Wulfgar Ivarsson |
Thanks for the invite MJ66 :-)
edit: I've dotted and deleted in game thread so it shows up on my queue, do we need a backstory to get Lord Perpireen McGibel into the game? Happy to work something out with him if it would be beneficial. If not I will post shortly, Again, stoked to be playing with you Folks!

Altin Karela |

Also pumped about this game, thanks MJ66. I imagine Altin has just drifted westward from Ottoman lands, finally ending up in Portugal. Happy to have met others along the way if anyone wants to form pre-gameplay friendships.

Altin Karela |

Hi Wulfgar, just read your backstory, very cool! I had planned to go overland, but there's no reason why I have to. Sure I'll catch a ride. Do you have your own ship, or do you crew on one? Altin is ex-Janissary, so could be hiring on as a mercenary, or trading his skill with a bow for passage.

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
I'm going to have to say 'crew on one.' How long has Altin been AWOL from the Janissary? Wulfgar would be happy to help a fellow ex-slave out.
If MJ66 permits it might be possible that several of us sail together with a letter of recommendation from "Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes" to serve Prince Henry in his endeavors.

Michael Johnson 66 |

I'm going to have to say 'crew on one.' How long has Altin been AWOL from the Janissary? Wulfgar would be happy to help a fellow ex-slave out.
If MJ66 permits it might be possible that several of us sail together with a letter of recommendation from "Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes" to serve Prince Henry in his endeavors.
I dig that idea: letters from the Grand Master of the Knights of Rhodes...

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
I will begin working on a letter for Wulfgar, it may take a couple of days, depending on what else is going on. It looks like three or four of us are in (or were in) the Greek/Constantinople vicinity I will use a general term like "Company" or "troop" so anyone who want's to have signed up there and sailed over with Wulfgar could have.
In the meantime should I go ahead and post in game? Giving the king the 'letter.' That way anyone who wants to chime in as part of the company from the east can?

Volreg Sundek |

Oooooh boy. Lots of veterans here, and a simple farm boy entering the mix, haha. Overland travel for me unfortunately, as if Volreg traveled south, there might be a few issues with the Moors.

Michael Johnson 66 |

I will begin working on a letter for Wulfgar, it may take a couple of days, depending on what else is going on. It looks like three or four of us are in (or were in) the Greek/Constantinople vicinity I will use a general term like "Company" or "troop" so anyone who want's to have signed up there and sailed over with Wulfgar could have.
In the meantime should I go ahead and post in game? Giving the king the 'letter.' That way anyone who wants to chime in as part of the company from the east can?
Yes, please do go ahead and post in Gameplay.

Michael Johnson 66 |

Because I believe in transparency from GM as well as players, except where keeping things hidden increases enjoyment for all, I will note whenever I award the party XP here in Discussion, along with the reason, be it combat, puzzle solving, encountering traps, or RP/story bonus XP.
I will keep tally here for you, so you need not do it yourself unless you'd like to help me by keeping separate track of it... Once posts build up, its possible I might miss a sum when adding it all up to see when you advance to next level...
For excellent introductory RP, I'm awarding the group 140 XP, or 20 XP each divided by 7 PCs...

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
Nice RP group, I will put up another post soon. It looks like were still waiting on Giovanna di Domenico and Sulayman Hain.
Probably still think were starting on the first :-)
@ MJ66, I'm a little concerned about Wulfgar's language selection, Did the Arabs in the middle east still speak the same 'Greek' as Constantinople?

Michael Johnson 66 |

Nice RP group, I will put up another post soon. It looks like were still waiting on Giovanna di Domenico and Sulayman Hain.
Probably still think were starting on the first :-)
@ MJ66, I'm a little concerned about Wulfgar's language selection, Did the Arabs in the middle east still speak the same 'Greek' as Constantinople?
My research suggested that the Berber Moslems inhabiting Morocco at this time speak Arabic. Can anyone else confirm or deny this?

Michael Johnson 66 |

@ Crtzible, yuck, try not to work too hard...
@ MJ66, oops, Wulfgar was speaking to Sulayman in Arabic, and Sulayman speaks Turkish. Any chance they are close enough that Sulayman would understand?
I am not familiar enough with how similar or not they might be in RL, but to keep the game flowing smoothly, I'll rule that they are close enough, like Spanish and Italian or Portuguese, that you can understand each other's basic gist well enough lol

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
hmmm, it looks like a running fight. In heavy armor, I don't think Wulfgar is catching anything. But let me ask, is there a map? How close is the hallway to where the king was sitting? Oh and how close is fireplace? :-)
Also, I'm assuming 'weapons' would have been left outside of the throne room and feasting hall, daggers excluded of course.
So let's see how that post would go: "Moves to wall pulls sword and spear down... " hee hee hee

Michael Johnson 66 |

hmmm, it looks like a running fight. In heavy armor, I don't think Wulfgar is catching anything. But let me ask, is there a map? How close is the hallway to where the king was sitting? Oh and how close is fireplace? :-)
Also, I'm assuming 'weapons' would have been left outside of the throne room and feasting hall, daggers excluded of course.
So let's see how that post would go: "Moves to wall pulls sword and spear down... " hee hee hee
Lol! :-) Good point about being unarmed except for daggers...
I will work on linking a map, but to answer your questions:
The south arch to which goblin Squidretch is dashing is about 40 ft south across the festhall from where Prince Henry sits, and the goblin begins about 15 ft west of the prince, so must double move to get out into the throne room where everyone's weapons are...
The fireplace is 20 ft north of the prince, at center of the north wall of the hall... The goblins are about 30 ft southwest of the fireplace...
Altin is 10 ft west of the prince, only 5 ft from the goblins...
Wulfgar is 10 ft from the fireplace, between it and Prince Henry, who is about 10 ft south of Wulfgar...
Sulayman sits about 20 ft southwest of the prince, and is in good position to tackle the fleeing goblin, who is about 10 ft north of Sulayman, and must run right past him to escape...
Volreg is 5 ft south of Sulayman...
Lord Perpireen perches on a rafter 20 ft above the goblin minstrels...
Mwikali sits 10 ft east of the prince, 30 ft east of the goblins...

Michael Johnson 66 |

I'm interested in linking images of maps for combat and to help you visualize complex scenes, but I'm afraid I'm not very savvy about the best ways to do that. Anyone have any ideas on how to link photos of maps I draw? Or is it better to draw them with a paint tool and link them?
Obviously, linking url is easy...I guess I need help figuring out how to upload a photo I take or a paint file I draw to the internet so I can link them...

Michael Johnson 66 |

Experiment linking a Google doc photo of ARCH OF CONSTANTINE next to the Colosseum... Took this photo a few days ago in Rome! :-)
Edit: As yeah! It works! It's on, now lol! Yay!! Now I can link all kinds of stuff I draw to illustrate battlefields, scenes, etc

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
Experiment linking a Google doc photo of ARCH OF CONSTANTINE next to the Colosseum... Took this photo a few days ago in Rome! :-)
Edit: As yeah! It works! It's on, now lol! Yay!! Now I can link all kinds of stuff I draw to illustrate battlefields, scenes, etc
Hey MJ66 Can we look at it without logging on to a google account?

Volreg Sundek |

Oh, this is going to be grand. Who is going to win, the goblins, or the adventurers? Stay tuned for the next episode......
I have also requested access as so I am able to see the link, and as to what is going on.
Google slides is pretty good for multiple images and maps, as it works very similar to Power Point in Microsoft Office, so multiple maps can be made and drawn on with each different slide.

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
In Game MJ66:
Hey look a battle map, I'm impressed! Sorry I've been playing PBP for almost four years, but haven't sat at a table with an actual map since college. Sinse it was the year 'Another One Bites the Dust' came out as a single (yeah that's right boys and girls, a single, vinyl and all) I'll let you do the math.

Michael Johnson 66 |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |

In Game MJ66:Michael Johnson 66 wrote:Hey look a battle map, I'm impressed! Sorry I've been playing PBP for almost four years, but haven't sat at a table with an actual map since college. Sinse it was the year 'Another One Bites the Dust' came out as a single (yeah that's right boys and girls, a single, vinyl and all) I'll let you do the math.
Hehe! Great song for a battle, Another One Bites the Dust... Love Queen!
Now that I know how to link photos, we will have battle mat shots for all combats and complex tactical situations. Should help visualization and immersion.

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

Little disappointed did not get to do something in the time slot of him fining out what was going down. Hummm,... I am going to post his acts as if the next 5 mins did not happen so I can get them in.
Sorry if it messes anything up, but if I do it right it should not.
And that's how you recon, fit in with whats been posted and then get the hell out the way, over to everyone else. :)

Michael Johnson 66 |

Little disappointed did not get to do something in the time slot of him fining out what was going down. Hummm,... I am going to post his acts as if the next 5 mins did not happen so I can get them in.
Sorry if it messes anything up, but if I do it right it should not.
And that's how you recon, fit in with whats been posted and then get the hell out the way, over to everyone else. :)
Yep! Nice work, it fits perfectly lol

Michael Johnson 66 |

"Ah what a sight to behold. Clean crisp water to wash away the dirt and grime. Rejuvenate the skin and soak away the weight of the world from our weary bodies." She says going over to put her hand in one of the pools and uttered a satisfactory almost pleasurable moan before she pulled it free and smiled.
"So let us shed these garments and soak away our cares!"

Mwikali |

LOL, She has little concern for European Modesty. She is trying to free her people from the oppressive hands of the Arabs and their god!