About Zithembe of the Six PathsPFS Information:
PFS #: 230524-37 Experience: 16 Fame: 29 Prestige: 23 Favored Class Bonuses: +5 skills, +1 HP Appearance:
Zithembe is a tall (6’ 3”) jade statue carved in the image of the idealized male physique (210 lbs) and inlaid with copper, gold, and silver celestial glyphs. He is hairless, and his eyes are solid copper orbs. However, he moves fluidly and gracefully, and his body, though cool to the touch, is as soft and supple as true skin. He is dressed in a loose, billowy shirts and shendyt kilts with bright, colorful patterns. Background:
The shabti who would become Zithembe spend untold centuries suffering in the pits of the Abyss, believing that he was repaying a deal that he had made and yet more untold centuries suffering after he gained self-awareness until a nosoi found him and brought him to a yamaraj in the court of the Shepherd, who freed him from his creator’s punishment. He spent a century in the city of Axis, contemplating what it meant to be himself. He chose the Garundi name Zithembe and then chose to enter the Material Plane. He began his exploration of the world in the land of his creation--ancient Holomog--and worked his way northward. He met the shaitan, Third Rent, while in Osirion. The shaitan introduced him to the Rivethun philosophy and directed him toward the city of Absolam, Shardra Geltl, Sorriana Westyr, and the Pathfinder Society. Zithembe of the Six Paths
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 6th; Concentration +10)
Armor Proficiency (Light) Armor Proficiency (Medium) Armor Proficiency (Heavy) Shield Proficiency Weapon Proficiency (Simple) Weapon Proficiency (Marital) Iron Will (1st) Spell Drinker (3rd) Planar Infusion (Heaven) (5th) Skills:
Charisma +4 (+6 Intimidation vs. natives of the Plane of Air; +6 Intimidation vs. evil creatures) Constitution +2 Dexterity +2 Diplomacy +13*’ (+15 vs. fey, elementals (+17 vs. natives of the Plane of Air; +19 vs. good natives of the Plane of Air), outsiders (except native), undead creatures (+17 vs. good fey, elementals, outsiders, and undead), and as part of the wrangle condition ability; +15 vs. good creatures; +15 vs. reptilian humanoids) Heal +5’’ Intelligence +1 Intimidation +8’ (+10 Intimidation vs. natives of the Plane of Air (+12 vs. evil natives of the Plane of Air); +10 Intimidation vs. evil creatures) Knowledge (arcana) +5’ (+7 vs. dragons) Knowledge (nature) +5’ Knowledge (planes) +9* (+11 vs. demons) Knowledge (religion) +5’ Linguistics +6’’’ (Ancient Osiriani, Abyssal, Infernal) Perception +5’’ Sense Motive +4’ Spellcraft +7’’’ Strength +2 Use Magical Device +12* Wisdom +0 Occult Skill Unlocks ____________________ Automatic Writing +8 (1/day) Faith Healing +5 (1/day) Hypnotism +12 (+14 vs. self for recalling knowledge) (1/day) Read Aura +4 (time to perform reduced to 5 minutes) (1/day) ____________________ Traits:
Magical Knack (Magic): +2 caster level in Medium class Voices in Your Head (Social): 1/day - immediate - allows the creature to immediately reroll on the confused condition table on page 566 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook, and you can pick which of the two actions—the action of its initial roll or that of the reroll—the creature takes. Confused creatures do not need to understand you for this trait to take effect. Languages: Taldane (common), Celestial, Ancient Osirani*, Abyssal*, Infernal* EQUIPMENT
Wrangle Condition (Su):
He can attempt a Diplomacy check to persuade the condition’s spirit to leave. Conditions he can affect are ranked from minor to dire, with each category having an accompanying Diplomacy DC (see below). He cannot take 10 or 20 on the check or receive aid from any creature except a shaman. Failure by 5 or less means the condition spirit is willing to leave the target and transfer to him for the rest of the duration or until cured; this happens only if he is willing. Failure by 10 or more means that not only is the target inflicted with the condition, but he is as well (whether or not he is willing) for the remaining duration or until cured.
Minor Conditions (DC 15): Fatigued, shaken, and sickened.
He can use this ability a number of times per day equal to 1/2 his shaman level + his At 5th level, he can use this ability to exorcize minor conditions without needing to attempt a Diplomacy check. He can dispatch major conditions without a roll at 9th level, severe conditions at 13th level, and dire conditions at 17th level. Doing so still requires one use of this ability per condition. ____________________ CHRONICLES ____________________ 1. PSF RPG Gen Con 2017 Auction Boon #1:
Eternal Afterlife: You are the creation of a wealthy individual hoping to escape the afterlife’s judgement, though you’ve been freed from this fate and allowed to wander the cosmos as you please. You may play a shabti character (Pathfinder #84 90, Pathfinder RPG Bestiary 5 227), beginning at level 1 as normal. 2. Pathfinder Module: Gallows of Madness (A Foul Breed) (GM, Slow):
Dependable Drummandy’s: Drummandy Laterna crafts you a pair of sturdy, perfectly fitting shoes accented with precious metals worth 100 gp. When you would purchase a magic item that occupies the feet slot, you may apply the enchantment directly to these shoes, reducing the price by the shoe’s value. These shoes count as jewelry for the purposes of accessorizing a courtier’s or noble’s outfit. Gunty’s Hearty Breads: You begin each adventure with 4 trail rations. Petrello’s Haberdashery: He gives you a courtier’s outfit and a noble’s outfit. [_] Pricknettle’s Potions and Poultices: You may check the box that precedes this boon to purchase a potion from Majara Pricknettle at a 30% discount.[/s] Temple of Erastil: The head priest Illdris Ruvarra gives you a wand of cure light wounds made from an elk’s antler with 12 charges remaining. Witch’s End Tavern: Whenever you pay for lodging for yourself or your companion creatures, or other PCs pay for lodging while you are present, reduce the price by 50%. 3. Pathfinder Module: Gallows of Madness (The Festering Blot) (GM, Slow):
Antidotes and Remedies: [_] Heal 1d4+1 points of damage [_] +2 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saves against disease for 1 hour [_] +2 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saves against poison for 1 hour [_] +2 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saves against nauseated or sickened condition for 1 hour Bringing the Truth to Light: [_] [_] Treat the DR of devils as if it were 5 lower and the SR of devils as if it were 2 lower until the beginning of your next turn. Alternatively, grant a devil you have summoned or called a +2 resistance bonus on saving throws and +2 enhancement bonus to its natural armor for 1 round. Checking off a box is a free action. 4. Pathfinder Module: Gallows of Madness (What Lurks in the Woods) (GM, Slow):
Courageous Recruit: N/A [_] Goblin Slayer: You may check off the box before this boon to gain a +1 bonus on Bluff, Knowledge, Sense Motive, and Survival checks against creatures with the goblinoid subtype, as well as a +1 bonus on attack and damage rolls against them. Activating this boon is a free action, and these benefits last for 1 minute. [_][_] Repurposed Trap: So long as you carry a jar of bottled brown mold with you, you gain the benefits of endure elements in hot environments and take a -2 penalty on saving throws against environmental cold. Check one of the boxes that precede this boon to throw a jar at a square as a ranged attack roll against an AC of 5 (range increment 10 feet). If you miss, use the rules for missing with a thrown splash weapon to determine where the jar lands. When the jar hits the ground, it splits open, filling the square with brown mold. The mold deals 2d6 points of non-lethal cold damage per round to anyone in its square. Unlike typical brown mold, it does not expand when fire is nearby. After you check the second box, cross this entire boon off your Chronicle sheet. 5. Pathfinder Module: Gallows of Madness (Bonus Chronicle Sheet) (GM):
Savior of Saringallow: +2 Prestige Points [X][_][_] Friends in Saringallow: You may use the favors listed below in any combination, checking off a box each time you ask for help. You must spend the same actions as performing the task yourself. Ask Nixa to share her expertise (Knowledge [planes] +5) Ask Nolaria to share her wisdom (Heal +6 or Survival +6) Ask Nolaria to cast bless (CL 3rd, concentration +5) Ask Nolaria to cast cure light wounds (CL 3rd, concentration +5) Ask Nixa to make a full attack against one of your foes. Melee mwk longsword +4 (1d8+3/19-20), light shield +3 (1d3+3) Pushing Back the Abyss: You gain a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge (planes) checks concerning demons. This bonus does not stack with the benefits provided by tools like Pathfinder Chronicles. 6. GM Star Reward: Student of Scrolls:
[X]: Diverse Training (1st-Level, 1 Star): Once per scenario, you may attempt a skill check as if you were trained in that skill. Your bonus on the check is equal to 3 plus your number of GM stars and is modified by no other modifiers (including armor check penalty, ability modifiers, etc.). [X]: Oft-Lectured (3rd-Level, 2 Stars): When you roll a Knowledge check at the beginning of an adventure (such as immediately after receiving a mission), you gain a bonus on the check equal to your number of GM stars. 7. 5-08: The Confirmation:
Confirmed Field Agent: You may acquire a wayfinder for 1 Prestige Point. Explore, Report, Cooperate: As a free or immediate action, you may consider whether a particular action you name--such as subduing but not killing an enemy, befriending an NPC, or recovering a particular item--would help realize the goals of the Pathfinder Society. Once you use this boon, cross it off your chronicle sheet. Friend of Janira Gavix: She helps you perform research, granting you a +1 bonus on Knowledge checks attempted while you are in the Grand Lodge. 8. 7-05: School of Spirits:
9. 8-16: House of Harmonious Wisdom:
Legacy of a Princess: You have discovered the lost Summer Palace and interacted with the phantom of Song Rui, one of the last princesses of Imperial Lung Wa. You may call upon Song Rui’s dedication as a swift action that lasts for 1 minute. During this time, the first time you hit a creature with a melee attack each round, you gain a +2 bonus to your AC against that creature until the beginning of your next turn. When you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet. [_] [_] [_] Sun Shogun Talismans: The Sun Shogun makes available to you certain magical talismans normally available only to his trusted agents. You may purchase a talisman of freedom (900 gp), talisman of good fortune (1,680 gp), or talisman of warrior’s courage (450 gp). When you purchase a talisman in this way, note that it is a Sun Shogun talisman and mark off one box. Sun Shogun talismans function as normal except that you may, as an immediate action, prevent a talisman from activating when it would otherwise do so, allowing you to save its magic for later. When you have purchased a total of 3 Sun Shogun talismans of any type, cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet. 10. 8-99D: The Solstice Scar (Version D) (GM Credit - Subtier 3-4):
[_] [_] [_] Blood and Courage: As long as your current hit point total is less than half your maximum hit points, you gain a +2 bonus on Intimidate checks against evil creatures and a +2 bonus on saving throws against fear. While benefiting from these bonuses, you can check one box that precedes this boon to demoralize all evil creatures in a 15-foot cone as a standard action. [_] Empyreal Revenant: Nothing can keep you from achieving your goal. Within 3 rounds of dying, you can check the box that precedes this boon to begin slowly recovering, fueled by a combination of personal determination and supernatural vigor. During this time, you cannot be turned into an undead creature. After 1 minute, you are restored to life per raise dead with half your maximum hit points, gaining no negative levels in the process. If you died as a result of ability damage or drain, you either remove 8 points of that ability damage or remove enough ability drain to return that ability score to 8 (though no higher than your original ability score value). If you died as a result of negative levels, you remove a number of temporary negative levels equal to half your level (rounded up). At the end of the adventure, your relentless grip on life fails, your body collapses, and you die; this death is not the result of hit point loss and cannot be reversed by effects such as breath of life. The cost of any spellcasting service to restore you to life at the end of that adventure is reduced by 3 Prestige Points. If a PC casts a spell to restore you to life at the end of the adventure, instead reduce the material component cost by 1,000 gp. [_] Martyr’s Shard 4: As a free action, you can check the box that precedes this boon to grant one weapon you wield a +1 enhancement bonus (which does not stack with other enhancement bonuses), and it grants you a +1 bonus on caster level checks to overcome the spell resistance of evil creatures for 1 minute. During this time, attacks with this weapon also ignore the first 5 points of undead creatures’ damage reduction. Any character with this boon can purchase an avenging dagger (120,604 gp; functions as a holy avenger but a dagger rather than a longsword) as though her effective Fame score were 10 higher. 10. 9-12: Shrine of the Sacred Tempest:
Zepha’s Blessing: You can cross this boon off of your Chronicle sheet to grant an ally that you can see a +2 sacred bonus on any d20 roll before she rolls it. 11. 9-06: The Shores of Heaven:
[X] Heaven’s Redemption: Change your alignment to lawful good [_][_] Heavenly Scholar: If you are trained in Knowledge (religion), you can check a box that precedes this boon to add 1d6 to the result of one Knowledge (religion) check after rolling but before learning the results of your roll. 12. 9-04: The Unseen Inclusion:
Debt to the Scarred Sage: Unknown effect in future scenario. 13. 3-02: Sewer Dragons of Absalom:
[X] Contraband Dividends Koboldfriend: +2 bonus on all Diplomacy checks with humanoids of the reptilian subtype. 14. 7-02: Six Seconds to Midnight:
Embeth Hound: Gift of an Embeth hound (riding dog with +4 racial bonus on Climb and Swim in place of Acrobatics) from the Embeth Travelers. Henbane’s Token: Step out of time for 1 round as a mental Move action. Cross off when used. Touched by Time: Cast haste or slow as a spell-like ability. Cross off when used. 15. GenCon 2016 GM Boon:
Character Rebuild: You may completely rebuild one character, changing the character’s race, class, skills, factions, spells known, other class features, and other purchases. The only aspects of the character that you cannot change are XP, Fame, gold spent on spellcasting services, expended limited-use items, and Prestige Points spent on non-permanent boons and services. 16. 5-02: The Wardstone Patrol:
to be transcribed +650 gp 17. 8-08: Tyranny of Winds Part I: the Sandstone Prophecy:
to be transcribed Air Affinity +958 gp 18. 8-10: Tyranny of the Winds Part II: Secrets of the Endless Sky:
To be transcribed +1917 gp -4000 gp; add Headband of Alluring Charisma 19. 8-12: Tyranny of the Winds Part III: Caught in the Eclipse:
Air Affinity [_][_][_] Foe of All Winds: Striking into the depths of the Plane of Air, you’ve defeated the resurrected champion of Hshurha, the Duchess of All Winds. Word spreads of how you defied the will of a demigod, and as a result, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Diplomacy and Intimidate checks made against natives of the Plane of Air. In addition, your time on the Plane of Air has granted you some means of control over its natural powers. Once per adventure, you can check a box that precedes this boon to cast gust of wind as a spell-like ability (CL 6th). If you have two or more Air Affinity boons, you can instead cast wind wall (CL 8th). If you have three or more Air Affinity boons, you can instead choose to cast wind walk (CL 10th). +1332 gp -1000 gp; add Cloak of Resistance +1 20. 10-98: Siege of Gallowspire (GM, Slow):
…to be transcribed, it’s a lot. +1350 gp 21. 2-25: You Only Die Twice (Slow):
+1342.5 gp 22. 9-19: Clash in Kaimuko Wood:
[_] Adaptable Blakes: Check box to purchase a unique bladed weapon as a different kind of base bladed weapon. +2565 gp Sellback: +1 agile breastplate (+775 gp) Purchase +1 mithral breastplate (-5200 gp) 23. 9-24: Beneath Unbroken Waves:
[_][_][_][_] Wavemaster: Your experience beneath the waves has greatly strengthened your ability to function underwater. You can check a box next to this boon as a swift action to gain a 30-foot swim speed and the ability to use bludgeoning and slashing weapons underwater without penalty for 1 minute. Whenever you would need to attempt a Constitution check to continue holding your breath, you can instead check a box next to this boon as an immediate action to automatically hold your breath for an additional 4 rounds. +2516 gp 24. 9-15: Burden in Bloodcove:
[_][_] Malika’s Aid: Check a box in order to roll twice and take better of Heal, Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (nature), or Survival. Also treat as trained with a minimum bonus of +5. +2370 gp ____________________
Faction Cards:
Season 9: 8 goals Season 10: 3 goals ---------- Enduring Scholar: Once per adventure before rolling a saving throw against a spell, you can apply a bonus equal to 1 + half the number of goals you have completed (+5). Magical Tinkerer: Use Magic Device is a class skill for you. Once per adventure, you can add a bonus equal to 5 + twice the number of goals you have completed to a Use Magic Device check (+21). If your own skill bonus is higher, you instead gain a +2 bonus on that check. Master Librarian: Before the start of an adventure, you can requisition up to three alchemical or magic items (except wands or scrolls with multiple spells) whose total gold piece value does not exceed 100 x your character level (500 gp). You and your allies can use these items freely, but Zarta expects you to return any unused items at the end of the adventure. ---------- [X][X]: Recover a named text found during the course of an adventure. (8-16: Jade Scrolls; 9-06: Slates of Klador) [X][X]: Recruit a named NPC scholar, knowledgeable spellcaster, or similar figure to the Dark Archive. (7-05: Junia Dacilane; 7-02: Allseasons Henbane) [X]: Participate in a magical or occult ritual during the course of an adventure (cleansing ritual at the Shrine of the Sacred Tempest). [X]: Recover a named minor artifact or major artifact during the course of an adventure (Obsidian Jewel - 9-04: The Unseen Inclusion). [X][X]: Identify a potion or other magic item whose caster level equals or exceeds your character level (3-02) (8-08). [X]: Have a number of ranks equal to your character level (minimum 4) in (Use Magic Device). [X][X][X] | [X][X]: Serve as the GM for an adventure that grants 1 or more XP, and apply the Chronicle sheet to this character. Checking 3 boxes counts as one goal for earning faction rewards; checking all 5 counts as two goals. ---------- [X]: Recover a named text found during the course of an adventure (8-10). [X][X]: During the course of an adventure, acquire a unique magic item and deliver it safely to the Pathfinder Society (8-12, 2-25). [X]: Have a number of ranks equal to your character level (minimum 4) in (Use Magic Device). |