Mwikali |

If I spend the rest of that night teaching Kiku spells I should have them all ready for when I commune to get spells

Volreg Sundek |

I believe so! Managed to sneak in a post or two while taking short breaks, and on my lunch, haha.

Volreg Sundek |

To give the fey folk a taste of coffee, or no? This sounds like a good-bad idea written all over it.

Altin Karela |

We could always go loot a tomb... How do we all feel about graverobbing (known in other campaigns as dungeon-delving)?

Volreg Sundek |

A delve in a dungeon could get us a fair amount of money! Maybe there may be something fairly close by.

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

Get 3 pack mules and saddle packs, 2 riding mules, a tent, water and food.
Mules are find in North Africa, you only need camels if your going deep desert and such. Long as we keep close to water, a day or more we should be fine. Once we have cash we can tool up for the trek over the Sahara.
Here is a map to help you see what I mean MAP HERE

Altin Karela |

Get 3 pack mules and saddle packs, 2 riding mules, a tent, water and food.
Yep, sounds good, I'll do that the next day (I imagine there are more traders during the day). My Kn (local) check was pretty good too, so we might find out another opportunity to make some coin, we'll see what our excellent GM throws in front of us :)

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

There must be in this area, LOT of history and locations. Lets see if local there is monster hunting for coin etc. Or bandits we can take out.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Obviously Boombada the behir is for a higher level party... maybe once you are at least level 5... but there are a multitude of low level tombs, cave lairs, or odd jobs you can take on at level 1... Give me a moment to check my notes on Morocco, and to figure out a cool way in game to present the hooks...

Altin Karela |

Though it's inconvenience, I really like that language is an issue. Is it possible for Altin to conduct social checks through Wulfgar as a translator, with a penalty perhaps?

Michael Johnson 66 |

Though it's inconvenience, I really like that language is an issue. Is it possible for Altin to conduct social checks through Wulfgar as a translator, with a penalty perhaps?
Sure, at a -2 penalty due to charm being a little lost in translation lol

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
lol, ninja'd by MJ66
Though it's inconvenience, I really like that language is an issue. Is it possible for Altin to conduct social checks through Wulfgar as a translator, with a penalty perhaps?
I would think that business would be done that way all the time, would Wulfgar's +2 charisma offset any penalty?

Michael Johnson 66 |

lol, ninja'd by MJ66
Altin Karela wrote:Though it's inconvenience, I really like that language is an issue. Is it possible for Altin to conduct social checks through Wulfgar as a translator, with a penalty perhaps?I would think that business would be done that way all the time, would Wulfgar's +2 charisma offset any penalty?
Ah! I underestimated Wulfgar’s charm... yes, his +2 cha mod negates the -2 translational penalty...

Michael Johnson 66 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

I feel like this is the coolest campaign setting I’ve ever used, and it’s just the real world with all its myths and magic made true lol...
The best part is the immersion and context... I save so much time and work describing history and geography I’d have to explain if this was a home brew fantasy setting. Everyone who comes to this setting already has a wealth of knowledge and frame of reference to draw on for RP... this can also keep me more on my toes as there will always be some area a player knows more about than I do! Lol... my solution is to let it be so, draw on the knowledge of the players, and let this be a shared setting we cooperatively build together, resulting in something far better than a lone GM could make up.

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
Michael Johnson 66 wrote:Other tales overheard that night in the caravanserai:
From the innkeeper: Emir Mohammad is collecting a menagerie of exotic beasts to keep in his palace zoo. I have heard he charges an admittance fee to wealthy travelers who come to see his menagerie of exotic beasts. The fiercer ones, I have been told, he brings to the Blood Pit of Marrakech, where he fills his coffers with winnings from gladiatorial combats... I have heard that Emir Mohammad pays brave hunters to capture wild beasts of the desert and jungle for his menagerie!
From an Arab sailor: My boss, Captain Barak, is looking for slave-catchers to raid the coastal villages for slaves to sell in the bazaar of the Kasbah at Marrakech... Our ship is called the Alanqilis (Eel), and is currently docked here in the harbor at Anfa... Captain Barak is right over there, if you are interested... The sailor indicates a muscular, tattooed Arab bouncing a pretty harlot on his knee nearby...
From a Berber camel merchant: A local man told me just the other day that after a sandstorm blew through, an ancient tomb entrance was uncovered only a few hours trek southeast of here... Who knows what riches...or what horrors...might lie within?
So the Emir's beasts seem a bit above our paygrade at the moment, we should probably sabotage Captain Barak the slaver, and the ancient tomb entrance sounds like it's right up our alley.
So to throw my two cents in, we should set the Alanqilis on fire, then boot out of town on our mules to check out this tomb :) What say y'all?
Moved this here, just thought it might be easier to discuss, I like both ideas, might be interested in signing on with the captain and taking the ship...
How do you want to discuss it in game?
editOr killing the captain or something like that...

Altin Karela |

Yep sorry, should be discussing things on the discussion page :)
By the way, the gnolls the GM just mentioned sound like something we can handle... Depending on how big the tribe is.

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
wow, so many juicy choices! I agree the gnolls should be ok, I like exploring the tomb as well, still trying to figure out how to kill the captain...
Once he stops tossing out these great ideas we can figure out something and move it back to 'in game'
editLets assume that whoever can speak Arabic is translating and we will eventually get together and share details...

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
Hey MJ66, I have a moral conundrum, I have Wulfgar listed as chaotic good, but he really wants to follow this 'captain' and kill him for being a slaver, do you have any opinions about him doing that?
I'm not saying that's what he is going to do, but just thinking about it. Maybe he should be chaotic neutral... Want your opinion on the matter...

Michael Johnson 66 |

Hey MJ66, I have a moral conundrum, I have Wulfgar listed as chaotic good, but he really wants to follow this 'captain' and kill him for being a slaver, do you have any opinions about him doing that?
I'm not saying that's what he is going to do, but just thinking about it. Maybe he should be chaotic neutral... Want your opinion on the matter...
I know interpreting alignment is tricky and varies from GM to GM... my personal take on killing evil slavers, even assassinating them in their sleep, would certainly fall within acceptable Chaotic Good behavior. It’s for the greater good.

Altin Karela |

That sounds chaotic good to me! Doing what's right without regard to the law. Slavers deserve to punishment, and they certainly need to be stopped. Just my opinion, but killing him could be justified by a good, neutral, or evil motivation.

Michael Johnson 66 |

And I’m done tossing out juicy hooks for now lol... 5 seems like enough to honor the sandbox, no railroads spirit of the campaign lol
Boombada the behir not counted of course... he’s level 5+ content lol... just like the verisimilitude of hearing about things out of your league...

Volreg Sundek |

Sounds very Chaotic Good to me, because freedom!
As for Boombada.... We may want to take note as to where his territory may be so we don't enter it by accident.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Sounds very Chaotic Good to me, because freedom!
As for Boombada.... We may want to take note as to where his territory may be so we don't enter it by accident.
The Bedouin nomad described Boombada ambushing his caravan at an oasis 2 days march south of Anfa... that would be on the direct route to Marrakech...

Volreg Sundek |

Not sure if we have all the skills needed for a tomb raid, but the gnolls definitely sound like a good idea.

Altin Karela |

For the record, Altin was basically a slave through his whole adolescence and early manhood, albeit a (relatively) well-treated and highly trained one. He has no love for slavers either.

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
I know,
the question is how do we pretend to be crew and do it out at sea
I'm a little concerned if the captain had a + 12 to perception how high is he?
We could come back later and look for them, we could wait till he goes to bed and try and kill him in his sleep, we could join his crew and do it at sea. Lots of options,
I, as a player am open to any, including leaving him alone, Wulfgar wants to kill him, not me :-)

Altin Karela |

Yep, I hear you. Altin isn't as feisty as Wulfgar, so he'd be happy to leave the captain be out of prudence (as would I, as he must be level 6-9).
I think that we can't really pose as crew - we certainly can't with Mwikali (an African woman), which means we'd have to split to party to do so. Not great. I think we're actually just better off firing the ship by night, maybe killing some of the crew. Destroy the ship, wreck his crew, at least he's grounded. Then maybe we can get him when we come back a bit tougher ourselves from fighting gnolls. Just spitballing, but that might be the best plan.
Spread oil around the ship via stealth at night, use fire arrows from a distance maybe? Kill those who try to flee?

Altin Karela |

That could be an issue. My sense is that there are not, as the slavers apparently sell them when they get to port, but we'd want to make sure before, you know, setting the ship on fire.

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
my understanding is that they are going to collect the slaves. The ship is crewed, but they are looking for strong arms to go to shore and collect the slaves. So if we killed the crew out at sea we would have to sail the ship back, that means we would have to face the harbor guardian again...
If we burn the boat in port we face port authorities. If we bushwhack the captain on his way home I think himself alone would be a problem. We may be able to take him, may not.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Though it's inconvenience, I really like that language is an issue. Is it possible for Altin to conduct social checks through Wulfgar as a translator, with a penalty perhaps?
I also like the way language plays out in this setting lol... so realistic...