GM Ladile's TL;DR: A Pathfinder Society Campaign

Game Master Lady Ladile

Current Scenario: #3-16 The Midnight Mauler

Tome Maps & Handouts | Player Notes | Scenario List | Shared Gear | Spell & AoE Templates

Current Characters

Silver Crusade supervillan

M Mutant Phalanx Fighter 3, Paladin 2, Wizard 4, Swashbuckler 1
(839 posts)

Beep Boop

played by Lady Ladile (104 posts)

N Brownie Familiar 6 | HP 19/19 | AC 20 T 17 FF 15 | CMB+6, CMD 15 | F: +3, R: +6, W: +7 (+2 vs illusions) | Init: +8 | Perc: +13, SM: +11 | Speed 20ft | Active conditions: None

played by Hawthwile (9 posts)
Dark Archive Dr. O'mayga

Male N Samsaran Arcanist (Unlettered / Twilight Sage) 6 | HP: 32 / 32 | AC: 13 (T 13, FF 11) CMD: 16 |F: +3, R: +5, W: +8| Speed 30ft Spells: 1st 7/7 2nd 6/6 3rd 3/3 | Arcane Reservoir 9/12 | Active conditions: none

played by Nomadical (167 posts)
Worshipper of Cayden Cailean
Silver Crusade Effie Gee

active effects:
Female Ifrit LG Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 1 / Bard (Juggler) 2 / Monk (far strike) 1 / Paladin (divine hunter) 2 | AC 24 T 18 FF 16 | HP 38/44 | F +14 R +18 W +13 (+1 vs charm or compulsion); evasion | CMB +3, CMD 21 | Init +9 | Perc +3 darkvision 60' | SM -1 | Grit 5/5 | Performance 8/11 | Spells (-, 3/3) | LoH 5/6

played by supervillan (727 posts)
Brigh Statue
GM Blake

| Extinction | url= |

played by Blake's Tiger (9,006 posts)
GM Ladile

Season of Ghosts

played by Lady Ladile (9,363 posts)
Grand Lodge GM Nomadical

The Show Must Go On!

played by Nomadical (1,601 posts)
Grand Lodge The Grandfrogger

N Grippli Shaman 6 | HP 39/39 | AC 19 T 14 FF 16 | CMB +1, CMD 14 | F: +5, R: +7, W: +13 | Init: +3 | Perc: +23, SM: +18, Darkvision 60 ft | Speed 30ft | Spells: 1st 5/5 2nd 5/5 3rd 3/3 | Spirit Magic 1st 1/1 2nd 1/1 3rd 1/1 | *Monstrous Insight 3/3 Teamwork 3/3 | Wandering Spirit: Lore | Active conditions: None

played by Hawthwile (320 posts)
Kyan Winterstrike
Liberty's Edge Hepsubia Althein

Female Elf Rogue/Alchemist/Skald/Bloodrager/ Occultist (2/1/1/1/1) Init +4 (+5) HP 42 (48) AC 19 (20) T 14 (15)FF 15 (16)Fort+3 (+4)Ref +8 (+9)Will +3 Per +6 Spd 30 (40)

played by Escharid Blackrose (979 posts)
Shambling Mound
Dark Archive Hogo de'Vine

N Suture Vine Emissary Familiar 5 | HP: 16/16 | AC: 17 (13 T, 16 FF) |F: +23 R: +3, W: +6 (Plant traits) | Speed 15 ft / Climb 15 ft | Recall 1/1 Spells: Guidance at Will | Active conditions: None.

played by Nomadical (17 posts)
Roka Kozu
Grand Lodge Holan-Ji

Male CN Tiefling (Oni-Spawn) | Bloodrager 1 / Shifter 5 | HP: 65 / 65 | AC: 18 (T 17 FF 17) CMD: 27 (+2 vs Grapple) / Resist Fire 5 | F: +10, R: +6, W: +7 | Speed 30ft | Minor Aspect 8 / 8 Wildshape 6 / 9 Rage 7 / 7 Hellfire 3 / 3 | Active conditions: Dragonfly form

played by Nomadical (357 posts)
Ghlaunder (Symbol)
Grand Lodge Holan-Ji's Dragonfly

Male CN Wild-shaped Giant Dragonfly | HP: 65 / 65 | AC: 20 (T 17 FF 19) CMD: 28 (+2 vs Grapple) / Resist Fire 5 | F: +10, R: +6, W: +7 | Speed 60ft | Minor Aspect 8 / 8 Wildshape 9 / 9 Rage 7/7 Hellfire 3 / 3 | Active conditions: none

played by Nomadical (12 posts)
Grand Lodge Holan-Ji's Tiger

Male CN Wild-shaped Dire Tiger | HP: 65 / 65 | AC: 18 (T 14, FF 18) CMD: 29 (+2 vs Grapple, +4 vs Trip) / Resist Fire 5 | F: +10, R: +5, W: +7 | Speed 40 ft| Minor Aspect 8/8 Rage 7/7 Hellfire 3 / 3 | Active conditions: none

played by Nomadical (32 posts)
Little Girl
The Lady's NPC


played by Lady Ladile (78 posts)
The Exchange Malachi Malarkey

active effects:
tentacles (8h), water breathing (10h), barkskin +3 (60m), ext. heroism (160m), longstrider (6h), bulls strength (6m)
Male Tengu Barbarian (untamed rager) 3/Brawler (snakebite striker) 1/Druid (kraken caller) 4 | AC 23 T 13 FF 20 | HP [71/71] 60/71 | F +16 R +13 W +12 +2F/W rage| Init +3 | Perc +17 (20 in bright light) lowlight vision | rage (7/16) | supplies (4/7)

played by supervillan (395 posts)
Dark Archive Maria Kuerlara

HP 39 (-0, +5 to stabilize) | Mods: Elix of Vision 1 hr, HA 10m | LN Elf Zen Empiricist 6 | AC/Tch/FF 19/14/15 (+1 vs. Traps) | CMD 18 (talisman?)| F/R/W +7/+13/+10 | Speed 30ft | Inspiration Pool 8/8, 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Perfect Strike: 3/3, Enduring Scholar 1/1 | Init +6 | Perc: 24+1d6 (+1 vs. traps), SM: 14+1d6

played by Pete H. (1,220 posts)
The Exchange Polly the very rare parrot-hawk

F very rare parrot-hawk familiar (emissary) 4 | AC 17 T 15 FF 14 | HP 35/35 | F +9 R +7 W +7 | CMD 16 | Init +3 | Perc +21 (10) lowlight vision

played by supervillan (35 posts)
Silver Crusade Sleeping Sword

active effects:
M Dhampir (Ancient Born) Monk (Qinggong Hungry Ghost) 6 / cleric (crusader) 1 | AC 17 T 17 FF 15 | HP 58/58 | F +9 R +8 W +12 | CMD 28 | Init +2 | Perc +14 darkvision 60', lowlight vision | ki 7/7 | kick 6/6 | rest 7/7

played by supervillan (566 posts)
Leaf Leshy
The Concordance Soddy Daisy

HP: 45/45 l AC: 18, T 13, FF 16 l CMD 15 l F +8, R +8, W +7 l Seedpods (6/12), Wings (10 min/day), L1: 5/5, L2: 4/4 l Init +6 l Senses: Perception +12, Darkvision 60 ft., Low-Light Vision I Female NG Vine Leshy Alchemist (Herbalist) 6 l Active Conditions:

played by Lady Ladile (563 posts)
Forgotten Pharaoh Cultist
Dark Archive Zithembe of the Six Paths

LG Male Shabti Paladin 2/Medium 4 | HP 6/55 | AC 22 (26) T 12 (16) FF 20 (24) | F +13 R +8 W +14 (+2 vs. fear) | CMD/B 20/+8 | Init +2 | Per +5 (dark vision 60 ft) SM +4 | Speed 20 ft | Seance Invocation 5/11 | Influence 1| Smite 1/1 | LOH 5/5 | WC 5/5 | Shirt Re-Roll 0/1 | Active Conditions: endure elements (hot), spell drinker (available), Champion, Smite Evil (Michiko), Legacy of the Princess

played by Blake's Tiger (1,318 posts)

Previous Characters


Male Probably human Computer Scientist 1/ Character Synthesizer 20/ Crazy 99 (2,820 posts)
Pathfinder Adventure Path #105: The Inferno Gate (Hell's Vengeance 3 of 6) (PFRPG)
Eric Swanson
(2,542 posts)
Sovereign Court GM Red

Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions | Combat Map (6,336 posts)

Male Human Techie 2 / Bureaucrat 6 (5,888 posts)
nate lange

male Ulfen Cleric 9
(3,934 posts)

(29 posts)
(68 posts)
Lady Andaisin
DM Lil" Eschie

played by Escharid Blackrose (3,752 posts)
Liberty's Edge Guisseppe "Lil Frankie" Franko

Unchained Rogue/Mouser 4/2 | HP 41/41 | AC 24, T 17, FF 24 Uncanny Dodge| Fort +3, Ref +13 +2 vs Traps, Evasion, Will +1 (+2 vs Fear) | Init +5 | Perc +15 (+2 vs Traps/Surprise)Trapspotter | Luck: 3/3 | Panache: 4/4 | Charmed Life: 3/3 |Effects:
played by Massee (1,296 posts)
The Illegitimate
Dark Archive Janus Grey

active effects:
Human (ulfen) Inquisitor (green faith marshal, sanctified slayer) 6| AC 20 T 13 FF 17 | HP 54/54 | F +9 R +7 W +9 | CMD 21 (22 v disarm)| Init +5 | Perc +11 (+13) | Spells (-, 5/5, 4/4) | Bane (6/6)

played by supervillan (475 posts)
Infernal Crocodile
Dark Archive Janus Too

Dwarf Caiman (magical beast) familiar (figment) 6 | current AC 18 T 11 FF 18 | HP 13/13 | F +7 R +2 W +5 | CMD 15 | Init +0 | Perc +9 lowlight vision

played by supervillan (97 posts)

Sovereign Court Kiango

Male Samsaran Halcyon Druid 1| HP: 12/12 | AC: 17 T: 11 FF: 16 CMD: 11 | F+3 R+1 W+6 +2 vs death, negative energy, negative levels, stabilize | Init +3 | Perception +8, Low-Light |
Tracked Resources:
Spells 1st 2/2; Arcane Bond 1/1

played by Gummy Bear (131 posts)
Silver Crusade Kronas Kronglic

-/0/0/0/0/0 | arcane mark 1/1 | comprehend languages 1/1 | message 0/1 | read magic 1/1 | wand CLW 5/5, wand CLW 50/50
Male Gnome Bard (arcane duelist) 2 | HP 17/17 | AC 19 T 14 FF 16 | CMD 13 | F +2 R +6 W +2 | Spd 20' | Perc +5 (low-light) | Init +5 | Performance 1/9 | Eternal Hope 1/1 | Conditions:

played by ShieldBug (410 posts)
Haiten Bhaq
The Lady's NPC 2.0


played by Lady Ladile (19 posts)
The Lady's NPC 3.0


played by Lady Ladile (25 posts)
Cirieo Thessaddin
The Lady's NPC 5.0


played by Lady Ladile (18 posts)
Tarrin Dars
The Lady's NPC 6.0


played by Lady Ladile (23 posts)
The Lady's NPC 8.0

Sir Ilivan

played by Lady Ladile (17 posts)


played by Gummy Bear (0 posts)
Rohkar Cindren
Silver Crusade Parison Drakemoor

Male AC:18 (T:10) (FF:18) | F:6 R:2 W:8 |HP:23/27 | Per. +10 Human Cleric 3

played by RowynStarr (272 posts)
Dwarven Rager
Grand Lodge Rumble Craterkin

LG Male Dwarf Warpriest of Torag 4.0 HP: 43/43 | AC: 20 T: 10 FF: 20 CMD: 16 +4 vs Giants, Bullrush/Trip | F+8 R+2 W+8 +3 vs poison, spells, SLA's | Init +0 | Perception +3
Tracked Resources:
FERVOR: 5/5; Spells: 1st 4/4 2nd 2/2; Blessing: 5/5; Sacred Weapon (+1) 4/4

played by Gummy Bear (633 posts)
Sori, Tupp's Guide

Female Chicken Familiar 1 | HP 7/7 | AC 17 T 16 FF 15 | CMD 5 | F +2 R +3 W +3 | Spd 30 ft., fly 20 ft. (clumsy); drift | Perc +5; SM +5 | Init +4 | Conditions:

played by ShieldBug (34 posts)
Grand Lodge Sylvak Geldhaar

LN Human, Ranger 1 | HP 13/13 | AC 16 (t12, ff14) | CMD 16 | F +4, R +5, W +3* | perception (lowlight vision) +7, sense motive +2; initiative +3 | active effects: --

played by nate lange (187 posts)
Aspis Agent
Silver Crusade Theodric DeSoldon

Male Human 'Wizard' 1 (hp 9/9 | AC 13; touch 12; FF 11; CMD 11 | Fort +3; Ref +2; Will +5 | Init +2 | Perception +3)

played by Haladir (76 posts)
Silver Crusade Tupp Thistledown

Male Halfling Paladin (Chosen One) 1 | HP 14/14 | AC 17 T 12 FF 16 | CMD 14 | F +3 R +1 W +1; +2 bonus vs. Fear | Spd 20' | Perc +0; SM +3; Aura of Good | Init +1 | Adaptable Luck 3/3 | Wand CLW 48/50 | Conditions:

played by ShieldBug (199 posts)
Solveig Ayrdahl
Liberty's Edge Ylva Whitescale

Female Human Bloodrager(Bloody-Knuckled Rowdy) 1 | HP: 10/11, NL: 10 | AC: 16/12/14 (Rage: 14/10/12) | F:+3 R:+2 W:0 | Init: +2, Per: +4 | Rage: 5/5, Elemental Strikes: 3/3

played by AdamWarnock (176 posts)