
Maria Kuerlara's page

1,223 posts. Organized Play character for Pete H..


| AC/Tch/FF 19/14/15 (+1 vs. Traps) | CMD 18 (talisman?)| F/R/W +7/+13/+10 | Speed 30ft


| Inspiration Pool 8/8, 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Perfect Strike: 2/3, Enduring Scholar 1/1 | Init +6 | Perc: 24+1d6 (+1 vs. traps), SM: 14+1d6


HP 39 (-0, +5 to stabilize) | Mods: Elix of Vision 1 hr, HA 10m | LN Elf Zen Empiricist 6

About Maria Kuerlara

Active Buffs: Inspiration? Immune v. Sleep, +1 v. Traps, +2 v. Enchants, +2 & Int? v. Illusions
Usual Buffs if expecting trouble: Alch Grease & Vermin Repellent (4hrs), Antitoxin, Soothe Syrup & Twitch Tonic (1hr), Alchemical Allocation: X (varies), Heightened Awareness (10m)
Net Bonuses: +5 Alch to E.A., CMB and CMD v. Grapple, Least Likely to be Swarmed, +5 Alch v. Poison, Nauseated & Sickened, +2 Alch v. Paralysis & Staggered

General Notes:
Scenario Notes: Sleeves of Many Garments bought, HA used: 1, CLW used: 2

Maria in the Field

1 lb of Scrolls in Scroll Box carried by GF:
Protection from Evil, Ant Haul, Remove Fear 2x (1 scroll), Comprehend Languages, 5x Remove Paralysis (1 scroll), 2x Tongues (1 scroll), 2x Scroll Water Breathing (1 scroll)

Useful Alchemical Items and What They Do:

5 Alchemist’s Fire (5): Ranged Splash, 1d6 Fire (1 splash) plus 1d6 more fire the following round
2 Acid Flasks (2): Ranged Splash, 1d6 Acid (1 splash)
5 Alkali Flasks (5): Ranged Splash, 2d6 ‘Acid’ (2 splash) vs. Oozes & Acid Based Creatures
4 Holy Water (4): Cleric Created, Ranged Splash or Poured, 2d4 (1 splash) vs. undead or evil outsider
4 Liquid Ice (8): Ranged Splash, 1d6 Cold (1 splash) or freeze a small liquid
3 Tanglefoot Bags (12): Ranged Splash, causes entanglement and messes up flyers
5 Antitoxin: 1 hr of +5 vs. Poisons, no reroll
3 Antiplague: 1 hr of +5 vs. Diseases OR if already infected, roll twice for the day’s check with no bonus
Universal Solvent: Magic Item, removes sticky conditions
3 Alchemical Grease (3): 4 hrs of +5 to E.A., CMB & CMD vs. Grapples
3 Smelling Salts: Immediate New Save vs. Effect causing Unconscious or Staggered OR wake from dying
5 Soothe Syrups (2.5): 1 hr of +5 vs. Sickened and Nauseated, no reroll
3 Twitch Tonic: 1 hr of +2 vs. sleep, paralysis and staggered, reroll with +2 bonus if under effects
4 Vermin Repellent: 4 hrs and you are the least preferred target of swarms, you also smell more
3 Wismuth Salix: 1 hr of +2 vs. Sickened and Nauseated, reroll with +2 bonus if under effects
2 Impact Foam (2): Thrown to make a landing pad, negates 1d6 fall damage and makes 1d6 NL
3 Bloodblock: +5 on heal checks or instantly end bleed effect
3 Silver Weapon Blanch: Goes on Cold Iron Arrows to penetrate DR: Silver
2 Adamantine Weapon Blanch: Goes on Cold Iron Arrows to penetrate DR: Adamantine
3 Padzahr: In one hour it can heal 1 CON damage, no more than 4x usable per day
3 Meditation Teas: +2 vs. mind-affecting 10m and free reroll if under a mind-affecting thing
1 Soul Stimulant: Negates 1 negative level for 12 hours
4 Holy Weapon Balms (2): Apply to 10 arrows, amazing vs. undead and evil outsiders.

Maria is taller, but not exactly towering over an average human at exactly six feet. Her frame is thin and lithe, covered by simple clothing and few accouterments. Her garb is obviously tailored to cover most of her skin, but not restrain movement. Visible under the shirt is a form fitting shiny chain link shirt. Her dirty blonde hair is tucked neatly under her hat with a few strands falling down and framing her long pointed ears. No makeup and a pale complexion allow her to avoid many beings' attention, which is useful for her research. A single bow, full quiver and simple backpack are slung over her shoulders while a filigreed sword hangs from her belt.

One of her common no-nonsense expressions is, ”if you can’t explain it, you simply haven’t looked hard enough for a reason.” Which is quickly followed by, "when in doubt, throw a rock at it and record the results."

Special Abilities, Botting Instructions, Boons and other things of interest are spoiler-ed at the bottom.


Elixirs Caster Level 4
1st Prepared (5/day, DC 16)
Monkey Fish
Expeditious Retreat
Adhesive Spittle
Shield (or Endure Elements)

2nd Prepared (2/day, DC 17)
Alchemical Allocation
Alchemical Allocation

Known: 1) Adhesive Spittle, Endure Elements, Expeditious Retreat, Comprehend Languages, Crafter’s Fortune, Heightened Awareness, Identify, Monkey Fish, Blend, Negate Aroma, Jump, Shield, See Alignment, Touch of the Sea; 2) Alchemical Allocation

Wands CLW (37), Heightened Awareness (37), Resist Energy (6)

Scrolls Lesser Restoration (7), Others See Scroll Box carried by GF

Potions/Oils CLW, Magic Weapon, Daylight, Air Bubble (Potion Sponge), 2x Touch of the Sea (Potion Sponge), Slipstream, Elixir of Vision, Heroism


Speed 30 (Run x5 and don’t lose Dex to AC), BAB +4, CMB +4
+2 weapon damage vs. demons, evil fey and plants/animals corrupted by evil
+2 weapon damage during Spirit Dance

Improved Unarmed Strike +4 Hit, 1d6 Damage, x2 Crit, B
[dice=Improved Unarmed Strike]d20+4[/dice] for [dice=Bludgeoning]d6[/dice] +IC, Zith, Trait, Boons?

Mithral Rapier +5 Hit, 1d6 Damage, 18-20x2 Crit, P/Silver
MW Cold Iron Handaxe +5 Hit, 1d6 Damage, 20x3 Crit, S/Cold Iron
[dice=Melee]d20+5[/dice] for [dice=??]d6[/dice] Studied Combat, Studied Strike, +IC, Zith, Trait, Boons?

+1 “Wasp” Longbow +10 Hit, 1d8+1 Damage, x3 Crit, P, 100 ft Range
[dice=Wasp]d20+10[/dice] for [dice=Magic/Piercing/Cold Iron/Silver]d8+1[/dice] +IC, Hep, Zith, Trait?
[dice=Wasp + PBS]d20+10+1[/dice] for [dice=Magic/Piercing/Cold Iron/Silver + Focused Shot + PBS]d8+1+4+1[/dice] +IC, Hep, Zith, Trait?
[dice=Wasp + PBS - NL]d20+10+1-4[/dice] for [dice=Magic/NL/Bludgeoning + Focused Shot + PBS]d8+1+4+1[/dice] +IC, Hep, Zith, Trait?

Flasks +8 Hit vs. Touch, Damage Varies but usually 1 splash, x2 Crit, 10 ft Range


Str 10, Dex 16 18, Con 12, Int 19 21, Wis 10, Cha 10
AC Calc 5 Armor, 4 Dex
HP Calc 1) 8, 2-6) 25, Con 6
Save Calc Zen Archer +3/+3/+3, Investigator +1/+4/+4, Ability +1/+4/+0, +1 Cloak +2/+2/+2, Feat +0/+0/+1
Feats: 1) PBS, Breadth of Experience, Perfect Strike, Improved Unarmed Strike, Run, 2) Precise Shot, Weapon Focus: Longbow, 3) Focused Shot, 5) Basic Planar Infusion (Boneyard)
Investigator Talents (level -2): 5) Expanded Inspiration
Traits: Alchemical Adept, Treerazer’s Bane
Favored Class: 1-2) N/A, 3-6) Elven Investigator (4/3 extra Inspiration Pool)


Non Skill Specific Boosts: +1 to all Charisma checks made to influence Crusaders of Mendev
[dice=Acrobatics]1d20+10[/dice] (3 ranks, +4 jumps w/ running start)
[dice=Climb]1d20+4[/dice] (Monkey Fish?)
[dice=Craft: Anything + Anytool]1d20+5+2[/dice]
[dice=Craft: Alchemy]1d20+14[/dice] (+2 w/ lab, +5 w/ Elixir, +6 when crafting items but not on day job)
[dice=Diplomacy + Inspiration]1d20+4+1d6[/dice] (+2 Reptilian Humanoids & Plane of Air Denizens)
[dice=Diplomacy to Gather Information + Inspiration]1d20+9+1d6[/dice]
[dice=Disable Device + MW Lockpicks]1d20+17+2[/dice] (trapfinding bonus built in)
[dice=Escape Artist]1d20+13[/dice] (+1 with Zith Boost, alch grease?)
[dice=Fly]1d20+10[/dice] (headband +1 per level, wind walk boon?)
[dice=Handle Animal]1d20[/dice]
[dice=Heal + Inspiration]1d20+4+1d6[/dice] (+2 to Stabilize, Bloodblock?, boon +5 and roll 2x?)
[dice=Intimidate]1d20[/dice] (+2 vs. Plane of Air Denizens)
Resistances, Weaknesses, Special Attacks, Special Defenses. Heightened Awareness?
[dice=Knowledge: Arcana + Inspiration]1d20+12+1d6[/dice]
[dice=Knowledge: Dungeoneering + Inspiration]1d20+11+1d6[/dice]
[dice=Knowledge: Engineering + Inspiration]1d20+11+1d6[/dice]
[dice=Knowledge: Geography + Inspiration]1d20+11+1d6[/dice] (+2 w/ 10 min study re: Iskger)
[dice=Knowledge: History + Inspiration]1d20+12+1d6[/dice] (+2 w/ 10 min study re: Iskger)
[dice=Knowledge: Local + Inspiration]1d20+11+1d6[/dice]
[dice=Knowledge: Nature + Inspiration]1d20+12+1d6[/dice]
[dice=Knowledge: Nobility + Inspiration]1d20+11+1d6[/dice] (+2 w/ 10 min study re: Iskger)
[dice=Knowledge: Planes + Inspiration]1d20+12+1d6[/dice]
[dice=Knowledge: Religion + Inspiration]1d20+11+1d6[/dice] (Boon?)
[dice=Linguistics + Inspiration]1d20+9+1d6[/dice]
[dice=Perception + Inspiration]1d20+14+1d6[/dice] (+2 vs. traps)
[dice=Perform: Any]1d20[/dice]
[dice=Profession: Any + Inspiration]1d20+2+1d6[/dice]
[dice=Sense Motive + Inspiration]1d20+14+1d6[/dice]
[dice=Sleight of Hand]1d20+4[/dice]
[dice=Spellcraft + Inspiration]1d20+9+1d6[/dice] (+2 to identify magic items, Identify?)
[dice=Survival]1d20[/dice] (boon +5 and roll 2x?, +2 w/ 10 minutes study about Iskger)
[dice=Swim]1d20+4[/dice] (Boon? Monkey Fish?)
[dice=UMD]1d20+9[/dice] (FJC +13 mod, 1/adventure)

Languages: Race (Common, Elven, Celestial, Draconic, Gnome, Sylvan), Linguistics (Tien)


On person: MW Longbow (3) w/ 20 Cold Iron/Silver Arrows (5), 5 Cold Iron/Adamantine Arrows (1), 20 Blunt Arrows (3), Mithral Rapier (1lb), +1 Mithral Chain Shirt (12.5lb), Ioun Torch, Fancy Hat, Handy Haversack (5), +2 Headband of Vast Intelligence +2 (Fly, 1), Sun Shogun Talisman (Freedom), +2 Cloak of Resistance, +2 Belt of Incredible Dexterity
In Haversack: All Alchemical Items in Spoiler at top, Journal (1), 40 ft knotted Silk Rope (5) w/ Grappling Hook attached (4), 7 Full Waterskins (28), Ink, Inkpen, 10 sheets Paper, 10 sheets Parchment, 7 Trail Rations (7), Bedroll (5), Isger Geography & History Book (2, see boon section), Crowbar (5), MW Lockpicks (2), Cold Weather Outfit, Hot Weather Outfit (4), Traveler’s Anytool, 5 Cold Iron/Adamantine Arrows (1) 20 Alch Silver Arrows (3), Underwater Crossbow, 10 bolts, MW Cold Iron Handaxe, Scrolls of Lesser Restoration
Left at Lodge: Alchemy Lab, Hot Weather Outfit, Scrollbox, Backpack
Starting GP: 884.3 gold (updated after 9-15)
Weight Carried: 31.5 lbs + (~120) lbs in Haversack
Carrying Capacity: Light (33), Medium (66), Heavy (100), LoH (100), Lift (200), Drag/Push (500)


Height 6’00
Weight 108
Age 146
Eye Color Light Green
Hair Color Dirty Blond
Skin Tone Fair
Region of Origin Kyonin
Deity Brigh with a soft spot for Calistria
Favorite food Strawberry Shortcake (an amazing halfling invention!)

Special Abilities:

Studied Combat (Ex): With a keen eye and calculating mind, an investigator can assess the mettle of his opponent to take advantage of gaps in talent and training. At 4th level, an investigator can use a move action to study a single enemy that he can see. Upon doing so, he adds 1/2 his investigator level as an insight bonus on melee attack rolls and as a bonus on damage rolls against the creature. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to his Intelligence modifier (minimum 1) or until he deals damage with a studied strike, whichever comes first. The bonus on damage rolls is precision damage, and is not multiplied on a critical hit.

An investigator can only have one target of studied combat at a time, and once a creature has become the target of an investigator’s studied combat, he cannot become the target of the same investigator’s studied combat again for 24 hours unless the investigator expends one use of inspiration when taking the move action to use this ability.

Studied Strike (Ex): At 4th level, an investigator can choose to make a studied strike against the target of his studied combat as a free action, upon successfully hitting his studied target with a melee attack, to deal additional damage. The damage is 1d6 at 4th level, and increases by 1d6 for every 2 levels thereafter (to a maximum of 9d6 at 20th level). The damage of studied strike is precision damage and is not multiplied on a critical hit; creatures that are immune to sneak attacks are also immune to studied strike.

If the investigator’s attack used a weapon that deals nonlethal damage (like a sap, whip, or an unarmed strike), he may choose to have the additional damage from studied strike be nonlethal damage instead of lethal damage. If the investigator chose to make an attack with a lethal weapon instead deal nonlethal damage (with the usual –4 penalty), the studied strike damage may also deal nonlethal damage.

The investigator must be able to see the target well enough to pick out a vital spot and must be able to reach such a spot. An investigator cannot use studied strike against a creature with concealment.

Planar Infusion (Boneyard, Basic): The knowledge that the Boneyard awaits us all bolsters your ability to resist the pull of death and to aid others in doing the same. You gain a +1 bonus on Will saves, a +2 bonus on Heal checks to stabilize a dying creature, and a +4 bonus on Constitution checks to stabilize yourself when your hit points are reduced below 0.

Trap Sense (Ex): At 3rd level, an investigator gains an intuitive sense that alerts him to danger from traps, granting him a +1 bonus on Ref lex saving throws to avoid traps and a +1 dodge bonus to AC against attacks by traps. At 6th level and every 3 levels thereafter, these bonuses increase by 1 (to a maximum of +6 at 18th level).

Expanded Inspiration (Ex): An investigator can use his inspiration ability when attempting Diplomacy, Heal, Perception, Profession, and Sense Motive checks without expending uses of inspiration, provided he’s trained in the skill.

Ceaseless Observation (Ex): An empiricist's ability to notice the minutiae of almost everything that happens around him allows him to make shrewd and insightful calculations about people and even inanimate objects. At 2nd level, an empiricist uses his Intelligence modifier instead of the skill's normal key ability for all Disable Device, Perception, Sense Motive, and Use Magic Device checks. He can also use his Intelligence modifier instead of Charisma on any Diplomacy checks made to gather information. This ability replaces poison lore and poison resistance.

Inspiration (Ex): An investigator is beyond knowledgeable and skilled—he also possesses keen powers of observation and deduction that far surpass the abilities of others. An investigator typically uses these powers to aid in their investigations, but can also use these flashes of inspiration in other situations.

An investigator has the ability to augment skill checks and ability checks through his brilliant inspiration. The investigator has an inspiration pool equal to 1/2 his investigator level + his Intelligence modifier (minimum 1). An investigator’s inspiration pool refreshes each day, typically after he gets a restful night’s sleep. As a free action, he can expend one use of inspiration from his pool to add 1d6 to the result of that check, including any on which he takes 10 or 20. This choice is made after the check is rolled and before the results are revealed. An investigator can only use inspiration once per check or roll. The investigator can use inspiration on any Knowledge, Linguistics, or Spellcraft skill checks without expending a use of inspiration, provided he’s trained in the skill.

Inspiration can also be used on attack rolls and saving throws, at the cost of expanding two uses of inspiration each time from the investigator’s pool. In the case of saving throws, using inspiration is an immediate action rather than a free action.

Trapfinding: An investigator adds 1/2 his level to Perception skill checks made to locate traps and to Disable Device checks (minimum 1). An investigator can use Disable Device to disarm magical traps.

Way of the Bow (Ex): At 2nd level, a zen archer gains Weapon Focus as a bonus feat with one type of bow (longbow). At 6th level, the monk gains Weapon Specialization with the same weapon as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. This ability replaces evasion.

Perfect Strike (Ex): At 1st level, a zen archer gains Perfect Strike as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. A zen archer can use Perfect Strike with any bow.

Benefit: You must declare that you are using this feat before you make your attack roll (thus a failed attack roll ruins the attempt). You must use one of the following weapons to make the attack: kama, nunchaku, quarterstaff, sai, and siangham. You can roll your attack roll twice and take the higher result. If one of these rolls is a critical threat, the other roll is used as your confirmation roll (your choice if they are both critical threats). You may attempt a perfect attack once per day for every four levels you have attained (but see Special), and no more than once per round.

Special: A weapon master monk or zen archer monk receives Perfect Strike as a bonus feat at 1st level, even if he does not meet the prerequisites. A monk may attempt an perfect strike attack a number of times per day equal to his monk level, plus one more time per day for every four levels he has in classes other than monk.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Zen archers are proficient with longbows, shortbows, composite longbows, and composite shortbows in addition to their normal weapon proficiencies.

Unarmed Strike: At 1st level, a monk gains Improved Unarmed Strike as a bonus feat. A monk's attacks may be with fist, elbows, knees, and feet. This means that a monk may make unarmed strikes with his hands full. There is no such thing as an off-hand attack for a monk striking unarmed. A monk may thus apply his full Strength bonus on damage rolls for all his unarmed strikes.

Usually a monk's unarmed strikes deal lethal damage, but he can choose to deal nonlethal damage instead with no penalty on his attack roll. He has the same choice to deal lethal or nonlethal damage while grappling.

A monk's unarmed strike is treated as both a manufactured weapon and a natural weapon for the purpose of spells and effects that enhance or improve either manufactured weapons or natural weapons.

Breadth of Experience: Prerequisites: Dwarf, elf, or gnome; 100+ years old.

You get a +2 bonus on all Knowledge and Profession skill checks, and can make checks with those skills untrained.

Treerazer’s Bane (Regional Trait - Kyonin): Having fought in many battles against the demon Treerazer, you have learned the best ways to kill the various creatures under his control. You gain a +2 trait bonus on weapon damage against demons, evil fey, and plants and animals corrupted by evil.

Alchemical Adept (Magical Trait): You are skilled in creating alchemical items. You gain a +2 trait bonus on all Craft (alchemy) checks made to craft alchemical items. Furthermore, when you fail a Craft (alchemy) check by 5 or more but don’t roll a natural 1, you don’t ruin any raw materials or have to pay that cost again.

Fleet-Footed: (Alternate Racial) While all elves are naturally lithe and agile, some also are naturally speedy and have a strong desire to rush into situations rather than worrying about looking ahead. Elves with this racial trait receive Run as a bonus feat and a +2 racial bonus on initiative checks. This racial trait replaces keen senses and weapon familiarity.

Run: When running, you move five times your normal speed (if wearing medium, light, or no armor and carrying no more than a medium load) or four times your speed (if wearing heavy armor or carrying a heavy load). If you make a jump after a running start (see the Acrobatics skill description), you gain a +4 bonus on your Acrobatics check. While running, you retain your Dexterity bonus to your Armor Class.

Low-Light Vision: Elves can see twice as far as humans in conditions of dim light.

Elven Immunities: Elves are immune to magic sleep effects and gain a +2 racial saving throw bonus against enchantment spells and effects.

Elven Magic: Elves receive a +2 racial bonus on caster level checks made to overcome spell resistance. In addition, elves receive a +2 racial bonus on Spellcraft skill checks made to identify the properties of magic items.

Botting Preferences:
Hello, if you are reading this my character has not responded within 24 hours and/or I have advised I am unavailable for a certain amount of time. In this case, please use the following instructions as guidance for botting this character.
  • Use knowledge skills really really liberally
  • Talk about reason and science and knowledge to everyone
    Skill rolls are pre-formatted in the Skills section.


  • Shoot Wasp (longbow)
  • Melee with Imp Unarmed Strike (used for AoO’s mainly)
  • If in Melee use Acrobatics or Withdraw to get to range
    Combat Rolls are pre-formatted in the Offense section.
  • Daily Preparation:

    Take a little over an hour and a half to do the following
    Loosen up my muscles with some quick stretches.
    Run through some martial training/visualization.
    Wipe myself down if sweaty. Bathe if available.
    Dress very simply and gear up.
    Do a couple memory exercises while eating breakfast.
    Prepare alchemical extracts.
    Move out!

    Faction Journal Card Tracking: Dark Archive:

    FJC Goals Completed: 4

    Enduring Scholar (2+ goals): Your exposure to dangerous magic has conditioned you to resist spells. Once per adventure before rolling a saving throw against a spell, you can apply a bonus equal to 1 + half the number of goals you have completed.

    Magical Tinkerer (4+ goals): You have a knack for analyzing and activating magic items. Use Magic Device is a class skill for you. Once per adventure, you can use a bonus equal to 5 + twice the number of goals you have completed to a Use Magic Device check. If your own skill bonus is higher, you instead gain a +2 bonus on that check

    Tracking (Completed are Bolded)
    1/1 (2-25) Recover a named text (typically listed in italics or quotes) found during the course of an adventure.

    2/2 (9-24, 9-15) Recruit a named NPC scholar, knowledgeable spellcaster, or similar figure to the Dark Archive. Recruitment requires a successful Diplomacy or Knowledge (arcana) check with a DC equal to 15 + your character level.

    1/1 (9-19) Participate in a magical or occult ritual during the course of an adventure.

    2/2 (8-12) During the course of an adventure, acquire a unique magic item and deliver it safely to the Pathfinder Society.

    0/2 As a part of defeating an undead creature, use a consumable magic item worth at least 100 gp per character level.

    0/1 Have a number of ranks equal to your character level (minimum 4) in one of the following skills: Bluff, Knowledge (arcana), Profession (archivist, librarian, or scribe), Spellcraft, or Use Magic Device. (Wait for +4 Int Headband with UMD for this one)

    0/2 Participate in an adventure that takes place in the Blakros Museum or that features a member of the Blakros family. Alternatively, participate in an adventure that takes place on a demiplane.

    0/3 & 0/2 Serve as the GM for an adventure that grants 1 or more XP, and apply the Chronicle sheet to this character. Checking 3 boxes counts as one goal for earning faction rewards; checking all 5 counts as two goals.

    PFS Boons:

    Righteous Redemption: Thanks to your work bringing a lost hero’s legacy to light, key leaders in the crusader nation of Lastwall have begun seeing Pathfinders less as ruffians and more as potential allies. Between adventures or while in Lastwall, you can check the box that precedes this boon to requisition one of the following: a satchel containing six flasks of holy water and an oil of bless weapon; two scrolls of lesser restoration; a combat-trained warhorse (heavy or light) with a military saddle, bit, bridle, and week of feed; a masterwork longsword; or a masterwork lance. This gear is yours to do with as you please, but it has an effective resale value of 0 gp.

    ☐ ☐ ☐ Worthy Foe: Lastwall is the Inner Sea’s bulwark against countless evils, and you have proven yourself against a local villain. As a swift action, you can check a box that precedes this boon to gain one of two benefits against enemies that correspond to the threat you defeated. First, you can choose to gain a +2 bonus on attack and weapon damage rolls against such creatures, as well as a +2 dodge bonus to AC against such creatures’ attacks. Alternatively, you can gain a +2 bonus on caster level checks to overcome those creatures’ spell resistance, increase the save DC of your spells and abilities against those creatures by 1, and gain a +2 bonus on saving throws against those creatures’ spells and abilities. Either benefit lasts until the beginning of your next turn.
    Bones: You gain the benefits above against undead creatures.

    ☐ ☐ Malika’s Aid: You rescued Malika Fenn in Bloodcove. Until she settles in another area to continue her work with the Society, she’s happy to coach you on tracking, wilderness medicine, and woodlore. You can check one of the boxes that precedes this boon before attempting a Heal, Knowledge (geography), Knowledge (nature), or Survival check to roll the check twice and take the better result. You are treated as trained for the purpose of that skill check, and if your modifier is lower than +5, treat it as +5 for the purpose of this check.

    ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ Wavemaster: Your experience beneath the waves has greatly strengthened your ability to function underwater. You can check a box next to this boon as a swift action to gain a 30-foot swim speed and the ability to use bludgeoning and slashing weapons underwater without penalty for 1 minute. Whenever you would need to attempt a Constitution check to continue holding your breath, you can instead check a box next to this boon as an immediate action to automatically hold your breath for an additional 4 rounds.

    Adaptable Blades: See Chronicle for details, but essentially lets you buy a ‘specific magic weapon’ (light blade or heavy blade) but exchange it with another weapon in the same group. Full price still paid.

    ☐ ☐ ☐ Foe of All Winds: Striking into the depths of the Plane of Air, you’ve defeated the resurrected champion of Hshurha, the Duchess of All Winds. Word spreads of how you defied the will of a demigod, and as a result, you gain a +2 circumstance bonus on all Diplomacy and Intimidate checks made against natives of the Plane of Air.

    In addition, your time on the Plane of Air has granted you some means of control over its natural powers. Once per adventure, you can check a box that precedes this boon to cast gust of wind as a spell-like ability (CL 6th). If you have two or more Air Affinity boons, you can instead cast wind wall (CL 8th). If you have three or more Air Affinity boons, you can instead choose to cast wind walk (CL 10th).

    Air Affinity x3 (8-08, 10 & 12): Your connection to elemental air has grown stronger over the course of your recent adventures. This boon has no mechanical effect on its own, but it may interact with other boons or play a role in future adventures—especially those set on the elemental planes.

    Genie Heritage: Your ifrit, oread, sylph, and undine characters have a stronger connection to their genie forbears. Characters only gain access to these options if they do not trade out the air, earth, fire, or water affinity racial traits. If you use the benefits of this boon on a different character than the one who receives this Chronicle sheet, include a copy of this Chronicle sheet with that character’s records.
    Ifrit: Ifrit bloodragers with the elemental (fire) bloodline and ifrit sorcerers with the efreeti bloodline treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer and bloodrager spells and class abilities.
    Oread: Oread bloodragers with the elemental (earth) bloodline and oread sorcerers with the deep earth or shaitan bloodlines treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer and bloodrager spells and class abilities.
    Sylph: Sylph bloodragers with the elemental (air) bloodline and sylph sorcerers with the djinni or stormborn bloodlines treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer and bloodrager spells and class abilities.
    Undine: Undine bloodragers with the elemental (water) bloodline and undine sorcerers with the aquatic or marid bloodlines treat their Charisma score as 2 points higher for all sorcerer and bloodrager spells and class abilities.

    Oread’s Favor: You have earned the respect of the oread researcher Qiarah. This boon may be used in conjunction with other boons to grant one or more of your characters access to oread-related options.

    Mendevian Commendation: You have received a medal for your service to Mendev and the Fifth Crusade. For every Mendevian Commendation you have, you gain a cumulative +1 bonus on Charisma-based skill and ability checks made to influence crusaders of Mendev (maximum +3).

    Using their Strength Against Them: You have learned several of the key strategies of both players in the Fifth Crusade, and with the help of Zarta Dralneen you have developed a strategy that you might use to surprise either side. As a standard action while in combat against a demon or Mendevian crusader, you may use the cavalier’s tactician class feature, though it lasts for a number of rounds equal to 1 plus your Intelligence or Charisma modifier (minimum 1 round). The teamwork feat you grant must be chosen from the following: Coordinated DefenseAPG, Escape RouteAPG, Paired OpportunistAPG, or Precise StrikeAPG. After you use this boon, cross it off of your Chronicle sheet.

    Embeth Hound: The Embeth Travelers gift you with a loyal Embeth hound at no cost. An Embeth hound is a riding dog who receives a +4 racial bonus on all Climb and Swim checks in place of a riding dog’s typical +4 racial bonus on Acrobatic checks while jumping. An Embeth hound is trained for combat and additionally knows the Track trick. If the Embeth hound dies, cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet.

    Henbane’s Token: Inquisitor Henbane leaves you with a token of her favor. This enchanted flower from a henbane plant allows its wearer to step outside of the flow of time. As a purely mental move action, you can destroy the flower to disappear completely one round. While you are out of time, you cannot be affected by any new spells or effects, and any ongoing durations of spells or effects affecting you do not continue to progress. You also cannot take any actions while out of time. At the beginning of your next turn after disappearing from time, you reappear in the same square you left (or the closest open space if it is occupied). Once you expend the token’s power, cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet.

    Touched by Time: You have passed through time-distorting portals in Uringen, and residual magic from that experience clings to you. You may cast either haste or slow as a spell-like ability, using your character level as your caster level and Charisma as your key ability score. When you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle sheet.

    Contraband Dividends: You ensured that a valuable shipment of contraband antiquities were able to enter Absalom through the sewers without kobolds causing any problems. As a result, you receive a single item of no more than 150 gp from among the non-relic bits of the cargo. You must select this item now and reflect its purchase on this Chronicle sheet. (Sleep Arrow, 132g)

    Koboldfriend: You negotiated a truce between the Pathfinder Society and Yiddlepode of the Sewer Dragon tribe. As part of the bargain, she gave you a token of kobold. When worn about your neck (occupying the neck magic item slot), the token grants you a +2 bonus on all Diplomacy checks with humanoids of the reptilian subtype.

    Seen it Once: Even if your formal education in creature lore is limited, you have a good memory and can quickly recall experiential trivia about common creatures when you encounter them a second time. Whenever you encounter one of the creature types listed below, and either you or an ally identifies the creature, you may check the box next to that creature’s name below. When you do so, record the name of one of the creature’s special abilities (breath weapon, damage reduction, resistances, etc.) next to the name. Whenever you encounter and positively identify this creature type in the future, you automatically recall this piece of information; remembering this fact is in addition to any other facts you may remember with a successful Knowledge check.

    ☐ Basilisk
    ☐ Dark naga
    ☐ Demon, babau
    ☐ Demon, succubus
    ☐ Demon, vrock
    ☐ Derro
    ☐ Devil, bearded
    ☐ Devil, bone
    ☐ Devil, imp
    ☐ Doppelganger
    Elemental, air (Resistances from 8-08)
    Elemental, earth (Resistances from 8-08)
    Elemental, fire (Resistances from 8-08)
    ☐ Elemental, water
    ☐ Ghost
    ☐ Ghoul
    ☐ Golem flesh
    ☐ Golem, stone
    ☐ Gray ooze
    ☐ Harpy
    ☐ Hill giant
    Mummy (Resistances from 2-25)
    ☐ Otyugh
    ☐ Rakshasa
    ☐ Rust monster
    ☐ Shadow
    Skeleton (Resistances from 2-25)
    ☐ Sphinx
    ☐ Vampire
    ☐ Zombie

    Debt to the Scarred Sage: As a representative of the Jeweled Sages, you promised that Grandmaster Torch would be welcome to participate in confronting any threat to the organization. Whether this is ultimately to your benefit or not remains to be seen.

    Zepha’s Blessing: The purification ritual that you helped perform impressed the archon Zepha, and he has given you his blessing. You can cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet to grant an ally that you can see a +2 sacred bonus on any d20 roll before she rolls it.

    ☐ ☐ Heavenly Scholar: Your studies of sacred scripture have enhanced your knowledge about matters of faith. If you are trained in Knowledge (religion), you can check a box that precedes this boon to add 1d6 to the result of one Knowledge (religion) check after rolling but before learning the results of your roll. Alternatively, you can check a box before rolling a Knowledge (religion) check to treat that check as if you were trained in the skill. You can use both boxes on a single skill check.

    Vessel of the Boneyard: You may spend your downtime and 4 PP to travel to the Boneyard or the Maelstrom. If you do so, you may select one of the following benefits. After using one of the these benefits, cross the others off your chronicle sheet.
    Spark of the Grave: You carry your experience in the Boneyard with you always. You gain a +1 bonus on saving throws against death effects. Additionally, you can check the box that precedes this boon to grant your armor and all weapons you wield the ghost touch property for 1 minute.
    Planar Conduit: You have infused your body, mind, and soul with the plane’s essence. You gain access to the Planar Infusion, Improved Planar Infusion, and Greater Planar Infusion feats for the Boneyard (Pathfinder RPG Planar Adventures 31) as if the feats appeared on the Additional Resources page.

    Impressive Find: The Pathfinder Society is impressed with your discoveries in Tian Xia. Once you earn 12 or more Fame, your superiors award you one additional Prestige Point (but not Fame) in recognition of your excellence. You cannot have more Prestige Points than Fame, and if you would exceed this maximum, the bonus Prestige Point must be spent immediately or be lost. When you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle Sheet.

    Legacy of a Princess: You have discovered the lost Summer Palace and interacted with the phantom of Song Rui, one of the last princesses of Imperial Lung Wa. You may call upon Song Rui’s dedication as a swift action that lasts for 1 minute. During this time, the first time you hit a creature with a melee attack each round, you gain a +2 bonus to your AC against that creature until the beginning of your next turn. When you use this boon, cross it off your Chronicle Sheet.

    ☐ ☐ Sun Shogun Talismans: Your return of the sovereign dragon scroll case to Shukuro has impressed the Sun Shogun, and he makes available to you certain magical talismans normally available only to his trusted agents. You may purchase a talisman of freedom (900g), talisman of good fortune (1680g), or talisman of warrior’s courage (450g). When you purchase a talisman in this way, note that it is a Sun Shogun talisman and mark off one box. Sun Shogun talismans function as normal except that you may, as an immediate action, prevent a talisman from activating when it would otherwise do so, allowing you to save its magic for later. When you have purchased a total of 3 Sun Shogun talismans of any type, cross this boon off your Chronicle Sheet.

    Antidotes and Remedies: Among the poisonous plants in the Sarini garden, you found four potent medicinal plants, each of which has a different effect. You collected a bundle of leaves and roots from each of these plants for future use. You may chew a bundle of plants as a standard action to produce one of the following effects. Once you use one of the bundles, cross it off your Chronicle sheet.
    Heal 1d4 + 1 points of damage
    Gain a +2 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saves against disease for 1 hour.
    Gain a +2 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saves against poison for 1 hour.
    Gain a +2 alchemical bonus on Fortitude saves against effects that would nauseate or sicken you for 1 hour.

    ☐ ☐ Bringing the Truth to Light: You recovered records of theSarini family’s unspeakable deeds from the secret chambers below their manor. In addition to bringing closure to families of Saringallow, these documents provide you with insights about the forces of Hell. You may check off a box at the beginning of your turn to treat the DR of devils as if it were 5 lower and the SR of devils as if it were 2 lower until the beginning of your next turn. Alternatively, you may check off a box before this boon to grant a devil that you have summoned or called a +2 resistance bonus on saving throws and a +2 enhancement bonus to its natural armor for 1 round. Checking off a box is a free action. After checking off the second box, cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet.

    From Rivers to Mountains: Spending 10 minutes studying this book grants the reader a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge: Geography checks pertaining to Isger and Survival checks to avoid getting lost or survive in the wilderness while in Isger. This bonus lasts 1 hour.

    History of Isger: Spending 10 minutes studying this outdated history book grants the reader a +2 circumstance bonus on Knowledge: History or Nobility checks pertaining to Isger. This bonus lasts for 1 hour.

    Scenario List:

    Master of the Fallen Fortress: 1 XP, 1 PP, 10g Dayjob
    The Festering Blot: 3 XP, 4 PP, 20g Dayjob
    House of Harmonious Wisdom: .5 XP, 1 PP, 75g Dayjob
    Shrine of the Sacred Tempest: .5 XP, 1 PP, 20g Dayjob
    The Shores of Heaven: 1 XP, 2 PP, 50g Dayjob
    The Unseen Conclusion: 1 XP, 2 PP, 20g Dayjob
    Sewer Dragons of Absalom: 1 XP, 2 PP, 10g Dayjob
    Six Seconds to Midnight: 1 XP, 2 PP?, 100g Dayjob
    The Wardstone Patrol: .5 XP, 1PP, 20g Dayjob
    ToW, Part 1: The Sandstorm Prophecy: .5 XP, 1PP, 100g Dayjob, 2 PP on wand H.A.
    ToW, Part 2: Secrets of the Endless Sky: 1 XP, 2PP, 50g Dayjob
    ToW, Part 3: Caught in the Eclipse: 1 XP, 2PP, 50g Dayjob, 4 PP on Boon, 2 PP on 2x Scroll of Tongues
    You Only Die Twice: 1 XP, 2PP, 75g Dayjob
    Clash in Kaimuko Wood: 1 XP, 2PP, 100g Dayjob, 2 PP on 2x Scroll of Water Breathing
    Beneath Unbroken Waves: 1 XP, 2PP, 50g Dayjob, 2 PP on Snapleaf
    The Bloodcove Blockade: 1 XP, 2PP, 20g Dayjob, 2 PP on Potion of Heroism
    Total XP: 17
    Total Fame: 31 (11750g cap, next bump at 31 fame)
    Current Prestige: 10

    Chronicle Info:

    Player: Pete H.
    Character Name: Maria Kierlara
    Build: Zen Archer Monk (2 levels) & Empiricist Investigator (4 levels)
    PFS #: 123584-9
    Faction: Dark Archives
    Day Job: Craft (Alchemy) - see skill section for roll
    Normal Progression