Climb+4,Diplomacy-1,Disable Device+18,Heal+8,Intimidate+12,K.eng/local+6,K.arcana/nature/planes+3,Lingu istics+4,Sense Motives+12,Ride+10,SoH+10,Stealth+6,Survival+14,Swim+4
Male Human Gunslinger (Musket Master) 10 | -

By the way, I forgot to level up Samuel. And Merry Christmas everyone!!!

Level 10

HP 1d10 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6
Class features Nimble +3
Favored class bonus +¼ grit
Disable Device
K. nature
Linguistics (Draconic)
Sense Motive

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I may or may not get a post in tonight or tomorrow, so here's my best christmas wishes to those who celebrate , happy Hanukkah to those of the jewish persuasion, or to those who don't celebrate happy day off, hopefully!

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(Acro +18; Climb +5; Diplo: +1; Heal: +15; Know(Religion) +6; Sense Motive: +8; Spellcraft +11; Survival: +8)
Female Human (Ulfen) Warpriest 8 / Evangelist 2
(HP: 83/83 AC: 21[23]/15/16[18]; Percep: +16; Init: +4; Fort +9 (+4 v. Poison), Ref: +7, Will: +10; CMD: 23; CMB +8; Speed: 30;Resist Cold: 2)

Thanks for that, GM. I'll add my own warm wishes to everyone and the best of the season to all.

(And then warn folks that I'll be away for the first 2 weeks of the new year, so I guess we'll have Callix staring at the bottom of her aleskin for a minute or two. ;) )

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Happy New year, All!

Hope this year is full of happiness, goodness and general good fortune!

HP 86 AC 24 TAC 19 FF 16 | CMD 30 | F +10 R +14 W +9 (+2 vs divinations; reroll vs charm/compulsion) Resist cold 2 | Grit: 4/4 Bravado: 1/1 Oath: 1/1 Bullets: 33 Cold iron bullets: 6 Cartridge: 10 Flare: 6 | Ini +9 | Senses +15
Acrobatics+19,Bluff+12,Climb+4,Diplomacy-1,Disable Device+18,Heal+8,Intimidate+12,K.eng/local+6,K.arcana/nature/planes+3,Lingu istics+4,Sense Motives+12,Ride+10,SoH+10,Stealth+6,Survival+14,Swim+4
Male Human Gunslinger (Musket Master) 10 | -

Same wishes from my side, let's hope for a good nice happy 2025 for us all :D

HP: 60/60, 15 thp, AC 17 t:12 ff:16, f+6 r+6 w+11; Resist Cold 5; Perc +20, init +1, Fly 9/10, Active: mage armor, 3fold (elderly) Heal hex: S

Ashling, your statline shows you're not at full health. I think we had lots of opportunities to rest and get brought up to full.

And same to all the happy New Year wishes!

Female Human Oracle 8 / Lore warden Fighter 2 | HP 67/67| (if cold Ac: 23) AC:21 / T: 15 / FF: 15 /Resist: 10 Cold| Fort: +7, Ref: +6(+8 if winter), Will: +5 | CMB: +10/5 CMD: 25 | Init: +8(+10 if winter), Perception: +3 (Snow Sight)
lvl1 6/7 | Lvl2 7/7 | lvl3 3/5
Status effects:

Yeah it probably was, I've been both busy and incredibly sick. So i was definitely distracted.

Happy new years everybody

Sorry guys, works killing me the last couple of days. I'll get a post up a bit later today.

HP: 60/60, 15 thp, AC 17 t:12 ff:16, f+6 r+6 w+11; Resist Cold 5; Perc +20, init +1, Fly 9/10, Active: mage armor, 3fold (elderly) Heal hex: S

Was that a surprise round? If so, that's brutal! Usually creatures and characters only get a single standard action, not a full-round attack!

I'm not sure if Samuel can survive. I'll try something but as usual, if the creature saves I won't be effective

Ah...yes. I went over that attack mm any times , trying to make sure I got it right. Thanks, Letitia for pointing that out. I'll adjust it in the morning..
.Samuel will get hit by just one mouth
..still in trouble but not at much ;)

Thanks again, Letitia for noticing that!
Poor Samuel, must have seen his life passing before his eyes!

Feel free to let me know if I miss anything in the future!

HP: 60/60, 15 thp, AC 17 t:12 ff:16, f+6 r+6 w+11; Resist Cold 5; Perc +20, init +1, Fly 9/10, Active: mage armor, 3fold (elderly) Heal hex: S

No problem! Glad I asked, since I wasn't sure if it had some kind of special ability.

M HalfOrc Chelish Diva Bard 10 | HP 66 / 66 | AC 23 T13 FF21 | CMB +11 CMD 24 | F +9 R +12 W +10 | init +2 | Resource Tracker
Bluff +16 Diplo +16 Intimidate +17 Kn: Arc +12 Kn: Geog +8 Kn:Hist +9 Kn: Local +16 Kn: Nature +8 Kn: Nobl +8 Kn: Plan +9 Kn: Relig +9 Perc +12 Perf: Oratory +16 Perf: Wind +15 Sense motive +16 Spellcraft +14

Samuel freedom of movement has this clause: The subject automatically succeeds on any combat maneuver checks and Escape Artist checks made to escape a grapple or a pin.

So it looks like you need to spend a standard action to escape, but it automatically works.

HP 86 AC 24 TAC 19 FF 16 | CMD 30 | F +10 R +14 W +9 (+2 vs divinations; reroll vs charm/compulsion) Resist cold 2 | Grit: 4/4 Bravado: 1/1 Oath: 1/1 Bullets: 33 Cold iron bullets: 6 Cartridge: 10 Flare: 6 | Ini +9 | Senses +15
Acrobatics+19,Bluff+12,Climb+4,Diplomacy-1,Disable Device+18,Heal+8,Intimidate+12,K.eng/local+6,K.arcana/nature/planes+3,Lingu istics+4,Sense Motives+12,Ride+10,SoH+10,Stealth+6,Survival+14,Swim+4
Male Human Gunslinger (Musket Master) 10 | -

Mmm... I was not sure because the symphony says something about freeing you from magical effects, it is a bit confusing to what extend it is same as the spell.

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M HalfOrc Chelish Diva Bard 10 | HP 66 / 66 | AC 23 T13 FF21 | CMB +11 CMD 24 | F +9 R +12 W +10 | init +2 | Resource Tracker
Bluff +16 Diplo +16 Intimidate +17 Kn: Arc +12 Kn: Geog +8 Kn:Hist +9 Kn: Local +16 Kn: Nature +8 Kn: Nobl +8 Kn: Plan +9 Kn: Relig +9 Perc +12 Perf: Oratory +16 Perf: Wind +15 Sense motive +16 Spellcraft +14

The important bit is this:

"This effect is identical to that of freedom of movement, except that this masterpiece does not allow subjects to move and attack normally while underwater unless these creatures would already be able to do so, and only lasts as long as you continue the performance."

M HalfOrc Chelish Diva Bard 10 | HP 66 / 66 | AC 23 T13 FF21 | CMB +11 CMD 24 | F +9 R +12 W +10 | init +2 | Resource Tracker
Bluff +16 Diplo +16 Intimidate +17 Kn: Arc +12 Kn: Geog +8 Kn:Hist +9 Kn: Local +16 Kn: Nature +8 Kn: Nobl +8 Kn: Plan +9 Kn: Relig +9 Perc +12 Perf: Oratory +16 Perf: Wind +15 Sense motive +16 Spellcraft +14

Did Llewellyn get anything from that Kn: Arcana check? Guessing he didn't but thought I'd ask.

Sorry..yeah, Llewellyn has no idea. :)

(Acro +18; Climb +5; Diplo: +1; Heal: +15; Know(Religion) +6; Sense Motive: +8; Spellcraft +11; Survival: +8)
Female Human (Ulfen) Warpriest 8 / Evangelist 2
(HP: 83/83 AC: 21[23]/15/16[18]; Percep: +16; Init: +4; Fort +9 (+4 v. Poison), Ref: +7, Will: +10; CMD: 23; CMB +8; Speed: 30;Resist Cold: 2)

...wouldn't the DC be 23? Letitia's normal DC for a level 5 spell is 21, but then +4 int would bump that by 2, no? I ask only because I peeked at the GM screen spoiler.

how dare you!!!! :)
Letitia, can you check your numbers again?
If it changes, we'll use the new DC when she tries to update the cat next.
I won't retcon, as it turned into a nice narrative moment! And, it wasn't a life or death result.

(Acro +18; Climb +5; Diplo: +1; Heal: +15; Know(Religion) +6; Sense Motive: +8; Spellcraft +11; Survival: +8)
Female Human (Ulfen) Warpriest 8 / Evangelist 2
(HP: 83/83 AC: 21[23]/15/16[18]; Percep: +16; Init: +4; Fort +9 (+4 v. Poison), Ref: +7, Will: +10; CMD: 23; CMB +8; Speed: 30;Resist Cold: 2)

Sounds good to me. ;)

HP: 60/60, 15 thp, AC 17 t:12 ff:16, f+6 r+6 w+11; Resist Cold 5; Perc +20, init +1, Fly 9/10, Active: mage armor, 3fold (elderly) Heal hex: S

I'm wearing a +2 headband of intellect, and the bonuses don't stack. The threefold aspect gives me a net +1 bonus to my save DC, so the 22 is correct.

I appreciate you checking my math, but I think I'm right. :(

(Acro +18; Climb +5; Diplo: +1; Heal: +15; Know(Religion) +6; Sense Motive: +8; Spellcraft +11; Survival: +8)
Female Human (Ulfen) Warpriest 8 / Evangelist 2
(HP: 83/83 AC: 21[23]/15/16[18]; Percep: +16; Init: +4; Fort +9 (+4 v. Poison), Ref: +7, Will: +10; CMD: 23; CMB +8; Speed: 30;Resist Cold: 2)

Sorry, I didn't realize they were both enhancement - I thought the whole trick of aging was that they were inherent. :)

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