Twitch Starfinder Wednesdays Fan Club


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Second Seekers (Jadnura)

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Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

6. Is it true that there is a place in the Crucible, that if you shoot it, the Crucible will blow up?

7. As a GM who's going to start running a group through Dawn of Flame soon: any advice, about the AP in general, or Chapter 6 in specific?

8. Some of the (few and far between) criticism of the AP I've seen floating around the web is that General Khaim never gets a chance to shine; he has no "Villain Moment" with a big reveal, monologue, or Aha! moment for the heroes. Assuming that's so (and I've not read that chapter, so who can say as to the accuracy of that) would you change anything about either the AP, or Chapter 6?

Paizo Employee Developer

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Hey HMM!

As to your question about the Prelurian Patrol, well since that's an organization of Preluria, which is in Near Space, maybe we'll all know a bit more about it come next year!

Once we do, maybe there will be some AP fodder there...

Grand Lodge

Ooh, that's a long time to wait for Near Space. I guess I'll just have to hang tight! Though I suspect that we will see Veskarium-based adventures first!

★ --- ★ --- ★ --- ★

Thanks by the way for an amazing show. It was great getting so much insight in the development process!


I am positively ACHING for the Near Space book because it will actually be our first real deep dive into a place beyond the Pact Worlds and the threats that live beyond the system. Yes, Aeon Throne and Signal and Swarm have given us glimpses but we need to see the whole thing.

Starfinder Developer

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The show yesterday was a blast and I think folks enjoyed seeing some behind-the-scenes developer stuff, like my original map for Assault on the Crucible before Sims and Damien Mammloiti made it awesome.

Questions from the stream I did not get to answer:

Q) How many Jasons are there in the Paizo offices, anyway?
A) Four. Myself, Jason Keeley, Jason Bulmahn (whose Knights of Everflame is burning up the internet), and Lu Pellazar, who has held honorary Jason status since 2018.

Q) Is Tondro writing the outline for the Threefold Conspiracy?
A) I am not! That outline was written months ago. In fact, most of the adventures for that AP have already been turned in by their authors and are in development. I will be developing back matter for the Threefold Conspiracy, however.

Q) In a lot of ways, the Burning Archipelago is now the most fleshed out part of the Pact Worlds. Do you think that people will now see the sun as more than just a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace?
A) I hope so! This came up on the stream, but there was an early conversation about the nature of stars in Starfinder. Are they nuclear furnaces, or are they made of positive energy, and more fantastic-magical? And the answer for Starfinder is, of course, they're both. And you're right, the Archipelago has gotten a lot of development in this AP, and many of its domes and locations have been detailed and explored. In some ways that was possible because the Archipelago is relatively small compared to, say, Castrovel. It's still nowhere near as detailed as Absalom Station, but it's a wonderful setting where you could base many different campaigns. I'd like to run a game set in the Archipelago after the events of Dawn of Flame, for example.

Q) How much hinting towards future Adventure Paths is generally done when plotting out the one you're working on.
A) Very little, because we don't know what the future Adventure Paths will be. When we were plotting out Dawn of Flame, for example, that was the farthest in the future we were planning. We had a long list of potential AP ideas for what might be beyond that, but it was just a list of maybes. Instead, what happens is, as we do an AP or a hardback, authors leave plot hooks and adventure seeds in the manuscript, and later, when we're brainstorming AP ideas, we see those plot hooks and think, "Hey, I want to pick that up and run with it." So rather than hinting at future APs by design, authors leave these seeds in the ground which we, as developers, later go back to and harvest.

Q) With PF2e launching with the Fall of Plaguestone, do you plan on Starfinder having a module? (Note: modules are self-contained soft-cover adventures that are not part of an AP.)
A) Everyone in the Star Chamber would love to see Starfinder Modules happen. We're talking about this a lot.

See you all next time, and thank you for watching!

Dark Archive

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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Watched the twitch stream and wanted to add that I think General Khaim would have really benefited from Pathfinder style "Here is entire two pages on background and personality and campaign role in the AP" thing starfinder aps don't have pages reserved for.

Starfinder Developer

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That's fair!

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Have to admit though that unless Paizo increases Starfinder AP pages from 68, I'm not sure what articles I would like NPC articles replace since I've so far loved all articles and bestiaries in Starfinder APs.

Also have to admit that Starfinder APs have made me appreciate Pathfinder's NPC articles more :'D Lack of them has opened my eyes to how neat and useful it is to have article dedicated to exploring NPC deeper.

Anyway, the I forgot the most important thing I wanted to comment on:

Please please make Pyric Corruption a thing in future? :'D It'd be cool(well burning I guess) and really fitting for Starfinder original corruption!

Social Media Producer

Hey Starfinders!

This Wednesday is all about THE SWARM! Who are they? Why are they here? Why should be hit them with fire axes?

This will be a lore episode about the Swarm in Starfinder. And also in proxy about the Adventure Paths they are tied too. So if you have any preliminary questions for Starfinder Wednesday. You can list them here.

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Umm... Dunno what to ask about The Swarm.... Have they ever encountered The Hive? Would Swarm Corruption makes sense? Are there gonna be Swarm ships that look more like giant space bugs?

Scarab Sages Contributor

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What makes the Swarm different from, say, Tyranids or Zerg? What's their defining feature?

The Swarm/Shirren articles in the AP volumes are quite enlightening as to the Swarm's biology/techniques, but it begs the question: do Swarm compmonents have a preference to shirren targets to this day, or are shirren now just 'enemy to be harvested for resource'.

I'm a big fan of the detailed Orzaka Institute of Swarm Biology (I in fact have a biohacker concept that would fit in perfectly with there). What sort of breakthroughs could they have hypothetically made in 'freeing' the Swarm? Are there any plot hooks (whether in AotS! or beyond) that expand on this organization?

Grand Lodge

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More questions:

4) Each AP has its own unique look. What inspired the look in Attack of the Swarm? I really like the blue organic look to this AP.

5) This is the first AP with its own built-in player guide! Have you gotten good feedback on it yet? I was so excited to see this component in the first book. What sorts of things do you try to cover in a Player Guide?

6) We have all heard about the Psychic Magic article. What other sorts of AP back matter gems lay in this adventure path?

7) How deep do we get to go into the shirren culture and psyche in this adventure path?

Off topic: I really wanted a scene in the SDF with a drill sergeant, just so that I could call the players, 'maggots!'

8) Clearly, with a name like 'Attack of the Swarm' the players expect to FIGHT! But APs need more than combat. They need moments of self-reflection and discovery. How did you find ways to build in different moods into this storyline?

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9) I just want to know if there is a moment where the entire team gets swallowed by a giant bug, and then has to cut themselves out, and then come out victorious -- yet still covered in bug goo! Can you imagine anything more EPIC? What kind of gory treats lay ahead of us? Is this going to be more action-packed than Live Exploration Extreme!!!?

Dark Archive

Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

Oh oh, I thought a question! Are there aquatic swarm or do swarm have another tactic against aquatic worlds?

Biggest question on my mind:

What was the thinking behind the design choices for the Swarm Ships? Why aren't they "Buggy-ier"?

When will we be getting more fun and meaningful cybernetic augments? it feels like biotech and to a lesser extent magitech gets all the cool features. And what little bit of cool stuff cybernetics gets, biotech gets also with adaptive biochains which, if the character is a biotechnician, they still get at a discount in spite of the markup. I have two different cybernetics obsessed characters but I'm having a hard time buying cybernetics for because most of them just aren't that useful or interesting.

Social Media Producer

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This Wednesday will be all about the new Biohacker in the Character Operations Manual!

We will be having a system in place to have chat help us build a character using Alien Archive 3 and the Operations Manual.

Hopefully, we'll have time for a Q&A at the end. But just encase do you all have any questions for Jason Keeley and Rob McCreary about the new Operations Manual?

1, What would you consider is the most significant change in the Biohacker class from the playtest?

2. What's the biggest lesson you've learned about class design in general from the Biohacker's evolution from the playtest to it's final version?

3. Is the final version of the Biohacker representative of your original visions for the class?

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

4. How many new themes appear?
5. Are there finally any themes that grant Acrobatics and Stealth as class skills via their theme knowledges? I can't wait to play a goblin that flew away to join the space circus!
6. What is the organizing conceit for the new themes? (For instance, n per ability score, or x per class.)
7. What's Barsala's theme, or whatever her name is?
8. What else can you say about the new iconic's backstory?
9. When will the new iconics join the pregenerated character pdf?

Paizo Employee Developer

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Keep an eye on the blog today for an answer to some of these questions!

Grand Lodge

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I am waiting so impatiently for COM now. I WANT this book!


We might get to see that first hand during the stream, but if not : a question.
During the playtest, people were worried about the Int-based biohacker outclassing its Wis-based counterpart, from the Scientific Method giving seemingly more to the Studious option and the supreme versatility of its Spark of Ingenuity feeling superior to the Instinctive alternative.
Any change on that front ?

The only other question I'd have would just be... Any hints as to what else is in the book (beyond the new classes) ?

Owen and Rob had said in a previous stream that the difference in the two biohackers was feedback they got, understood, and were addressing in the final version.

Paizo Employee Developer

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Yeah, the team went in and did some extensive work on all the classes, and they are all much better for it. So thanks to everyone who helped out with the playtest and give their feedback!

On today's stream, we are also going to preview a few other new options available in COM (such as themes) as we build the character with your help!

Grand Lodge

I will be GMing 'Four for the First' tonight, and so will miss the COM preview. But I can't wait to watch the rerun!


I expected as much, since Paizo's been good at taking the playtests into account, but I'm still curious as to what the changes are.
And with it being the class I'm looking forward to the lost of those three, I'm impatient enough that I'll to get a preview whenever I can.

Anyway, going by the PF2 character creation streams, this should be fun.

Grand Lodge

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This was a fun format. I enjoyed watching all the polls and the decisions that went into making the adorable Princess Mononion, the biohacker.

I look forward to seeing what you do with witchwarpers and vanguards!


Nyerkh wrote:

I expected as much, since Paizo's been good at taking the playtests into account, but I'm still curious as to what the changes are.

And with it being the class I'm looking forward to the lost of those three, I'm impatient enough that I'll to get a preview whenever I can.

Anyway, going by the PF2 character creation streams, this should be fun.

I am really curious about the changes as well. It does seem like there was a good sanity pass on the differences between the wis key stat and int keystat options. Int when it basically got all the wis stuff at full +int mod was crazy better. More skills and the total ability to dump wis without any danger.

Now it looks like the int path gives you some scaling boost to the wis save and wis related stuff but not direct 1 for 1 which is a lot better way of doing it. Now hopefully the wis option gets some scaling + skill points to offset one of the other major benefits of going int.

Wis in the playtest just gave up WAAAY too much for too little gain.

Agreed, this seems more sensible.
We'll see what the Spark of Ingenuity part is like eventually, but that at least looks good.
The name changes I noticed sounded better overall too.

Now, onto the Witchwarper!

Paizo Employee Developer

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The instinctive biohacker does also have a scaling bonus (but to a couple of skills instead of Will saves).

Scarab Sages

Pathfinder Maps, Pathfinder Accessories, PF Special Edition Subscriber; Pathfinder Roleplaying Game Charter Superscriber; Starfinder Superscriber

What's Barsala's alignment?

Paizo Employee Developer

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Is chaotic science! an alignment?

Scarab Sages Managing Developer

5 people marked this as a favorite.
Jason Keeley wrote:
Is chaotic science! an alignment?


Manifold Host

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Payton Smith wrote:

I finally got out of 500 meetings to disclose what we will be talking about in the coming weeks!

09/04/2019 - Starfinder Lore on Liavara

09/11/2019 - Crucible of Flame Adventure Path Overview!

09/18/2019 - Attack of The Swarm Lore (And discussing the new adventure path)

09/25/2019 - BIOHACKER BUILDS & STUFF! (Will probably get chat involved to build a biohacker with me)

Then for the rest of September, there will be no Starfinder Wednesday since I'll be at Twitch Con!

Since it is now October, does that mean there is a Starfinder Wednesday this week?

Paizo Employee Starfinder Lead Designer

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Charli Poshkettle wrote:

Since it is now October, does that mean there is a Starfinder Wednesday this week?

You bet! Payton and I will be diving into Alien Archive 3's creature companions tomorrow, with some new art and a chance for the stream to make our own custom companion!

Social Media Producer

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Sorry folks! I have been away at Twitch Con and just got back.

Oct 2nd (4:00-5:00 p.m. Pacific) – Starfinder Wednesdays! Alien Archive 3: Creature Companions & Making a Companion with YOU!
Payton Smith (hey that’s me!) and Starfinder Developer Joe Pasini will be sitting down with you as our audience and creating some companions from the latest Alien Archive 3. Help us create a companion! Or come over to learn how you can have your own companion in Starfinder!

Then for Oct 9th we will then have the new Vanguard Class showcase & creation with Joe Pasini & Rob McCreary.

Oct 16th will be developer commentary on Attack of the Swarm's new Adventure Path installment: Huskworld.

Oct 23 will be about the new class the WitchWarper! Along with character creation with Amanda Hamon & Rob McCreary.

Then for Oct 30th we will be showcasing the rest of the Character Operations Manual and showing folks how it can assist your playing experience!

Social Media Producer

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That's Starfinder LEAD DESIGNER for Joe Pasini. Sorry Joe!

Paizo Employee Starfinder Lead Designer

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Payton Smith wrote:
That's Starfinder LEAD DESIGNER for Joe Pasini. Sorry Joe!


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Pathfinder Starfinder Roleplaying Game Subscriber

whoa, Busy month for Starfinder Wednesday, I like it!

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

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Xeeter claps. "Animal buddies, yay!"

Scarab Sages

2 people marked this as a favorite.
Nyerkh wrote:

We might get to see that first hand during the stream, but if not : a question.

During the playtest, people were worried about the Int-based biohacker outclassing its Wis-based counterpart, from the Scientific Method giving seemingly more to the Studious option and the supreme versatility of its Spark of Ingenuity feeling superior to the Instinctive alternative.
Any change on that front ?

That was one of the very, very clear pieces of feedback the playtest gave the Satrfinder team, and it absolutely resulted in changes.

Social Media Producer

The time is soon upon us! Do you have any questions for Joe Pasini about the creature companions?

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Payton Smith wrote:
The time is soon upon us! Do you have any questions for Joe Pasini about the creature companions?

Does the squox still reign supreme as the cuddliest companion, or is there a new cute champ in town (my creds are on the empathnid!)?

Paizo Employee Starfinder Lead Designer

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Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Payton Smith wrote:
The time is soon upon us! Do you have any questions for Joe Pasini about the creature companions?
Does the squox still reign supreme as the cuddliest companion, or is there a new cute champ in town (my creds are on the empathnid!)?

Its seems like Cuddliest in Show would at least be by broken up creature type—then they're both winners!

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber
Joe Pasini wrote:
Archpaladin Zousha wrote:
Payton Smith wrote:
The time is soon upon us! Do you have any questions for Joe Pasini about the creature companions?
Does the squox still reign supreme as the cuddliest companion, or is there a new cute champ in town (my creds are on the empathnid!)?
Its seems like Cuddliest in Show would at least be by broken up creature type—then they're both winners!

YEY! :3

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Suggestion for the lols this coming Wednesday's Vanguard creation-by-committee-vote session: include Stellifera as an option for race?
Now sure, I hear you saying, "but Kishmo, Vanguard is a Con-dependent class, and Stelliferas have a -2 Con!"
But, allow me to present this counter-argument: Stelliferas are awesome.
Also, assuming that our soon-to-be Vanguard will inevitably be a companion for Princex Monononion from two weeks ago, we could have a real sub-Small size theme going here!

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Counterpoint.... Bantrid.

Second Seekers (Jadnura)

Pathfinder Starfinder Society Subscriber

Ooooooooh. Strong contender.

Grand Lodge

A bantrid vanguard? Sign me up!

Radiant Oath

Pathfinder Adventure Path, Lost Omens, Rulebook, Starfinder Adventure Path, Starfinder Roleplaying Game, Starfinder Society Subscriber

I'm intrigued, though I'd want some clarification as to just HOW bantrids wear armor (or clothes for that matter) without hampering their unique method of locomotion. Would bantrid armor generate an airtight force-field around their sphere so they can roll around without exposing themselves to the vacuum of space? Specialized material that mimics their sphere's surface? Or do they just go "screw it, I'm takin' Power Armor Proficiency so I can just put my rolling-chair in a mini-mech!"?

Honestly, these are questions bantrids had to figure out shortly after they woke up!

"How do we adapt the exisiting technology of our neighbors so we can get off our homeworld and properly introduce ourselves to the galaxy?"

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