Suit of Keys

Charli Poshkettle's page

931 posts. Organized Play character for Hmm.


| SP 100/100 HP 68/68 | RP 5/10 | EAC 29; KAC 29 | Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 (+2 Fear & Despair, +2 vs illusion) | Init: +5 | Perc: +13, SM: +13+1d6+2


| Speed 50ft | 3/3 - dancing lights, ghost sound, and token spell. | Eternal Hope 1/1, Spot of Luck 1/1, Salvation's End 1/1, Vestments Reroll 1/1, Coin Reroll 1/1 | Active conditions: Telepathy via Mind Circlet


820-701 Female NG Feychild Gnome Xenoseeker Envoy 11

About Charli Poshkettle

Charli Poshkettle
SFS # 820-701
Slotted Faction Manifold Host
Wealth See ITS

Reputation and Fame See ITS

Bot Me!:

Charli’s Saves

[dice=Will]1d20+7+1[/dice] (+2 Fear & Despair, +2 vs illusion)

★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★

Charli Poshkettle is an enthusiastic if somewhat ineffective combatant. In the first round of combat, she always uses her get ‘em ability to help the team. Of late, she has always spent a resolve in big fights to apply get ‘em to all opponents.

[dice=Boom (Merciful Called Holy Ghostkiller Surge Staccato Rifle+Get ‘Em]1d20+12+2[/dice]
[dice=Sonic Damage]2d10+10[/dice]

[dice=Stabby (Survival Knife)+Get ‘em] 1d20+12+2[/dice]
[dice=Slashing Damage]1d4+5-1[/dice]

[dice=Bang! (Semi-Automatic pistol)+Get ‘em]1d20+12+2[/dice]
[dice=Piercing Damage]1d6+5[/dice]

[dice=Bang! (Underwater Merciful Called Huchket Rifle)]1d20+12+2[/dice]
[dice=Piercing Damage]1d10+10[/dice]

In ship combat, she happily serves as Captain or Science Officer. As a Captain, she likes to lead off with a taunt.


★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★

Charli’s Skills

[dice=Acrobatics]1d20 + 19[/dice]
[dice=Athletics]1d20 - 1[/dice]
[dice=Bluff]1d20 +21[/dice]
[dice=Computers]1d20 +8[/dice]
[dice=Culture]1d20 +21 + 1d6 +2[/dice] (+4 library chip)
[dice=Engineering]1d20+8[/dice] (+4 library chip)
[dice=Intimidate]1d20+21 + 1d6 + 2[/dice]
[dice=Life Science]1d20 +18[/dice] (+4 library chip)
[dice=Medicine]1d20+18 + 1d6 +2[/dice]
[dice=Perception]1d20 +14[/dice]
[dice=Piloting] 1d20 +19[/dice]
[dice=Physical Science]1d20+8[/dice]
[dice=Profession Tea Connoisseur]1d20+21 +5[/dice]
[dice=Sense Motive]1d20+14 + 1d6 +2[/dice]

Master Hireling Set 4 (Poshkettle Tea Advertising Minion)
[dice=Poshkettle Tea Intern’s Life Science]1d20+19[/dice]
[dice=Poshkettle Tea Intern’s Mysticism]1d20+19[/dice]
[dice=Poshkettle Tea Intern’s Physical Science]1d20+19[/dice]


Charli Quick Facts:

Player Name/Alias: Hmm
Character Name: Charli Poshkettle
Character Level: 11
SFS # / Character #: 820-701
Faction: Wayfinders
Favorite Color: "I have to pick one? Um... Purple? No. Black. No. Rainbow! Wait. I'm sure that I can figure this one out!"

★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★

Charli's 1st Theme Song: Let Me In To Starfinder Society

Charli's 1st Nursery Rhyme: A is for Aballon

Charli's Favorite Drink: Brethedan Bubble Tea

Charli's Business: The Posh Kettle, a free-standing tea stand across from the Starfinder Society in Drifter's End

Charli's Illustrious Ancestors:
Many generations ago, Calpurnia Underhall Poshkettle aka Cup met her future spouse Pagbean Halmap, a gnomish cleric that was stranded on Aucturn's Tear. Admiring his adventurous spirit, she invited him to join the Pathfinder Society. The two then traveled off-world when they retired from the Pathfinder Society.

Charli's Place of Birth: Castrovel, the city of El, near Sovryian in the Heart of Elvish Territory.

★ ---- ★ ---- ★ ---- ★

Charli Poshkettle
Class Envoy 11
NG Small humanoid (Gnome )
Init +5; Senses Perc +14, SM +14+1d6+2,

EAC 29, KAC29
SP 100 HP 71 RP 11
Fort +9, Ref +12, Will +8 (+2 Fear & Despair, +2 vs illusion)

Vesk Brigandine IV (worn) + jet pack upgrade

Eternal Hope -- 1/day free reroll of a natural 1
+2 racial saving throw bonus against illusion spells and effects

Scoured Stars boon elevates all saves

Speed 30 ft.

For attacks, see the Botting Spoiler.

Space 5 ft.; Reach 5 ft.
Special Attacks
Spell-Like Abilities
3xday—dancing lights, ghost sound, and token spell.

Str 8, Dex** 20, *Con 16, *★Int 18, Wis 10, *Cha *24

*Ability Upgrade 1 & 2
**Personal Upgrade
***Personal Upgrade +4
★ Gnome Upgrade +2


For Skills, see the Botting Spoiler.

Expertise Skills -- Sense Motive, Culture, Intimidate & Medicine

WEAPON PROFICIENCY Basic melee weapons, grenades, small arms, longarms


Veiled Threat -- When you successfully use the Intimidate skill to bully a creature, after the duration of its helpful attitude ends, its attitude toward you becomes indifferent rather than hostile.

Weapon Specialization in Envoy Weapons — Bonus feat.

Long Arm Proficiency - Proficiency with longarms.

Versatile Specialization
You know how to get full value out of weapon types your class doesn't normally use. You gain specialization (see page 243) in all weapons with which you are proficient that can be selected with Weapon Specialization.

Medical Expert You are an expert at medical science and caring for the ill.

Prerequisites: Life Science 1 rank, Medicine 1 rank, Physical Science 1 rank.

Benefit: You can use the Medicine skill in conjunction with a medpatch or sprayflesh to treat deadly wounds as a full action. If you have an ability that enables you to treat deadly wounds more often but with a longer time frame (such as the envoy's surgeon expertise talent), you cannot use this feat to use that ability more quickly. When used in this way, the medpatch or sprayflesh does not perform any of its normal functions. You can also use the Medicine skill to provide long-term care with just a medkit.

D Normal: It takes 1 minute to treat deadly wounds, and long-term care requires a medical bay or medical lab.

Spot of Luck When escaping tight spots, you defy the odds.

Prerequisites: Any racial trait or feat that grants a d20 reroll, character level 5th.

Benefit: When you use an ability to reroll one d20 roll, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to reroll twice and use the highest of all three results. Once you use this ability, you can do so again only after a 10-minute rest to regain Stamina Points.

Great Fortitude +2 to Fortitude Saves

Native Languages: Common, Gnome, Castrovellian (Lashunta),
Learned Languages: Aquan, Auran, Aklo, Azlanti, Brethedan, Celestial, Copaxi, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Eoxian, Ghibran, Halfling, Ignan, Izalgun, Jinsul, Kasathan, Morlamaw, Shirren, Terran, Triaxian, Vesk, Ysoki

Combat Gear

Underwater Huchket Rifle (longarm, 3rd level 1d10, range of 80, 1400) — Yesteryear’s Truth
Weapon Fusion (merciful, 440)
Weapon Fusion (called, 440)
Other Gear

Mk 1 Personal Upgrade Dex
Mk 2 Personal Upgrade Cha


PRICE 6,300 LEVEL 7 Your heart is fitted with occult fixtures that connect its rhythm to the energy of nearby living creatures. You have blindsight (life) with a range of 30 feet, but only for dying and stable living creatures. As a reaction, you can allow an ally within 30 feet to spend your Resolve Points to stabilize or stay in the fight.

Special Abilities

Get’em (+1 to hit)
Envoy Expertise (Sense Motive & Culture)
Inspiring Boost — Standard Action gets up to 28 stamina. (2xLevel+Charisma Mod)
Skilled Linguist — Bonus languages equal to your ranks in culture.

Improved Get’em (+2, can be done as part of an attack)

Don’t Quit! — As a standard action, you can signal a single ally within 60 feet. That ally ignores one condition (see page 273) of your choice until the start of your next turn, chosen from the following list: confused, fascinated, fatigued, shaken, sickened, and staggered. While your ally doesn't suffer the effects of the condition during that period, the condition is merely suppressed, not removed, and its effects resume at the start of your next turn. The condition can still be removed with spells, technology, and other effects as normal. At 6th level, add the following conditions to the list: cowering, dazed, exhausted, frightened, nauseated, panicked, paralyzed, and stunned.

Bedside Manner (Ex): When you make a Medicine check to treat deadly wounds or successfully aid another for another creature's Medicine check to treat deadly wounds, if the Medicine check is successful you can add your Charisma bonus to the number of Hit Points recovered as a result of the skill check. Additionally, when you make a Medicine check to treat disease or treat drugs or poison, or successfully aid another for another creature's Medicine check to do so, if the Medicine check is successful, the saving throw bonus granted by the skill checks increases to +6. If the associated saving throw succeeds, it counts as two consecutive successes for the purposes of curing the intended affliction.

Inspiring Oration (Ex): You can use inspiring boost as a full action. If you do, all allies within 60 feet of you regain a number of Stamina Points equal to twice your envoy level + your Charisma modifier (up to their maximum); at 15th level, this increases to three times your envoy level + your Charisma modifier. Once an ally has benefited from your inspiring boost or inspiring oration, that ally can't gain the benefits of either improvisation again until they recover Stamina Points following a 10-minute rest.

Universal Diplomat (Ex; Diplomacy):
Source Character Operations Manual pg. 71
Your Diplomacy checks to change a creature’s attitude are not language-dependent. This allows you to use Diplomacy to change the attitude of a creature with whom you do not share a common language, as well as a creature with an Intelligence score of 1 or 2 (creatures with no Intelligence score can’t have their attitudes improved using the Diplomacy skill unless the GM says otherwise).

Boons Slotted this Adventure
Faction: Manifold Host Champion
Personal: Legacy Heritage (Gnome) & Stain of the Perplexity (yes, 2 personal boons)
Promotional: Service Award: Campaign Coin
Social: Savior of the Scoured Stars
Starship: Defender of the Fleet

  • Starfinder Insignia
  • Worldwide Explorer
  • Ghibrani Linguist
  • Mobile Translator
  • Journey to the Stars
  • Lesosk’s Legacy
  • Protector of the Future
  • Surviving Companion
  • Slayer of Godspawn

    All My Boons:

    ALWAYS SLOTTED -- Personal & Slotless

    Legacy Heritage (Personal Boon): You belong to a species with a legacy that stretches into the long and obscured past of the Golarion system. You may play a character of an uncommon race—either a dwarf, elf, gnome, half-elf, half-orc, or halfing (Starfinder Core Rulebook 506–511)—beginning at level 1 as normal. Other than access to this additional race, all character creation rules are the same as those outlined in the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide. This Chronicle sheet must be the first Chronicle sheet for the given character, and you must bring a copy of one of the rulebooks listed below to all sessions in which you play this character as if access to this race selection were granted by the Additional Resources list.

    Stain of the Perplexity (Personal Boon):
    This is a bonus personal boon that is permanently welded to Charli's character along with being a gnome by Star Daddy fiat. This becomes important because Jinsuls love to cause bleed damage!
    Whether you remember the events or not, the Perplexity has seared itself onto your soul. Unless you have another permanently slotted Personal boon, this boon now takes up that slot. When this boon is slotted you gain a +2 divine bonus to all skill checks when influencing or negotiating with evil-aligned creatures. This bonus increases to +4 when influencing demons. When another living creature takes bleed damage while within 15 feet of you, that creature must roll damage dice twice and take the higher damage result.

    Worldwide Explorer (Slotless)
    Prerequisites: Wayfinders Tier 1
    Cost: 0 Fame (see below)
    Benefit: If you complete a scenario in a region with a different Regional Venture-Coordinator than your home region, you earn 1 additional Fame and 1 additional Reputation with the Wayfinders faction. For more information on the regions overseen by Regional Venture-Coordinators, see
    Special: You can benefit from this boon only a number of times equal to your current Reputation Tier with the Wayfinders faction. Each time you fulfill the requirements of this boon, mark it on your Chronicle sheet along with the associated Reputation Tier. Have the GM sign beside this notation. Achieved at GenCon.

    Starfinder Insignia (Slotless Boon): Venture-Captain Arvin presented you with a commemorative insignia in gratitude for your services to the Starfinder Society. Although it appears to be an ordinary medal showing the symbol of the Starfinder Society, this insignia can store as much information as a common tier-1 datapad. Unless told about this secret, a non-Starfinder must succeed at a DC 20 Perception or Sense Motive check to realize the insignia is a storage device. This insignia is worth 0 credits and cannot be sold.

    Ghibran Linguist (Slotless Boon): So long as you possess this boon, all of your Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild characters have access to the Ghibran language and can select it any time they would learn a new language.

    Mobile Translator (Slotless Boon) Your connections with the Wayfinders grant you easier access to a rudimentary translation device useful in first contact situations.
    Prerequisites: Wayfinders Tier 1 Cost: 2 Fame Benefit: You acquire a Tetrad certified translator as if you had purchased it, but you do not need to expend any credits. Normal: You need to spend credits to acquire this item.

    This elaborate datapad has several additional audio receptors to capture nearby sounds. If you don't share a language with creatures you encounter, you can activate this device to collect basic linguistic information. The device requires 10 minutes of observed conversation to gain enough information to operate. The device then acts as a rudimentary translator. It does not allow you to converse with creatures with whom you don't share a language, but it can relate very basic information. Examples of statements the device could interpret would be: “come with us,” “lower your weapons,” or “leave immediately.” The device cannot parse proper names, including personal designations or the names of items and places. Some extraordinary complex or obscure languages might not translate clearly with this device. A Tetrad certified translator has 10 capacity and 1/hour usage.

    Journey to the Scoured Stars: Segment 1 (Unidentified Boon): You were present at Luwazi Elsebo's announcement declaring the Starfinder Society would continue investigating the Scoured Stars system. This boon represents your character's involvement in this historic first step toward solving the Scoured Stars mystery. Other boons representing future steps towards unraveling the mystery of the Scoured Stars will appear in future scenarios, and collecting these boons will result in a unique bonus, to be detailed in a future Chronicle sheet.

    ▫ ▫ ▫ Lesozk’s Legacy (Slotless Boon, Limited Use): You’ve survived the depravities of the Perplexity’s Second Trial, and in so doing learned more about Lesozk’s vicious compound. Your actions in the trial have made you more adaptable in future missions. You can check a box that precedes this boon after rolling a d20 to reroll the die and use the second result. If you roll a natural 1 on this second roll, you gain 1 infamy, as other Starfinders believe your time in the Perplexity has changed you for the worse.

    Protector of the Future (Slotless Boon): You have saved the elected First Seeker from a notorious assassin and facilitated her announcing the future of the Starfinder Society. As a token of gratitude, you can immediately cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet to gain the Second Seekers (Luwazi Elsebo) Champion boon (as detailed in the Starfinder Society Roleplaying Guild Guide). If you already have this boon, you can instead cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet at any time to gain any Second Seeker (Luwazi Elsebo) boon that you meet the minimum Reputation Tier requirement for and has a cost of 2 or less.
    Turned in for Second Seekers Champion Boon

    Salvation's Delver (Slotless Boon; Limited Use): Salvation's End has proven an incredible find with untold potential for further exploration, and discovering this would not have been possible without your efforts. You can check the box that precedes this boon when purchasing a mk 1 synaptic accelerator (Starfinder Core Rulebook 212) to buy it at the discounted price of 1,200 credits.

    Society Rebuilder (Slotless Boon, Limited Use
    The Starfinder Society rests on the brink of ruin, and only a new generation can steer it back to success. You understand the importance of unity, and the roles that the Society's numerous factions must play in keeping the Starfinder Society together.

    Benefit: Anytime you play in a scenario that grants additional Reputation with a faction that you do not possess the champion Faction boon for (such as Dataphiles Champion or Wayfinders Champion), you can cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet to earn that Faction boon without having to pay the requisite 2 Fame.

    Used to pick up Dataphiles Champion Boon

    Slayer of Godspawn (Slotless; Limited-Use; Subtiers 9–10 and 11–12 only): You took part in directly confronting the divine herald, Dhurus. By a combination of luck, skill, and the determination of other Starfinders, you managed to survive the encounter. It's clear that greater deeds await you, and that the hand of destiny rests upon your shoulder. Anytime you would be slain, you can immediately cross this boon off this Chronicle sheet to gain the immediate effects of a 5th-level mystic cure, with a caster level equal to your total level. If you did not complete this scenario in Subtiers 9–10 or 11–12, then your GM should cross this boon off your Chronicle sheet.

    Surviving Companion (Slotless Boon; Vanity): You managed to save a previously unknown alien creature from its captivity within a jinsul weapons-research facility. Since its salvation, the alien has taken a shine to you and often accompanies you on missions as a sort of mascot. Oddly, this alien seems capable of rapid self-cloning, and even if a single specimen made it off the station, the creature has replicated itself enough times so everyone on the mission has their own version of the creature. While the creature provides no special benefits, save where it is called out in a specific scenario, it's a loyal and affectionate pet that's willing to follow you on your adventures.


    High Society Influence (Ally Boon): During the course of Luwazi Elsebo's gala to announce the future of the Starfinder Society, you impressed one or more of the guests in attendance. How this influence will play out in the future is not yet clear, but you have nevertheless ingratiated yourself with a number of influential people. You will be told if this boon is important to a future scenario prior to slotting your boons. Your GM will cross out the attendees your failed to influence.

    ▫ Iteration-177 ▫ Ykris ▫ Naiaj ▫ Zo! ▫ Royo

    Datch's Ire (Ally Boon): Your actions led to the removal of Datch's digital infiltration of the Lorespire Complex. How this will play in the in the future is not yet clear. You will be told if this boon is important to a future scenario prior to slotting your boons.

    Envar's Attention (Ally Boon): During your mission to the space station Brilliance, you managed to impress Arch Energy's notorious chief procurement officer, Envar Tamm. How this influence will play out in the future is not yet clear, but you have nevertheless ingratiated yourself with Envar Tamm—for good or for ill. You will be told if this boon is important to a future scenario prior to slotting your boons.

    Heart Friend Forever (Ally Boon): During a concert on Songbird Station, you met BurgundyBear, an avid collector of Strawberry Machine Cake paraphernalia. You chose to trade away your prized limited-edition release copy of the Star Sugar Heartlove!!! album in exchange for material goods—but more importantly, you earned the heartfelt thanks of BurgundyBear. Shortly after this trade, you received a personalized thank-you message from BurgundyBear, marking her as belonging to the Pact Worlds' official embassy in the Veskarium. When slotting this boon, you can call upon your new friend to temporarily assign you a diplomatic attaché familiar with the Veskarium. This attaché knows how to speak Common and Vesk. Their presence grants a +4 bonus to all checks you make to influence skittermanders, vesk, or other residents of the Veskarium. This boon might have repercussions in future scenarios, which you will be told prior to slotting your boons.

    Iteration-177's Attention (Ally Boon): During your journey to Athaeum, you attended a unique dinner hosted by the android known as Iteration-177. They came to a decision about your personality based on a memory you provided (or refused to provide). How this decision will play out in the future is not yet clear, but you have nevertheless made an impression on the mysterious android. You will be told if this boon is important to a future scenario prior to slotting your boons. Your GM will cross out all results save that which you earned from the dinner.
    • Phlegmatic (PCs who chose a relaxed or peaceful memory)

    Muldoi's Debt (Ally Boon): During your mission on behalf of the Esowath Conservancy, you rescued the kasatha Muldoi and several people under her care. Muldoi vows to one day repay the debt she owes you. How this influence will play out in the future is not yet clear. You will be told if this boon is important to a future scenario prior to slotting your boons.

    Vossi's Roar (Ally Boon): During your mission to Castrovel, you befriended a massive feathered renkroda named Vossi. Vossi keeps track of you when you return to Ukulam, although he does not show himself. Once during an adventure when you are on Ukulam and have this boon slotted, you can call for Vossi as a move action. When you do, he gives a mighty roar that echoes across the wilderness. All enemies within 120 feet of you gain the cowering condition for 1 round (Will DC 16 negates); this is a mind-affecting, sense dependent fear effect.


    Wayfinders Champion (Faction) (Free)
    Benefit: This Faction boon allows the character to gain Reputation with the Wayfinders faction. A character with this boon slotted at the end of a successfully completed scenario gains Reputation as detailed in the primary and secondary success conditions of that scenario.
    Normal: A character gains no Reputation unless he has a Faction boon slotted.

    Dataphiles Champion Boon (Faction) (Free due to Society Rebuilder Boon)
    Second Seekers Champion Boon
    Manifold Host Champion Boon[b]


    ▫ ▫ ▫ AbadarCorp Augmentations (Social Boon; Limited Use): AbadarCorp has made you a special offer after you helped maintain the stability of their Freemarkets by keeping illegal augmentations off the streets. At the end of a scenario where you have this boon slotted, you can purchase one or more augmentations from the Starfinder Core Rulebook and receive a one-time 20% discount. If the item level of the augmentation is 8 or more, then you receive only a 10% discount on that augmentation. For each augmentation you purchase in this manner, check one of the boxes on this boon. Once you've checked all three boxes, you can no longer receive this discount on future purchases.

    Athaeum Insight (Social Boon): By spending some time on the library world Athaeum, you've gained a small sliver of magical insight to carry with you on your journeys. When you slot this boon, you always count as being trained in the Culture skill, even if you do not pave a skill rank in it. This does not grant any bonuses to Culture skill checks but does allow you to attempt those skill checks untrained while the boon is slotted. In addition, once per session, you can reroll the result of any skill check to recall knowledge.

    Budding Media Celebrity (Social Boon): Following your stint on Live Exploration Extreme!, your face and name appear in images, videos, and memes across countless media platforms. This recognition lasts only a few days before the next major media phenomenon arises, but you can use this to launch your media career. If you have the icon theme, you gain a +5 bonus to Profession checks when performing a Day Job check. If you do not have the icon theme, when you slot this boon, you can gain the icon's celebrity ability in place of your own theme's 6th-level ability.

    Focus of the Forum (Social Boon; Limited-Use): You successfully infiltrated the Lorespire Complex in order to remove a set of deadly spyware from the Starfinder Society's most secure servers. In recognition for this clandestine mission, the Society's leading body, the Forum, officially recognized your achievements. When you slot this boon, you gain a +4 bonus to all skill checks made to influence a member of the Starfinder Society. In addition, you can always attempt a skill check to recall knowledge that is written into the scenario if your briefing occurs within the Lorespire Complex, regardless of whether you're trained in the associated skill. You can use your popularity within the Forum to requisition a non-expendable magic or hybrid item from the Society's vaults. This item must have an item level equal to your level –2 or lower. When you use this boon in this manner, cross it off your Chronicle sheet, as your prestige within the Forum is expended.

    Friend of the Ghibrani (Social Boon): During your time on Elytrio, you had the opportunity to interact with the two subspecies of the resident ghibrani race: the husks and the membranes. Depending on your interactions, you befriended one or more of these subspecies. This boon might have repercussions in future scenarios, which you will be told of prior to slotting your boons. Your GM will cross out the entry for any subspecies you failed to befriend during this scenario.

    Husk Ghibranis & Membrane Ghibranis

    First Contact Step-In (Social)
    Prerequisites: Wayfinders Tier 1
    Cost: 1 Fame
    Benefit: When an ally fails a skill check during a first contact situation—specifically when encountering a previously undiscovered species—you can spend 1 Resolve Point to immediately attempt the same skill check. If the result of your skill check is greater than your ally’s failed attempt, use your result to determine the outcome. You can use this ability on any skill check so long as it relates to a first contact encounter. A common example would be using skills like Diplomacy or Intimidate on a newly encountered race, but attempting a Computers check to learn from an alien network about a new species would also be appropriate. Exactly when this boon can be used is up to the GM’s discretion.

    Honorary Spider (Social Boon): You have made inroads with Radaszam's personal mercenary outfit, the Obsidian Spiders. While not a formal member, you still carry some of the organization's clout while adventuring. When slotting this boon, select Intimidate or Sense Motive. You gain a circumstance bonus to that skill check equal to your half your current Acquisitives Reputation Tier (rounding up). This bonus increases by +1 for each point of Infamy your character currently has.

    Mark of the Eternal Source (Social Boon): Your time on the aquatic world of Arniselle put you in contact with a group of cultists attempting to summon a Great Old One sealed on a distant world. Though you stopped an apocalyptic summoning, you were close to a gateway that opened a path to the sealed being's domain. This has marked you in ways not yet understood. This boon may have an effect in a future scenario.

    Savior of the Scoured Stars (Social Boon): You took part in the Starfinder Society's momentous victory in the Scoured Stars. Whether for good or for ill, people know you were a part of this endeavor. While you have this boon slotted, once per session, you can reroll any skill check made to present a positive view of the Starfinder Society to an NPC. This boon might have repercussions in future scenarios, which you will be told prior to slotting your boons.

    ▫ Scoured Stars Memorial (Social Boon): Thanks to your efforts on Songbird Station, the Starfinder Society earned immense publicity from the Strawberry Machine Cake concert. Organizations and people across the Pact Worlds now go out of their way to assist the Starfinder Society. You can check the box next to this boon to do one of the following: • Ignore the Fame cost of having your body recovered. • Ignore the Fame cost of purchasing the Starship Towing boon. • Reduce the Fame cost of receiving a raise dead by 4.

    Street Cred: Absalom Station (Social Boon): Once per scenario as a free action, you may recollect your dealing with the gangs of Absalom station to provide insight into dealing with other gangers. Doing do grants you a +1 insight bonus to Bluff, Diplomacy and Intimidate checks made when interacting with street gangs or other suitable gang-like groups at the GM's discretion. You also gain a +1 morale bonus to attack and damage rolls against members of a street gang. Both bonuses increase to +2 if the gang members belong to a gang based on Absalom Station. These bonuses last for 1 minute.

    Trusted by the Conservancy (Social Boon): Your efforts to protect the event sponsored by the Esowath Conservancy are well-known, and Radaszam has arranged for some additional training from Conservancy naturalists at your convenience. When you slot this boon, select either Life Science or Survival. You gain a circumstance bonus to checks with that skill equal to your current Acquisitives Reputation Tier.


    Defender of the Fleet (Starship Boon): During the return to the Scoured Stars, you partook in at least one starship combat mission to assist the evacuation of the stranded Starfinders. As a result, your name has spread throughout the engineers and dockmasters of the Starfinder fleet.

    Whenever you slot this boon, you can pick one of the following options:
    Finest Computers: You can improve the computers onboard your starship by one step: from a mononode to a duonode, or from a duonode to a trinode. Alternatively, you can upgrade the computer's bonus by 1 while this boon is slotted (to a maximum of +8).

    Finest Engines: You can increase the speed of your thrusters by one step. For example, T6 thrusters become T8 thrusters. You cannot use this boon to upgrade beyond the fastest thrusters commonly available for your size of starship (so you cannot upgrade past T14, S12, M12, L10, H10, G8 or C8 thrusters.)

    Finest Weapons: Each of the weapons on your starship is the best available in the Starfinder fleet. When you roll damage, you can reroll any damage dice with a result of 1 on the die; you must keep the second result.

    Solar Powered Weapon System (Starship Boon): The files you retrieved from Brilliance also included blueprints for experimental innovations by the Arch Energy Consortium. When you slot this starship boon, select a single weapon on your starship with the word “laser” in its title; you gain a +1 bonus to damage rolls with that weapon. A gunner can spend a Resolve Point prior to firing the selected weapon to increase the bonus to 4 for 1 round. A starship weapon can be improved only by a single copy of this boon, but copies of this boon can be applied to different weapons.

    Hero of the Stars (Starship Boon; Limited Use): You defeated the dreaded Besmaran pirate ship, Lawblight, showcasing your determination during an intense starship combat. This boon activates anytime your starship is reduced to 0 or fewer Hull Points. Your starship immediately regains a number of Hull Points equal to its tier × 5. A starship can never regain more than 30 Hull Points in this manner. A starship can never have more than one of these boons attached to it. When this boon activates, cross it off your Chronicle sheet.

    Automated Defenses (Starship Boon): You defeated one of the orbital defense platforms orbiting the planet Elytrio. The platform contained several unique, albeit technologically outdated, innovations in starship design. The most promising adaptation of the technology is its ability to deter oncoming missiles using miniature automated drones. When you slot this starship boon, once per starship combat, a science officer can reduce the speed of a single tracking weapon fired at your starship by 50% for 1 round. Declare the use of this ability when the enemy weapon is fired but before its gunnery check is attempted. A science officer can spend a Resolve Point to activate this boon again in any subsequent round or encounter. A starship can only be improved by a single copy of this boon.

    Broad Arc Upgrade (Starship Boon)
    You have aquired the technical blueprints to modify one of the weapons onboard your ship to incorporate a broader arc.

    Benefit: When this boon is slotted, select one weapon onboard your starship. This weapon gains the broad arc weapon special property (Starfinder Core Rulebook 304) if it did not already possess this property. This weapon takes a –3 penalty to fire in adjacent arcs rather than the standard –2 due to the nature of this modification. If the modified weapon already has the broad arc weapon special property, then reduce the penalty to firing in adjacent arcs by 1. This boon can be used to improve weapons gained as a result of other Starship boons.

    Light Plasma Cannon Upgrade (Starship Boon)
    You have acquired the technical blueprints to modify one of the weapons onboard your ship into a light plasma cannon.

    Benefit: When this boon is slotted, select one light weapon onboard your starship. Replace this weapon with a light plasma cannon (Starfinder Core Rulebook 302). This new weapon must go in the same arc as the replaced weapon. The modifications are somewhat jury rigged, and as a result, all gunnery checks using this weapon take a -1 penalty.
    Special: You do not need to worry about the PCU and BP difference between the original weapon and this weapon when slotting this boon.

    Journey to the Scoured Stars: Segment 1 (Unidentified Boon): You were present at Luwazi Elsebo's announcement declaring the Starfinder Society would continue investigating the Scoured Stars system. This boon represents your character's involvement in this historic first step toward solving the Scoured Stars mystery. Other boons representing future steps towards unraveling the mystery of the Scoured Stars will appear in future scenarios, and collecting these boons will result in a unique bonus, to be detailed in a future Chronicle sheet.

    Journey to the Scoured Stars: Segment 2 (Unidentified Boon): You uncovered hidden truths about the history of the Scoured Stars by journeying to the library world of Athaeum. This boon represents your character's involvement in this critical step toward solving the Scoured Stars mystery. Other boons representing future steps toward unraveling the mystery of the Scoured Stars will appear in future scenarios, and collecting these boons will result in a unique bonus, to be detailed on a future Chronicle sheet.

    Journey to the Scoured Stars: Segment 3 (Unidentified Boon): You made peaceful contact with the izalguuns, a species that once inhabited the Scoured Stars. You convinced the izalguuns to part with the location of a powerful relic tied to the Scoured Stars and potentially a key to re-entering the system. This boon represents your character's involvement in this critical step towards solving the Scoured Stars mystery. Other boons representing future steps towards unraveling the mystery of the Scoured Stars will appear in future scenarios, and collecting these boons will result in a unique bonus, to be detailed in a future Chronicle sheet.