Michael Johnson 66 |

When all have feasted to their fill, Prince Henry and six men-at-arms lead the adventurers out of São Jorge Castle, down the cobbled road that winds down the great mount upon which the castle overlooks the red rooftops and white buildings of Lisbon, and on to the harbor.
It is now dusk, and the sun is hovering over the western horizon, a golden red orb sinking toward the azure sea.
In the harbor are docked many ships, bearing the banners of many nations--Portugal, Aragon, Castille, Genoa, Venice, Naples, England, Denmark, etc... Many of the Portuguese ships are fishing boats that supply the kingdom with its chief staple: cod. The Portuguese have been fishing for cod for longer than can be remembered, salting the fish to preserve it over long sea voyages...
Leading the adventurers past many docks, where dock workers and fishermen turn to kneel reverently as their lord passes by, Prince Henry and his men-at-arms bring them at last to a private dock, where two more men-at-arms stand guard. Here is docked a fine ship with a lateen sail--a Portuguese caravel--the most seaworthy of modern sailing ships (at least according to the Portuguese). Engraved in the hull on the aft of the caravel is her name: Sereia, which means Mermaid in Portuguese.

Prince Henry of Portugal |

Gesturing to the Sereia, Prince Henry smiles at the adventurers and says, in English: Here she is, your ship, the Sereia! A finer ship cannot be found on all the Seven Seas, my friends! Are any of you sailors, perchance? If not, do not be troubled, for the Sereia already has a fine crew of seasoned sailors, and her captain is none other than Gonzalo Cabral, who discovered the Azores Islands five years ago. You will be in the very best hands aboard this ship, friends!

Commander Gonzalo Cabral |

First Commander of the Azores, Captain Gonzalo Cabral, overhearing his lord speak of him, appears atop the aft castle and bows deeply to Prince Henry, then waves at the assembled adventurers with a broad grin on his tanned face.
In Portuguese: Ahoy, my lord! Ahoy, mates! I am Captain Gonzalo Cabral, and this fine beauty is the Sereia! There be no finer ship, nor finer captain, nor finer crew on the Seven Seas! I have sailed the Atlantic down the coast of West Africa, discovered new islands on behalf of Portugal, and fought off pirates and sea monsters alike! While you sail aboard the Sereia, you have naught to fear!

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

Smiling up at the hovering Lord Perpireen overhead, he says in English: Many thanks, Little Lord! I feel the antitoxin is working... Thanks to you and this fine fellow here...
Lord McGibel just bows to the price as one Noble to another.
The unspoken rule that nobility looks after nobility.The fest
Then as the fest starts he lands on a table where he asks the servents to clear an area. The then walks into the center of it and takes off his cloak. Laying it flat on the table cloth she says a few words in Gaelic. The cloak magically unfolds to 4 times its side and inflates the an opening comes into being at one end. A wooden doorways swings into place, making an odd tiny little house. Lord McGibel then calles for servants to bring him dishes of nuts and dried fruit and well as a few small classes of wine. They lay them in front of him. He then enters the wooden door, coming out again with a tiny table and chair, Which he ask the servants to set up. With great care they do. Once more in the door but this time back out with a small goblet and plate with cutlery. Once again the servants take pains to set the tiny table. Lord McGibel then Sits and eats talking to a small group about his home lands and tails from it.
Once its clear they have done feasting, He takes a large amount of food and drink that's left into his small home. Then packs it away once more turning it into his green cloak.
He has weeks for food and drink now, in his lesser bag of holding/cloak
At the ship
Lord McGibel flies past Captain Cabral bowing and says.
"Greeting Captain Cabral, I am Lord Perpireen McGibel, and I hope what your say is true."
Then he is off like a bee flying all over the ship inspecting it and looking into every room and space her can get to.

Altin Karela |

As the goblin poisoner flees...
Altin grips his dagger and starts to sing a comedic Traveller tune, the magic swelling as he does, but by the time he's ready to release the dweomer the goblin has been restrained, and the other two are being rounded up.
As they are presented with the Sereia...
Altin nods as Prince Henry introduces the Sereia, noting its beauty and elegance. And our captain is Cabral of the Azores? How have I managed to wander into the world of heroes? Though no doubt the prince loves us not, he must want our mission to succeed beyond all else!

Prince Henry of Portugal |

Now that you have seen the Sereia, I bid you to follow me back to São Jorge Castle, where you shall be accommodated in guest chambers for the night. Come, be my guests! Tomorrow, you shall embark on your voyage to Morocco!
The prince and his men-at-arms lead the way back through the streets of Lisbon, now lit by oil lamps against the spreading shadows of nightfall, to the great Castle of Saint George...

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

As the others start on their way back to the keep, Lord McGibel goes dark, dimming the light his body gives off until there is non at all. Then He flies up into the night sky high over head, looking down he can see the city below, the lights in the streets, the throng of people from so many cultures. He frames it in his mind to remember for his king. Because one-day he will have to recant all that happened here. He was a lord of the fay, one who know the bright-ways who could pass thought the stone gates to the Fay lands. But this place was like nothing he had seen before. The smells, the sights, the throng. He flow down and over the roof tops.
Stealth 1d20 + 16 ⇒ (1) + 16 = 17
Keeping out of sight and close to the walking group, he took in the sights around him. Seller harking wares, street kids fleecing drunks. Flesh-Workers plying their trade. Silently he hovered over head relishing it all.

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
Back at the cafeteria feasthall
’Well, that was an interesting demonstration, the Turk is quick the sprite quicker, near invisible speed. He’ll make a great scout. I’m a little concerned about this King, won’t do any good if he get’s himself killed before we get back.’ Smiling and nodding as the guards drag the goblins off, he nods towards the kings goblet as he lifts his own copper flagon. ”Did we figure out how the little bugger got the poison in there?”
Realizing things weren’t as safe as the king wanted them to seem, Wulfgar slowed down the drinking, keeping an eye out for more trouble. After the feasting ended, as they were leaving, Wulfgar gathered his pole-arm and followed along enjoying being back in Lisbon again.
at the boat
Seeing the lateen sails and the modern Caravel, he smiles, but it quickly wains when the king asks if any had sailed. ”I’ve spent half my life aboard ship, though I wouldn’t call the five years I spent at the oar sailing.”
’Brag much?’ Giving a slight bow to the captain, ”I am Wulfgar Ivarsson, neither captain nor lord. Your ship is truly beautiful, and my hopes are in agreement with our Lord Sprite.” Watching the little lord fly off, ’I am a bit jealous, I would like to be able to inspect her like that.’
on the way back
"Once our scout returns to us I will need to ask him his impression of the ship.' Turning to return to the castle, Wulfgar drops behind the king and his guards, pacing himself with Altin he asks, ”So my friend, what was your impression of the captain?”

Mwikali |

Mwikali observed the whole ordeal with the goblins as she ate the food, drank some water and ate some of the chicken, fruit, and nuts. She feeds Kiku pretty much the same and giggled at the fairy but all in all she kept to herself. Christians were odd folks, at least those who are at least part of the nobility or worse the pious.
Once she was done she finally took some of the wine offered. It was a bit bold for her tastes but her people were more of a beer type. She continued on eating a bit of these confectionary The Portuguese ate. Which she had to admit were rich but delectable.
At the ship
When coming up to the ship she walked over to the water and ran her had through the water pierced her palm with her nail and then slapped her hand on the ships hull. She spoke a few words in her native tongue before she pulled her hand away and rejoined the group.
"Seems a seaworthy vessel and one that after my little ritual will hopefully envoke the spirits of the sea to guide us and protect us to our destination." She said as she followed back in line to the Castle and looks about.
"Is there a bath house any were to soak in, and maybe some more of that lush cherry laced wine to drink?"She asks as she stands in her tight bright outfit.

Volreg Sundek |

Back at the Palace
Standing up quickly from his char as the commotion breaks out, Volreg's eyes widen as the goblin is caught with near impossible speed. Shaking his head, he briskly walk up to the Prince hands trembling, "Wha?! Why would he.... Fiends of the Devil, as you say Prince! I agree with Wulfgar, as that we need to know how they managed to slip the poison past the guards. I am glad you're safe though." 'That small folk seems to be quite nimble, and the Turk is pretty spry. I do hope I don't get in their way during our adventure.
At the Seria
"Your Majesty, that is the ship we are going to be on? She's beautiful from what ship I have seen!" Walking towards Captain Cabral, raises his hand. "Sir, it is a pleasure to meet you, my name is Volreg. I do hope that we wont have naught to fear sailing the waters, and perhaps I might learn a thing or two about sailing!" Bowing towards the captain, he then goes off with the rest of the group as they start to leave, waving as he makes haste to catch up with the group.
Town Travel
Taking in the sights, sounds, and smells of the city as they made their way back to the castle, Volreg attempts to keep an eye out mostly for street urchins that may attempt to swipe something from the group. but also getting a bit detracted from the various new smells wafting through the streets. Noticing Wulfgar keeping pace with Atlin, he decides to keep pace near the front of the group with the guards, asking questions as how living in a palace and big city are like.

Altin Karela |

Turning to return to the castle, Wulfgar drops behind the king and his guards, pacing himself with Altin he asks, ”So my friend, what was your impression of the captain?”
Altin shakes his head and pitches his voice low, for Wulfgar's ears only. "The captain, the food, the ship... It's all so bright and glittering, if it weren't a prince throwing this party I'd say it was all a con. Even so, I get the distinct feeling we're being fattened like lambs... It just all feels a little off to me. I hope I'm wrong." He turns to Wulfgar with a grin. "I usually am. I'm sure this is all just fine." But Wulfgar notices that Altin is, unusually, dead sober; after the goblin incident Altin has had no more than a mouthful or two of wine.

Sulayman Hain |

At the feast
Feeling satisfied with his performance Sulayman relaxes a bit. He enjoys more ale and some finely roasted boar.
At the ship
Sulayman admires the ship, although his knowledge of seafairing is rather limited. Once the captain is free, Sulayman walks over and sticks out a hand, ”Asalam, good Captain. I would hope you are as fine of a captain as the Prince claims. I’m not in too much of a mood to drown.”
Travelling back
Sulayman smiles at Mwikali’s question, ”Ha, what an idea. While I’m not fond of most of the Ottoman empire, they certainly knew how to keep a bath house.”

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

Lord Perpireen flies back to the group after taking in the streets He flies close to
"A bath house what is that?, I don't think I have ever come across such a place"

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
answering Altin Karela
As they walk back, Wulfgar, grunts and sagely tells his friend, "Sometimes overconfidence appears like deception to the wise."
Sulayman and Lord P.
Hearing the Turk responding to the Witch, and the Sprite inquire, Wulfgar, not able to resist, "A bath house is a wonderful thing that the Easterners learned from the romans. Large pools of hot and cold water. It is luxurious. It cleans the dirt off from the day, relaxes the body and sooths the soul."
He leans over and sniffs the nearest man-at-arms. "Sadly it is a practice that has been lost here in the west."

Altin Karela |

answering Altin Karela
As they walk back, Wulfgar, grunts and sagely tells his friend, "Sometimes overconfidence appears like deception to the wise."
Altin cocks his head to one side in confusion. "Are you doing that thing where you say something baffling in the hope of sounding incomprehensively smart?" he asks cheekily.
Sulayman and Lord P.
Hearing the Turk responding to the Witch, and the Sprite inquire, Wulfgar, not able to resist, "A bath house is a wonderful thing that the Easterners learned from the romans. Large pools of hot and cold water. It is luxurious. It cleans the dirt off from the day, relaxes the body and sooths the soul."He leans over and sniffs the nearest man-at-arms. "Sadly it is a practice that has been lost here in the west."
Altin surreptitiously sniffs his own underarm. "Aye, count me in!"

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

He smiles
"Then its agreed we should go to this Bathhouse and try it"
He adds.
"I would love my traveling companion The Lady Giovanna di Domenico, She was with me earlier at the meal, I wonder where she has got to. I'll bet some find noble as court her eye."
He chuckles to himself.
"She does so like to practice her sword work with young brash men, she likes to give them a prick or two."
He chuckles to himself even more, as if to a privet joke.

Mwikali |

"There was a few Bathhouses in Cairo as well as a few in the Cavansani, and more in the land of the Turks. Then I got here and I had to take my chances in rivers and ponds." She chuckled as she turned to the strapping young lads.
"The odd thing about the rivers and ponds were strange,not the cool crisp water on my skin, but the onlookers who seemed to come by as I finish, almost as if they had never seen a woman before or even one as dark as me. Why one man later told me it was as if seeing a woman plucked from pure shadow. Poetic." She let the thought linger than laughed.
"To bad the hunger in his eyes didn't match the stamina in his body.Poor noble fool was done almost as quick as a knife in the dark. So I left him in that inn and filled myself with food instead" She chuckled before she raised a brow.
"True Europa could use more bathhouses, such a simple and nessecary thing soaking, cleaning languishing. Drinking a simple wine with some nuts and berries. Ah the simple pleasures"

Mwikali |

After hearing the mention of some female warrior Mwikali got beside the diminutive Lord and shot a look right at him."A woman warrior from these lands? Interesting. Last I heard a woman with a sword was often chastised by your church as a witch? For cavorting with the devil? My curiosity to see such a woman. Wonder if she is willing to teach another to weld a weapon of war?" She wondered a bit curious about it all. A woman of war from these people. Who think women more as servants and walking incubators for their progeny. Not celebrated for the bringers of likfe that they were.

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
With Altin
'Overconfident people are lying, but it's to themselves, so they don't know it.' Wulfgar smiles at his friends cheeky comment. "Ha" Then bursts into laughter when Altin smells himself.
with MWikali
'Two woman traveling with us. Why not? My mother could do more damage than a hundred archers. But this one, so forward so honest. I think I like her.' Elbowing Altin, nodding to the witch, then turning and addressing her. "If you desire to learn weapons, Altin or I could teach you. He knows the bow and I can teach blades or polearms."

Volreg Sundek |

Hearing about the group's talks about bath houses, Volreg hangs back until meeting up with the others. "So, what are bath houses like? I've used rivers, ponds, and barrels for bathing, but never heard of a bath house, let alone be in one." Trying his best to not turn red as Mwikali tales about past events with nobles. 'This woman, seems quite sinful! I wonder how the traveling knights would take to her when she speaks her views.' Piping up at Wulfgar's comment, "I'd like to somehow learn how to handle myself a little better with a blade, if you are offering."

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

Lord McGibel shakes his tinny head.
"A female Fey would by match in battle with any male. With us wit and guile mean for more than blade word. We don't have the same views a mortals, so I don't really understand why females a looked down on so much in the lands of the cross."
He says.

Mwikali |

"Are you sure you two can teach me weapons? Getting sweaty with little ol me? However, seeing either of you strapping men shirtless is promising." She laughed again as she held up her hand and showed her sharp claws."How are you in close combat, My mother blessed me with a few gifts, not just my alluring figure and mystical ability, but my sharp metal rending nails!" For which she giggled leading into a full-blown laugh.

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
with Volreg
'Why did I volunteer in front of the farm boy, well, we can't let him get himself killed.' Biting back a sigh, Wulfgar nods his head. "I am willing, but we would not start with a blade."
He nods toward the spear that Mwikali is carrying and then holds out his own Lucerne hammer "We would start with a polearm, not this, something simpler, like hers. She's smart, a polearm like her spear will keep her enemies at a distance making it harder to get to her unarmored tender parts."
He taps the boys haramaki??? in spain??? oh well. "Let someone get too close and they will bloody that fancy girdle of yours."
with Mwikali
Turning from the boy Wulfgar nears the woman his smile waning, not realizing the conversation touched a nerve until it was too late. "I will teach weapons to the devil himself if he will swear to use them to kill slavers."
He turns away for a second then back again, so her clawed hands press against the breastplate of his captured turkish armor. "I look better in armor, the steel caries less scars. As for close combat, I killed my first man strangling him, using the very links he had me chained to the oar with."
With Lord P.
'Too much, too fast.' Looking down, embarrassingly, and stepping back, Wulfgar turns to the Sprite and attempts to turn the subject light again. "Little Lord, the woman of your land, are they as beautiful as the stories tell?"
'Oh, I'm an idiot! A beautiful exotic woman right here, and I speak to someone else about someone else. When will I stop saying stupid things and just enjoy the moment? Wulfgar blushes lightly, looking at Mwikali from the corner of his eye.
Still working on Wulfgar's personality, don't want him to be brooding, but I couldn't resist a little.

Mwikali |

"McGibel, I have no doubt of that truth, But I doubt your women could give me the right pointers. granted I too have connection with the First World, but I am not blessed with the might of one such as yourself, or of the women who would come to teach me. I would like to meet a fairy woman though. THey seem a kindred soul." She said with a smile as she looked over at Volreg.
"Bathhouses offer you a place to sit and converse with your neighbors and peers. Or you can do a more private experience in a singal bath. the water is warm and gets the grime off of you. Similar to your Christians Baptism, washing away..what is the word..sins, right?" she giggled.
"So do not worry,I will make sure not to bath with the rest of the group if we get to experience one. I find your sense of modesty cute"

Mwikali |

To Wulfgar
Hearing his tone change she raised the brow over her blue eye and rose her head a bit higher."I did not mean to strike a nerve.I apologize,I do not mind scars. Scars are a symbol of living and overcoming a trail. I did not know it was different here."
"As for Armor I cannot wear it, it hinders my magic. I may try and learn it. Until then I will have to rely on my reflexes, speels and thick skin" She says with a smile.

Mwikali |

Its cool, I can sort it out
"Wulfgar is not wrong, farmer. A spear is a simple but traditional weapon. It can also be used as a tool to farm and to hunt!"She says with mirth as she spins and looks up at the sky.
"Ah I believe our journey will be a great one. One of song and praise, a legend in the making, and we the key players."

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

He smiles.
"Arr few things are as fair as a fey maid, they can drink like fish and kiss like the spring dow, have tempers as hot as the sun, and can beguile with a word or brake a heart with another. It is the chase they love, the romance and trickery to win a heart. But be warned, To catch a fey maids heart is one of the hardest things there is, and once court you may regret it, for that love could burn for a 1000 years or just a moment."

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
Lord P.
'I need a drink.' Looking up, smiling slightly, "Isn't that what love is supposed to be like?" Blushing, he looks at Mwikali, then back at the Sprite lord, "Burning like a flash?"
Turning back to Mwakiali shrugging, "I don't know if it's different here or not. I'm from..."
He turns looking to the stars, then facing east, he points the general direction of Rhoades. "I'm from over there. But please do not apologize. You spoke what you felt, you are not responsible for my reaction. I am."
'Armor? No, no reason to cover this beauty." He begins to reach up to touch her garment, but drops his hands. "You do not need armor, my mother was a great warrior, with spell and blade. She wore no armor but was feared by all who opposed her. Like you I am blessed by mine."
Turning to see the farmboys reaction, he whispers to himself "I pray it is a journey we live to see the end of." Looking around quickly, loudly adds, "Now how about that hot bath and some ale before we begin that journey!"

Mwikali |

"Sounds fun, Lord McGibel! I see their is much to learn from your fey women"She laughed as she continued to walk next to the others slinking along.
"Still a bath would be welcome. Maybe if you all are willing we can talk and get a better understanding of each other and our capabilities. Swap tales. Share beliefs. What say the rest of you?" She says the last part almost as if she were a field commander.

Mwikali |

To Wulfgar
"Your mother sounds interesting indeed. My mother is a touchy subject but I inherited much from her blood! Very much indeed." She let the words fall off as she looked off blankly in the distance.
"My sentiments exactly Wulfgar, a stiff drink and a warm bath!"

Michael Johnson 66 |

The adventurers take their ease, and a long, steamy soak, at the bathhouse, washing away the dust of the road and salt of the sea... They relax, converse, and get to know one another a little better before embarking on their perilous journey...

Michael Johnson 66 |

Later, after returning from the bathhouse to their guest chambers at Castle São Jorge, the adventurers find further evidence of Prince Henry's commitment to the success of their mission, in the form of additional armaments and equipment...
Each PC can upgrade the total value of their gear by an additional 500 gp! Post what your character received in Gameplay...

Mwikali |

"Ah what a sight to behold. Clean crisp water to wash away the dirt and grime. Rejuvenate the skin and soak away the weight of the world from our weary bodies." She says going over to put her hand in one of the pools and uttered a satisfactory almost pleasurable moan before she pulled it free and smiled.
"So let us shed these garments and soak away our cares!"

Altin Karela |

Altin, normally the one to engage women in lively banter, watches in amazement as Wulfgar begins verbally fencing with the exotic and beautiful Mwikali. Watch out Wulfgar! Looks like you may have grabbed a pony's tail, only to find it belongs to a lioness!

Michael Johnson 66 |

Traditional Turkish music to bathe to... And to upgrade equipment to!

Altin Karela |

Sinking into the steaming water, Altin feels his misgivings about the situation melt away somewhat. He accepts a sangria from a servant girl, and begins flirting with her, trying to get her to bathe with him. Much safer sport than a lioness!

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
Altin, normally the one to engage women in lively banter, watches in amazement as Wulfgar begins verbally fencing with the exotic and beautiful Mwikali. Watch out Wulfgar! Looks like you may have grabbed a pony's tail, only to find it belongs to a lioness!
if You grab a pony by the tail you'll more than likely get kicked. If you grab a lion by the tail, at least your far away from the business end...
'I clearly do not have enough alcohol in me.' Turning to his friend Altin, "I realize you have drank very little, I as well have only had two flagons of mead. But after the walk back from the ship, I intend to get seriously inebriated, will you join me or are you going to make me drink alone?"
As the majordomo walks past Wulfgar waives a hand at him. "Could you send a flagon of dark ale, and keep them coming."
As an afterthought "Oh and send someone to find out what these others are drinking."
Wufgar moves to a corner, where he can see the door. Leaning his polearm there he unhooks his helmet and gauntlets from his belt, then removes the warkilt. Having trouble for a moment with the shoulder straps on the four mirror armor he first removes the four plates then the light chain shirt under it. Having removed the metal armor he stretches for a moment, then bending down touching the water. He smiles gratefully and calls out, "Warm enough."
He removes first one heavy boot then the other piling them on the armor. Pulling his tunic off over his shoulders, then removing his pants, he quickly slides into the water. Calling out, "Majordomo where is my ale?"

Mwikali |

Mwikali sat in the large pool resting her right hand on her goblet the attendants provided. She sits naked enjoying a bit of fruit before she takes a bit of wine After a bit she begins to take her claw and shave off some of the hair growing on her legs and under her arms. She seems to not concern herself with any stares the others throw her way as she uses whatever materials are at hand to clean herself.
Satisfied with her shaving attempts she looks at the others before she turned to get more fruit revealing several scars from a whip across her back. She turned back around and smiled.
"Aww this is nice, How is it for you all?"

Mwikali |

Mwikalis' skin tone and body type just in case you are wondering!

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
Stay near the corner, weapons near at hand, Wulfgar alternates squatting so just his head show, to standing to drink from the flagon of dark ale that finally arrived and dunking his head underwater, then standing brushing his long black hair back, and resettling to a squat where just his head shows.
One time when he pops his head up from dipping it, he notices the scars on Mwikali back. 'I knew I was not the only slave here, but I didn't think about what the others may have gone through.'
Quietly watching the woman as she turns and asks her question. He smiles and answers Mwakali, "In Constantinople there were several public pools, at many locations. Each establishment had three pools, one hot, one cold and one warm."
He shifted so just his shoulders were above water, spreading his arms smiling, "But here, now, this is as wonderful as any of those."
He moves to the edge of the pool and finishes his flagon of ale, lifting it, calling out. "Girl, ignore Altin and fetch more Ale!"

Mwikali |

"Sounds lovely. I may have to see them one day." She says drinking from the goblet more as Kiki hops around on the edge picking at the part of the fruit she didnt eat.
"I am honestly sorry about the remark early I did not know about..Your past. I understand it though" She said averting her eyes before she looks over at Altin and the maid. She giggles.
"Let her linger, Northman. I think she finds the sight of your companion something to admire." She laughed as she finished her goblet and set her empty goblet on the edge and grabbed a bit more fruit.
"Say Altin, what say you, does the maid appeal to you? I know if you asked her I doubt she would turn down a chance to stay the night with you? Up to you though, however she seems a very alluring creature. If I were you I would take the chance!" She smiled showing her bright beautifully white teeth. in contrast to her rich almost midnight skin

Giovanna di Domenico |

A dark skinned womam enters the bathhouse. She doffs her armor and quickly enters the pools. She dunks her head under the water and starts to wring her hair out after surfacing. She looks around and then bows her head.
My apologies...I should introduce myself first. I an Giovanni, of the di Domenicos of Florence My family own many vineyards there. I was told I could meet you here. I was late in getting my message. Seems there were a few brigands on the way...how low can some people go...she says with a hint of disdain. She doesn't appear to be an adventurer, but her eyes give off a confidence that might prove otherwise. I am delighted to meet you all. Can I get some wine? she motions for an attendant to bring her some. ran out of the good stuff on the way here...

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
'Blast' Turning around, looking at the Mwikali and then Altin and the girl, he sets his empty flagon down returning his gaze to the beautiful ebony woman. "I hope you would enjoy Constantinople, but it is not the city it was. War and disease has taken it's toll. As I said, it isn't your fault. I started thinking about that farmer getting himself killed, or worse yet captured, and I let my anger get the better of me."
He then splashes water at Altin and the girl, calling out. "Wench, make sure he's going to tip better than he usually does if your going to serve him dessert."

Mwikali |

"Welcome Giovanna, I welcome another woman." She said with a wide smile
"It was getting a bit too, Masculine" She looked back over at the men gathered and smiled."Well it's not too bad to be surrounded by such handsome men, but still, it is nice to not be the only woman on this journey"

Mwikali |

"It is okay Wulgar, you have passion, and True some of us are more of knowledgeable of the wider world than others. As for your ale, I too could use some more, drink. I do hope the love-struck maiden will pull herself from the obviously svelt Altin to attend to us with just as much affection" She says giggling maneuvering her self over to the large Northman. She let her hand gingerly go to his shoulder and smiled. before she flipped the corded hair from her face showing her brown and blue eyes.
"Also don't drink to much you are suppose to show me a better way to thrust a spear while we travel!" She said laughing out loud pulling her hand away to go back over and grab some fruit.

Volreg Sundek |

Taking off his clothes and other belongings, Volreg folds them neatly before entering the warm water with an audible sigh. Out of his clothes, the man seemed thinner and was covered in scarring looking very similar to feathered trees. Dunking his head under the water and bringing his head back up, turns towards the group before waving over one of the people working, "Wine please, with some fruit and maybe cheese if you have any." Turning towards Giovanna then Mwikali, his face flushes again as he wave to the newcomer. 'This mixed bathing is quite exciting! HOLD IT VOLREG! One must not sully themselves in lust! Yet both women are quite beautiful, as the Lord has intended.'
Shaking his head and making his way over to the rest of the group, his eyes linger on the scars of his peers before speaking up again. "I do have to say, bath houses are quite refreshing, almost as much as the first wash of spring! Though, compared to home, it does feel strange to be indoors while in this much water, even warm at that!" Grinning, the young man makes his way to the tray of foodstuffs and wine to have a sip. "I am also assuming that this may be our last, good bathing, for a while. I think I'll soak up as much I can before retiring for the evening, whether it be with good food, good drink, and from the looks and sounds of things, good company!" Waving back at the serving girl he stands up and whispers in her ear, "I'll want a few pitchers of ale as well. I want to see if I can out drink my fellow companions. Take some for yourself as well, since it may be a long night."