GM Ladile |
Some rapid-fire copypasta of relevant posts from the other discussion thread:
Something that I've been noodling around a bit since some discussion with some of the players on Hangouts *and* spurred by Lazarus making mention of going to Irrisen - it's a ways off but I would be willing to continue to run scenarios/modules for this group once we finish this trilogy, if enough people are interested.
The biggest issue would of course be trying to find scenarios that everyone can play, especially since I know GM Red (Brayden) is doing this very thing for a different group whose members overlap somewhat with this group. The level disparity between some of you might be another issue on down the line, but one that could probably be worked around with some care. Of course we could also do something like a 'restart' and start a long-term group with everyone playing characters that are a little closer together in level (not necessarily 'start a brand new PC' but 'bring a 1st or 2nd level PC').
Feel free to think it over (no rush) and let me know what you think, either here or privately. And it won't hurt my feelings if people prefer to go their separate ways after we finish the trilogy :)
Wow guys, thanks for the support and enthusiasm! That's five of you for certain so we'll definitely work on making this a more permanent thing, then. It never hurts to do some planning ahead so in case you don't already make use of it, it'd help immensely for everyone to track what they've played (and GMed) using the handy-dandy:
PFS Tracker
This will help make it easier to figure out what scenarios and/or modules everyone can play and get credit for. Dalen (should you wish to stick around too), I know you're basically good to play almost anything except for Portent's Peril but it's not a bad idea to track your played scenarios if you think doing Organized Play will be something you'd want to keep dabbling in :)
And I'm also happy to take requests if there are any particular scenarios/modules people would like to play *or* if there's a country/region you'd like to visit (some countries are the setting for way more scenarios than others, just a warning) - I can't promise anything but I'll do my best to be as accommodating as the group logistics allows me to be!
*cough* And on that note, I must head out to work. Updates later~~
As far as a regular group goes it looks like everyone is interested, so let's do it! While it would of course be fun to keep with the same characters the entire time, I also understand that it might work better for some, such as Lazarus, if we allow character-swapping. Maybe it's not so much that the same specific individuals always get called upon (such as with GM Red's Red Arm of Absalom group), but that there's a pool of several qualified agents that some of the Venture-Captains have started pulling from when forming a team. This is because I want people to play the characters they want to play and I'm not going to discourage a bit of character swapping if we happen to play a specific scenario that you really want to play Character B for instead of the Character A that you've largely been playing.
Another bit of business - another player that some of us know, Eric Swanson, has also expressed interest in getting in on this after we finish the Faithless & Forgotten trilogy. This would put us at 7 players. While I personally don't mind running for a table of 7 (because I know & trust you guys), I know that some players really prefer to stick to groups of 6 at the most. What say you?
(I made the joke that I could always form a separate, static CORE group since Eric seems to prefer more simplistic/old school gameplay but that's probably a terrible idea for my sanity, someone please talk me out of it.)
Meredith - thanks for the likes & dislikes, that does help! We can certainly add some fey/nature scenarios to the mix; I'm currently playing Down the Verdant Path and so far it seems like it'd be right up Meredith's alley. Any other themes anyone in particular would like to see? Or avoid? For example, I actually enjoy some horror in some of my gaming/GMing but it's not everyone's cup of tea.
GM Ladile |
Okay, so! Word has gotten around a little bit and I've got enough potential players interested in playing that instead of having one big table (of 7) we can split it into two tables. If we end up going with two tables I'll take enough people to make two full groups of 6 and no more. Now we don't *have* to run with two groups of 6; running with two groups of 4 can be quite easily done. However, I'm sure there are other great players out there that we could invite to play - perhaps some I might know and others I might not. But if there's space, I'd like to fill it if everyone is amenable to it :)
The next question that comes when running two tables is the question of whether both should be Standard or one Standard and one Core table. If there's enough desire and interest for a Core table I'm happy to oblige but if people would prefer to go with two Standard tables then that will work just fine as well. If we end up doing one Standard and one Core and you *really* want to do both and can't choose between the two, I might allow for one or two of you to play at both tables if you so desire.
*edit* Nate, if you're reading this, the difference between Core and Standard is that Core is restricted down to just the Core Rulebook in regards to sources you can use for your characters while Standard allows you to utilize basically any Pathfinder product that has approved material.
Since we've got a range of players that spans from Larry, who has played quite a few things, to at least one potential player who's never done a Society game before, one table should probably start out at 1st/2nd level and the other can be a little more flexible and possibly continue rolling with characters that are slightly higher in level.
As I mentioned over in the F&F thread, I won't be looking to start this until those scenarios are finished. Though I'm trying to pick up the pace on that a bit, it'll likely be the middle/later part of summer before I'll really be ready to go. Hopefully this won't pose any issues for anyone; I'm aware that summer can be really busy for people so be sure to let me know if that tentative scheduling will be an issue for you.
So...here's where we talk shop and people figure out what table they might want to play at, figure out what character(s) they might want to play, suggest ideas/scenarios/modules/other stuff, etc. If there are any questions or concerns about any of this, please feel free to let me know either here or via PM!
GM Ladile |
Oh, it just occurred to me that a valid question that some of you might have for me would be:
Isn't this a pretty big commitment, even if it's not an AP? Especially with two tables? How will that work?
Definitely a fair question! I will definitely need to adjust my juggling of other games and other GM duties a bit if I'm going to take on two long-term tables. Mainly, it means I'll likely not offer to GM anything through the Flaxseed Lodge like I might otherwise do. When it comes to PbP conventions like PbP Gameday and OutPost, I might run *a* table for those in addition to the two steady tables but that'd be about it. And it means I'll probably be doing fewer games as a player, but that's okay because I've been lucky enough to get to play a lot in the past :)
nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
I am the aforementioned player with zero PFS experience, although I started playing a TT pathfinder game during the playtest and have been doing PbP here for a few years now. I’d probably be more interested in a standard game than a core one, and I’ll need some guidance on, like, registering a character or however that works. I haven’t had a chance to play something LL’s run yet, but I’ve played with her in a couple games (and am running one she’s in) and would really like to try one of her games.
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A small hand plucks a muffin and a cup of cocoa from the snack table.
GM Ladile |
Nate - To register a character for Organized Play, I think you'll need to do the following (since the site layout has changed since I did this for myself):
(1) Click on 'Organized Play' up at the top of the page
(2) Click 'Create a Character' - which will prompt a sign-in to the website
I *think* that doing this for the first time will give you your own unique PFS ID# which is used for reporting purposes when you play games. The FAQ also has answers to a lot of common questions about registering characters, how wealth in PFS works, etc.
Another resource that is useful in helping determine if something is PFS legal or not is the Archives of Nethys. If you see a little symbol next to something that's meant to indicate that it's legal for use in PFS. *NOTE* - The website owner does his best to keep up with legality but occasionally stuff might be missed or it may take awhile for the website to be updated. So while AoN is a good starting point, when in doubt about the legality of something, you'll want to check the Additional Resources (which you'll find a link to by clicking on Organized Play).
Some other not-PFS links that I think make for good reading nonetheless:
Painlord's Guide to Play-by-Post
Painlord on Roleplaying within PFS
Painlord's What to Expect at a PFS Table
Painlord on How to Be a Better PFS Player
Hopefully the above helps and makes sense; I worked last night and so I may not be as clear with my writing this morning as I'd like!
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As much as a long term Core game intrigues me, Frankie here would love to continue his exploration of the known world with Meredith and Denair.
IF for some reason you were keeping the core and normal games different and wanted a cranky old Dwarven fighter to go along with others, Ironshanks (LvL 3) would love to guide some young pups.
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I'm good for Standard or Core.
I have a level 2 Core Fighter/Bard who can contribute there.
If Frankie wants to stick around with Meredith, she can oblige. Meredith would probably go on the slow track to let the other PCs catch up to her.
If you wish to wipe the slate clean and start over, I can switch to my level 2 Magus.
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Definitely in. I'm unsure of which character it'll be but I'll probably rotate every few games. I only have one Core PC and haven't played him in 2 years, I'd really prefer Standard :)
Looking forward to it!
AdamWarnock |
Core sounds interesting. I wouldn't mind playing there, but I can also play in a standard game with Dalen if I need to.
If I did core, I'd have to start a new character. I'll wait and see what else we have before really committing to a concept, though. As much as I would love to play the Barbarian I mentioned in the other thread, I am up for playing something else if there's a hole.
nate lange RPG Superstar 2012 Top 32 |
I have no PFS characters (nor GM credits) so I’d have to start at 1st... if people have higher level characters they want to continue playing I certainly won’t be offended, but if there’s a table starting over that’s the one I’d be looking to join.
Question- can I register a name/alias that I already have on the boards or do I have to start a new one?
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You'll need to make a new alias. If you've made fewer than 10 posts, you can edit the alias's name.
GM Ladile |
Alas, yes, making a new Organized Play character means creating a new alias. You can see the difference if, for example, you were to click on my profile and look at all my aliases - Organized Play characters always show up first, at the top, and their names are colored in green when they post, like Meredith's is.
Tentatively it looks like we've got the following expressions of interest:
Massee - Standard (sticking w/Frankie) or Core
chadius - Standard (sticking w/Meredith) or Core
Nate - Standard (brand new player)
Eric - Standard (but has expressed some interest in Core)
GM Red - Standard
Adam - Standard (w/Dalen or a new PC) or Core (new PC)
Larry is busy at PaizoCon and Jan hasn't specified but I'm going to assume for now that both of them will prefer to play Standard and would also prefer to stick to the same table as they (I believe) know each other IRL.
With everyone amenable to playing Standard but only a few expressing some interest in Core, it may be easiest to just do two Standard tables as I mentioned earlier - one for new/1st/2nd level PCs and the other for a group that's (overall) slightly higher in level. Assuming my above assumptions and assessments are correct, we currently have something that looks like this:
Group A (Established)
GM Red
Group B (Fresh Start)
With Eric and Adam's positions being a little more variable. Eric, you've got a PC that's almost 2nd, one that's 4th, and one that's 5th - you could fit in fairly well at either table. Adam, you could keep Dalen in the established group, play Dalen in the 'Fresh Start' group, or make a new PC for the 'Fresh Start' group. I'd rather not add too many new 1st level characters to Group A because even with the higher-level characters slow-tracking for people to catch up, we're likely to end up in a situation with 1st and 2nd level PCs having to play in the 4-5 subtier which can be dangerous.
Since it also looks like I'll need to see about inviting a couple more players to help round things out no matter which tables Eric and Adam decide to go with, does anyone have any suggestions for good, reliable players that I should ask? These are long-haul games so I want people at the table(s) that are fun to play with, can write decently, and actually act like they want to be at the table in the first place and show a little enthusiasm. I can think of a few but I also want to hear your suggestions as well!
GM Ladile |
Nope. Too late. You're in this for the long haul now.
Seriously though, it's fine! While you *can* fit 7 players at a PFS table (which is what we would have if you decide to bow out) and it still be legal, it's not really the ideal as it adds more for the GM to keep up with and can also trivialize parts of scenarios - especially if multiple players have critter companions or someone wants to do summoning or the like. Most GMs and players usually prefer a 6-person table. I don't say that to make anyone feel like they're causing me an inconvenience - it's just usually how things tend to operate in Society play, as far as I've seen.
That being said, I'm super flattered and happy that my current players want to keep playing and other people want to give my GMing a try and want to give Society play a try and I want to accommodate as many of you all as I can reasonably commit to. There are always people looking for PFS games over in the Flaxseed Lodge and so it won't be much of a problem at all to find people to round out a second group - I'm just being a little more picky since everyone will (hopefully) be playing together for awhile and I want to avoid personality and expectation mismatches.
So...if you're sure about bowing out, that's perfectly fine but if you're curious about Society play and want to give my GMing a try then please, stay. It'll all come together with a little time and effort. And the nice thing about Society play is that most scenarios are little self-contained one-shots so if you play a couple and decide that Society play isn't for you, you can bow out without any issue and another player can be invited to fill the seat with much less hassle than it would be to replace a player in something like an AP :)
GM Ladile |
And Eric has expressed interest in sitting at the higher-level table so that just leaves filling a few more spots for Fresh Start! Does anyone (asking everyone not just the FS players) have any suggestions on people to hit up? Or know anyone that hasn't tried PFS/PbP/PFS PbP but would like to?
Also Adam & Nate - Arsith from our Shattered Star game has been consistently checking with me every so often to see if I'm running anything; shall I see if they're interested too? :)
GM Ladile |
Actually he does, because I've played in games with him before! I'll shoot him a PM when I get home :)
GM Ladile |
Hmm...yeah, I have to admit that I'd kinda like to stick to players who can/are willing to try and check in and post at least daily :\
It's no big deal though if you don't know anyone; I've got some ideas for other people to hit up if no one has any suggestions :)
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Shieldbug has always been a fun person to play with. He also has his freshish vine leshy JGG.
Haladir |
Count me in, too!
I've played exactly three PFS games (and one SFS game), all at PaizoCon last weekend.
My experienced character is a human unchained rogue (L2), designed around feinting in combat. I also have three unplayed L1 characters that are registered: a Shoanti barbarian (going for Thunder and Fang), a Mwangi wizard (transmuter), and a Varisian cleric of Desna. I would be happy run the wizard or cleric in Core if people want to, but I'd prefer standard.
GM Ladile |
*psst* Adam...Fresh Start will also be a Standard table. There was definitely some interest in Core but nearly everyone is game for Standard - and alas, I've yet to win the lottery so I can't quit my job just yet to run all the games for all the people or I'd do a third Core group!
Gummy Bear |
MUWAHAHAHAHA! I HAVE FOUND YOU AGAIN SHIELD BUG! Oh, and the rest of you I suppose :P I have arrived and now you will never get ride of me <3 I think at this rate, I'm in more games with the buginator than without!
I have several level 1-2 characters I could bring and am willing to just make a new one if they don't fit.
For reference:
Archer Inquisitor 2
Enchantment/Poison focused Sorcerer 2
Transmutation Wizard 1
Counterspell focusde Wizard 2
Swarm Monger Druid 1
Halcyon Druid 1
Animal Companion focused Inquisitor 1
Looking at the long haul, I'd prefer to play the Transmuter or the Halcyon Druid, but a happy table and players is most important to me!
AdamWarnock |
*psst* Adam...Fresh Start will also be a Standard table. There was definitely some interest in Core but nearly everyone is game for Standard - and alas, I've yet to win the lottery so I can't quit my job just yet to run all the games for all the people or I'd do a third Core group!
Whoops. Sorry. I totally missed that.
GM Ladile |
No worries :)
And huzzah! We *might* have one more joining Fresh Start but I think we're just about ready to start figuring out characters and what to run.
Gummy Bear |
Ah, I see I've jumped the gun a little. My bad!
Above, you mentioned geographic locations. I'd love to venture into the mwangi expanse and the world wound as often as possible. I'll second the naturey stuff in general too, especially if I am playing my druid :D
As far as planning what we play, I have a couple of replays floating around. Aren't our stars recharged annually as well?
GM Ladile |
I...think so? I've only recently gotten my first star so I'm still a little unclear on how recharging them works - guess I need to go read up on it!
And your suggestions/requests are noted, Gummy. I'll try my best to select things that would be appealing to as much of the group as possible based on faction choices, class, etc. And if you have multiple characters and really want to play Character B for a particular scenario instead of Character A, you can do that! I'd rather each of you play what *you* want to play instead of feeling forced to stick with the same PC for the sake of continuity - though I do hope that we'll eventually get to a point where the same general group of faces are quite used to working with each other :)
For those of you who have several scenarios under your belt already, I would greatly appreciate it if you could list them using this awesome:
If you already use it, please make sure your reporting information is up to date. It's got the functionality to let me form a group of players and then filter out all the scenarios that each person has played in order to narrow things down to what everyone can still play together :)
ShieldBug |
OMG I have a stalker!!! Hehe, howdy Gummy Bear. :)
My PFS Session Tracker is all up to date, and it tells me I've only played 24 out of the huge number available, so I should be good to play most games. Oh, and I should get my first star in a few months, so that'll help too. I haven't got any specific requests for themes or locations, except maybe the world wound if I play my Paladin.
I have three characters in range, and can always make a fresh one should it be needed:
Halfling Chosen One Paladin 1.1 who's pretty fun to play, and my top choice.
Leshy Plant Master Hunter 1.1 with a focus on feeding his pet Slithering Sundew.
Human Warpriest 1.2 who has a fun habit of using his bow as a club more than as a ranged weapon.
Blake's Tiger |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
Here's a list of scenarios that I have played but would definitely spend a replay to play:
Season 9
9-06 Shores of Heaven [Outer Planes] (I have been dying to spend a replay on this with a good GM. The one I played this with did his best...)
9-08 Birthright Betrayed [Taldor]
Season 8
8-01 Portent's Peril [Varisia] (Though I just started playing that with Ladile and she's doing a super job, she might not want to run it again and again)
8-05 Ungrounded but Unbroken [Outer Planes]
8-08 Tyranny of the Winds, Part I [Orsiron]
8-10 Tyranny of the Winds, Part II [Outer Planes]
8-14 To Seal the Shadow [Tian/Minata]
Season 5
5-11 Library of the Lion
There's more on that list than I have replays for, but basically, if it's on the list above, you don't need to ask me if I'm OK replaying it. :)
GM Ladile |
That's everyone checked in! We are full, closed, no vacancies remaining!
(Apologies for those hoping for more Core...I can't commit to a third long-term table but I'll try to offer more individual Core games in the future as bandwidth permits.)
So it looks like Blake will be playing a Medium for sure but otherwise it seems the sky's the limit on what everyone else wants to play :)
GM Ladile |
@Eschie - No worries, we've got plenty of time!
@Blake - I'd say we can definitely fit Shores of Heaven in there for sure. Truth be told I'd actually love to play it myself (haven't played or GMed it yet) with a good GM. Portent's Peril is one of my favorites (so far) but alas, Adam's already played that one - I know, because I was the GM for it heh. And speaking of Library of the Lion, didn't we play that one together for PbP Gameday last fall?
As far as characters go, it sounds like tentatively we've got the following so far:
Blake - Medium
ShieldBug - Prefer paladin
Gummy Bear - Prefer druid or wizard
If Adam decides to stick with Dalen that'll also give you guys a ranger.
GM Ladile |
Glad to see you guys starting to hammer stuff out! And Blake, thanks for the additional information; I'm not very familiar with the Medium as a class so I'll have to do some research to get a better feel for how it works.
And for PFS it's not really 100% necessary to have a perfectly balanced group. There are times when it definitely helps but is still possible to complete the mission - you just might have to get creative and/or be a little more careful than other groups. But with 7 players I think you guys will be good to more or less play what you want and still have everything essential be covered :)
Blake's Tiger |
1 person marked this as a favorite. |
So, while I wait for the other lady to deliver so my wife can start pushing...
The base Medium can change his role on a daily basis. He isn’t especially good at any one thing except as a Striker.
The Spirit Dancer/Riventhun increases the versatility by allowing the spirit to change on the fly but at the cost of duration. The 24 hour bonus of the base Medium becomes N rounds per day.
As for my role, I see him as a back-up Striker with the ability to whip out a skill or spell on the fly as needed. Riventhun would allow me to be a status condition healer. I would probably also max UMD.