Stom Flintheart |

sounds good to me, gives each person 65 gp, 8 sp and 3 cp?
Yeah, that's the figure I have as well.
Are you guys holding onto the +1 Kukri and +1 Scorpion Whip to transfer the runes at a later day?
Yeah, same thought as Violant. I'm currently assuming Stom will want his backup weapon to have a +1 rune so keeping around a couple of runes makes sense.

Oppa Silk |

I think so. Violant will be able to transfer a runes in a level. As well as add Striking runes and the like.
Just a reminder this requires the "Craft Magic Item" feat in case you didn't realize it.

Violant Turra |

And if Violant is going to be crafting bombs, she'll spend the 5gp on an alchemist's lab. I'll add it to the sheet once things get less hectic.

GM Cody |

Hey folks, I'm gonna be out of commission for a few days, driving from Alaska down to the Lower 48. I should have wi-fi at the places I stop along the way, but I may only be able to get one post at best.
Shouldn't be more than 3-5 days drive.

GM Cody |

2547 miles and I'm home-ish!
Moving into new house hopefully in a month but for now staying with in laws. Excited to get back to regular posting :)

Stom Flintheart |

I hope the drive went well. Sounds like a long trip!
Also, I want to confirm my understanding of where the party is on the map. I assume we entered the left door of the middle hallway, but I'm not 100% sure.

GM Cody |

Whoops yeah I forgot to update the map my apologies !
I have limited capability on my phone to edit the map but I did reveal the area and moved Samael into the room. For some reason phone or Google slides is being difficult and making it frustratingly difficult to move the rest of the gang into the room

GM Cody |

Yeah y'all went back and rested, you guys should be fully refreshed level 3 characters

GM Cody |

Don't forget, if y'all get the chance to update the macro with your increased skills

Violant Turra |

Haha. I just caught up with which gods disappeared in the war of Immortals. For some reason I thought the minor gods like the Primordial Inevitables would make it out unscathed.

GM Cody |

they definitely picked odd gods to eliminate in my opinion.
The whole book is a little off feeling to me but that's neither here nor there

GM Cody |

Yeah pretty much, its like they chose the most important inconsequential deities they could lol

Violant Turra |

What gets me is that it's only a chunk of the Osiriani pantheon! Not even the whole thing! If I read right, people like Bastet are still kicking around!

GM Cody |

Hey I figured since I saw you post in another game. Paizo do be eating posts sometimes lol

Stom Flintheart |

@GM Cody: action economy question prior to Stom's next turn. Assuming a successful Athletics check, Stom will climb to the top of the rope. Is it another action to move onto the platform?
I guess the actual question is: how many actions are required to climb the last 5 ft of rope (assuming successful check, of course) and be standing on the platform?

GM Cody |

Nah we will just say you can climb up and onto the platform with one more athletics check.

GM Cody |

I’m gonna give Oppa a few more days to post given that it’s the holidays and all.

GM Cody |

Hey folks, sorry went out of town, seeing my sister for like first time in 3-4 years, accidentally forgot my laptop bag, doh!
I should be back after the weekend though, will try to get a post up Monday!

Violant Turra |

Ack. My over-Roll20 campaign died. It was the first campaign I played in and is where this character originally comes from.
(Hence all the weird 1e jank in a 2e character.)

GM Cody |

oh no, I'm sorry to hear that! I dont mind the weird 1e jank, it adds character, especially for an out of the current age elf.

Violant Turra |

(She isn't that out of time by age... every other measure though: Oh gods I hope there aren't hounds of Tindalos in this AP)
Yeah, one party kept delaying over an over and the GM lost motivation. Was basically just an Evocation Wizard with the 1e version of this up her sleeve since she was my first character and I wanted less choice paralysis for feats.

Oppa Silk |

Okay I had to do some digging and reading, reddit and the forums and the rule books are all great resources but my reading of undead and skeletons in particular is that they aren't immune to non-lethal so you wouldn't have to take the -2 penalty to your attack to make your attack lethal. This comes up because a 15 would hit their off-guard AC. In this case I'll rule that you didn't take the -2 penalty and hit the skeleton, because really what difference is your character making with a lethal vs a non lethal punch against a skeleton lol[
this recently came up in one of my games as well. The problem I see as that most skeletons are immune to "Unconscious" so does that mean that you could do 1000 points of non-lethal damage to them, and they still won't go down? Or do you do mostly non-lethal damage to them, but then prick them with a pin and they die?
Tough call.

GM Cody |

This is a comment/post that I found that really resonated with and thought it made sense to me.
“Is the target of your attack a living creature?
If they were taken to 0 HP with a lethal attack, they fall unconscious and begin dying. If they were taken to 0 HP with a nonlethal attack, they fall unconscious.
Is the target of your attack a undead creature/construct?
If they were taken to 0 HP with a lethal attack, they are destroyed. If they were taken to 0 HP with a nonlethal attack, they are destroyed.
Nonlethal damage only factors into whether or not a creature begins dying or falls unconscious. It doesn't factor into the equation at all if a creature isn't living.”

GM Cody |

As in taking intelligent but immune to unconscious undead hostage ?

GM Cody |

Yeah it’s a good question. My thinking would be to show they are immune to anything that might put them to sleep. But also in the case of non lethal damage to say that even if they are reduced to zero with non lethal, rather than being knocked unconscious they are just destroyed per the ruling for undead traits.
We can compare to how they wrote the skeleton ancestry “ Negative Survival: Unlike normal undead, you aren't destroyed when reduced to 0 Hit Points. Instead, powerful negative energy attempts to keep you from being destroyed even in dire straits. You are knocked out and begin dying when reduced to 0 Hit Points. Because you're undead, many methods of bringing someone back from dying, such as stabilize, don't benefit you. When you would die, you're destroyed rather than dead, just like other undead.”

GM Cody |

Hey I just moved on Saturday and am still waiting for internet to get set up. They are coming Wednesday. Sorry folks!

Oppa Silk |

As far as we know there isn't a hurry to move on. That's one thing I like about PF2e is with the almost total lack of random encounters taking downtime to heal and refocus seems common.
We could even take (2) hours and double the healing you do with your medicine checks.

Lyra Flamecrest |

Okay cool. I’m still getting use to pf2e rules after years of “unlearning” pf1e when I was in an in person 5E game

GM Cody |

my bad folks, was typing up the next post and moving us along when I realized we passed a milestone.
Before we get any further, I need you guys to level up to level 4 please <3

GM Cody |

Yeah well say yall get the hit points and spell slots for leveling up. Just don’t replenish any already spent spell slots.
We’ll just couple that level up in those two hours of resting!

Violant Turra |

Meanwhile, Violant: furiously scribbles a soell while writing.
I'll have this updated tomorrow. Level 4 Chronoskimmer feat is a bit underwhelming, and I'll likely go with Energy Ablation and flavor it around Violant's spell manipulation.
Free Archetype: Turn Back The Clock.
Class: Energy Ablation.
Skill: Magical Crafting.
Still need to pick out spells and write it all down, though.