Lord Perpireen McGibel |

Flies down and lands on the lever.
"Well then lads we have ourselves a bit of a situation here. See you want to get close to this hear leaver and I don't want ya to. So lucky for me I put an sprite spell on it so the the next person to touch it become a gout. So be may guest me -ados"
And he tales off again.
Bluff 20 + 8 + 1d6 ⇒ 20 + 8 + (2) = 30 spent and inspration

Mwikali |

Mwikali summons with arcane words the Spirits of Africas' Sky to raise off the ground and follow suit her companions. Such a freedom she has as she speeds along unaided by horse!

Gojira, King of Kaiju |

Wednesday 10th of January, 9:15 AM, central Honshu Island of Japan:
Climbing into the mountainous highlands of north-central Honshu, Gojira, King of Kaiju, begins to awaken his “subjects”!
At the mouth of a massive, yawning cavern in the side of a remote peak, Gojira shriek-roars, over and over again, for nearly twenty minutes, before the great cavern’s occupant finally can ignore it no longer, and awakens...

Mosura, also known as Mothra |

Within the vast cavernous lair of Mosura, the kaiju known to westerners as Mothra, finally could ignore the annoying and familiar screeching, and with a monstrous and angry buzzing, gave answer to her old nemesis, Gojira:
Rising from her nest, Mosura beats her mighty wings, stirring up hurricane-force winds that buffet Gojira in the face as she rockets out of the cave over the towering reptilian-feline head of the King of Kaiju!

Gatehouse guard |

The two monk guards inside the gatehouse with Lord Perpireen pause to listen to his words, then hiss under their veils in a rather inhuman, almost reptilian manner... and their eyes seem more feral than human, glowing red in the torchlight! Then they crouch in a predatory manner, more akin to cats than men, poised to pounce on the little Fey Lord!

Michael Johnson 66 |

GIOVANNA 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (17) + 5 = 22
VOLREG 1d20 + 5 ⇒ (10) + 5 = 15
LORD PERPIREEN 1d20 + 4 ⇒ (14) + 4 = 18
ALTIN 1d20 + 3 ⇒ (12) + 3 = 15
WULFGAR 1d20 + 2 ⇒ (12) + 2 = 14
MWIKALI 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 1 = 7
VAMPIRE SPAWN MONK GUARDS (2) 1d20 + 1 ⇒ (4) + 1 = 5

Michael Johnson 66 |

The “Battle of Safi” begins with Lord P and the 2 vamp spawn monks inside the main gatehouse, just north of the archway, about 10 feet away from each other...
Vanna, Volreg, Altin, and Wulfgar are mounted on steeds outside the main gatehouse, each about 30 feet from the vamp spawn monks and about 40 feet from Lord Perpireen...
Mwikali begins the combat flying about 10 feet above her companions, and the same general distances—30 feet and 40 feet respectively—from the enemies and Lord Perpireen...

Mwikali |

Mwikali casts Mage Armor on herself and Kiku.
"We must help the Tiny Lord!" She says after she finishes her spell
AC is now 17 woot

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

Lord P can see the numbers up, and goes vertical
These fellers are out to get me
60' up full light, he can move intol stealth in a full move. Acrobatics to evade them 1d20 + 17 + 1d6 ⇒ (16) + 17 + (5) = 38 1 inspiration used
Zipping about like a arrow that can change direction Lord beats a hasty retreat.
Vanish at the end of the move for 5 rounds.

Gatehouse guard |

Lord P can see the numbers up, and goes vertical
These fellers are out to get me
60' up full light, he can move intol stealth in a full move. Acrobatics to evade them 1d20+17+1d6 1 inspiration used
Zipping about like a arrow that can change direction Lord beats a hasty retreat.
Vanish at the end of the move for 5 rounds.
The two vampire spawn monks have no chance of detecting the invisible sprite, so they dash off as silent as shadows to the monastery keep...

Gatehouse guard |

The dozen monks posted upon the battlements continue to watch The Desert Jackals and their gladiator and harem women companions with eyes that seem almost to glow red in the flickering torchlight as the caravan rides south around the monastery fortress toward the quay, where the dhow Alanqilis is docked...

Altin Karela |

Altin herds the party's followers, exhorting them to follow Wulfgar. As he rides on after the tall northerner he replies to Vanna. "There's something foul going on in there. After we get this whole crew to the ship, maybe we should consider cleansing the place. No doubt there would be loot to be found..."

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

Flies down to join his fellows.
"Well they where some odd fellows"
He says coming down and landing on Altin shoulder.
"For all this sun they where a pail lot"

Altin Karela |

Flies down to join his fellows.
"Well they where some odd fellows"
He says coming down and landing on Altin shoulder.
"For all this sun they where a pail lot"
Altin laughs at Lord P's quip. "They were indeed! What does your gut tell you, McGibel? Should we sail on, or deal with these creatures?"

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
'Sail on or deal with them, that's a good question.' AS they ride around the fortress to where the ship is docked. "Something fowl indeed Altin. With that red glow in their eyes, they certainly weren't human. At least not anymore, if they ever were."
Slowing the stallion, checking to make sure everyone was with them, Wulfgar continued. "Those who want to leave are still able to do so. However those of us who met with the king, are still obligated to remove the Emir.I still think making Safi a free port is a good idea. Though I don't think the monks will be willing to help us do so."
As they arrive at the boat, he calls out. "Ahoy!" Looking at the others, "Since things came to a head at the fort, We must prepare for the possibility of the monks sneaking out into the night to attack us."
He looks around the beach, "It may be safer on the boat, out to sea. But we have the animals to care for. Should we try and keep the animals here by the docks, or take them someplace else like out into the desert?"
does the small bazaar have anyplace to board animals?

Altin Karela |

Altin nods his head in agreement with Wulfgar's suggestions. "Whatever those monks were, they made my skin crawl. We should definitely keep watch all night, in twos if possible. If they don't attack us, I'd still like to take care of them. Perhaps I could do a reconnaissance..." Remembering the fey, he turns to Lord Perpireen. "I guess you could take care of that, if we decide to attack them."

Crewman of the Alanqilis |

The Spanish sailors aboard the Alanqilis appear on deck a moment after Wulfgar hails them, simple crucifixes made of wooden sticks lashed together with fishing net held aloft in their trembling hands, and necklaces of garlic buds around their necks, their faces pale with fear! There are only six of them left, the rest having been turned into vampire spawn over one of the past several nights, and joined the monks inside the monastery...
In Spanish: Mother of God! Thank the Lord! It is Captain and the others!

Mwikali |

"Evil indeed" She says looking at the religious accouterments of the Christians. She raised her brow and counted the crew.
"Where are the rest of you? And what is up with the Monks? My friend told of great Evil amongst the monks? Sorry, are you all okay?"

Crewman of the Alanqilis |

"Evil indeed" She says looking at the religious accouterments of the Christians. She raised her brow and counted the crew.
"Where are the rest of you? And what is up with the Monks? My friend told of great Evil amongst the monks? Sorry, are you all okay?"
In English: Very glad to see you, My Lady... Others gone to monastery... Taken by vampire! Just us six left!

Mwikali |

"I see. Then we will have to try and save them, or at least let them see the world hereafter. What is it you Christians call it? Hell? Wait that does not seem right?" She says distracted by the nuisance of there religion.
"What say you Jackals? Do we try and free Safi, purge this city of such evil? I know we don't need a decision right away but I know time is of the essence. I also am not too sure what exactly these Things are. Only that I know they are dead who walk.Ones who feast on the living. Not like the one we fought back in the tomb."Assume this would be the simplest of folklore on suck creatures.

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
'Ah the Spaniard crew.' Dismounting his stallion, Wulfgar walks up to the crew, shaking hands and slapping backs. Looking around as Mwakali greets them. 'six, that's not enough to sail, fortunately a few of us have experience. Vampire? He did say vampire. They certainly wouldn't be part of the solution.' He leans in to the sailors, In Spanish"Our brothers are gone, but we shall avenge them."
'Our little lord, will be able to scout for us, as well as our assasin and burglar.' Nodding his head in aggreement, he looks from Altin to Achiko and Cutpurse O'Reilly. Making eye contact with each. He moves toward, Mwikali "Aye Mwikali, we will end these walking dead. But the night is their domain. We must secure the living and plan for tommorow. Our assault will work best when daylight is our ally."
So who has knowledge of religion?
MJ 66, any place nearby safe for the animals?
hopefully they don't have werewolves guarding the doors in the daytime...

Gojira, King of Kaiju |

Wednesday 10th of January, 2:00 PM, central Honshu Island of Japan:
After nearly five continuous hours of titanic combat, Gojira finally reasserts his supremacy, forcing Mosura to flee for her life with his atomic breath weapon!

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

Altin laughs at Lord P's quip. "They were indeed! What does your gut tell you, McGibel? Should we sail on, or deal with these creatures?"
Well, I would sail on, come back later when they don't know we are coming. That's what I would do.

Mwikali |

"We could Sack the City?"Mwikali says as she stood on the deck of the ship popping her hip and resting her hand on it as she gripped her spear.

Emir Al’Haaq of Marrakech |

Meanwhile, in Marrakech...
The Emir of Marrakech paces impatiently in his throne room, glancing frequently at the main entrance, before he finally noticed the slender, black-clad, dark elf contract killer in the corner... Startled, he clutches his chest and gasps!
In Arabic: *GASP!!*... Allah preserve me!... You nearly stopped my heart!... How... When did you come in, Mister Spinner!?

Spinner Nachtschwartzen |

The slim dark elf grins mischievously, his crimson eyes glittering like malevolent rubies framed by a mane of snow-white hair. A rapier in a bejeweled scabbard and a dagger hang at his hips.
In Arabic: You kept looking right at me, Your Excellency... I was politely waiting for you to start the conversation...

Spinner Nachtschwartzen |

I’m afraid so, Your Excellency... In the Underworld, we seldom haggle over price... We simply ask for what we know we can get... I know what I’m worth, and apparently, so do you—that’s why I am here so quickly... As we agreed, you will be reimbursing me for travel expenses, yes? Teleportation is dear these days...

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
Well, I would sail on, come back later when they don't know we are coming. That's what I would do.
"We could Sack the City?"Mwikali says as she stood on the deck of the ship popping her hip and resting her hand on it as she gripped her spear.
After taking the animals to the shanty, Wulfgar encourages the entire group to board the boat and set out away from the port for the evening, to distance themselves from the Vampires.
As they sit down for a war council, Wulfgar nods, at Lord P's wise council, "They have already taken four of our crew. How many more lives will they take if we wait. Time will only make them stronger, I think striking sooner than later would be better."
He looks at Mwikali for a moment, "If we intend to use Safi as a base of operations for a free Africa, it would be unwise to sack those we are claiming to help."
"We should end this Vampire threat as quickly as possible, set up a base in Safi where we can train and equip for the future. Meanwhile move on the Emir as quickly as possible. I have a bad feeling about him."
He smiles and winks at MWikali, "If we are going to sack somewhere, let's plan on sacking Marrakesh."
After sharing his opinion, he waits to see what everyone else has to say.

Altin Karela |

Altin thinks over what he might know about such creatures...
Taking 20 on Knowledge check as per Loremaster to know about vampire spawn, religion I assume? That'll be a 22.

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
Nodding in agreement with Giovanna, "We are here to finish the Emir. But he is tricky, as our first encounter proved. It would be good to have a safe haven to fall back to. If we remove the vampires and leave a few of our friends here, Safi could be that place. If not, we might find someplace else in the desert. But we give up access to our ship. The sailors will not survive here with the vampires preying on them."

Mwikali |

"I like the idea of freeing this port. I think with a free port we could give our allies the Portuguese another place to birth and I am sure the rest of you and your people would not mind a free place to stop and take in the beauty that is Mother Africa. With these vampires gone we will have a stronghold and after we sack Marrakech we should have an influx of weapons and money to help secure our foothold."The Ebony skinned woman tapped her chin with one of her deadly claws before she stopped and held up her finger.
"If we succeed here, it will be a momentous stepping stone to begin our campaign to root out the Arabs and their slave trade. We will free the people from bondage and hopefully create something here that you in Europe have excelled an Empire. One that would free the people from their chains and elevate all of us Africans from tribes or small kingdoms to a powerful more unified people." She says very passionately. She pauses and looks at the others before she blinks and adds."At least that is what I seek. I know that is partially why the spirits of Africa have chosen me to represent them and guide me in achieving these goals."

Altin Karela |

Altin nods slowly while Mwikali speaks. "That's all well and good, Mwikali, and as your companion I will support your goals. But I'm just a small man, and my mind runs in smaller circles than yours. There are evil beasts there that must be destroyed, and the sooner we do that, the less people they can terrorise, or devour, or corrupt, or whatever they do, in the mean time. The idea that these things exist at all makes my blood boil. Everything else comes after that." He continues racking his brain to think of stories he has heard of such creatures, so that he and the other Desert Jackals may be better able to destroy them.

Lord Perpireen McGibel |

"Once you give slaves freedom and they will want to keep it. They will want to breath free air and live free lives, other slaves will see what they have and think 'why not me, why am I not free' You need a beacon, a flame to start a fire, a place slave can look to and ask 'why not here?' so that and every new operation there will meet with a new retaliation"
Says the little Lord

Mwikali |

"That is sensible Altin. Which is why I am glad that you are here to help keep us on track. I may have lofty goals but your insight grounds me and the other grandiose thinkers from planning too far ahead!" She says with a wide smile as she then responds to Lord P.
"That is true if we purge this Evil and free all who are shackled here. Then others will come and we can be the base for those seeking freedom. Good point Lord P. I have to say you all give good counsel."

Wulfgar Ivarsson |
'It sounds like we are decided.' Looking carefully at his friends, Wulfgar nods, "Then it sounds like we are decided. Unless anyone thinks these foes are beyond us. We attack the fort tomorrow."
He turns to the little lord then the ninja and thief. "After we have found access of course."
"We may as well set our watch and try and get some sleep."
does any of the NPC's have knowledge checks that we can use along with our own to acquire information about Vampires and the danger level?
Knowledge (geography): 1d20 + 7 ⇒ (20) + 7 = 27
Hey don't laugh, Wulfgar may be able to figure out where the vampires come from...

Michael Johnson 66 |

Altin thinks over what he might know about such creatures...
Taking 20 on Knowledge check as per Loremaster to know about vampire spawn, religion I assume? That'll be a 22.
Altin knows that vampire spawn are undead creatures created by true vampires, though not as powerful as true vampires. They have many of the same immunities and weaknesses as vampires—they recoil from garlic and holy symbols, cannot cross running water or enter a structure uninvited, and are destroyed by exposure to sunlight. Silver weapons are required to do full damage to them. They are thralls to the vampire that made them.

Father Abelarde of Reims |

Knowledge (religion) 1d20 + 11 ⇒ (11) + 11 = 22
Father Abelarde of Reims confirms Altin’s lore regarding the vampire spawn, adding that if the master vampire is destroyed, the spawn become free-willed. Further, the French priest knows a special ritual that can be performed after the master vampire is destroyed that will reverse the victims’ transformation, freeing them from undeath and restoring them to their original mortal conditions.
If we can find and destroy the master vampire, and perform the ritual, we might be able to save the lives of the vampire’s victims and turn them from foes into friends!