The Flaxseed Pathfinder Lodge: Explore, Report, Cooperate!

Game Master Redelia

Gameday XIII Announcement
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Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Hey guys, I'm looking for a GM to rescue a Gameday game of the Temple of Empyreal Enlightenment. They are well into the scenario, but not near the end yet. Thread is here.

Grand Lodge

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Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

I can do it.

Silver Crusade

Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Thanks, Dennis. Can you please post in their discussion thread linked above? Here is the document that talks about how to take over a game, if you need it. It's a gameday game, so please use the gameday reporting link for it.
Please send me a PM if you have any questions or need any help.

Grand Lodge

Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

Will do, thanks.

Silver Crusade

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Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

I have another situation where I need a replacement GM. In this case, it's for Maelstrom Rift, so I need a GM with either 4 or 5 stars. I believe they are near the beginning of the adventure. Because of the GM requirements, could any GMs who are willing to help out please send me a PM? Thanks in advance.

edit: VLs and VCs do count as having more stars in terms of qualifying to run this.

VC - Sydney, Australia

I'm off for a pleasant jaunt around the South Pacific in two weeks so wouldn't have the timeframe to get that wrapped. :(

Grand Lodge

Menace Under Otari map | Icons: ◆◇↺
Magabeus wrote:

Glyn, can you get us a link to the game? The Port Godless game you are in started in July, while Gameday started August 25th.


Yes it is The Port Godless Game, While the original GM did open the game form up for dotting and initial RP in July, It is a Gameday day 6 game. {# 39}. The actual game play didn’t start until August 27.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Salt of the Ocean // ★ DA Duology Maps

Glyn, answered your question in scenario discussion.


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Just a shout out to VA Redelia for sorting out a PFS issue for me with efficiency and aplomb.

Thanks, Redelia!

Grand Lodge

Menace Under Otari map | Icons: ◆◇↺

Thanks, Hmm

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Mostly Human

Can anyone answer a couple questions?
I get CORE-means material only from the core rulebook.
What do they mean by CLASSIC?-Is that simply what they label scenarios using all PFS legal material?
Are all scenarios replayable by a person if they use a different character in the replay?

Silver Crusade

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Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

Classic means that all PFS-legal material can be used, if you own the books.

Most scenarios are not replayable. However, they can be played by one core character and one classic character. Replayable scenarios are those referred to as 'evergreen.'

Mostly Human

Just asking for clarification-All scenarios are replayable if you use one CORE character in one and one CLASSIC in one, and Evergreen are replayable by the same character...or are EVERGREEN only replayable by one CORE character in one and one CLASSIC in the replay...sorry, making sure I understand you completely

Grand Lodge

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VoodooMonkey wrote:
Just asking for clarification-All scenarios are replayable if you use one CORE character in one and one CLASSIC in one, and Evergreen are replayable by the same character...or are EVERGREEN only replayable by one CORE and one CLASSIC...sorry, making sure I understand you completely

Normally, a scenario may be played by one CORE character and one CLASSIC character. Evergreens may be played by multiple CORE characters and multiple CLASSIC characters.

Mostly Human

Ok thank you all!

Grand Lodge


There's no limit on the number of characters you can play an evergreen with, but only once with any given character.

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"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Salt of the Ocean // ★ DA Duology Maps

Here is a Complete list of all Evergreen Adventures. It includes those from Quests, Scenarios, APs and Modules.

It’s actually a really large list.

My current favorites are Consortium Compact, Murder’s Mark, Gallows of Madness, Phantom Phenomena and House of Harmonious Wisdom.


Grand Lodge

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GM Hmm wrote:

Here is a Complete list of all Evergreen Adventures. It includes those from Quests, Scenarios, APs and Modules.

It’s actually a really large list.

My current favorites are Consortium Compact, Murder’s Mark, Gallows of Madness, Phantom Phenomena and House of Harmonious Wisdom.


New evergreen dropping tomorrow, 29 Nov, and already included on the linked site! It's another Tier 3-7, #9-09 Beyond the Halflight Path.

Silver Crusade

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)
Redelia wrote:

I have another situation where I need a replacement GM. In this case, it's for Maelstrom Rift, so I need a GM with either 4 or 5 stars. I believe they are near the beginning of the adventure. Because of the GM requirements, could any GMs who are willing to help out please send me a PM? Thanks in advance.

edit: VLs and VCs do count as having more stars in terms of qualifying to run this.

I have a replacement GM. My thanks to those who offered.

Scarab Sages

Male Sylph Brawler 1/Alchemist 1 (Chirurgeon/Wasteland Blightbreaker) | HP:16/16 | AC: 15 T: 12 FF: 13 | CMB:+ 2 CMD: 15 | F: +4 R: +7 W: +1 | Resistance: electricity:5 | Init: +3 | Perc: +5 SM: +1 | Speed 30 '(15)| Bomb 3/7, Featherfall 1/1, | Formula: 1st 2/2 | Active Conditions: NONE

Are there official rules on storing potions in spring-loaded wrist sheaths? All I could find was an unofficial debate thread.

Silver Crusade

Male Ifrit Probably? Bard 1
Sira Ulo Ako wrote:
Are there official rules on storing potions in spring-loaded wrist sheaths? All I could find was an unofficial debate thread.

Yes, there are!

Quoting the Campaign Clarifications:
Page 8—A wrist sheath or spring-loaded wrist sheath can hold one forearm-length item. In addition to the listed examples, wrist sheaths can be used to store and deploy potions and scrolls. They cannot hold rods.

Liberty's Edge

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My friend Rod is very upset about that clarification.

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

That is very small minded of him.

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Eric Collins - France wrote:
My friend Rod is very upset about that clarification.

A drink for All the gentleman named Rod in organize play.

Grand Lodge

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Male Human(I think) Gamer 20

but can Rod hold a wrist sheath? That's the real question...

Grand Lodge

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Menace Under Otari map | Icons: ◆◇↺

Rod should make a character named Wrist Sheath.

Silver Crusade

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Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

=================OFFICIAL REMINDER==================
Speaking now as Venture Agent here at Flaxseed Lodge, I want to clear up a rules question. Players cannot replay a non-evergreen scenario for no credit unless it is necessary to have a legal table, or they are using GM star replay or a boon that grants replays. Considering the number of players in our lodge, replaying to make a legal table should be an exceedingly rare occurence.

Dark Archive

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Scenario and AP Tracker
Redelia wrote:
Considering the number of players in our lodge

362 Players to be exact. I got curious after you said that and counted them.

Grand Lodge

Rusthenge || Spell Templates | Starship Roles | ◆◇↺

Yeah, it's hard to imagine any game ever being short enough players to be a legal table here.

"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Salt of the Ocean // ★ DA Duology Maps

We've had this issue come up a couple times:

1) Finding a replacement player for an Eyes of the Ten Game that is in the third part of the adventure and was down to three players.

2) Finding a replacement player for a seeker level module that was most of the way through its run, and was down to three players, and about to head into its deadliest fight.

About the only time we have trouble filling in players for a legal table is when the window for full credit has passed and that is too high tier to allow pregens.

BTW, thank you Tyrranius for your timely Census!


Shadow Lodge

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12/15/18 - 10/11/13 Social Media Booster (CPR),

Thanks campaign mode Adventure Path - 2 stars down, 3 to go!

Lantern Lodge

SFS 05-99 BftB

I've been an extra no-credit on part three of a series before. Some folk don't want to just jump into the last part of that, even if it is low level.

Male Human

Am I reading correctly that retraining a feat in PFS costs 50xlevel AND requires spending 5 prestige points?

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gp = 10 × your level × the number of days required to retrain (5 for a feat)

PLUS 1 PP/day = 5 PP

EDIT: Assuming you haven’t sat down at your first table as a Level 2 character.

You can retrain your Level 1 feat(s) for free (and everything about your First Level PC, except its PFS number) until then.

Venture Lieutenant Play by Post PBP GM kit

Retraining also requires a GM to sign off on retraining on the chronicle sheet and the player needs to own Ultimate Campaign.

Male Human
Magabeus wrote:
Retraining also requires a GM to sign off on retraining on the chronicle sheet and the player needs to own Ultimate Campaign.

Yes, of course. It was the 5PP that shocked me. Isn't that the same cost as a Raise Dead?

Seems awfully expensive. Choose wisely when levelling up, I guess.

brunoreturns wrote:
Magabeus wrote:
Retraining also requires a GM to sign off on retraining on the chronicle sheet and the player needs to own Ultimate Campaign.

Yes, of course. It was the 5PP that shocked me. Isn't that the same cost as a Raise Dead?

Seems awfully expensive. Choose wisely when leveling up, I guess.

Yup... or only play fighters.

Upon reaching 4th level, and every four levels thereafter (8th, 12th, and so on), a fighter can choose to learn a new bonus feat in place of a bonus feat he has already learned. In effect, the fighter loses the bonus feat in exchange for the new one. The old feat cannot be one that was used as a prerequisite for another feat, prestige class, or other ability. A fighter can only change one feat at any given level and must choose whether or not to swap the feat at the time he gains a new bonus feat for the level.

I looked over the retraining rules once and then decided I liked my character just fine. :D

Silver Crusade

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Male Ifrit Probably? Bard 1
brunoreturns wrote:
Magabeus wrote:
Retraining also requires a GM to sign off on retraining on the chronicle sheet and the player needs to own Ultimate Campaign.

Yes, of course. It was the 5PP that shocked me. Isn't that the same cost as a Raise Dead?

Seems awfully expensive. Choose wisely when levelling up, I guess.

Hey Bruno!

A raise dead is 16 PP, although a Body Recovery is 5 PP and each Restoration to remove a permanent Negative Level is 4PP.
So, if you are planning on playing a Tougher Scenario, make sure that you have that 29PP stored up!

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|Kintargo Area Map | Combat Slides |

Yeah, it's not cheap. You need to really want it to rebuild. I've done it once.

Mostly Human

But you can rebuild your character totally while level 1, correct? Subtract money spent on consumables-what if you still have those consumables on your person...unconsumed.

Can you change your character's name, faction, everything?

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|Kintargo Area Map | Combat Slides |
VoodooMonkey wrote:

But you can rebuild your character totally while level 1, correct? Subtract money spent on consumables-what if you still have those consumables on your person...unconsumed.

Can you change your character's name, faction, everything?

Correct. The only issue you may run into with changing the name is online. The site doesn't allow a name change after you make 10 posts.

As for unused consumables... I could be wrong, but per my local VC if they are unused (aka a CLW Potion), you can get a full refund.

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Venture Lieutenant Play by Post PBP GM kit
GM RePete wrote:
As for unused consumables... I could be wrong, but per my local VC if they are unused (aka a CLW Potion), you can get a full refund.

This is correct.

Scarab Sages a worthless concept a cynical scam gestalt Ghul Lord/Warlock/Truenamer/Psychic/Wild Mage
GM RePete wrote:

The only issue you may run into with changing the name is online. The site doesn't allow a name change after you make 10 posts.

For what it's worth, I've been lobbying them to fix this somehow.

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Mostly Human

Thanks for the response on the rebuilding issue! Can you tell me, is becoming a GM for independent non-PFS PbPs as easy as simply creating a new thread, or is there a trick to getting a special permission? Will creating a new thread automatically give you access to the discussion/gameplay threads or is there a trick to establishing those-what about multiple tables?

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Venture Lieutenant, Play by Post (online)

To run a non-PFS game, you don't need anyone's permission (other than in a sense your players). Usually, people create just the recruitment thread to start, then make the others once they have players. The site will prompt you with options to create other threads. If you have other questions or want more details, I'd be happy to talk by PM.

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Mostly Human

Thanks Redalia, and thanks again for my cold iron claws!

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"Doom Girl" // ♫ // ◇ ◈ ↺ // PbP Events // // PbP GM Kit // Salt of the Ocean // ★ DA Duology Maps

Wow, lots of discussion today:


I have retrained feats twice. In one case it was a planned retrain where I set aside the cash and PP for that purpose from the beginning so that I could have the benefit of one build early on and then get a two feat chain later. It is the only retraining that I consider remotely affordable. Retraining archetypes and skills in PFS? Horrid. I keep hoping that they revisit training costs in PFS, and there has been some lobbying for that to happen. You really do need to plan for the future, but sometimes a new book comes out and you see a feat that your character should have had all along.


There are lots of ways to start a campaign thread. Redelia likes to start with recruitment, but I only start there if I am actually recruiting. If I have an invite-only PFS game, I start my Campaign threads by starting up a thread in the Play-by-Post forum for Gameplay or the Play-by-Post discussion forum for Discussion. (Why? Because Recruitment threads can be seen as a tease if you are not actually seeking players.)

WHATEVER YOU DO, do NOT delete your first post! It will bork the thread. So plan in advance for your placeholder posts to start Gameplay, Discussion, etc.

One thing that always works is having a first post with the Title of your Game, and the date that it is planning to start. Then you can fill in more details later with future posts.


Liberty's Edge

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re. retraining: it is not that expensive when you're no longer low level, and have never died (and thus have a lot of PPs), especially in CORE (ain't much to spend them on).
I spent 15 on one character to retrain 3 feats, 10 on another.
Even if you buy 4 or 5 wands, you still have over 30 PPs left at level 8.

The Exchange

My Game Tracker If using PFS Tracker, search Upaynao 43451 // My signup sheet

Which is good, because the power creep leaves us in very sticky situations sometimes.

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