Mwikali |

"True it is nothing like taking in a fresh invigorating bath in a spring, river or my favorite an Oasis! However, this water is nice and clean and crisp.Perfectly warm so that it teases the skin. It is warm and nice, like a nice warm bed on a cool crisp night." She purred as she looked over at the farmer and smiled.
"You surprise me Volreg, you are more cultured and wise than I initially gave you credit for.I may even come to like you Volreg!" She said not hiding her self from the farmer. It wasn't intentional but when it crept into her mind at his there previous interactions she just left it there, for the boy would eventually learn to be more open with such things.

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
as Giovanna enters
'An interesting woman, armor and blade, no harm in that. She seems quite different from our earth Mwikali but her features are just as exotic, some elven perchance or maybe celestial. I may ask once we are more familiar.' Watching the woman enter the water, Wulfgar smiles as the juxtaposition of 'wait to speak about sensitive matters with a woman he is bathing naked with until they are more 'familiar.' Shrugging he calls out. "Greetings Mistress Domenico or do you prefer Giovanna"
with Mwikali
'Ah speaking of our earthy Mwikali, here comes the ebony goddess.' Watching the lovely woman move through the water toward him, he focuses on her face, so as not to be unseemly. Drinking in the now subtle smell of her, he gets lost in the pools of her eyes as she touches his shoulder. "Yeah um, ale. I,"
He stops speaking looking at her. He then notices Volreg beyond her as the youth dunks in and out of the water. Wulfgar barks out a laugh pointing at the man. "Ha, our friend Volreg has finally shed his modesty and joined us."
His eyes settle back on Mwikali his smile wide. "Since I promised to train Volreg on 'a better way to thrust his spears' as well, I hope that wasn't an idiom for something else."
He then laughs again, but rests his hand on her shoulder, not moving away, whispering. "Patience my ebony goddess, all good things come to those who wait."
Calling out across the pool Wulfgar asks, "Volreg, I have seen many scars, but yours I do not recognize! Will you share how you got them?"
Then turning lifting his cup, he calls "Majordomo, the king said to see to our needs and my cup is still empty. It NEEDS filled!" He then lets out a grand laugh.

Giovanna di Domenico |

Giovanna is fine, or Vanna...either is fine, thank you for asking. The whole title and such gets so boring at times. Go to a ball and half the people have six titles and so on...trés blasé.... she says, her accent flipping from Italian to French and back again. And I suppose it might be a while before another hot bath. I must remember to get some extra soap...maybe sone perfumes before we set out. Not that I am obsessed with cleanliness, just have never been that far from a hot tub with oils and such. It will take some getting used to I suppose...I shall miss la dolce vita...and don't be afraid to joke out loud...I have heard just about every thing under the sun in my short life, courtesy my swordmaster. Spanish fop that he is. Ramirez is his name. Always prattling on about finding "The One"...if he were not so skilled with a blade, he might have been committed for lunacy, I fear..

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
LOL, was the 'fop' Spanish or Egyptian?
Nodding to the woman, he smiles, "Then Vanna it is and I will never be afraid to joke out load. After a while you may have wished I hadn't. Apparently you instructor never journeyed through Constantinople or he would have TOLD you about finding the one!" He then continues looking for the majordomo with more ale, he was still way too sober for his liking.

Mwikali |

Mwikali laughs as she hears the whisper after the comment about spears."You are the only one who hears innuendos, I merely stated that we would learn new techniques with the spear. I bet the fair Vanna over there can teach me some wonderous blade work! I hear fencing is like an elaborate dance, a Dance of DEATH!" She said with a devilish smile. She leaned in and kissed the Northmans cheek before she slipped away and went next to Vanna.
To Vanna
"Six titles! Seems excessive. Were they earned or were they bestowed by birth? I prefer those who earn their titles over bestowed it just for being born." She said thinking back at some of the Chieftans and Kings."Though there are more than a few exceptions?" She trailed off before she chuckled and pulled her hair back and used a few of the corded hair strands to tie it up.
"I agree with you on the oils and soap, maybe get some of that rose oil they peddle in the streets." She said as she then walked out of the bath and grabbed her own drink from a container.

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

On the way back he has a long conversation with the prince about armour.
Lord McGibel never seems to stop moving, looking into everything and talking at speed with everyone. Ziping about like a fire fly. Its as if he is living life at x2 speed. He just can't keep still. At the bath house.
A dark skinned womam enters the bathhouse. She doffs her armor and quickly enters the pools. My apologies...I should introduce myself first. I an Giovanni, of the di Domenicos of Florence
He Lights up when Giovanna comes in, zipping over to her.
"Where have you been Lady di Domenico, you missed the fun, come join us, we have a task given to us by the Prince, Vanna I will let the others tell all about it, but it sounds like a real adventure. Now I have to go and do something but will see you all later."
And with that he is off to get his things and out into the night.
He is also absent only getting to the rooms in the early hours of the morning. When he comes back he shows everyone his new Tinney Tinny Mithril shirt. And how much easier it is to fly in it.

Volreg Sundek |

"I fear that it has been my fooling around as a child, and later dealing with merchants that I have taken to bathing every so often. I tend to sell more if I don't have the stench of the land on me. As for yourself, you are quite exotic, and seem to say everything that comes to mind. Aren't you afraid of being labeled as a heretic of the Lord? I wouldn't like that, as you seem quite nice." Not to bring the mood sour, he then quickly stammers, "Not that you aren't nice! I mean, enjoyable to be around! You seem like a nice lady."
Turning towards Wulfgar, trying to hide his embarrassment, begins talking about his scars, "These, I have to say have been from my childhood. I had decided to gather my family's goats in the fields while not listening to father nor mother during a heavy storm. All I remember was a loud thunder, bright light, and searing pain before everything went dark. I had woken up with with these scars on my body, and had been told that I was struck down by the Lord for not listening to my parents, and was allowed to live with the mark as a reminder. Though, it seems, I have also been given a gift from that time." With the last sentence, a close look in his eyes seemed to flash a small spark behind his hazel irises.
"I have to say Vanna, I have gone weeks without bathing before, and I can tell you, it wasn't the most pleasant. After this kind of a bath, I envy those who can bathe regularly in a place like this."
Making his way back to his platter, Volreg finishes off his goblet of wine, eats a few pieces of cheese and fruit, before making his way back to the rest of the group.

Mwikali |

To Wulfgar
"Oh a gift from the Sky? You surprise Wulfgar. Not only do you seem a capable combatant as the others gathered here, but to be blessed by the Gods of the Sky!" She says offering the big man a sip from her goblet. It was intriguing and something she would have to discuss with the man later. For now, she was enjoying the freedom of it all before she had to fight with spell and claw.
To Volreg
Hearing his tale of having to sell wares she smiles."I too have peddled wares. Mine are more in the realm of clothing. THough I dabble in ropes, nets, and whips. Which comes in handy knowing your way around a knot or two. As for this Heretic business, I do not share the same faith as you. This God you speak of is not who speaks to me, I speak to the spirits and gods of the land, sea, and sky. To the animals and plants and the dead. Africa and her bountiful busom is my God. It is from her My people sprang from and off her that I live!I know that is blasphemy, but my faith is as passionate as your own." She lets the serious tone about her beliefs fade with a very devilish smile.
"Now before you get mad,I will not hinder your devotion. Christians have been good to me so far. So I am indebted to them. Without them I would probably have been sent back to Cairo by Islamic traders as I had nothing. For that I am thankful. Your God, though not mine, has kept me from the slave trade every sense. It is do to This Jehovah that I add him to my daily communion as thanks, but nothing more." She sipped her wine and looked about wondering how well the others took her ideology. These Europeans seemed obsessed with their 'One True God'. Enough to do vile things against those who believed differently. Somehow she was spared such ordeals, presumably due to her exotic nature and her immaculate skills with needle and thread.

Volreg Sundek |

Smiling at the ebony woman's words concerning the Christian God, waits until Mwikali has finished sipping her wine before speaking up. "This means I can relax about my "faith" around you, and hopefully the others. I do follow some of the teachings of the word, but as for the belief in God, I am unsure of. Too much evil in this world makes me believe otherwise, but saying I do believe does make things easier to get around. Your God, seems more palatable to me. More, hmm, able to grasp."
Items for the trip, which I nearly forgot! A Masterwork Light Crossbow with 20 bolts 337 gp, masterwork padded armor 158 gp are what would be wanted by Volreg. He will donate the "Armored Scarf" to one of the workers at the palace.

Sulayman Hain |

Sulayman mostly keeps to himself, soaking quietly in the water. He is tall, with dark hair and a small goatee. He has a few scars, war wounds and battle scars mostly. Once the conversation turns to religion, Sulayman perks up a bit and he says, ”Ha, gods. Mostly meaningless I find. I believe I was Christian as a young man, though I’ve mostly forgotten those times. The Ottomans were brutal in their conversion of the recruits. A few of my scars came from that. I realised though, if one is going to the extremes of beating a child to make them follow your beliefs, is belief all that worth it?”
I’ll make my gladius and studded leather masterwork.

Altin Karela |

Altin turns his head away from the serving girl at Sulayman's words. "Aye, we share the marks of our previous masters' "education". I too have little wish to speak of the gods. The doings of men, and women," he turns back to the serving girl, "interest me much more."

Giovanna di Domenico |

Struck by lightning? That sounds like a gift from some otherworldy power or other. Or perhaps just sheer luck? I have heard of some very peculiar happenings in my life...some are doubtless utter drivel and lack any truth...but there are some that might just be true. As for divine beliefs...i think that is up to the individual. I for one will not push my ideas and beliefs on someone...each person should choose their own path to follow. Giovanna says as she grabs a goblet of wine and washes down a chunk of bread.

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
Mwikali laughs as she hears the whisper after the comment about spears."You are the only one who hears innuendos..." She said with a devilish smile. She leaned in and kissed the Northmans cheek before she slipped away and went next to Vanna.
'the only one who hears innuendos? So the game is afoot, but a lovely game it is.' Watching the lovely ebony witch swim away to work her magic elsewhere, Wulfgar begins looking for the serving maid. 'I see the drink they call sangria, but I would prefer ale. And I am not drunk enough to have the desire to discuss why I serve whom I serve.' As the conversation turns to religion, Wulfgar Climbs out of the pool, picking up the towel that was left where his trousers were, he wraps it around his waist and polearm in one hand, copper flagon in the other head out of the pool area to find more ale. Stopping long enough to ask the Majordomo where the armorer and the rooms were and to instruct that this clothing and armor be brought to his room.
Not sure what time it is in game. If it's late he will head to the room to sleep, and rise early to figure out what he is using the 500 gp for. If it is reasonably early he will march to the armorers and find something, then head to bed.

Mwikali |

Mwikali Stretches her limbs and slowly gets out of the pool. She doesn't waste time with the towel and instead heads to a door where she can stand and let the wind kiss her frame. She languished in the breeze a bit before she cast Prestidigitation to dry herself off. After that, she put on a new outfit one that was a beautiful lilac color and was a Diaphanous gown. She grabbed her gear and handed over to a steward and then goes to talk to some of the Royal retainers about a variety of things.
Gonna look at maybe a some masterwork weapons, a few scrolls and clothes

Mwikali |

Mwikali went from the bathhouse to the stewards and began to take note a few fashions of Portugals' nobility and thus any other courtiers. She grabbed a few dresses, the most expensive was a lovely dress of green with gold and silver stitching, with a couple of precious stones. The other four were yellow, lilac, red, and black. With gold lace accents. After that, she bought a simple headscarf. She would tailor them on the trip to better match her personal sense of style. Also, she planned to rid herself of the unnecessary layers these Europeans thought where necessary.

Volreg Sundek |

Soaking in the water for a bit longer, Volreg stretches his legs before getting out and drying himself off before getting dressed. The warm water and talk with his new companions distracted the man from how tired he was from the journey to the palace, let alone the events afterwards. Asking one of the servants, is show to his room for a fair night's rest. 'I think I'll need some new clothes that'll travel better than what I have. I may look for something in the morning.'
In the morning, Volreg asks as to where to get good traveling clothes, and is shown where to go. Looking at the clothes, he finds a few good tan shirts and brown pants to travel in, thinking that the others would be better suited to dress nicely and impress others.

Altin Karela |

After his friend Wulfgar leaves, Altin spends a little longer trying to woo the serving girl, Miriam. After she leaves, seemingly uninterested, Altin slips from the bath, grabs his clothes, and leaves with a wave good night to those remaining. If I have to sleep alone, I guess a prince's castle is the place to do it! Although I still feel uneasy about this whole thing... Ah well, think of the riches we might find!
Despite his pessimism, Altin does not, in fact, sleep alone. As such, in the morning it is a tousle-haired and bleary-eyed Altin who visits the quartermaster and picks out a few choice pieces of equipment before heading to meet the rest of the party.

Mwikali |

Seeing Miriam leave Altins room she smiled as she Walked beside Wulfgars companion in her Lilac Diaphonus gown."Seems the young maid is truly dedicated to providing the best service possible to her guests. I wonder if she would give me the same treatment? Tell me were you satisfied Altin?" She giggled a bit as she walked with her spear in her hand.

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
Tossing and turning most of the night, Wulfgar wakes early finding his clothes cleaned and mended and his armor polished waiting for him in the antechamber. Dressing quickly he grumbles to himself about the polished armor standing out in a crowd. Gathering his gear, he leaves the sleeping quarters quietly to head toward the armory.
Once there he selects a finely crafted greatsword and inquires about a weighted spear with coldiron and silver at each end, telling the smith."I promised a couple of rookies I'd teach them the spear. But with the 'special' metals it will prove useful for more than just a training tool." While the smith finds and attaches the separate heads to his new spear, Wulfgar selects a gladius and a few pilums, smiling "You can't go wrong with a couple of old stand-by's Right?"
Having acquired the new gear and gotten a fair price for his hammer, Wulfgar heads to the docks and awaits his companions there.

Mwikali |

Mwikali heads back to the Dock, scrolls in her pack Kiku flutters around chirping away in that strange language. Mwikali talks back and then look up her hair pulled back from her face as she smiles and waves to the large Northman.
As she gets closer several bags hang from the spear draped over her shoulders as she finally sees the man and smiles wide."So Wulfgar did my favorite Northman sleep well after a night of naked bliss and ale? Tell me what did you dream about? Was it me? NO, I bet you dreamt of finer things" She said giggling her diaphanous gown showing off her hips cleavage and belly button, its almost sheer fabric of lavender turning a deep rich purple when laid over her skin.
"Tell me are you comfortable at sea? I know I am not. It is vast and deep full of things that make even a ship such as this small. But I know it holds bounty for I know these Portuegese fish pulling form it scores of the creatures to feed their people.Still, I fear to drown if the gods choose to whip up a storm, or summon a great serpent to pull us down. Its terrifying." She looked up to see if her blood seal held on overnight on the bow of the ship.
"I pray the Sea Spirits see my symbol and grant us mercy,. for they are a capricious lot" She said getting in close to the Tall man her face inches from his chest before her bird landed on her spear and she stepped back.
The Bird spoke more of the strange tongue and she sighed. She looked down and cocked her hip as she began to pull off the sacks full of clothes.
"So I wonder trinkets the others gathered for our journey?"

Altin Karela |

Seeing Miriam leave Altins room she smiled as she Walked beside Wulfgars companion in her Lilac Diaphonus gown."Seems the young maid is truly dedicated to providing the best service possible to her guests. I wonder if she would give me the same treatment? Tell me were you satisfied Altin?" She giggled a bit as she walked with her spear in her hand.
Altin, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes, snaps his head around at the sound of Mwikali's voice. "Yes... er, no.. she did a fine... I mean, when is one ever truly... Good morning Mwikali," he finishes lamely as the bafflingly bold and direct witch continues past him down the hall.
At the docks
Upon reaching the Sereia, Altin finds Wulfgar and Mwikali there before him. He bows his head to Mwikali, then slaps Wulfgar on the back. "Our Highness is quite generous," he says, holding out his new, finely crafted short bow. "What did you two choose from his armoury?"

Mwikali |

"Unlike you two, my power is in my Spells. I grabbed scroll to teach Kiku. Kiku here holds my spells. The spirits sent her to me to guide me in my endeavors and watch over me." She says scratching underneath the bird's chin which elicited a melody chirping form the colorful bird.
"After that I got some of the clothes of Portugal. Going to alter them to be more to my style, but they are beautiful and colorful. If you are nice I may even show them off later" She said with a giggle before she looked to the pair.
"So do you think this is communal sleeping or are we getting separate cabins, I tend to sleep in the nude as my rituals make me sweat" She says working through the ritual she endured when a child unsure of the power inside her, the gift of her mother and whether she would leave her people to become like her mother or to remain what she was. She chose to remain herself. In that revelation, she was contacted by the Spirits of her motherland, who gave her a ritual, one she performs now ever night communing with Kiku who relays the powers of her patrons to her. It was deep and personal, something akin to the Muslims prayers, or priests communions. That moment was sacred and to be awarded her powers she must bare all for the gods to see.
"Just a warning!"

Sulayman Hain |

Sulayman walks onto the ship with the others, admiring his newly balanced and wickedly sharpened gladius. Adjusting the straps on his new armour he says to Altin, ”Well, I’m not sure about the others, but I’ve gotten myself new armour. My sword’s been rebalanced and sharpened as well, along with a better hilt. Better for stabbing and slicing.”

Volreg Sundek |

Making his way to the docks, Volreg is dressed in his new loose fitting tan shirt and heavy, brown, pants. Strapped to his well worn backpack are two bolt quivers, and a well made light crossbow. Wrapped near the top of the pack looked to be a quilted pad of a green and brown pattern with golden trim. Seeing the others, he waves while picking up pace to meet up with them. Eyeing both Wulfgar and Mwikali, he smiles broadly.
"Looks like you two are getting along this morning! How was everyone's evening?" Noticing Mwikali's dress, Volreg chuckles slightly, "Those colors looks good on you, though, I do believe most might ask for you to be a bit more modestly, though I don't believe the sailors would complain much. As for my purchases, I have some padded armor of sorts, and a nicely made crossbow. I don't need much to be somewhat effective."

Mwikali |

"Awww, Volreg, thank you so much. I see you too got some more clothes. They look good on you. If you need some tailoring, I am a master seamstress" She said pulling her self away from Wulgar.
"I must say you all have quite the impressive arsenal, and I hope after our journey, these spells will greatly improve mine." Mwikali said grabbing her cloak and slipping it onto her shoulders. the garment almost a stark contrast to the rest of the wardrobe as it was a slate gray.

Altin Karela |

Altin eyes Sulayman's armour appreciatively. "Hmmm. Looks better for sneaking in than this," he remarks, tugging at his own beat-up leathers, which give a slight creak in response. "Maybe I should have done the same. Never mind, too late now."

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
at the docks
’What an interesting contrast this woman poses. She is not like any I have known in the east or west.’ Watching the witch approach in her translucent violet dress, Wulfgar his new sword resting on his shoulder, nods politely. Raising an eyebrow at her description of the evening as ‘naked bliss’ he resists the urge to comment. Listening to her ramble, watching her look up at her blood seal, he answers, ”I am comfortable at sea, I will probably sleep better aboard ship than I did last night.”
Seeing his companion approach Wulfgar raises his hand in greeting. Answering ”Yes generous in deed. I traded my hammer for more traditional spear to train the rookies.” He then smiles and lifts the two handed sword off of his shoulders and grinning. ”And picked up this little thing while I was there.”
’I will resist the urge to comment on woman purchasing clothing, or who will or won’t be using spells.’ As Mwikali asks a question about the ship, Wulfgar shrugs. ”It depends on the vessel, our little Lord probably could answer the particulars about this one since he has inspected it. But most vessels have some cabins, for officers or those who have purchased transport. The crew sleeps in hammocks below decks.”
Seeing Sulayman he nods, ”A fine armor indeed Sulayman.” Then acknowledging the farmer as well, ”And that is a fine jacket.” He then looks to see if the others are approaching.

Volreg Sundek |

Bowing his head towards Wulfgar's compliment, his eyes peer over the ship before laughing a bit at Altin's remarks. "Maybe, we could find something exotic that you would be comfortable in after traveling, or lest you fear the hide of your leather will peel when going over the water! If by need, I could lend you mine if is deemed worthy of a talented man as yourself, though it is but a thicker shirt. Truth be told, it looked a bit warmer than a jacket, but I could be wrong. Or Sulayman could lend you his armor if the need arises!" 'Altain doesn't seem in the best of moods. Perhaps he stayed up past the fall of the moon with the woman who followed him?'
Playing with his baggy sleeves, then looking at Mwilkali grins, "I do prefer my clothes quite loose, as I can feel the wind rush thru them. Might be a feeling similar for your clothing, though not quite as revealing. I seem to be somehow more connected to the wind and thunder after being struck as a child. Maybe some patterns if the trip is long enough, or if I get too warm and don't mind running around shirtless."

Mwikali |

Mwikali smiled at Wulfgar and chuckled."I bet you have salt water in your veins." She says as she pulled out a dried piece of fruit and feed it to her bird. She focused on Kiku a bit before she giggled.
"You know Wulfgar you are not the First Northman I have met." she says before she turned to Altin and Sulayman.
"I feel a bit underdressed, with you all sporting such nice new armor." She sighs and looks towards Volreg and smiles."Well at least me and Volreg can charge into battle with no armor, just our wits!"

Mwikali |

"Well when we wade through the great Desert you will need to have something breathable, but at the same time will keep you warm. It gets cold at night in the desert and if you don't huddle together for warmth your clothing is sometimes all you have to rely on." She says with a smile as she walks up and straightens up Volregs jacket and smiles.

Giovanna di Domenico |

Giovanna makes a few small purchases as she wanders tgrough the market. Sone appropriate clothing for a desert, some fragrances and a bag of assorted necessities. Back on the ship, she wanders about, shedding her armor for a set of plain pants and a blouse. At least we won't need our armor for a bit...feels liberating. When we get to Morocco, we should get a pack animal...for water and supplies. Never want to be out of water...or wine for that matter... She leans over the rail and catches a spray off the prow of the ship.
Reminds me of heading out on one of my father's many jaunts to sell his wine. Went to London a few times...Sicily as well...ahh good memories...

Volreg Sundek |

to Mwikali
"The heat doesn't bother me too much, but I don't like the cold. Maybe I should get a hat in Morocco if you and Vanna say that the heat is strong." Fidgeting slightly as his jacket is straightened, Volreg continues speaking. "I've not relied on armor, or trained in it while growing up, so it feels more, natural, to just wear clothes that are a bit thicker than wearing leathers."
On the ship
Walking about the ship, Volreg finds a safe looking spot where to store his belongings that he could easily get to, but wouldn't move too much before finding a hammock to sleep in. The man was excited as this would be his first journey on a ship, which also scared him a bit. Even from the port, the water was much deeper than the pond and stream where he grew up, and he didn't quite learn how to swim properly. 'Maybe I could ask someone to teach me how to swim. Perhaps Vanna, Altin, or Sulayman could help out, since Wulfgar wants to teach me how to use a spear properly.'
To Vanna
"Wait, it gets THAT hot? I think we will need some pack animals. I've only heard tales of what it is like to not have water in the heat."

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

All the time the others are talking Lord McGibel is zipping here there and everywhere. Rushing about seeing everything to be seen.
Every now and then you can hear him say
"This is very good, O yes and this..."

Giovanna di Domenico |

Well, when I started training with my blade, I was completely oblivious to armor outside of seeing it on guards and such. I was taught to make it like a second skin, hence the leather jerkin and skirt. I could
have got a heavier suit, but felt this is good enough for my build. I have heatd of finely crafted suits like our energetic friend over there...she points to Perpireen. But such a suit requires money. I could ask my father for some, but would rather earn my way...not out of spite, just a sense of being free, I suppose. But simple practice would help acclimate you to armor, Volreg

Commander Gonzalo Cabral |

Hearing voices on the dock, Captain Cabral appears atop the aft castle and waves, a broad smile on his tan face...
In accented English: Good day! Welcome! I trust you slept well at the castle, and are ready to depart?
To his crew, in Portuguese: Lower the gangplank! Untie her, and prepare to raise anchor and hoist the sail! Our passengers have arrived!

Mwikali |

Mwikali walks up the plank holding up her dress and carrying her sacks over her shoulder. She breathes in the morning air on the ship and looks about for a moment before she asks.
"Captain, May I ask where I will be staying? I kind of want to unpack and change into my travel clothes?"She says with a wide smile.

Commander Gonzalo Cabral |

Admiring Mwikali’s exotic beauty, Captain Cabral smiles and offers her his arm...
In English: Right this way, my lady...
Captain Cabral escorts the lovely witch to a cabin belowdecks, and then returns to show the others to their cabins. The cabins are small and cramped, spartanly furnished with hammocks, footlockers and chamberpots...

Michael Johnson 66 |

The Sereia pulls away from the dock and out of the harbor, leaving the port of Lisbon behind... She rides the blue swells out to open water... The cries of seagulls and the rhythmic crash of the tide against her hull mingle with the shouts of the crew...
I will link a deck plan for the Sereia when I get a chance... But where in general would everyone be positioned at around noon?

Mwikali |

"Hmmm, Do you have anything Bigger? I like to stretch out" She says as she looks at the Commander and smiles.
"Especially when in need of communing with Kiku here?" She says rubbing her finger under the birds chin.

Altin Karela |

As the Sereia made its way out into the Atlantic Ocean, Altin stood up at the bow, revelling in the sight. While the Mediterranean was beautiful, glistening, blue, and hazy, the green Atlantic stretched out like it went on forever. Its power was explicit; it felt deep, powerful, unknowable. We really are such tiny creatures, we people. He thought of the ocean's namesake, Atlas, and the island that was bequeathed to him, Atalantea; said to be a land of milk and honey, the walls of its cities clad in gold, silver, and orichalcum, its people beautiful and terrible, just like the ocean, till they overreached themselves and turned their backs on their god Atlas and his brothers and sister and were pulverised by the waves of the Atlantic until nothing remained but shoals of mud that turned the water a reddish-brown like their orichalcum, like their blood...
With a shake of his head, blinking his bedazzled eyes, Altin turned from the endless, depthless sea before him, back to his companions. Lackwit! Ensorcelled by an ocean! Your soft head will be the end of you. Finding that hard to argue with, Atlin just nodded agreeably to himself and made his way to Wulfgar's side.
"How long till we get where we're going?" he asked his friend as the captain showed them their quarters. "I hate being on ships. There's nowhere to go, nothing to do." He searched his pockets, and found them empty. "Do you have any dice?"

Commander Gonzalo Cabral |

Captain Cabral smiles at Mwikali and says, in English: I cannot deny the request of so beautiful a lady...You may stay in my cabin, my lady, and I will stay in this passenger cabin in stead. I shall have my cabin made acceptable for you...
Captain Cabral orders a sailor to transfer his personal effects from the captain’s cabin to the smaller passenger cabin...

Michael Johnson 66 |

An old Portuguese seaman takes out a braginho (a small Portuguese guitar-like instrument) and begins to play a sea chanty... He is soon accompanied by a younger sailor on a squeezebox... A third sailor produces a drum to keep the beat, and the music helps the time pass...

Mwikali |

"Thankyou you are a very gracious host. I will set up my things in there. I have much communing to do on this trip." She says as she slips inside and watches the men clean it. once clean she beings to shut the door and slip form her dress.
"I really do appreciate this Commander" She said from a crack in the door letting her dress slip right when the door shuts.
lol I am awful