
VoodooMonkey's page

Organized Play Member. 115 posts (1,678 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 14 Organized Play characters. 26 aliases.


Mostly Human

Strength 10
Dexterity 10
Constitution 11
Intelligence 12
Wisdom 9
Charisma 13

About VoodooMonkey

I am a 30ish Casino Dealer from the Midwest. I have been playing Role-playing games for about 20 years-ever since my eldest brother introduced me and my younger bro to 1st edition. (you know a crazy dungeon of odd-shaped rooms on graph paper filled with monsters and treasure that had no explanation for being there-SAVE OR DIE!) Since then, I have played through various editions of dnd-Advanced, 3.5, 4th and Pathfinder.

My brother being the main DM/GM, we have played with a group of school mates and friends that has changed and evolved throughout the years. Though we construct backstories, there is little to no roleplaying other than reacting to the way my bro writes them into the campaign worlds he creates. Pretty much the reason I started coming here.

I started back about 2017 doing PFS Organized play was lucky enough to be picked up in a couple of campaigns. The learning curve on contributing to the story was pretty steep, but I learned a lot- especially in the way of coexisting with the roleplay of other players. Unfortunately, due to the necessity of tending to real life, I have been on hiatus for a couple of years. As such, I have no real recent posting history.
(I just have recently started playing a pregen for a PFS 2 adventure.)
PFS2e Q5 - The Dragon That Stole Evoking Day (KS) as the Cleric Kyra (Von Du)

As from the midwest, I am on CST. I would normally post most days past 4:15pm-anytime Thursday/Fridays which are my days off. I will have no problem posting the very minimum once a day-as I find myself often reloading the site in hopes the other players have progressed far enough for it to be my turn to contribute again.

As stated before, there has been a rather great lack of roleplay in my usual group, so whenever I start a campaign I usually tend to follow the leader at first. I take note of the context of the setting as elaborated by the GM and the NPC dialogue at the onset. If I then feel I have something of value to start in with I go. Most often, though, I allow other players present their character reactions and build off of what they present to help weave the story around the campaign and how my character's identity fits.

On the off chance I am selected my personal goals are as follows:

1. Do not do anything to derail the campaign-I was lucky to have been given the opportunity and should maintain total respect for the power that chose my toon.

2. Do not ruin the experience for the other players (But if I am playing a Dwarf with a -2 Racial to Charisma, I think its fair to present him as tiny bit abrasive.)

3. Use my contributions to make an epic story that enrich the experience of everyone involved- Otherwise it's just rolling dice

If you pick my character I thank you.
If not, I appreciate any consideration you gave and welcome any and all advice and constructive criticism you may have for me to better my process and chances in future campaigns.
(I would also like to know what you really liked about my characters story/concept so I can build off what I am doing right.)

Any and all concerns feel free to PM me!

Me reading the offered campaign and plotting my character concept and mechanics

When I think I have constructed a homerun character concept with a flawless backstory

Rereading my backstory and concept after getting rejected

Me when selected for your campaign