
GM Red's page

** Pathfinder Society GM. 6,203 posts (11,987 including aliases). No reviews. No lists. No wishlists. 29 Organized Play characters. 20 aliases.


Ironfang Invasion | Loot/Provisions |


Combat Map



Strength 16
Dexterity 10
Constitution 9
Intelligence 17
Wisdom 14
Charisma 13

About GM Red

Don't tell me the moon is shining; show me the glint of light on broken glass -Anton Chekhov

Now active once again!

Once a play-by-post addict, once the GM of the Red Arm of Absalom, now I play whenever my creative itch beckons.

Thoughts on PbP speed:

When people join a PbP, they're excited. They can't wait to start. If their characters are brand new, this is doubly true. As soon as the GM drops the first introduction post, every player usually posts within the same day.

The first week into a PbP has a similar level of posting going on. So long as the GM keeps up their daily post, the players will too.

By the second week, the scenario may have hit a steady state. Players won't post unless the direction is somewhat clear. There's a world of difference between tabletop play and play-by-post. There's no side dialogue players can quickly have with each other on these forums, so it isn't always clear what the party's intentions are. Maybe one person wants to talk to the NPC and the other wants to kill her, but neither of them want to step on each other's toes.

Days pass. No one has posted. You post again, hoping to get someone to post. One of the more active players posts. No one else does. Another day passes. You lose interest because if the players don't care about the game, why should you? Hopefully, one or two of the players are keen on driving the story forward, while the rest may usually just be waiting for a chance to 1) engage in combat, 2) be prompted for skill rolls.

With faster PbP games, everyone is constantly checking, updating, roleplaying, and having fun. If you can establish an understanding with your group that more than 2 or 3 posts per day are needed, I can guarantee you that your group will be a lot more interested and effective. That, and they'll blast through a scenario so quickly, not only will completing it feel like an accomplishment, doing it in such a short amount of time will.

With longer, more slow-paced games, it's important that one or two of the PCs interacts directly with the other PCs, or otherwise drives the story forward by hooking onto important plot elements or key terms and hints.

I'm reminded of some classic computer RPGs where certain terms and places would be highlighted or underlined on screen in an NPC's dialog, and those terms would later become part of your adventuring journal. I believe this is something missing in PbP, so taking notes is important. Personally, I keep Obsidian (a note-taking application) open, and keep track of things. It may seem like a lot of effort, but you get back what you put in.

These days, I no longer have time for fast games, and I do fully agree the general "1 post a day" rule is much more applicable to most people's busy lives.

My goals as a PbP GM:

1. To guide the players, including dropping hints when things get too ambiguous. No one remembers what that handout said that you showed to them four days ago. Just because you're invested doesn't mean they are, so repeat certain key points from the handouts or NPCs. Repeat parts of the mission briefing or story if needed. Anything to get them back on track. This is doubly true if it's an Adventure Path.

2. Mainly for adventure paths, go with it. Just because the adventure only indicates the players have to go to the temple, doesn't mean the players have to go the temple. Maybe they want to go to the bar first. Maybe they want to explore the town. Make up the bar scene, explain it, create an NPC and have them interact with her. Dress up the scene by adding a barfight or some other activity that won't interfere with the story but that will otherwise add some fun. Again, mostly true in custom campaigns and Adventure Paths, given that Society scenarios are much more on-rails, and intended to be so given their length and format.

3. Foster PC relationships. When players begin to roleplay with each other, you know you've done a good job, and you know you've got a group that's going to stick around. You can't exactly force this, but you can certainly set it up so that PCs need to work together to achieve their goal - that is the very essence of PFS, after all.

4. Keep it fun aka Rule of Cool. Did your PC forget to use their Heal skill on themselves when they could have avoided ability score damage? Would you let them correct that if playing on tabletop? I would. Stuff like this happens all the time. If you enforce the rules harshly, you take away from the game's fun.

5. Not to copy paste anything beyond box text, and even then, dressing it up as far as it makes sense to.