
Tupp Thistledown's page

199 posts. Organized Play character for ShieldBug.

Full Name

Tupp Thistledown


Male Halfling Paladin (Chosen One) 1 | HP 14/14


| AC 17 T 12 FF 16 | CMD 14 | F +3 R +1 W +1; +2 bonus vs. Fear | Spd 20' | Perc +0; SM +3; Aura of Good | Init +1 | Adaptable Luck 3/3 | Wand CLW 48/50 | Conditions:

About Tupp Thistledown

After his coming-of-age celebration, Tupp's parents, Lilni and Tunto Thistleblossom, gave him a chicken (so that he would always have a good, hearty breakfast) and sent him out into the world. They hoped that their son would soon find a bride and return to start a farm on the nearby plot of land. However, he has become a little sidetracked of late, mostly because of the chicken. It's true that Tupp has enjoyed hearty breakfasts every morning since he left home, but the chicken is almost too troublesome to be worth it. Once, it soiled several books on martial arts and a dusty old religious text while Tupp was walking through the market, forcing him to buy the lot from a very angry merchant. As if that wasn't enough, the chicken makes a heck of a racket at night, preventing the poor halfling from being able to sleep unless he at least pretends to study them before he goes to bed each night. Luckily enough, they are pretty exciting reads... Well, the ones on swordplay are, the one about the Empress of Heaven is quite boring (especially the soppy parts about Tsukiyo and Shizuru's relationship.) He still hasn't read all the way through that one yet, although, he did skip to the end once and found a sort of to-do list that Tupp believes will give him superpowers if he checks everything off of it, so that's pretty neat.

Another time, the chicken ran off, making Tupp chase after it all afternoon. Fortunately, it finally stopped to scratch for food. By the time Tupp caught up, it had uncovered a rusted sword, perfectly sized for the winded halfling. Coincidently, it was the same kind of sword as in those training manuals he had been reading. Just for fun, he starting trying out some of the moves he had learned about and has never looked back. The sword, itself, used to belong to a legendary human samurai... Or at least that's what a kind occultist from the Pathfinder Society told Tupp when he looked into the weapon's past. Not so much a halfling-sized Katana as he had thought, but a human-sized Wakizashi, a sidearm that had apparently been used in many great battles. Now it belongs to Tupp, the youngest of seven brothers from a small farmstead in Southern Minkai, Tian Xia. Funny how these things work out.

Tupp is currently an initiate at the Pathfinder Society, in the hopes that it will give him the opportunity to tick off some of the tasks on his to-do list, and maybe he'll meet more people who can tell him about his sword.

Tupp is enthusiastic, but a little naive for a paladin. So much so that he doesn't even know he is a paladin. As you might expect from that statement, he's not the exactly brightest of halflings, and his eyes glaze over when the conversation gets even slightly complicated. However, he has a good heart and a helpful, friendly conversational nature. Although, he is far from a pushover when it comes to combat since Tupp is obsessive about his swordsmanship. The young halfling takes great pride in restoring his recovered katana and spends hours every day practising with only his chicken for company. Unfortunately, as a byproduct of his hours spent training with just a book to guide him, Tupp has developed a habit of calling his shots, shouting out the ridiculous names of moves before he takes his swing.

Tupp has the particular brand of optimism typical of most halflings in that he'll never believe that any situation is out of hand and that things will work out in the end. This is probably a result of the astounding (even for a halfling) luck he has enjoyed having since birth. He's lost count of the number of times he should have lost digits to farm tools, only to find them blunt, or broken in some way - the head falling off of a scythe during the backswing for example. Getting away with things like that all his life has made him a little blase in dire situations.

Standing at 2'10" tall and weighing a little more than 36lbs, Tupp is an unusually strong looking halfling. Long hours working in fields under the hot sun of Minkai have left their mark on the boy, giving him his muscular frame, calloused hands, and uneven tan. His fresh face, freckled from too much time in the sun, and his bright green eyes are frequently covered by his long curly mussed up hair. However, despite all the hair on top of his head, the incredibly young looking halfling's muttonchops haven't grown in yet, and they still look somewhat wispy and sparse on his cheeks. Like a lot of halflings, Tupp forgoes shoes, choosing instead to walk around barefoot on his tough, flexible feet, the tops of which sprout luxurious tufts of curly hair.

Inspired by the fashions of his home country, Minkai, Tupp wears green and white Kikko armour that looks like something a samurai might wear. However, the look is ruined a little by the sizeable dusty pack strapped to his back, and the fact that the armour has the dings and patina to suggests it's much older than Tupp himself. A well sharpened and lovingly cared for katana is held securely in the scabbard on his hip, the hilt of which also betrays the hand-me-down nature of his equipment. Strapped to the side of his backpack is Tupp's other weapon of choice, a sling attached to the tip of a sturdy looking staff. That and the wand tucked into his green sash belt are probably the only things that actually stand out as being new.

Tupp Thistledown
PFS # 210803-7
Male Halfling Paladin (Chosen one) of Shizuru
LG Small humanoid (halfling)
Init +1, Senses Perception +0, Sense Motive +3


AC 17, touch 12, flat-footed 16 (+5 armour, +1 dex, +1 size)
hp 14 ((1d10)+1) (includes +3 chicken bonus)
Fort +3, Ref +1, Will +1, +2 vs. fear


Speed 30 ft. (20 ft. in armour)

Special Attacks None

[dice=Atk. Katana (Two-Handed); Power Attack]1d20+5-1[/dice]
[dice=Dmg. Slashing; Power Attack]1d6+4+3[/dice]
critical: 18-20 / x2

[dice=Atk. Dagger (Cold Iron)]1d20+5[/dice]
[dice=Dmg. Slashing]1d3+3[/dice]
critical: 19-20 / x2

Sling Staff
[dice=Atk. Sling Staff]1d20+5[/dice]
[dice=Dmg. Bludgeoning]1d4+3[/dice]
critical: 20 / x2

Sling Staff
[dice=Atk. Sling]1d20+3[/dice]
[dice=Dmg. Bludgeoning]1d6+3[/dice]
range increment: 80ft
critical: 20 / x3

[dice=Atk. Dagger]1d20+3[/dice]
[dice=Dmg. Slashing]1d3+3[/dice]
range increment: 10ft
critical: 19-20 / x2



Str 16, Dex 12, Con 12, Int 10, Wis 8 Cha 15
Base Atk +1; CMB 3; CMD 14
Languages Common, Halfling
SQ adaptable luck, aura of good, detect evil, fearless, fleet of foot, low blow, weapon familiarity,


Per Level: 3 (2 Base + 1 FCB)


Acrobatics* = -2 (+1) (0r, 1a, 0c, 0t)
Acrobatics (Jump)* = -6 (-3) (0r, 1a, 0c, -4t)
Appraise = +0 (0r, 0a, 0c, 0t)
Bluff = +2 (0r, 2a, 0c, 0t)
Climb* = +0 (+3) (0r, 3a, 0c, 0t)
C Craft = +0 (0r, 0a, 0c, 0t)
C Diplomacy = +6 (1r, 2a, 3c, 0t)
Disable device* = --
Disguise = +2 (0r, 2a, 0c, 0t)
Escape Artist* = -2 (+1) (0r, 1a, 0c, 0t)
Fly* = -2 (+1) (0r, 1a, 0c, 0t)
C Handle Animal = --
C Heal = -1 (0r, -1a, 0c, 0t)
Intimidate = +2 (0r, 2a, 0c, 0t)
C Knowledge (Nobility) = +0 (0r, 0a, 0c, 0t)
Knowledge (Untrained) = +0 (0r, 0a, 0c, 0t)
Linguistics = --
Perception = +0 (1r, -1a, 0c, 0t)
C Profession = --
C Ride* = -2 (+1) (0r, 1a, 0c, 0t)
C Sense Motive = +3 (1r, -1a, 3c, 0t)
Sleight of Hand* = --
C Spellcraft = --
Stealth* = +2 (+5) (0r, 1a, 0c, 4t)
Survival = -1 (0r, -1a, 0c, 0t)
Swim* = +0 (+3) (0r, 3a, 0c, 0t)
Use magic device = --

Armour class penalty (ACP) -3

(r=ranks, a=ability modifier, c=class skill, t=racial trait or class bonus)
* = ACP applies to this skill
C = Class skill


Traits, Feats, and Special Abilities

Helpful You see nothing wrong with letting others achieve greatness so long as the job gets done. Whenever you successfully perform an aid another action, you grant your ally a +4 bonus instead of the normal +2.

Fate's Favored The fates watch over you. Whenever you are under the effect of a luck bonus of any kind, that bonus increases by 1.


Racial Traits:
Adaptable Luck: Some halflings have greater control over their innate luck. This ability gives them more options for how they can apply their good fortune from day to day, but also narrows its scope. 3 times per day, a halfling can gain a +2 luck bonus on an ability check, attack roll, saving throw, or skill check. If halflings choose to use the ability before they make the roll or check, they gain the full +2 bonus; if they choose to do so afterward, they only gain a +1 bonus.

Fearless (Ex): Halflings receive a +2 racial bonus on saving throws against fear. This bonus stacks with the bonus granted by Halfling Luck.

Fleet of Foot: Some halflings are quicker than their kin but less cautious. Halflings with this racial trait move at normal speed and have a base speed of 30 feet.

Low Blow: Some halflings train extensively in how to attack larger creatures. Halflings with this racial trait gain a +1 bonus on critical confirmation rolls against opponents larger than themselves. This racial trait replaces the keen senses racial trait.

No Racial Subtype: You have chosen no racial subtype.

Weapon Familiarity (Ex) Halflings are proficient with slings and treat any weapon with the word "halfling" in its name as a martial weapon.

Special Abilities:
Detect Evil (Sp): At will, you can use Detect Evil, as the Spell. You can, as a move action, concentrate on a single individual or item within 60 feet and determine if it is evil, learning the strength of its aura as if having studied it for 3 rounds. While focusing on one individual or object, you do not detect evil in any other object or individual within range.

Aura of Good (Ex): You project a faint good aura.

Divine Emissary (Ex): At 1st level, a chosen one gains an emissary familiar (see page 10), treating her paladin level as her wizard level for the purpose of this ability.

Delayed Grace (Su): A chosen one begins her adventuring career without fully understanding her true potential. The chosen one uses the Barbarian, Rogue, Sorcerer column on Table 7–1 on page 169 of the Pathfinder RPG Core Rulebook to calculate her typical starting age. She receives the smite evil ability at 2nd level and the divine grace ability at 4th level. This does not affect the rate at which she gains additional uses per day of smite evil, so she still gains her second use at 4th level, her third at 7th level, and so on. This ability alters divine grace and smite evil.

Religious Mentor (Ex): The familiar’s sworn duty is to help train the chosen one for her future glory. The familiar is treated as having a number of ranks in Knowledge (religion) equal to the chosen one’s paladin level. The chosen one doesn’t gain Knowledge (religion) as a class skill.

Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Paladins are proficient with all simple and martial weapons, with all types of armor (heavy, medium, and light), and with shields (except tower shields).



Carry Capacity: Light 0-57 lbs. Medium 58-115 lbs. Heavy 116-172 lbs.

See Inventory Tracking Sheet for a full list of gear.

Current Load 54.635 lbs. (Light)

Chronicles / Boons / Faction Card

#1. 1-33 Assault on the Kingdom of the Impossible


The Silver Crusade's Faction Journal Card (S9):
[ ][ ] Defeat an outsider that has the evil subtype or an undead creature whose CR is at least equal to your character level.

[ ][ ] Defeat a divine spellcaster whose patron is an evil deity and whose CR is at least equal to your character level.

[ ][ ] Accept the surrender of an enemy combatant (other than an evil outsider or undead creature), and ensure his fair treatment until he can safely be released, ransomed, or delivered to authorities for justice. Alternatively, allow such an enemy combatant with no means of escape to flee without further harm.

[ ] Forgo your Downtime and succeed at a Diplomacy, Knowledge (local), or Perform (oratory) check with a DC equal 15 + your character level to organize a charity event. Alternatively, donate resources worth 100 gp per character level to charity.

[ ] Rescue a named NPC who is a divine spellcaster with a good-aligned deity or a named outsider with the good subtype. Alternatively, collaborate with the NPC to overcome an obstacle directly related to the PCs’ success conditions, such as defeating a foe; summoned outsiders do not contribute to this goal, but called ones do if not coerced into service.

[ ] Have a number of ranks equal to your character level (minimum 4) in Diplomacy, Heal, or Knowledge (religion).

[ ] In the course of an adventure, purify a corrupted object or location, or remove an evil force that is possessing or otherwise controlling a creature.

[ ][ ][ ]/[ ][ ] Serve as the GM for an adventure that grants 1 or more XP, and apply the Chronicle sheet to this character. Checking 3 boxes counts as one goal for earning faction rewards; checking all 5 counts as two goals.



Shopping List:

Bot Me!:
At the beginning of a fight, if the enemy is too far away to hit, Tupp will run into their path (so that they have to go through him to get to others) and either fight defensively or go on total defence if it's unlikely the enemy will want to run past him. In hand to hand, he will try to set up flanks and Power Attack with his Katana unless accuracy is an issue, then he'd forgo power for accuracy.

Katana: Crit range 18-20 and Tupp gets a +1 to confirmation rolls on targets larger than him.
[dice=Atk. Katana (Two-Handed); Power Attack]1d20+5-1[/dice]
[dice=Dmg. Slashing; Power Attack]1d6+4+3[/dice]

[dice=Atk. Katana (Two-Handed)]1d20+5[/dice]
[dice=Dmg. Slashing]1d6+4[/dice]

If range is needed, Tupp can use his sling staff (move action to reload, range increment: 80ft.)
[dice=Atk. Sling]1d20+3[/dice]
[dice=Dmg. Bludgeoning]1d6+3[/dice]

Sori will run around like a headless chicken, casting guidance on people if it doesn't provoke an AoO.