GM Ladile's TL;DR: A Pathfinder Society Campaign

Game Master Lady Ladile

Current Scenario: #3-16 The Midnight Mauler

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Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Rogue/Alchemist/Skald/Bloodrager/ Occultist (2/1/1/1/1) Init +4 (+5) HP 42 (48) AC 19 (20) T 14 (15)FF 15 (16)Fort+3 (+4)Ref +8 (+9)Will +3 Per +6 Spd 30 (40)

They are quite quick to judge in this place....Let's hope they don't mind be judged themselves for that.

Hepsubia spits the words with bitterness and desillusion

Dark Archive

LG Male Shabti Paladin 2/Medium 4 | HP 6/55 | AC 22 (26) T 12 (16) FF 20 (24) | F +13 R +8 W +14 (+2 vs. fear) | CMD/B 20/+8 | Init +2 | Per +5 (dark vision 60 ft) SM +4 | Speed 20 ft | Seance Invocation 5/11 | Influence 1| Smite 1/1 | LOH 5/5 | WC 5/5 | Shirt Re-Roll 0/1 | Active Conditions: endure elements (hot), spell drinker (available), Champion, Smite Evil (Michiko), Legacy of the Princess

"Are they so quick to judge?" Zithembe asks. "I have seen them help us: Peligos guided us to the gates and aided our passage through the bureaucracy that could have taken days, Zepha obtained passes into the Great Library for us, Akarah gave us direction to the texts we requested, the god Winlas himself granted us the opportunity to right our wrong, Althas works even now to find a way to accomplish what we failed to do, Oneol captured Laktharis for us, Skuroth tracked down Ammoch for us, the Hivetender found and protected Valais' soul and is preparing a balm to sooth the trauma we inflicted upon her in our haste."

The jade man pauses to inhale. "I appears to me that they been extremely gracious and merciful. If I summoned two demons in the court of Kyonin, I expect that I would be made dead by arrows within moments by your own people."

Dark Archive

HP 39 (-0, +5 to stabilize) | Mods: Elix of Vision 1 hr, HA 10m | LN Elf Zen Empiricist 6 | AC/Tch/FF 19/14/15 (+1 vs. Traps) | CMD 18 (talisman?)| F/R/W +7/+13/+10 | Speed 30ft | Inspiration Pool 8/8, 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Perfect Strike: 3/3, Enduring Scholar 1/1 | Init +6 | Perc: 24+1d6 (+1 vs. traps), SM: 14+1d6

Maria nods, "He's not wrong, mortal races often judge incredibly quickly. I doubt Valais would even have been given a chance for a cure in some of our cultures, instead simply executed as an abomination."

She thinks for a bit, "Okay, I think we need to be squared away on our testimony and stay logical for most of it. But this isn't just about the laws, so we can add a bit of emotional pull to our arguments. Just don't rely on only one or the other please."

She nods at Archera, holding her book of notes, "I am prepared."

A failure to make our case will not reflect well on my record with the society, so I hope we can pull this off. But the deck seems stacked against us.

Silver Crusade

Male AC:18 (T:10) (FF:18) | F:6 R:2 W:8 |HP:23/27 | Per. +10 Human Cleric 3

"Being prepared is all we can do," Parison says to his friends while waiting. "Let's just do what Akarah says. We give an accounting of everything we've done and we hope for the best. This is about redemption, our own as a group as well as Valais's."

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Rogue/Alchemist/Skald/Bloodrager/ Occultist (2/1/1/1/1) Init +4 (+5) HP 42 (48) AC 19 (20) T 14 (15)FF 15 (16)Fort+3 (+4)Ref +8 (+9)Will +3 Per +6 Spd 30 (40)

I will Always prefer someone who is quick to forgive than someone who is quick to judge. But maybe you have a point, Zith, I'm so willing to point fingers at others (because ONE got on my nerves) that I forgot to point a finger at myself. I am as quick to judge as anyone else. Let's do our best. As Always.

Grand Lodge

LG Male Dwarf Warpriest of Torag 4.0 HP: 43/43 | AC: 20 T: 10 FF: 20 CMD: 16 +4 vs Giants, Bullrush/Trip | F+8 R+2 W+8 +3 vs poison, spells, SLA's | Init +0 | Perception +3
Tracked Resources:
FERVOR: 5/5; Spells: 1st 4/4 2nd 2/2; Blessing: 5/5; Sacred Weapon (+1) 4/4

"Honesty is tha best policy. As long as aye don' 'ave tah do anymore paperwork, aye think we'll be fine!" Rumbles adds. Zithembe is hot on the trigger! I haven't had to lecture Hep at all with him around!
Didn't realize there would be an actual trial. Is there any evidence we could quickly collect? We just have the testimony of those who have helped us. While I highly doubt they would lie, physical evidence always helps the spoken word!

Season of Ghosts

As when you arrived it seems difficult to judge the passage of time in Heaven and so after what seems like ages but may actually be only moments, a soft droning sound on the wind heralds the return of your Hivetender ally. She carefully alights on the ground in front of you, a small ceramic jar cradled in her arms.

"It izzz done! The honey izzz prepared and ready to be conzzzumed," she smiles. "Do any of you have a zzzpoon?"

Once an eating utensil is produced from one of your packs, the Hivetender uses it to scoop out a large dollop of honey. It doesn't look quite like any honey that any of you have seen, the colors and swirls within putting you in mind of a marble.

"Zzzay 'ahhh'!" the Hivetender continues, carefully spooning the honey into Valais' mouth and taking care to tip her head back just slightly so that the woman is sure to swallow it...

Trust me Rumble, you guys are fine! Also, another post to follow, please stand by~


For a moment, nothing seems to happen. But then as you watch, the soul of Valais seems to regain some degree of solidity and a bit of color returns to her cheeks. She blinks - once, twice, three times.

And then she looks around at everyone.

" remember you..." Valais speaks, her words slow at first but then more rapid as she seems to regain more of herself. "We were going to go to Heaven, to try and find a cure for my troubles...right?"

Her gaze shifts beyond you to the beautiful fields and vistas beyond and her eyes widen with wonder.

"Is this it? This must be...this is Heaven!"

With the two demon souls excised from her own, Valais seems much less fearful of this heavenly realm than she was when you first arrived. Her smile does falter slightly as she glances down at her more-solid-but-still-misty form.

"Oh, this normal?"

Silver Crusade

Male AC:18 (T:10) (FF:18) | F:6 R:2 W:8 |HP:23/27 | Per. +10 Human Cleric 3

"It wasn't what we expected, that's for sure," Parison says, moving up to Valais so he can get a better look at who she once was. Before all of the physical and mental trauma she had to endure.

"The ritual, in a sense, did remove the demonic possession from you but instead of restoring your body to what it once was, it removed your soul and the two demon souls within it and scattered them across the shores of Heaven. The archon over the library here were we found the ritual commanded us to recover your soul as well as those of the demons. The Hivetender here," he says, looking with respect at the beelike being, "found your soul wandering without memory and brought you to us. She asked us to find some flowers that would help make a healing potion that would restore your memories. We found the flowers, she made the healing potion and it has cured you."

Parison reaches out to touch her, but is reminded of her incoporeal form when his well meaning pat on her shoulder goes right through it. "We've also found the souls of the demons, but all of us," he says, looking around at his friends, "must answer for our actions with the ritual. No matter what happens, though," he says to Valais. "Your soul is free now of demonic corruption."

Dark Archive

HP 39 (-0, +5 to stabilize) | Mods: Elix of Vision 1 hr, HA 10m | LN Elf Zen Empiricist 6 | AC/Tch/FF 19/14/15 (+1 vs. Traps) | CMD 18 (talisman?)| F/R/W +7/+13/+10 | Speed 30ft | Inspiration Pool 8/8, 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Perfect Strike: 3/3, Enduring Scholar 1/1 | Init +6 | Perc: 24+1d6 (+1 vs. traps), SM: 14+1d6

Maria points out, "And we do have your body back at the library. My hope is that we can return your soul to it without issue. We still have some work to do."

She nods to the Hivetender, "Thank you for all your help. May we go to the library to account for our actions?"

Silver Crusade

active effects:
Female Ifrit LG Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 1 / Bard (Juggler) 2 / Monk (far strike) 1 / Paladin (divine hunter) 2 | AC 24 T 18 FF 16 | HP 38/44 | F +14 R +18 W +13 (+1 vs charm or compulsion); evasion | CMB +3, CMD 21 | Init +9 | Perc +3 darkvision 60' | SM -1 | Grit 5/5 | Performance 8/11 | Spells (-, 3/3) | LoH 5/6

"Yeah, no idea what normal looks like just now, Valais. We seem to have accomplished what we set out to do. But we broke a few rules along the way, and that has consequences. We have to face Heaven's judgement now. Perhaps it would help if you are with us. Body and Soul, ideally."

We did a good thing. We didn't do it as cleanly as we wanted or expected, but we did it all the same. Intent has to count for something. And I think we all learned something here.

Dark Archive

LG Male Shabti Paladin 2/Medium 4 | HP 6/55 | AC 22 (26) T 12 (16) FF 20 (24) | F +13 R +8 W +14 (+2 vs. fear) | CMD/B 20/+8 | Init +2 | Per +5 (dark vision 60 ft) SM +4 | Speed 20 ft | Seance Invocation 5/11 | Influence 1| Smite 1/1 | LOH 5/5 | WC 5/5 | Shirt Re-Roll 0/1 | Active Conditions: endure elements (hot), spell drinker (available), Champion, Smite Evil (Michiko), Legacy of the Princess

"Parisons has summarized your situation well," Zithembe says. "Be glad that you are free to be your own self now, and we hope to restore you to a clean body soon."

Grand Lodge

LG Male Dwarf Warpriest of Torag 4.0 HP: 43/43 | AC: 20 T: 10 FF: 20 CMD: 16 +4 vs Giants, Bullrush/Trip | F+8 R+2 W+8 +3 vs poison, spells, SLA's | Init +0 | Perception +3
Tracked Resources:
FERVOR: 5/5; Spells: 1st 4/4 2nd 2/2; Blessing: 5/5; Sacred Weapon (+1) 4/4

"An' look ah wha' was inside o' yer soul!" Rumble says, tipping over slightly to show Valais her former inner demons. "Cannae do ah lick o' harm now, haha! Been teachin' 'em tha ways o' righteousness evah since!"


"Oh..." Valais murmurs as you explain the predicament she still finds herself in as well as your own. "I'm sorry," she sighs, shoulders slumping, "I didn't mean for this to cause everyone so much trouble. I'm so thankful for everything you and Kitarlo have done for me but I never wanted anyone to risk getting kicked out of Heaven!"

Another post to follow, please stand by~


Akarah gently orbits Valais' head, her light flickering with a soft, golden glow.

"It isn't your fault at all, Ms. Valais! And don't look so sad. I know things here seem overly strict to you and some of your friends but I promise that Altha will listen to what they have to say and take it seriously. So all isn't lost yet!"

The lantern archon zooms forward, weaving around each of you.

"Now come on, it's time to return to the Great Library and see your task to completion!"

Another post to follow, please stand by~

Season of Ghosts

After bidding your Hivetender friend goodbye Akarah leads you all back along the road through Heaven's Shore and then upward, back to the Great Library of Harmonious Scripture. As you step inside you see Kitarlo sitting and fidgeting anxiously at a nearby table while Altha the Scrivener seems to be busy reading through the ritual books that you found earlier.

"Ah, I see that you have returned successful," Altha remarks as he shuts the book in his hands, nodding at Soul-Valais and the two captive demon souls in their cage. "Very good. So as not to waste any time, we will begin with your trial now."

He motions all of you towards a row of chairs that have been set up, one for each of you. Altha then looks at Kitarlo and motions for him to take a chair that is positioned in the nearby corner. Once everyone has settled in, he moves to stand behind a podium at the center of the circular chamber.

"Kitarlo, you are here as an observer, and I expect you to remain quiet and sit patiently until these proceedings have reached their conclusion," Altha begins, addressing the room in a loud, booming voice.

"As for you, mortals, the time has come to form a proper account of what has happened here. From the evidence I have gathered, it seems most likely that you have come here with noble designs, but good intentions alone are insufficient. Mortals often show a careless disregard for order and a weakness toward evil influence. The halls of this library could not contain the accounts of all of the times that these tendencies have lead to ruin, from the scale of individual souls to the scales of nations and beyond. On your world, Golarion, mortal sins share some of the blame for the recent surge in fiendish incursions, from the creation of the Worldwound to the fall of Cheliax under devilish influence to the growing strength of qlippoth forces in Tianjing. A soul that seeks righteousness should remain ever wary of the costs and effects of its actions."

Altha gazes at each of you, almost as though attempting to see through to your very souls. "And so, to that end, I ask of you: what have been your actions since you first arrived in Heaven?"

IMPORTANT - Please read the incoming explanation for how this sequence will work before posting anything!

Season of Ghosts

Altha is going to interrogate you on the series of events that led you here. Each of you will, in turn, make a Diplomacy check. No one can make a second check until everyone has made at least one, so you'll need to decide who goes in what order.

You get a cumulative bonus for prior successes, so opening arguments will be the hardest - put your strongest diplomats on the first section or two and your weaker ones to explain the latter parts. There are also some additional bonuses in play based on how you handled each part of the adventure and will be noted accordingly.

For the sake of making your planning easier, I'll preview the five stages of the story:

The Gates of Heaven (+4 Bonus) - Explain how you managed to enter Heaven and gain access to the Great Library.

The Purification Ritual (+4 Bonus) - Explain the research you did in preparation for the ritual as well as detail the ritual itself and how it turned out.

Defeating the King of Strings (+4 Bonus) - Explain your actions in the Garden of Laughter and how you got the better of Laktharis.

The Hunt for Ammoch (+4 Bonus) - Explain how you hunted down Ammoch and defeated him.

Healing Valais (+4 Bonus) - Finally, explain how you encountered the damaged soul of Valais and worked to restore her memories.

So, talk it over in Discussion and decide who will be taking what part of the story. Once you've got your sections decided, whoever is taking the lead may go ahead and post their part re: The Gates of Heaven.

Dark Archive

LG Male Shabti Paladin 2/Medium 4 | HP 6/55 | AC 22 (26) T 12 (16) FF 20 (24) | F +13 R +8 W +14 (+2 vs. fear) | CMD/B 20/+8 | Init +2 | Per +5 (dark vision 60 ft) SM +4 | Speed 20 ft | Seance Invocation 5/11 | Influence 1| Smite 1/1 | LOH 5/5 | WC 5/5 | Shirt Re-Roll 0/1 | Active Conditions: endure elements (hot), spell drinker (available), Champion, Smite Evil (Michiko), Legacy of the Princess

Zithembe takes his seat, silent and eyes downcast. He listens to Altha's admonishment without expression except for his contrite posture and waits for a moment.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LG Male Shabti Paladin 2/Medium 4 | HP 6/55 | AC 22 (26) T 12 (16) FF 20 (24) | F +13 R +8 W +14 (+2 vs. fear) | CMD/B 20/+8 | Init +2 | Per +5 (dark vision 60 ft) SM +4 | Speed 20 ft | Seance Invocation 5/11 | Influence 1| Smite 1/1 | LOH 5/5 | WC 5/5 | Shirt Re-Roll 0/1 | Active Conditions: endure elements (hot), spell drinker (available), Champion, Smite Evil (Michiko), Legacy of the Princess

Zithembe stands after what he deems to be a long enough silence. His eyes transform from copper to opals. Those who participated in his seance before leaving the mortal realm experience fragments of memories of giving grand speeches before assembled Pathfinders both in the Grand Lodge and on the battle field.

"Altha the Scrivner, we came to Heaven with pure intent, but as you have wisely noted, intent is not always sufficient. When we arrived in Paradise, our first challenge was to defend our arrival. We were met by Pelagos, one of the knights and guardians of Heaven's walls. He was patient; he listened to our case rather than striking us down.

"He requested of us justification seated in scripture to defend our mission. We each gave him our own defense from the teachings of a variety of powers. Something he said about Iori's instructions on the reliance of self stayed with me though. The dangers of hubris. It gives me reason to consider, but I digress. In the end, he was swayed by our arguments, so much so that he aided us in our passage through the Gates of Heaven.

"Once inside, we walked to the Angel's Wing where we met with the archon, Zepha. Several of us have aided Zepha in the past against the qlippoth. However, it was not for our sakes but his past relationship with Kitarlo that he provided us the tokens for entry into the Great Library."

Diplomacy, Discordance, Bonus, Honey, Marshal: 1d20 + 9 - 2 + 4 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (13) + 9 - 2 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 27
EDIT: OK, I doubt 27 is a failure, so add 1d6 + 1 ⇒ (5) + 1 = 6 more to the next failed Diplomacy check by any member who participated in the seance (and I can do it twice more after that).

It doesn't look like anyone picked Trickster as their Marshal spirit, so no other bonuses beyond what Zithembe can do to try to catch any failed rolls.

Those of you who chose Diplomacy as an instructed skill, don't forget your +2 Aid Another bonus.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
active effects:
Female Ifrit LG Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 1 / Bard (Juggler) 2 / Monk (far strike) 1 / Paladin (divine hunter) 2 | AC 24 T 18 FF 16 | HP 38/44 | F +14 R +18 W +13 (+1 vs charm or compulsion); evasion | CMB +3, CMD 21 | Init +9 | Perc +3 darkvision 60' | SM -1 | Grit 5/5 | Performance 8/11 | Spells (-, 3/3) | LoH 5/6

Effie stands next and picks up the story:

"At the Great Library a lantern archon named Akarah was assigned as our guide. We presented our tokens to show we were allowed to use the library, and we explained why we'd come: to help Valais. We explained that we wanted to perform a purification ritual, and Akarah told us the names of six books that could help us. She pointed out where to look for them, but the Library being so large she couldn't just fetch them for us as her duty required that she remain near the entrance to assist other visitors.

Kitarlo wanted help too, but he insisted that we make sure we got everything we needed for Valais first.

So we searched and we got all the books; we were even able to help Kitarlo too by finding another book for him.

Kitarlo whizzed through the books, and found what he needed. We went to a private study room where Kitarlo drew a ritual diagram and explained that we were going to perform a ritual of mortification: each of us would need to make sacrifices in order to lend strength to Valais, and if we failed then her demons would get stronger.

We sat in a circle and began. There we multiple possible mortifications, each from a different book that we'd found. Kitarlo began chanting, and a wind whistled around Valais. Kitarlo wept blood – one of the mortifications.

We each made our sacrifices – our bodily strength, gold, blood. We tested our faith and our humility. We experienced the hunger of a fast.

The wind grew stronger, and Kitarlo told us that our sacrifices were working.

The ritual continued – it got tougher to make the sacrifices, and sometimes we stumbled, though we refused to give up. The winds grew stronger still, but we could see that Valais was growing stronger too as the light battled the dark.

To finish the ritual successfully, to ensure that we didn't give strength to evil, many of us bled. The ritual diagram glowed bright as the sun. Then three bubbles split off from Valais – two of them black and oily, the other clear and filled with blue mist. Valais collapsed, and then you appeared, Altha.

We don't know what was supposed to happen exactly, but it was clear from Kitarlo's reaction that the result wasn't what he anticipated. Certainly none of us wanted to release demonic souls into Heaven. For my part, I am glad that Valais' taint was purged, but I am sorry that as a group we did not prepare better. We were only granted a few hours within the library, perhaps if there had been more time..."

Diplomacy, Zith, bonus, honey: 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 4 + 2 ⇒ (3) + 8 + 2 + 4 + 2 = 19
Diplomacy, Zith, bonus, honey, GM reroll: 1d20 + 8 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 1 ⇒ (6) + 8 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 1 = 23

Oh you idiot Effie, you're complaining again!

Season of Ghosts

Altha the Scrivener listens intently as Zithembe is the first to 'take the stand', so to speak, and relates the beginning of your story and how you came to be in Heaven in the first place. When the shabti is done, Altha nods and gestures for him to take his seat once more.

"I thank you for your forthright testimony," he remarks. "Though you would not have succeeded in the long term, you could very easily have attempted to lie or otherwise disguise your true motivations for coming to Heaven's gates. And yet you did not - you did as Pelagos asked of you and your answers were enough to satisfy him."

Here, the barest hint of a smile plays at Altha's lips. "Of course I spoke to Pelagos myself prior to your return in order to learn what had transpired - as well as Zepha - and their testimony matches your own. And so on this, your initial arrival into Heaven and your comportment, I am satisfied."

"And now we come to the matter of the ritual that you performed," Altha continues, his countenance growing quite grim and foreboding once more. "While my studies indicate that you seem to have performed your ritual to completion, I also have reason to suspect that you did not perform your due diligence in terms of proper research."

"Tell me, how did you go about your research once you arrived here at the Great Library? And what, exactly, was each person's role during the performing of the ritual?"

And to this next point, Effie rises to take up the task of testifying for the group. Once again, Altha is silent as he listens to Effie's words though you do see his brow furrow when she describes how many of you begin giving of your own blood to fuel the ritual and ensure that it would succeed.

"I have read these books as well, as you may have seen," Altha says once Effie's testimony is done. "Based on your testimony, that of Kitarlo, and my own readings, it does indeed appear that you performed the ritual in accordance to what was written. And the fact that many of you chose to sacrifice the very blood in your veins to ensure the ritual's success is both reasonable and...admirable. Quite admirable indeed."

"Perhaps the ritual's unintended result lies with where it was performed and not with any of you," he concludes. "More research is likely needed to determine this. More research...and more time," Altha finishes, nodding at Effie.

"Yet we must continue on. Tell me of the next leg of your tale, once I sent you forth from the Great Library..."

Success for both Zithembe & Effie! The next person on deck gains a +4 bonus to their Diplomacy check, on top of the other bonuses (+4 for how well you handled that particular challenge, +2 if you eat some honey, Zithembe's bonus if you qualify for it) already in play~

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male AC:18 (T:10) (FF:18) | F:6 R:2 W:8 |HP:23/27 | Per. +10 Human Cleric 3

Sitting in his chair, Parison glances at both Rumble and Maria. When neither of them take the initiative to speak, the cleric gives a nervous gulp and slowly rises out of the chair to his feet and faces Altha.

"After you sent us out with Akarah to watch over us," Parison says, trying not to shake from nervousness, "we had a theological discussion on your words as well as other ideals related to the situation we found ourselves in. Akarah and Zithembe had the right of it that all actions have consequences, regardless of their intent and that we must be responsible for those consequences."

Having gotten that out, Parison continues but is starting beginning to not feel as nervous as he was a few seconds ago. "When we arrived back in Heaven's Shore, Zepha met us and told us of something infesting the Unbent Forest as well as a haunting in the Garden of Laughter. Because it was closer, we went to the Garden of Laughter first and found that Laktharis had been pulled into a puppet show display of an angel named Oneol who was entertaining a group of children. He asked us to enter his puppet show display and defeat the demon, but to make him look silly in order to make the kids in attendance laugh."

Now feeling like he's starting to hit a little bit of a relaxed stride in his testimony, the disciple of Sarenrae continues. "We stepped into the bubble and treated our encounter with Laktharis as a humorous circus style event. Maria gave a grand introduction and Effie served as our ringmaster in describing what we were doing. Overall, we showed no fear toward the demon. When Hepsubia verbally humiliated him, he began to shrink as we heard the children start to laugh and all of us took that as a cue to belittle and insult the demon as opposed to being afraid of him. Rumble tried to trip him up, but it didn't work out, but Zithembe was able to toss a net over him while I improvised a nursery rhyme and finished it off by serving up a couple of 'humble' blueberry pies in Laktharis's face. Everyone, including Oneol was in hysterics with laughter and the demon, shrunk to a tiny size from all the laughter and humiliation, was able to be subdued and defeated thanks to a severe pounding lead by Rumble. Oneal pulled us out of the puppet show display, thanked us for making the little ones laugh, and turned Laktharis over to us to bring back here," he says, throwing a pie-eating grin at the tiny little kalavakus demon in Rumble's cage.

Diplomacy, Discordance, Zith, Bonus, Honey, Add. Bonus: 1d20 + 2 - 2 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 2 - 2 + 2 + 4 + 2 + 4 = 22

Grand Lodge

LG Male Dwarf Warpriest of Torag 4.0 HP: 43/43 | AC: 20 T: 10 FF: 20 CMD: 16 +4 vs Giants, Bullrush/Trip | F+8 R+2 W+8 +3 vs poison, spells, SLA's | Init +0 | Perception +3
Tracked Resources:
FERVOR: 5/5; Spells: 1st 4/4 2nd 2/2; Blessing: 5/5; Sacred Weapon (+1) 4/4

Suppose it's my turn. Never liked being on the spot for this sort of thing. Almost as bad as paperwork. Almost...

Once Altha has had the opportunity to respond to Parison's story. Rumble stands up for the next chapter. Deep breath, here we go.

"An' tha next is abou' this feller," he says, pointing to the mini Ammoch in the cage dangling above his head. "We meet Skuroth, ah greah eagle in tha woods. Skuroth pointed us in tha righ' direction o' tha evil growin' in tha woods. Bein' stealthy like woulda been bettah fer us, buh thah, uh, thah is 'ard fer people like me, ya see. So, anyways, we were blunderin' abou' when Ammoch 'ere an' some Boily-Boils jumped us. Buh with magic, Sledge, an' faith we 'ere able tah beat 'im down," he explains as best he can. "Uh, yeah, an' thah's wha' 'appened."

Not sure how to best end it, but having said his piece, Rumble takes his seat tries to wait patiently for the attention to move on to somebody else.
Diplomacy (Handling, Honey, ?Prior Successes?): 1d20 + 4 + 2 + 4 ⇒ (10) + 4 + 2 + 4 = 20

Season of Ghosts

As Altha listens to Parison's section of the testimony and about how you not only captured Lakatharis but humiliated him in the process and entertained the children, you see his lips twitch slightly as though trying not to laugh.

"Given the circumstances of what happened in the Great Library, many in my position would find cause to doubt your motives for journeying here to Heaven. Is the healing of your companion your sole task or merely a convenient cover story in order to abscond with artifacts and other priceless knowledge from Heaven's halls?"

The archon is quick to hold up a hand to silence protest and outrage.

"Fear not. Any doubt in my mind as to your intentions is has been resolved, for anyone who can bring laughter to children cannot have an overly hard heart. Thank you for your testimony, beloved of Sarenrae."

He motions for Parison to take his seat and then clears his throat.

"So you were able to collect one demon through use of guile and humor. But what of the second? Demons are not foes to be trifled with, even at the best of times. How did you fare in your efforts to collect the second demon, Ammoch?"

It is at this point that Rumble takes his turn at the stand, offering a brief and to-the-point retelling of the party's encounter and subsequent capture of Ammoch. When the dwarf is finished speaking, Altha nods approvingly.

"So you were forced into a more direct confrontation with the demon, one that initially began with all of you on the defensive. And yet you prevailed. This is good, for one should not meddle in demonic affairs if they are not able to bring enough might to bear to destroy demons when they encounter them. Any question of your competence has been put to rest, as far as I am concerned."

As Rumble takes his seat, Altha turns his gaze to Maria and Hepsubia. "And now we have reached the end of your tale. Though you have accomplished much since your arrival in Heaven, your companion Valais still suffers the scars of her ordeal. Though you have managed to return with her soul, I must wonder if you are truly committed to seeing her healing through to the end. But first, tell me of how you came to reunite with the soul of Valais."

Successes for Parison and Rumble! Whoever wishes to attempt the final part of the story will receive a +8 bonus to account for the successes on the previous parts of the story and of course you also gain another +4 bonus for doing well during that section of the scenario and then the +2 bonus if you had a honey snack and then any seance stuff you gain from Zithembe~

Liberty's Edge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Female Elf Rogue/Alchemist/Skald/Bloodrager/ Occultist (2/1/1/1/1) Init +4 (+5) HP 42 (48) AC 19 (20) T 14 (15)FF 15 (16)Fort+3 (+4)Ref +8 (+9)Will +3 Per +6 Spd 30 (40)

Hepsubia nudges Maria

Go and tell him. I'm still angry at him, and I'm afraid my tongue might be a little harsh, and it's not what Valais needs right now.

Dark Archive

LG Male Shabti Paladin 2/Medium 4 | HP 6/55 | AC 22 (26) T 12 (16) FF 20 (24) | F +13 R +8 W +14 (+2 vs. fear) | CMD/B 20/+8 | Init +2 | Per +5 (dark vision 60 ft) SM +4 | Speed 20 ft | Seance Invocation 5/11 | Influence 1| Smite 1/1 | LOH 5/5 | WC 5/5 | Shirt Re-Roll 0/1 | Active Conditions: endure elements (hot), spell drinker (available), Champion, Smite Evil (Michiko), Legacy of the Princess

Zithembe's vibrant jade body begins to lose some of its luster, and his opal eyes flicker as Rumble finishes his testimony. He sags in his seat for a moment before taking a steadying breath and correcting his posture.

Sacrificing 1 influence to gain 4 more rounds of invocation.

Dark Archive

1 person marked this as a favorite.
HP 39 (-0, +5 to stabilize) | Mods: Elix of Vision 1 hr, HA 10m | LN Elf Zen Empiricist 6 | AC/Tch/FF 19/14/15 (+1 vs. Traps) | CMD 18 (talisman?)| F/R/W +7/+13/+10 | Speed 30ft | Inspiration Pool 8/8, 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Perfect Strike: 3/3, Enduring Scholar 1/1 | Init +6 | Perc: 24+1d6 (+1 vs. traps), SM: 14+1d6

Maria leans in to listen to Hep and then nods in understanding. She takes a deep breath and stands, shakily setting her notes down. You can do this, you have what happened memorized, just speak with confidence!

The taste of the honey still on her breath she stands and attempts to summarize without getting to much into the flair shown by other presenters.

"Okay, so we had collected the two demons and were heading back to try to get some information about Valais's soul. But it seems that other parties were also keeping an eye out for it and we were approached by a bee-lady..." Oh crap, I know who she was. THINK!

After a short pause, she stutters and continues.

"...A Hivetender of Andoletta had found the soul of Valais. I believe this Hivetender was asked to assist by our mutual friend Zepha. But just finding her soul wasn't enough, the Hivetender offered an opportunity to continue to right our wrong. She said that if we could locate a few special flowers, she might be able to brew up some honey that could strengthen Valais's soul. We jumped right into the task, searching diligently for the flowers. It was difficult, but with all our diligence, we managed to locate the flowers. The honey worked, but we don't know yet if the strengthened soul will be able to reincorporate itself with her body. We do greatly plea that even if kicked out, that you give us a chance to reunite her body and soul."

She looks around, not really quite sure what she had said as it all came out in a flurry of words. I hope that was good enough. Then she sits.

Diplomacy - Discordance + bonuses: 1d20 - 2 + 4 + 8 + 2 ⇒ (19) - 2 + 4 + 8 + 2 = 31

Season of Ghosts

As Maria finishes the final part of your group's testimony Altha is silent as he considers the sum of everything that has been spoken. And then he smiles, a true, radiant smile and the first that you've seen from him since your meeting only hours ago.

"It is as you say and I find no trace of evil nor malicious purpose in your actions," he declares. "You have not only proven your noble and good intentions with regard to Valais, but you have also demonstrated strong and righteous resolve in making amends for your unfortunate misstep."

Turning Valais herself, he offers her a bow of respect. "Your own resiliency throughout this ordeal has been extraordinary. I invite you to travel with me to the peak of Heaven's mountain and enter the Garden, where your spirit and your body may be truly and fully restored."

"But first, you must also extinguish the other two parts of your spirit. Bring the two demon souls forward!"

At this, the two tiny demons begin a muffled mewling and pleading but their pleas fall on deaf ears as they're brought before Valais. Altha hands the wispy woman a sword and with a look of grim determination she swiftly executes them both. With a flash of light, the wispy soul of Valais is drawn back into her corporeal body and her eyes flutter open.

"Very good," Altha nods approvingly. "Once you feel that you are ready, we will depart for Heaven's summit."

The archon then turns to all of you.

"I expect that the journey to and from the summit and the Garden will take several days. Please feel free to return to Heaven's Shore if you wish and I will send her there to meet with you or, if you wish to return to your homes before then, I will return her to her home as well once our pilgrimage is complete. Whatever your decision, I pray that light and righteousness will always guide your paths. Farewell!"


As Altha waits patiently by the entrance to the Great Library Valais takes a moment to step forward and fold each of you - and Kitarlo - into a hug. And she gives Akarah a thankful smile.

"Thank you, my friends," she whispers. "No matter what Altha says, I couldn't have gotten this far without you. Thank you again for everything and I'll see you all again soon, alright?"

After you say your goodbyes Valais turns to Altha and nods, her expression resolute and full of hope for the future.

"Okay. I'm ready."

And the two vanish in a flash of light.

Dark Archive

LG Male Shabti Paladin 2/Medium 4 | HP 6/55 | AC 22 (26) T 12 (16) FF 20 (24) | F +13 R +8 W +14 (+2 vs. fear) | CMD/B 20/+8 | Init +2 | Per +5 (dark vision 60 ft) SM +4 | Speed 20 ft | Seance Invocation 5/11 | Influence 1| Smite 1/1 | LOH 5/5 | WC 5/5 | Shirt Re-Roll 0/1 | Active Conditions: endure elements (hot), spell drinker (available), Champion, Smite Evil (Michiko), Legacy of the Princess

"May your experience bring you enlightenment," Zithembe says to Valais in farewell.

Dark Archive

HP 39 (-0, +5 to stabilize) | Mods: Elix of Vision 1 hr, HA 10m | LN Elf Zen Empiricist 6 | AC/Tch/FF 19/14/15 (+1 vs. Traps) | CMD 18 (talisman?)| F/R/W +7/+13/+10 | Speed 30ft | Inspiration Pool 8/8, 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Perfect Strike: 3/3, Enduring Scholar 1/1 | Init +6 | Perc: 24+1d6 (+1 vs. traps), SM: 14+1d6

Maria smiles with relief as the judgement is passed. She gives an elven high-five to Hepsubia, "see, they are fair. Nothing to worry about."

She turns to the group, "Good work all, we handled ourselves quite well. I, for one, am going to take this excellent opportunity to explore Heaven's Shore a bit while we wait for Valais to return in full." Already the buzzing seems to be lessened, maybe it is aggravated by stress? She scribbles a note in her journal.

She stands as Valais and Altha ready to go, "We'll be here when you are finished. Take your time."

When they leave she turns to the archon, "Alakazam? What was the judgement on you? Are you able to return to your job or do you need to a place to hang for a bit? We'd be happy if you stuck with us while we wait for our friend."

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Rogue/Alchemist/Skald/Bloodrager/ Occultist (2/1/1/1/1) Init +4 (+5) HP 42 (48) AC 19 (20) T 14 (15)FF 15 (16)Fort+3 (+4)Ref +8 (+9)Will +3 Per +6 Spd 30 (40)

Hepsubia hugs Valais for a long time , with tears on her face.

Then , shrugging after her bitter judgment, she offers a hug to Altha.

Grand Lodge

LG Male Dwarf Warpriest of Torag 4.0 HP: 43/43 | AC: 20 T: 10 FF: 20 CMD: 16 +4 vs Giants, Bullrush/Trip | F+8 R+2 W+8 +3 vs poison, spells, SLA's | Init +0 | Perception +3
Tracked Resources:
FERVOR: 5/5; Spells: 1st 4/4 2nd 2/2; Blessing: 5/5; Sacred Weapon (+1) 4/4

Poor Parison, never got the chance to try to redeem those demons! Rumble remains seated, unsure what to do now. "So, ah, wha' should we do while we wai' fer them tah finish?" he asks, slowly pulling out his most favorite holy text.

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
active effects:
Female Ifrit LG Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 1 / Bard (Juggler) 2 / Monk (far strike) 1 / Paladin (divine hunter) 2 | AC 24 T 18 FF 16 | HP 38/44 | F +14 R +18 W +13 (+1 vs charm or compulsion); evasion | CMB +3, CMD 21 | Init +9 | Perc +3 darkvision 60' | SM -1 | Grit 5/5 | Performance 8/11 | Spells (-, 3/3) | LoH 5/6

"How about cake, Rumble? We can find another bakery. Or I might go back to the Laughing Garden, if any of you would care to join me? It is truly a beautiful place, and I learned a lot there."


"Oh! Hum...Altha didn't say, did he? I suppose that means that while I may not be out of a job that I may not have to go back to work right away," Akarah remarks cheerily, her light flickering impishly. "And I'm not the only one who works here at the Great Library anyway. So if Altha didn't say, I think that means I'm okay to tag along with you guys for a little longer!"


"I think that sounds like a fine idea," Kitarlo agrees, wiping his brow with his remaining hand. "Won't lie, I was a little nervous at first but after listening to your testimony - the parts I was there for and the parts that I wasn't - I don't know why I was worried at all! The entire thing was fantastic!"

With Altha and Valais departed for the summit and nothing else making demands on your time, Kitarlo motions for everyone to follow him out of the Great Library.

"Alrighty, so let's head back to Heaven's Shore. I'm pretty sure Zepha would like to see you all before you scatter to the four winds," he smiles.


And so all of you - yourselves, Kitarlo, and Akarah, make the return journey back down to Heaven's Shore and to The Angel's Wing once more to meet with your friend and ally, Zepha. Zepha is delighted to see you all again and offers his apologies for the situation becoming as complicated as it did.

"Ah, but it all turned out well in the end and you did what you set out to do - heal Valais and restore her soul! While I understand if you wish to return home straight away please know that my home here is open to any of you who would wish to stay for a time and enjoy the sights of Heaven's Shore," he offers, spreading his, arms...wide.

"After all, even a small slice of Heaven offers endless opportunities - to laugh, to wonder, to learn - does it not?"

End: The Shores of Heaven

Begin: Intermission

Optional Mood Music

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male AC:18 (T:10) (FF:18) | F:6 R:2 W:8 |HP:23/27 | Per. +10 Human Cleric 3

"No, Rumble. Sadly, some things are beyond salvation. Although I did hear a tale of some demon in the Worldwound that found redemption through Desna. Persephone, Arashnee...." the cleric trails off in thought, trying to remember the name. "Meh. Can't really remember. But one can't put too much stock in the bardic tales that get told. Two percent fact, ninety-eight percent fiction."

Only too late does Parison realize he's put his foot in his mouth. "Sorry, Effie," he quickly apologizes. "I wasn't meaning to speak ill of bards, but to voice my opinion that there's so much sensationalism in legends and folklore."

"However, I think going to the bakery is a great idea. Maybe we can find a beverage here that's stout enough for your liking, Rumble. In both cases, I'll treat."

When the group returns to Heaven's Shore, they meet with Zepha. "It was great to see you again," the cleric says, a bright smile on his face. "And I think I'd like to stay in Heaven's Shore for a little while. At least until the Society sends us out on another mission. I think there's a lot I can learn here of the virtues and faiths that call Heaven home and how they can help me in my devotion to the Ever Bright."

Grand Lodge

LG Male Dwarf Warpriest of Torag 4.0 HP: 43/43 | AC: 20 T: 10 FF: 20 CMD: 16 +4 vs Giants, Bullrush/Trip | F+8 R+2 W+8 +3 vs poison, spells, SLA's | Init +0 | Perception +3
Tracked Resources:
FERVOR: 5/5; Spells: 1st 4/4 2nd 2/2; Blessing: 5/5; Sacred Weapon (+1) 4/4

"OH! Well if Parison is gonna foot tha bill, leh's not waste ah minute!" Rumble cheers, pumping a fist into the air. "If yer gonna go tah tha Gardens, leh's get some o' tha good stuff first an' aye'll jus' sit an' watch, eh?"

Season of Ghosts

With all of you having chosen to stay in Heaven, at least for a short time, the next several days are filled with everything from sight-seeing to soul-searching. Though all of you have learned from your experiences here, some of you feel compelled to take this even further as you contemplate yourselves, the way that you see the world, life, the universe, and everything.

But you aren't the only ones who have learned from your experiences in Heaven. Roughly a week after departing for Heaven's summit with Altha the Scrivener, your friend Valais returns to you at last - but profoundly changed. Her body and mind are fully restored and every last hint of demonic taint has been purged from her person, but the changes go even further than that. When she meets with you at the Angel's Wing, her eyes sparkle and her hair, once dark, is now a radiant golden blonde. She explains that her time in the Garden on Heaven's summit infused her with a tiny portion of Heaven's essence, transforming her in mind, body, and soul, leaving her something more than human - an aasimar.

After Valais' return, as much as some of you might wish otherwise, it seems prudent to return to Absalom and the Grand Lodge; your mission was a success above and beyond your wildest hopes and there is surely more work that needs to be done back on the Material. So after some heartfelt goodbyes with Zepha, Akarah, Oneol, and Skuroth, you all gather together with Valais and Kitarlo, who then whisks you back to the Grand Lodge.

Once you've given your report to Ambrus Valsin, it also comes time to bid goodbye to Kitarlo. Before he departs for places unknown, he presents the group of you with an assortment of rare books from his own personal collection that he keeps at the Grand Lodge as well as a strange torch that he calls a 'souvenir of Heaven'.

"Please, take them, you've earned it all and then some! Valais has been completely restored and I've got some strong leads now on how to restore my arm," he smiles warmly. "Not to mention I think that even with the wrench that got thrown into the works, you all made a really positive impression around Heaven on behalf of the Pathfinder Society. Even Altha thinks so, though he probably wouldn't admit it - at least not in those exact words," the azata laughs.

"But anyway, I'd better get going - I'm sure you all want to get settled in as much as you can before they send you out on assignment again! And next time we need someone to move Heaven and earth, we'll know who to call!"

End: Intermission

Liberty's Edge

Female Elf Rogue/Alchemist/Skald/Bloodrager/ Occultist (2/1/1/1/1) Init +4 (+5) HP 42 (48) AC 19 (20) T 14 (15)FF 15 (16)Fort+3 (+4)Ref +8 (+9)Will +3 Per +6 Spd 30 (40)

I like what you did with your hair. I was about to ask you about who your hairdresser was.

Know Planes: 1d20 + 6 ⇒ (13) + 6 = 19

But if you're an aasimar now, that explains a lot. I'm very happy for you, Valais.

Hepsubia hugs the girl

Silver Crusade

1 person marked this as a favorite.
Male AC:18 (T:10) (FF:18) | F:6 R:2 W:8 |HP:23/27 | Per. +10 Human Cleric 3

The word to describe Parison's reaction to Valais's transformation could simply be construed as awestruck. Seeing her redemption from the demonic possession within her being and her ascendance to an embodiment of Heaven itself is breathtaking.

"Thank you, Lady Dawnflower, for giving me the opportunity to play a part in helping this woman find salvation and for teaching me that hope for salvation is never out of reach, no matter who you might be."

The unspoken prayer within Parison's heart is given to Sarenrae after Valais gives her testimony on her experience to Heaven's summit. Even after saying their farewells and returning to Absalom to make their report, the cleric can't help but feel positive from the experiences of this assignment, despite the jeopardy it was placed in. It is these thoughts and emotions that are paramount in Parison's being, even as he reluctantly gives his parting words to Kitarlo.

"Thank you for everything you've done to help us, Kitarlo and I hope you are able to find a way to restore your arm. If that ever seems difficult, just take a look at Valais and take inspiration from everything she's gone through to be where she is now. And if you need help on that journey, I'd be honored to walk beside you."

Parison turns to Valais. "I'm so blessed to have been able to help you. Sometimes the Society's work can seem thankless and our efforts might go unappreciated. Seeing you now reminds me that are things that we do are worth the effort and sacrifice and you will always remain as an example of that in my memories in times to come."

Finally, the cleric looks at his friends, companions that he's gone to Heaven with to save a soul and whom he'd go to Hell and back with to save another if he had to. "So....before we get summoned for our next assignment, we all should have some dinner and refreshments together. Since I treated in Heaven's shore, I think it's only fair that Rumble should treat us all to this meal and round of drinks, don't you think?" he says, grinning at Rumble before throwing a subtle wink at Zithembe.

Dark Archive

HP 39 (-0, +5 to stabilize) | Mods: Elix of Vision 1 hr, HA 10m | LN Elf Zen Empiricist 6 | AC/Tch/FF 19/14/15 (+1 vs. Traps) | CMD 18 (talisman?)| F/R/W +7/+13/+10 | Speed 30ft | Inspiration Pool 8/8, 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Perfect Strike: 3/3, Enduring Scholar 1/1 | Init +6 | Perc: 24+1d6 (+1 vs. traps), SM: 14+1d6

Maria enjoys the time together with the team and is quite shocked at the transition Valais has undergone. She smiles, "Great to have you back and with such an improvement!"

She then spends quite a bit of time scribbling notes into her journal, only stopping to enjoy the good-bye meal, promising to rejoin everyone if able to for the next mission.

Grand Lodge

LG Male Dwarf Warpriest of Torag 4.0 HP: 43/43 | AC: 20 T: 10 FF: 20 CMD: 16 +4 vs Giants, Bullrush/Trip | F+8 R+2 W+8 +3 vs poison, spells, SLA's | Init +0 | Perception +3
Tracked Resources:
FERVOR: 5/5; Spells: 1st 4/4 2nd 2/2; Blessing: 5/5; Sacred Weapon (+1) 4/4

"Ah little splash o' Angel is bettah than ah little splash o' Demon, eh?" Rumble says while giving Valais a solid pat on the shoulder. "Stay safe now, would'n' wanna squander such ah opportunity!"

The Dwarf scowls at Parison. "What're ye tryin' tah say?" he demands, prodding the Human in the ribs with a thick finger. "Tha' Dwarves're cheap or sumthin'?"

He pauses for a few seconds before he can no longer hold a straight face. "BAHA! Ah course aye'll buy us ah round, what're battle buddies for, eh?!"

Season of Ghosts

The Unseen Inclusion

Merab is the largest of Thuvia's five allied city states, and is the closest thing the land has to a capital city. Ruled by Ilepodus, Patron of Merab, it has adopted Sarenrae as its patron deity and hosts the Temple of the Redeeming Sun - the largest temple in the city states. The city is known as the birthplace of Artokus Kirran, and it is here in Merab that he discovered the sun orchid elixir. As one of Thuvia's five city states, once every five years, it is the city's turn to sell six vials of the prized elixir to foreign bidders.

But your presence in the city this day relates to none of those things. Instead, you find yourselves being guided through a most enormous and expansive garden maze, known as the Twisting Garden Lodge. While the maze and the city itself are quite a sight to behold, most of you secretly wish that you'd been able to receive your summons while still on Heaven's Shores - you're certain that your friend Kitarlo would've been happy to have saved you the lengthy sea voyage it took to get here!

You trudge along through the garden maze, wondering how much longer it’ll take for you to reach the center. Though the maze is somewhat shaded and the hour is still early, it’s already quite warm and promises to only get worse as the day wears on. After what feels like ages the path eventually opens onto a spacious courtyard with a large pavilion at the center. A voice calls out, "Please, join me, before the food grows stale!"

The guide gestures to the pavilion, where cushioned benches line the edges of the shaded area and surround a large table covered in delicacies. There Venture Captain Diya Akan awaits, wearing a loosely wrapped red and white headscarf affixed at her shoulder with a scarab pin. All of you notice that the half-elven woman’s eyes are clouded with blindness. A dog with sand-colored fur snoozes peacefully at her feet.

"Greetings, friends! If you do not mind indulging me for just a moment longer, please introduce yourselves, so that I can be sure that every agent is present and accounted for."

Silver Crusade

active effects:
Female Ifrit LG Gunslinger (Mysterious Stranger) 1 / Bard (Juggler) 2 / Monk (far strike) 1 / Paladin (divine hunter) 2 | AC 24 T 18 FF 16 | HP 38/44 | F +14 R +18 W +13 (+1 vs charm or compulsion); evasion | CMB +3, CMD 21 | Init +9 | Perc +3 darkvision 60' | SM -1 | Grit 5/5 | Performance 8/11 | Spells (-, 3/3) | LoH 5/6

Earlier, in Heaven

Effie is unusually introspective during the dinner with her new pathfinder comrades. Though quiet, she is content, to the point of serenity.

Everything makes so much more sense now. How I wish Golarion was as well-ordered! How I wish I could have seen the care and the goodness underneath my family's disorderly lives! There is chaos and wickedness aplenty in the world, but here in Heaven a just and innocent soul will find its reward: this is an immutable truth that I shall cling to when I am back.

She returns to the Garden to entertain the children there, until summoned to return to the Society Lodge.
Now, in Merab

Effie's Ifrit blood does nothing for her tolerance of the heat. But she tries to bear it stoically, before picking up some more appropriate attire in Merab's markets at the first opportunity. Purchase hot weather gear.

At the lodge, Effie marvels at the garden maze. "Was that Dancing Angel Blossom I just saw, Parison, or did I imagine it? This might not be Heaven, but the garden is wonderful! Just the distraction I need from the heat here."

"I'm Effie Gee" Effie introduces herself to the Venture Captain. "Sharpest Shot in all Varisia!"

Dark Archive

HP 39 (-0, +5 to stabilize) | Mods: Elix of Vision 1 hr, HA 10m | LN Elf Zen Empiricist 6 | AC/Tch/FF 19/14/15 (+1 vs. Traps) | CMD 18 (talisman?)| F/R/W +7/+13/+10 | Speed 30ft | Inspiration Pool 8/8, 2 Star Reroll 1/1, Perfect Strike: 3/3, Enduring Scholar 1/1 | Init +6 | Perc: 24+1d6 (+1 vs. traps), SM: 14+1d6

The Elf also chooses to adapt local attire due to the climate (Purchase Hot Weather Gear).


Maria shares a bit with her allies as they walk along through the maze.

"So... I've uh... I've split with my monk order. Well, I mean it was sorta that I got kicked out but also sorta finally realized it was time to leave. Anyway, my former master came to me and suggested that my skills at analyzing things might be a better pursuit of my time. So, I'm still the same person of course, I've just refined my focus a bit. I also spent quite a bit of time researching before this mission, so hopefully I can help us if stuff comes up."


When she arrives with the group she gives a full bow and introduces herself, "Maria Kuerlara at your service."

Silver Crusade

Male AC:18 (T:10) (FF:18) | F:6 R:2 W:8 |HP:23/27 | Per. +10 Human Cleric 3

As the party steps disembarks from their ship, Parison notes the sweltering heat. When Effie and Maria talk of purchasing clothing better acclimated to the temperatures of the region, the adept of Sarenrae chimes in.

"I believe that I could also do with more suitable garments, too," Parison says, making sure to purchase a set of hot weather gear when the others buy their gear as well. "And if we have leisure time, I would also like to visit the Temple of the Redeeming Sun if you will indulge me in this pilgrimage."

The cleric can't help but smile when Effie remarks about seeing Dancing Angel Blossom in the maze. "Still have Heaven on your mind, Effie?" he grins.

When the group presents itself to Venture Captain Akan, Parison bows to his Society superior despite the fact he doesn't think she can see his action. "Hello," he answers in response to her greeting. "I am Parison Drakemoor, adept of the goddess Sarenrae. Myself and my faith both are at your service."

Grand Lodge

1 person marked this as a favorite.
LG Male Dwarf Warpriest of Torag 4.0 HP: 43/43 | AC: 20 T: 10 FF: 20 CMD: 16 +4 vs Giants, Bullrush/Trip | F+8 R+2 W+8 +3 vs poison, spells, SLA's | Init +0 | Perception +3
Tracked Resources:
FERVOR: 5/5; Spells: 1st 4/4 2nd 2/2; Blessing: 5/5; Sacred Weapon (+1) 4/4

Rumble curiously sweat free, struts into position by Diya Akan with Sledge resting on his shoulder. Notably, the Dwarven rune for 'Faith' appears freshly carved into the side. "Aye'm Rumble, an' this is Sledge. We're some ah tha best warriors fer tha Almighty TOOOOORAAAAAG!"

"Wha's tha plan then? Ain't nuthin' we can't handle!"

Dark Archive

LG Male Shabti Paladin 2/Medium 4 | HP 6/55 | AC 22 (26) T 12 (16) FF 20 (24) | F +13 R +8 W +14 (+2 vs. fear) | CMD/B 20/+8 | Init +2 | Per +5 (dark vision 60 ft) SM +4 | Speed 20 ft | Seance Invocation 5/11 | Influence 1| Smite 1/1 | LOH 5/5 | WC 5/5 | Shirt Re-Roll 0/1 | Active Conditions: endure elements (hot), spell drinker (available), Champion, Smite Evil (Michiko), Legacy of the Princess

Zithembe remains quiet and introspective while on the ship headed for Merab. He can be found on the deck at night, contemplating the moon, found performing his ritual communion with the spirits in the morning, and during the day found tending to the blisters, sun burns, and other occupational hazards of sailors. Once he disembarks in Merab, he touches the bronze cuffs at his wrists and transforms his clothing into the cool robes typically worn in Thuvia.

In the center of the maze, the jade shabti smiles at the Venture-Captain despite her obvious blindness. "Thank you for your offer," he says with a bow. "I am Zithembe, speaker for the spirits and rivethun attendant."

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