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I realize this is sort of a weird time to recruit for a non outpost game but I have TWO OPENINGS for replacement characters in my long term Core Sargava Run.
The group has just finished Ire of the Storm and is all 5th level and is looking to do the following set of adventures:
Champion's Chalice 1
Champion's Chalice 2
Signs in the Senghor
Before the Dawn Pt 1
Before the Dawn Pt 2
Bloodcove Blockade
Ghol-Gan Heresy
The recruitment thread is here

GM Doom 'n Gloom |

Hello Digital Friends and Virtual Neighbors.
I am looking for the following players to muster in for our Outpost II table of The Shattered Shield:
Terevalis Unctio of House Mysti
Zin Z'arin (aka) Kolris Isimlothe

Era Scarecrow |

It starts on Monday, 3/11.
Unfortunately i don't know what I'm doing. This is a wee bit different than 4 years ago, and even then i didn't get very far.

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There's been a late drop out on my table of 10-11: Hao Jin Heirophant (5-9) if anyone still has room on their dance sheet for one more game. Jump into the sign-up spreadsheet and grab the last spot if you're keen, then join us and post your character details in the Discussion thread (link in the sheet).

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EbonFist wrote:Unfortunately i don't know what I'm doing. This is a wee bit different than 4 years ago, and even then i didn't get very far.Try HERE.
It starts on Monday, 3/11.
Welcome Era! It looks like Dennis as well as a few others are leading you in the right direction. Use This (Link) spreadsheet for OutPost II which starts up tomorrow. The open seats column will let you know if there are open seats still at that table. The Tier column will let you know the level range for the scenario. As long as those two are good to go then sign up for that table and check into the gameplay link. Introduce yourself and have fun!

DoubleGold |

This won't start twill April, when Outpost II is halfway done, but who wants to play Tyrant's Grasp in AP mode for PFS credit? This is the last AP for Pathfinder Version 1, so I'd thought I'd Dm it. I have the digital versions as well, or getting them via subscription, so you can play on digital maps instead of my had drawn maps this time. You'd create your character the same as you would if you had played PFS.

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This won't start twill April, when Outpost II is halfway done, but who wants to play Tyrant's Grasp in AP mode for PFS credit? ... You'd create your character the same as you would if you had played PFS.
I am likely quite interested and the Player's Guide is downloading. However, I have a few questions.
1) Have you set a thread or sign up sheet yet?2) Any chance you would relax the restrictions on races? It seems almost designed for Dhampir or some of the other more exotic races (like Fetchling or Aasimar).
3) From what you have read of the first book, how well are the social situations set up? My concern it that it could end up being too much like Carrion Crown.
I understand CC was going for a creepy unfriendly vibe. However, we came to hate almost every NPC so much that we were seriously in-character considering just letting the bad guys win. We were just going to help the few decent people escape and leave. The only way we could complete the AP was to seriously meta-game and choose to keep playing just because we players wanted to do so. There was no in-game reason to help almost anyone encountered. I don't want to slog through another one of those.

miteke |

This won't start twill April, when Outpost II is halfway done, but who wants to play Tyrant's Grasp in AP mode for PFS credit? This is the last AP for Pathfinder Version 1, so I'd thought I'd Dm it. I have the digital versions as well, or getting them via subscription, so you can play on digital maps instead of my had drawn maps this time. You'd create your character the same as you would if you had played PFS.
Who wouldn't be interested. I'd love to join in. I've always wanted to run through an AP but have never gotten far before it dies. I'm in a Ruins AP on Mythweavers and am hopeful, though it is moving at a glacial pace.
Is this just a check for interest? I would't worry about that. Your problem will be in having to turn away good submissions.

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This won't start twill April, when Outpost II is halfway done, but who wants to play Tyrant's Grasp in AP mode for PFS credit? This is the last AP for Pathfinder Version 1, so I'd thought I'd Dm it. I have the digital versions as well, or getting them via subscription, so you can play on digital maps instead of my had drawn maps this time. You'd create your character the same as you would if you had played PFS.
Seems pretty awesome

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This won't start twill April, when Outpost II is halfway done, but who wants to play Tyrant's Grasp in AP mode for PFS credit? This is the last AP for Pathfinder Version 1, so I'd thought I'd Dm it. I have the digital versions as well, or getting them via subscription, so you can play on digital maps instead of my had drawn maps this time. You'd create your character the same as you would if you had played PFS.
I might be interested - though it would be a bit of a pity to be restricted just as in Society.
Still, if those must be the restrictions, I could still come up with multiple fresh character ideas.
It would be good to know the general theme of the adventure ("Wrath of the Righteous" is "epic Good VS Evil", "Mummy's Mask" is "Egyptophile Pulp", "Reign of Winter" is "Russophilia", "Strange Aeons" is "Lovecraftian", etc.).

Blaydsong |

I would also be interested in this, though not sure about running it as PFS.
It would be good to know the general theme of the adventure ("Wrath of the Righteous" is "epic Good VS Evil", "Mummy's Mask" is "Egyptophile Pulp", "Reign of Winter" is "Russophilia", "Strange Aeons" is "Lovecraftian", etc.).
I believe I read somewhere that it's closer to 'Horror Survival'.

DoubleGold |

DoubleGold wrote:This won't start twill April, when Outpost II is halfway done, but who wants to play Tyrant's Grasp in AP mode for PFS credit? ... You'd create your character the same as you would if you had played PFS.I am likely quite interested and the Player's Guide is downloading. However, I have a few questions.
1) Have you set a thread or sign up sheet yet?
2) Any chance you would relax the restrictions on races? It seems almost designed for Dhampir or some of the other more exotic races (like Fetchling or Aasimar).
3) From what you have read of the first book, how well are the social situations set up? My concern it that it could end up being too much like Carrion Crown.
I understand CC was going for a creepy unfriendly vibe. However, we came to hate almost every NPC so much that we were seriously in-character considering just letting the bad guys win. We were just going to help the few decent people escape and leave. The only way we could complete the AP was to seriously meta-game and choose to keep playing just because we players wanted to do so. There was no in-game reason to help almost anyone encountered. I don't want to slog through another one of those.
1. Nope, I'm asking for interest first. I'm going to create the thread in April and if I get beyond six players I carefully select players. I might do a questionaire, I might do a roleplay sample, not sure yet. It won't be first come first serve.
2. I might relax on race restrictions, I want it to be close to PFS creation, but nothing is final yet as I still have time to decide.3. I glanced at the PDF and read parts, but I'm waiting for the Softcover to come in. I signed up for the AP subscription late, so it will come in this week. I'll have to take a look at it, the PDF is a bonus for me to copy and past maps. I will let you have more interaction with the NPCs to try to give you chances to make friends. I plan to eliminate 30% of the encounters so this won't feel combat heavy, and eliminating combats allows you to interact and roleplay more and still be moving not incredibly fast.
For those asking about the Theme, I'm sure the Player's Guide has something, and yes I will want you to pick a campaign trait.

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Hi folks, Looking for a last minute replacement for a deserter in a low tier classic run of Treason's Chains 10-04.
Venture-Captain Roderus has long been one of the most reliable and steadfast allies of the Pathfinder Society in the nation of Katapesh, but the aging human has decided that it is time to retire from his long-held position. Roderus's retirement party draws in Pathfinders from across Golarion, but there are some who see his retirement as an opportunity to advance personal goals that go against the Pathfinder Society's interests. Amid the turmoil of a party turned crime scene, the PCs must uncover the true threat to the Society's stability in Katapesh—and perhaps make an unexpected new ally along the way.
Contents in "Treason's Chains" also contribute directly to the ongoing storyline of the Liberty's Edge faction.
Discussion thread here.
Please also put your name in the sign up sheet. Line 73

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2. I might relax on race restrictions, I want it to be close to PFS creation, but nothing is final yet as I still have time to decide.
How about class restrictions? 3rd-party/homebrew/updated 3.5 material (especially appropriate for the final Pathfinder 1.0 adventure since I have a bad feeling 2.0 will dispense entirely with the backward-compatibility that was supposed to be a hallmark of Pathfinder AKA D&D 3.75).
For those asking about the Theme, I'm sure the Player's Guide has something....
Could you please provide a link to it?

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DoubleGold wrote:
2. I might relax on race restrictions, I want it to be close to PFS creation, but nothing is final yet as I still have time to decide.
How about class restrictions? 3rd-party/homebrew/updated 3.5 material (especially appropriate for the final Pathfinder 1.0 adventure since I have a bad feeling 2.0 will dispense entirely with the backward-compatibility that was supposed to be a hallmark of Pathfinder AKA D&D 3.75).
DoubleGold wrote:For those asking about the Theme, I'm sure the Player's Guide has something....Could you please provide a link to it?
A simple google search would have turned it up pretty quickly but here you go.

GM Bret |

Looking for Mun of Ashava to report to my tier 5-6 table of Solstice Scar D for Outpost.
If you do not report soon I will have to take a replacement from the waitlist.

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A simple google search would have turned it up pretty quickly but here you go.
Thank you; interesting...I could come up with a few concepts for this, certainly (still very interested in whether the DM would be willing to allow beyond-Paizo classes, mind you).

GM Ietsuna |

I have had someone withdraw from my Solstice Scar D (1-2) game. Please check in HERE if you are interested. First come, first served.

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GM Picatrix |

I'm GMing the above-noted table of Tapestry's Trial. If you'd like to take the open spot, sign in on the spreadsheet line 94, player 4.

DoubleGold |

Alright, it seems there is enough interest for Tyrant's Nest, again anyone asking questions about what is allowed, nothing is final. And exact date cannot be given. Before I DM that AP, there are some things in order I need to accomplish. First I need to get my Reign of Winter AP started back up in April, which has priority before starting another one. It is on hold because of Outpost II, less campaigns for people to worry about, though I did finish book 1, so I'll start out on book 2 fresh. Second, I tend to improve my Dming skills as well as play a few games. Third DM exchange.
DM exchange.
What I will DM: Any 32 page or less module or scenario. If I don't have it, I will buy it. Obviously Emerald Sphire is out as that is 64 pages, though I think that is the only one.
What I want in Exchange: I will DM Pathfinder Version 1, but I don't really care to Play Pathfinder Version 1, though I do on occasion. There are a lot of things that frustrate me about Version 1, especially when I compare it to Starfinder, Version 2 and 5th edition. There is not enough Pathfinder 2 on these forums, and I have a goal to play and DM all 4 modules plus Doomsday Dawn before the expiration date in July to earn Playtest Points. I have not played Arclord’S Envy or Doomsday Dawn. You can even change it a little if you want, I just want to play them.
When will this take Place: You can choose to do this now or later. I will start recruitment for mine same time you start it for yours. I would like to have the games Started at or before April 15th.

GM Bret |

Looking for Mun of Ashava to report to my tier 5-6 table of Solstice Scar D for Outpost.
If you do not report soon I will have to take a replacement from the waitlist.
The player has reported in.

GM Hawthwile |

There is a seat open at my table of PFS #10-03 Death on the Ice [5-9, high tier] as part of Outpost II. Interested? Jump in here and check in on the Discussion thread.

Grandmaster TOZ |

I'm GMing the above-noted table of Tapestry's Trial. If you'd like to take the open spot, sign in on the spreadsheet line 94, player 4.
I could sign up, but I haven't done the tapestry scenarios leading up to it. Would it be better to hold off?

GM Picatrix |

GM Picatrix wrote:I could sign up, but I haven't done the tapestry scenarios leading up to it. Would it be better to hold off?I'm GMing the above-noted table of Tapestry's Trial. If you'd like to take the open spot, sign in on the spreadsheet line 94, player 4.
Mm, I think it stands on its own as a straightforward "the Tapestry is failing and only Hao Jin can fix it!" adventure—not a spoiler since that's the sum-up on the product page. The only scenario I've done that feels directly related is #10-00 the Hao Jin Cataclysm, multi-table special. I haven't done much of season 10 yet though.

Enchanter Tim |

Our group had someone drop out from Faithless and Forgotten, part 3: The Infernal Inheritance, and we're looking for a replacement. A divine character would be nice to help round out the group. Check in here! This is [u]not[/u] an Outpost Game!

GM Hawthwile |

There is a seat open at my table of PFS #10-03 Death on the Ice [5-9, high tier] as part of Outpost II. Interested? Jump in here and check in on the Discussion thread.
Seat has been filled.

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We seem to have lost our GM for a run of Gallows of Madness. We've been through part 1 and are (I think) fairly near the beginning of part 2. It's been a bit over 2 months since we've heard from the GM. Anyone interested in taking over the game? We'd love to have someone who would be willing to see us through to the end of the whole mod (i.e. part 3 as well), but if not we would be very happy just to have someone help us finish this part 2. The gameplay thread is here and the discussion thread is here. Many thanks in advance! Also, we know that people may not have the bandwidth with Outpost just having started but we can work with whatever situation you have.